Example 1, taken from the opening tracking shot:

As the shot tracks the Jedi fighters, the camera also provides an overhead view of an RSD firing on a Separtist frigate. Three batteries are seen to be firing during the sequence. From left to right, I will refer to them as A,B, and C.
Battery A is observed to fire at 1:02:40:19,1:02:40:23, and 1:02:41:09. Assuming a frame rate of 30fps (US standard), the average firing rate for Battery A is 2 shots / 20 frames or 3 shots / sec . The instantaneous firing rate for Battery A is 7.5 shots / sec and 1.87 shots / sec.
Battery B is observed to fire at 1:02:41:00 and 1:02:41:08 which is a firing rate of 1 shot / 8 frames or 3.75 shots / sec.
Battery C is observed to fire at 1:02:40:15 and 1:02:40:21 which is a firing rate of 1 shots / 6 frames or 5 shots / sec.
Example 2, taken after the buzz droids attack the fighters.

As the shot follows the fighters, a closer view of the Star Destroyer is provided. Here four batteries are observed to be firing. From left to right, they are batteries A,B,C, and D.
Battery A fires at 1:06:21:15,1:06:21:19 and 1:06:24:00 which is an average firing rate of 2 shots / 75 frames or 0.6 shots / sec. The instantaneous firing rate is 7.5 shots / sec and 0.22 shots / sec respectfully.
Battery B only fires once at 1:06:23:11.
Battery C fires at 1:06:23:19 and 1:06:23:23 for a firing rate of 7.5 shots / sec.
Battery D fires at 1:06:23:26 and 1:06:24:0 for a firing rate of 7.5 shots / sec.
Example 3, the fighters overtake the camera which occurs after Anakin shoots the other fighter's wing off.

Two batteries are observed to fire in this sequence. From back to front, they are battery A and B.
Battery A fires at 1:06:07:29, 1:06:08:10, and 1:06:08:24 for an average firing rate of 2.4 shots / sec. Instantanous firing rates are 1 shot / 11 frames (2.72 shots / sec) and (1 shot / 14 frames) 2.14 shots / sec.
Battery B fires at 1:06:08:08 and 1:06:08:15 for a firing rate of 4.285 shots / sec.
So in ROTS, we see, for the main guns on the Republic Star Destroyer, time intervals between consecutive shots as short as 4 frames which translates into a firing rate of 7.5 shots / sec. Average firing rates taken over a given time will of course be shorter due to a wide variety of factors such as finding and tracking a new target.
Edit: Math Error for Example 1 - Time interval is 20 frames rather than 14.