#1) Default Permit
#2) Enumerating Badness
#3) Penetrate and Patch
#4) Hacking is Cool- I've wondered about this myself

#5) Educating Users = people will give passwords away for candy bars

The minor dumbs at the bottom really crack me up though:#6) Action is Better Than Inaction: wrote:I know one senior IT executive - one of the "pause and thinkers" whose plan for doing a wireless roll-out for their corporate network was "wait 2 years and hire a guy who did a successful wireless deployment for a company larger than us." Not only will the technology be more sorted-out by then, it'll be much, much cheaper. What an utterly brilliant strategy!
* "We're Not a Target" - yes, you are. Worms aren't smart enough to realize that your web site/home network isn't interesting.
* "Everyone would be secure if they all just ran <security-flavor-of-the-month>" - no, they wouldn't. Operating systems have security problems because they are complex and system administration is not a solved problem in computing. Until someone manages to solve system administration, switching to the flavor-of-the-month is going to be more damaging because you're making it harder for your system administrators to gain a level of expertise that only comes with time.
* "Let's go production with it now and we can secure it later" - no, you won't. A better question to ask yourself is "If we don't have time to do it correctly now, will we have time to do it over once it's broken?"
* "We can't stop the occasional problem" - yes, you can. Would you travel on commercial airliners if you thought that the aviation industry took this approach with your life? I didn't think so.