Your dumb fantasies

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Post by Lord Pounder »

nothign un usual, just that i'm the sole owner of fleet of Imperial Star Destroyer Mark 2. I'd call them after swords The Claymore would be my command ship and the crew would be fiercly loyal to me.
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Post by Kuja »

Infinite money. Infinite fucking money.

And some raunchy stuff on the side. :P
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Generally, I fantasize about having Lina Inverse level power, and just using Raywing to get everywhere.

Last week I had a bizarre dream in which I was a Vash the Stampede type person, living in a rural town where there was a young girl who was really close to me...I'm hoping that doesn't mean I'm a lolicon.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

Kuja wrote:Infinite money. Infinite fucking money.

And some raunchy stuff on the side. :P
Nothing that the whole "Infinite money" thing wouldn't buy you. :wink:
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Post by Ace Pace »

Ah yes, just remembered one.

Having the oppertunity to watch my dad flunder and being able to save him and walking away. That would be enjoyable.
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Post by Tinkerbell »

I'm about to give up on a fantasy of being able to make a living out of theater stuff. It seemed realistic for a while, it really did..

Don't laugh - I want Tinkerbell's powers, but not have to be 4" tall. And I want to be able to hear people's thoughts. Only I'd get to pick who and when so it wouldnt get overwhelming.
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

I like to daydream about being a sort of mix of a culture agent and timelord who spends all his time traveling to various universes and being uber in general: send Samus to deal with Helm's Deep, Samurai Jack to poke Sauron in the eye, a culture ship surprising everyone at Endor and throwing ISD's at the DSII's Shields until they fall. Oh and a TARDIS in the form a TMA with a mixture of its abilities.
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Post by Duckie »

Subconcious ones? Probably to be the ultimate face man of a sort, since in every one of my good dreams everybody trusts me, and likes me. I suppose there's also a more sinister aspect when everyone believes what you say, since I abuse the hell out of it even in dreams where I'm a good person.

Concious Fantasy? I guess the standard Psychic Powers loadout with Telekinesis, Telepathy, Mind Reading/Control, Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis, and various other powers would be cool, but I've always wanted an "Interesting Sci-Fi TV Series/Movie Generator." For instance, I plug in
[WH40k] [TV Series] [Live-Action\CGI] [Gritty\Dark]
[3] Seasons [20] Episodes/Season [30 Minutes, Last Is Double Length] Length
[2 OR 4] [Inquisitors\\Daemonhunters AND-OR Ordo Xenos] Main Character (s)
[Several][Arcs] Storyline [RANDOM][RANDOM\\Chaos AND-OR Alien {Dep Main Characters}] Main Villain(s)

And get a 60-episode epic about a pair or small team of Daemonhunters or Xeno Hunters and their struggle to ... well, I'd find out when I watch it. Once I figure out how to program my own universes into it and specify main characters to actor combinations, I'll never leave my chair except to work again. Then I sell stripped down variants for exorbent prices to the hollywood because I'm a greedy bastard and they need the help.
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Post by Guardsman Bass »

The Major Fantasies: I've fantasized heavily about being a D&D style mage, Link from Zelda, and of being a powerful Jedi who somehow escaped Order 66 to participate in the New Jedi Order decades later.

More Down-To-Earth: Basically, these amount to having a very nice girlfriend, leading a revolutionary army or being a powerful power-broker in politics, and of winning obscene quantities of money. Those, plus being buff and handsome.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Getting up a crew and "liberating" Tranquility Bay. Followed by giving the victims 24 hours to reverse roles with their overseers.
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Post by Zaia »

Out of the thousands and thousands of daydreams I've had, I don't think any of them are dumb. I always keep enough elements of truth to my daydreams so it's possible they'll all come true.

:luv: *sighs wistfully* :luv:
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Post by Ghost Rider »

The more realistic side? Getting published and making a living off of writing.

The truly fantastical? Ruler of everything...that or being a mere divine being.

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Post by Dakarne »

Let's see...

Becoming a Daywalker Vampire with immortality and all of the possible Vampire powers... that would be a bit more than awesome...

Or, if Vampirism is unavailable, Demonic powers from the depths of hell itself... and a row of the annoying fundamentalist dicks I had for school-teachers... Then I'd show them the true meaning of the word "Fear".
The more realistic side? Getting published and making a living off of writing.
Of course, that would be good too. :D
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Post by Sharpshooter »

The one, big fantasy that always keeps coming to me is being this super-skilled Maverick Hunter, doing all the regular peace-keeping missions and stuff that never gets mentioned in the games. I've got this tactically-intrusive yet super-swanky gold armor with teal trim and underbody, with what basically amounts to a laser-firing FN-P90 with a beam saber bayonette mounted undernieth, and lead other Hunters into Urban Break-out zones to terminate any hostiles. You know, standard military fantasy, stuff like that.

Having a twinked-out Pyro-GL fighter is another common one. Sure, it would be the ultimate gunship in this day and age, being able to hover and strafe at varying speeds, and it can hit speeds of up to 2,000 and let me go nigh anywhere I want, but even for simply cruising around and ging to the store, it would be great to have.

A little one that sort of pops up from time to time is the idea of having a Save State watch - it has a little display on it with the numbers 0 to 9, each coorisponding to a state slot, and I can save the universe aas it is at any precise moment and revert back to it at any time I wish. Every major casino in the world would feel my wrath as I clean them out, and I can always figure out the best decision to make simply by going each path and loading back up.
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Post by Dillon »

Omnipotence. Sure, it's not very unique, but if I'm going to dream I might as well go all the way.
darthdavid wrote:Lessee, I'd like the "Blue Cube" powers from the animorphs books, but without that lame time limit. I'd really like my own faster than light space ship too. And blue prints for it so I can make more and be really rich. Those two things together would be fucking awesome.
Considering that faster than light travel is well beyond our current abilities, if at all possible, blueprints wouldn't do you much good.
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Post by McNum »

My craziest recurring daydream is probably to be the ruler of a small tropical island kingdom. With a huge castle, of course. Really huge. Scary part is... I'm so far in that daydream that I've thought about what currency to use, what language to have as national language and other minor details...

But other than that it's mostly "standard" crazy stuff. Like wishing I could fly, wishing that my eyesight was normal (not that I'm blind or anything although my right eye is off the chart they used in the Danish army... left eye is only a little bad), wishing that I could regnenerate any damage, especially my teeth since I have the most extreme fear of dentists.

And finally I'm wishing genocide on a certain species of insect that I don't know the name of in English. Those bigger brownish flies that bite really hard, and that I'm so allergic to that a bite in a wrong place could be fatal unless instantly treated. I hate those things so much... And it's most definitely mutual.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

To lead a world-famous band. I can't even get past thinking of three places that would be good to post a want ad without getting tired and calling it a day.
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Post by Surlethe »

I just had a really awesome dream last night about being on a flying sailboat, and racing through ancient ruins. It was fucking awesome; I'm gonig to incorporate that into my story.

My fantasies include, but are not limited to:
  • Being a Jedi
  • Being a character in my story
  • Having a lightsabre
  • Being able to dodge bullets
  • Being able to matrix-jump
  • Having a fleet (or even a single starship from my story) at my command
  • Unifying physics
  • Proving many subtle and profound mathematical theorems
  • Dreaming up the next relativity/quantum-level advance in science
  • Learning about everything in the world
  • Gettting published (this might actually happen!) before I'm in college
  • Getting married with a stable family, a loving wife, have several (but not too many...) kids, and live out my the rest of my life with my wife
  • Speak Chinese fluently with a minimal American accent
  • Be literate in Chinese as well as English
  • To write my entire series of books so I'm satisfied with them, and then, one day, just sit down and look at them, and be able to pick one up and read it, and be able to think I did all this
  • To get to the point where I can play Bach's Sixth Cello Suite on my viola
  • To play a solo with an orchestra accompanying me
  • To write profound music
I tend to get fantasies mixed up with hopes and dreams, and I really don't see much difference.
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Post by Skelron »

Again as a few people have said I have a few.
1.) Being an Elf nut, need I explain what the rest of this fantasy is? It involves altering my species.

2.) To witness confirmation of intelligent life out there. (Sarcasm because there is at damn little sign of it here on Earth.)

3.) At the moment, actually getting a Job, paying of my non Student Loan related Debts as a Student and actually getting to move back to Nottingham, or even visit the place at some point. Sure you make think that sounds less of a pipe dream fantasy... but at the moment I find myself applying for Jobs ment for SENIOR school leavers. I have a Fucking Degree. (Of course because I have a Degree I have no experiance... so I end up applying for these pissant Jobs simply to get experiance and referances)

4.) To get all the Computer Games I dream about owning. See number 3 for why not at the moment.

5.) Live long enough to see certain events. If need be, being 'immortal' while I wait. Such events include, but are not limited to, FTL travel, Colonisation of Mars, Colonisation of another Solar System. Okay I'm a Sci-Fi geek.
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Post by Anomie »

I have many fantasies, far too many to even group together into a common theme. Depending on how I’m feeling at the time dictates the kind of fantasy I have.

In my more upbeat and serene moments, I sometimes fantasize about being God. This isn’t narcissism, but it is my fantasy. I think about how wonderful it would be all powerful. I could watch all that happens in existence, and if something bad happened, I could use my powers to fix it all, make it all right again. But here’s the kicker, I start to tell myself that using the powers to make everything right as I see it probably wouldn’t be right as most others would see it, and I talk myself down from wanting to be God. Basically I decide that I would be to soft-hearted to not use my powers but to ethical to use my powers.

More often my fantasies are about my gaming. I dream about being an 80th lvl fighter/80th lvl monk/80th lvl Sorcerer from D&D, or a Q10 Nova from Aberrant, or a 10th level sphere mage form Mage the Ascension, and so on. I dream about using my powers for being a superhero, but they usually turnout to be fantasies about being a tragic hero of one kind or another. Especially when I dream about being a Nova.

And when my depression comes into a major swing, my fantasies take on a dark, twisted and usually violent bent, against both myself and the world in general.

But I also have the more mundane fantasies that will never come to pass. Such as having ten billion dollars, non-taxable, in an account that has a 25% annual interest rate, with no one wondering how I got the money or wanting to get any of it. Yeah, that one would be nice. I even know how I’d spend the money I would get from the interest.
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CoVD:We are all but a part of a dream that Vin Diesel is having.
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Post by lance »

Getting a super powerfull mech that I'm master pilot of ala Char or Coop, and going back in time and single handely blowing the shit out of the Nazis in Poland. Or France. :luv: Then being celebrated as a hero by the british,french and polish.

Then after I crush the germans I move onto
Rrussia and then the land of the rising sun. :mrgreen:
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Post by Balrog »

Ignoring the highly erotic ones for the moment... :wink:

Being a Jedi is one, while another is having some incredibly high-tech power armor on, like Terminator armor but not as slow and with jump jets and such, and just beating the crap out whole armies with less-advanced tech, whether it's Ancient World or 1940's stuff

The realistics ones include becoming famous, getting my works published, ect ect.
'Ai! ai!' wailed Legolas. 'A Balrog! A Balrog is come!'
Gimli stared with wide eyes. 'Durin's Bane!' he cried, and letting his axe fall he covered his face.
'A Balrog,' muttered Gandalf. 'Now I understand.' He faltered and leaned heavily on his staff. 'What an evil fortune! And I am already weary.'
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Post by wautd »

Being the ultimate bountyhunter, wether its in medevil times or some sci-fi world. Not really fight for a "good" cause but for gold & glory. Is that a bad thing?
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