Chris OFarrell wrote:Its irrelevent at any rate because the DS2 is a solid figure that can't really be altered and as its just a LITTLE bigger then the DS1, its more useful.
True. But if you have been able to notice, I had been half-joking about the Trek/Wars angle (seeing even an order of magnitude loss does not affect the conclusion).
Can we WAIT for it to come out for you to start screaming about the fact that it doesn't inflate the Galactic Empire enough for your tastes?
Well, one can always wish for a book to go their way. It is not really so much inflating or deflating the Galactic Empire. Those are purely personal. If they decided to integrate the story in such a way that the DS1 was built in six months now, I'm not going to be too pleased either.
I'd have to admit I was ranting a bit there. But if you read the signal between the rant, my real concern is the overall strength of the continuity.
I'd also have to say part of my anger at the change is really because of how it was done. Lucas wants DS1 to make an appearance in ROTS? Fine - it's his world and he can roll over EU as he sees fit. He tries to pass off that sphere as DS1? Not acceptable, because he'd roll over his own shit.
The best case we can hope for now, if LFL is seriously on
enforcing the idea that the sphere = DS1, is that the MedStar guys notice the visual inconsistency and come up with a good patch. However, we know that in general, EU authors
do not observe the screen closely. Without that patch, we are in potential hot water.
You see, I actually rather liked the MedStar series, and even in my pessimism I noted they are probably some of the best guys available for this job. But if they don't patch it up right, it'd bump up against the ANH G-canon. Imagine a rather good source being excised because of this - kinda a shame, isn't it?
And all this because Lucas didn't take one of two alternate paths:
1) Great Weapon is separate from the Death Star.
2) That sphere in ROTS can actually look like an uncomplete version of his ANH Death Star.
Can you see my reasons for anger now? Trek/Wars or minimalism/maximalism is at best a Quarternary concern. The consistency and the danger of having to throw out a perfectly good source are my Primaries.
18-Till-I-Die wrote:I also just dont see why it's so impossible to believe that the DS at the end of ROTS was THE Death Star.
I have no trouble believing that that's what Lucas wanted.
But I expect authors and directors to actually
work for the conclusions they want us to make - as opposed to against.
That means:
1) If you want people to accept Rebel Intelligence as competent, don't make reports in their name with the wrong sizes of all their direst threats.
2) If you want us to sympathize with Imperial defectors to the Rebellion, don't give me crappy sob stories like Huoba Neva.
3) The idea that Imps are overconfident and the Rebs are cool and brave and all that is fine. But don't make Rebel reports into propaganda pieces!
...and of course...
4) If you want something to be the Death Star, make it look like it.
That's all. And if you don't do this, I'd go with what Direct Visualization of Evidence shows, even though I know
very well what you want. Hopefully, you will actually support your wishes with your work the next time.