havent read it myself BUTGeneral Veers wrote:Thank you all for the contributions:) However I'm still a bit lost in the replys. Ok The core fleets were available to Thrawn? I assumed placed at his command. They had super Star Destroyers in their order of battle-is there a figure? I have seen so many debates on SSDs I do need some sense of finality to a figure-I have seen 12 as an upper figure or even 16.
Apparently Stackpole had calculated a figure based on a production rate of 4 SSD's a year?
I have not fully read Dark Empire, but accept as part of EU its all there-When did the Reborn Emperor assume power in relation to Thrawns Arrival?
Ok besides the few SDs under Thrawns control can I assume 1000's were operational?
Thank you its good reading:)
1. Dark Empire was written before the Thrawn Trilogy and so makes no reference to him. Fans theefore assume that the Byss Fleets were completely unknown to Thrawn.
2.Thrawn forces appear to be very weak. The largest attacks use at most 15 SD's (the three system attack in HTTE) and NO SSD's are used. Additionally 200 outdated Dreadnaught class heavy cruiers are seen as militarily decisisve.