Lord Sauron-Tyranus-Vader wrote:Yes, we have newbies have not been here long. But I, Lord Sauron-Tyranus-Vader, wish to send a clear and firm message to the moderators about newbie rights. Hree it is:
1. Newbies are not necissarily dumb or naive. Most are reasonably smart people who have been watching the board for awhile.
2. Newbies are people, and most people get pissed when they poked. No poking.
3. Don't talk to newbies like they're children: they're not.
4. Remeber, at one time even the moderators were newbies.
5. Newbie status cannot be bypassed, dont blame people for being newbies.
Any moderator who reads this post, please give me a reply.
Newbies are being discriminated.
Stop this madness at once.
My responses to those statements:
1. While that is very true, you are the exception.
2. True. But this is a message board, not real life. Try to learn how to distinguish between the two.
3. We don't talk to them like they're children, and no, newbies are not children. But sometimes they act like children (*coughLSTVcough*)
4. That is very true.
5. Newbie status can be bypassed once you stay on this board long enough and gain an ample amount of respect. If you do that well enough, then even the mods will look up to you.
-Newbies are discriminated against only when they act a certain way (*coughLSTVcough*)
-Madness? What's that??