uid=0(root) guid=0(root)
well, we got root again!
for the old times...
core-project hack-style.
core-project is:
J0shua | L0rd_Byr0n | hellsink | gridrunk | h4rv3st | losjack | tox
meet us at irc.gigachat.net ircd at #core-project channel !
or email us at coreproject@gmail.com
this deface is dedicated for old friends..
in memory of:
LinuxLover, WFD, tty0, RB Team, cr1m3 0rg4n1z4d0, 0xff, fux0r Inc, Perfect.br, WOH, Silver Lords,
poizonb0x, BHS, Nukkets, DarkCode, MIH, prime suspectz, r00t-access, limit.br, Hi-Tech Hate,
Supreme Entity, Crime Boys, Insanity Zine Corp, panicool, hackweiser, SecurityBR, ScorpiontKTX,
AIC, Data Cha0s, Tzunami-, Trippin Smurfs, Hax0rs Lab, The|Saint, [RaFa], dawgyg, B_Real,
shazam, diablow, DkD[||, PhrackMan, buttp!ratez, tw34k, rD, FonE_TonE, ezs, Fluffy Bunny,
evil angel, robhouse, B_Real, outlawsP, n0p1z, N4j4, R0LTY, Dropper, SynchrOnize, Nu|L,
Somebody's going to get their rears sued...
I just figured this out on my own, think I'd get an article posted if I submitted to Slashdot?

Changed the title, I hate Leet speak.