New Death Star Novel in the Works

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Post by Duckie »

havokeff wrote: And yes the Titanic hit an iceberg, but the engineers that built it said that it was unsinkable. Guess what? It sank.
I have Spybot S&D, Ad-Aware, several Anti-Virus programs, and a decent firewall. I said it was probably impossible to get something on my Computer without it being picked up. It had some spyware on it when checked.
Likewise, the designers of the Titanic never assumed a tear in it would fill up over the stupidly non-sealed "Watertight" compartments, and paid for it.
That is not the equivilent of a well-designed, tried and true space station reactor technology that has served for thousands of years spontaneously exploding under the watchful eyes of the Empire's best technicians. This isn't the Hindenburg. It's like a wheel in terms of technological newness.
And now it seems like you are trying to say engineers never make mistakes or miscalculate? Seriously? The bigger and more complicated you make something the better the chances of something going wrong.
Because we all know a battleship is more likely to explode compared to a frigate. Nevermind the scaling of the technology, or the matter that bigger areas to cover have bigger complements of engineers and damage control. It's got more moving parts, so I win!
Honestly, no I didn't "do the numbers". I don't care how many workers you have, even if it is squidgillions, you can only have so many people in one place at one time doing a job.
Not really. The Death Star is really, really, really big. There's more than enough to fit a planetary population in there. All of a Core World's Engineers and Damage Control experts could probably fit in there- there's more than enough room. Hell, the Death Stars were pretty sparsely populated considering the vast amount of side they must have had, even allowing for a gigantic reactor and superlaser.

Plus, Hypermatter seems pretty stable regardless. Has a reactor ever Warp Cored on somebody in the EU? I can't think of one.
But you are right it is baseless. I totally pulled the idea out of thin air. That was never in question. Stupid? Maybe. But it is still plausible
Occam's Razor. If the Great Weapon is indeed, by dumb writer fiat, the DS I, then it is much more likely funding delays or secrecy concerns from the Senate or a vitalized Rebellion caused delays as opposed to spontaneous mass combustion of a moon-sized chunk of duranium.
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Post by Stark »

Noble Ire wrote:Geez, I'm devestated. My enjoyment of the EU could never withstand such a withering assault. You have destroyed me. :roll:

Honestly, is such cynicism deserved? Even though I like most of the EU, I will freely admit the more recent novels have been far better both enjoyment and continuity than some of the old. But of course, this will not disuade the more asshatted of us from "hur hur, teh st00pidz!" every time a new book is announced. Personally, I am eager for more news on the project (the fact that there is no info on the book other than a vague setting or plot point has not swayed the asshats in the slightest it seems.)
Go away. I didn't 'attack the EU': aside from sarcastically suggesting people continue to buy books, I didn't even mention it. I also didn't refer to the QUALITY of this proposed book: merely pointing out that it seems a pretty stupid idea for a book on the face of it. Don't strawman me, and if you want to debate, try addressing the fucking points. Maybe there ARE ways of writing a 'we built this Death Star on rock and roll' book well: I can't think of them, and you sure can't suggest any, can you?

Clearly, you know you're supporting substandard fiction by buying these books, and you don't like to be reminded. :) Furthermore, because of policy, the newer books being better or worse is totally irrelevant, since we HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE OLD, SHIT ONES ANYWAY.

It's clear that Havokeff is simply a dumbass. He doesn't understand exactly how massive even the first DS is, or why saying it blew up (and took years per test fire!) based on absolutely nothing is a pretty weak argument.

But for fun, lets look at his 'points'.

Titanic, as mentioned, didn't have anything approaching sensible watertight compartments. Media hype aside, it wasn't a particularly safe ship.

I'd comment on the 'engineers make mistakes, so things explode for no reason all the time' argument, but frankly what's to be said.

His understanding of scale is retarded. He doesn't understand either how large the project is, or how large the Empire is. I guess we could be generous and limit the construction to military assets (since the DS1 was top secret), but what difference would it make? 18 years, I bet. :roll:

So his baseless, stupid idea is 'plausible' because he says it is. I feel my 'Vampire Bus' theory is also 'plausible': but noone expects a yellow schoolbus to hold up construction, do they?
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Post by Noble Ire »

Go away. I didn't 'attack the EU': aside from sarcastically suggesting people continue to buy books, I didn't even mention it. I also didn't refer to the QUALITY of this proposed book: merely pointing out that it seems a pretty stupid idea for a book on the face of it. Don't strawman me, and if you want to debate, try addressing the fucking points. Maybe there ARE ways of writing a 'we built this Death Star on rock and roll' book well: I can't think of them, and you sure can't suggest any, can you?
What the hell are you talking about? You're little tyraid about how stupid EU authors are made it pretty clear you were expressing more than distaste for this particular concept. And of course your refering to the quality of the book; you seem to believe that every concievable EU writer is a hack and couldn't possibly comprehend or imagine any plot you can not. I can certainly see an author making a viable novel on this subject; rising civil unrest prompts Tarkin to come up with his doctrine of terror, the Geonosian Great Weapon is taken out of mothballs, a tema of scientists discover some serious design flaws, and take the plans to the Maw, where they must overhaul the design and create the DS prototype while all the while Tarkin and his insane lap dog Dalaa are breathing down their necks, etc. I don't know if this will be the plot, but I could sure see it happening.
Clearly, you know you're supporting substandard fiction by buying these books, and you don't like to be reminded.
Ooo, unsubstantiated personal attacks. I'm impressed. :roll:
Furthermore, because of policy, the newer books being better or worse is totally irrelevant, since we HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE OLD, SHIT ONES ANYWAY.
You completely missed the point of that part. I was addressing your previous pessimistic attitude towards current EU authors, not talking about canon policy.
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Post by Stark »

Noble Ire wrote:What the hell are you talking about? You're little tyraid about how stupid EU authors are made it pretty clear you were expressing more than distaste for this particular concept.
Okay. Quote me talking about EU authors. Everyone can see what I said.
And of course your refering to the quality of the book; you seem to believe that every concievable EU writer is a hack and couldn't possibly comprehend or imagine any plot you can not. I can certainly see an author making a viable novel on this subject; rising civil unrest prompts Tarkin to come up with his doctrine of terror, the Geonosian Great Weapon is taken out of mothballs, a tema of scientists discover some serious design flaws, and take the plans to the Maw, where they must overhaul the design and create the DS prototype while all the while Tarkin and his insane lap dog Dalaa are breathing down their necks, etc. I don't know if this will be the plot, but I could sure see it happening.
No, I said (and I quote) 'That's why it's a stupid idea. It's a cynical cash-in...'. Remember now? And I agree, the background to the Tarkin Doctrine could be interesting. A story about the Death Star repeatedly blowing up for no reason, however, would not.
Noble Ire wrote:
Stark wrote: Clearly, you know you're supporting substandard fiction by buying these books, and you don't like to be reminded.
Ooo, unsubstantiated personal attacks. I'm impressed. :roll:
Wow, you snipped my smiley to make me look bad! You have no sense of humour!
You completely missed the point of that part. I was addressing your previous pessimistic attitude towards current EU authors, not talking about canon policy.
My point is that I don't care if the new books are better, since the legacy of rubbish will always remain. Again, if you can point out where I talk about EU authors, go ahead: I make no secret of my distaste for the EU, but I'm not interested in either changing your opinion or insulting you for it. My posts were about this particular book (and Havokeffs 'ideas'), and not the entire EU.
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Post by Noble Ire »

Okay. Quote me talking about EU authors. Everyone can see what I said.

You wrote:That's your argument? It's horribly weak and almost baseless - admittedly, that's par for the course EU-wise, so it's not that bad.

You wrote: I'm not saying the excerable EU writers won't make this a reality (nor will I care), but it's still both baseless and stupid.
No, I said (and I quote) 'That's why it's a stupid idea. It's a cynical cash-in...'. Remember now? And I agree, the background to the Tarkin Doctrine could be interesting. A story about the Death Star repeatedly blowing up for no reason, however, would not.
Very well, I misunderstood.
Wow, you snipped my smiley to make me look bad! You have no sense of humour!
Believe it or not, that was an accident. I'll reimburse you: :) :)
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Post by Havok »

Stark wrote:
It's clear that Havokeff is simply a dumbass. He doesn't understand exactly how massive even the first DS is, or why saying it blew up (and took years per test fire!) based on absolutely nothing is a pretty weak argument.

But for fun, lets look at his 'points'.

Titanic, as mentioned, didn't have anything approaching sensible watertight compartments. Media hype aside, it wasn't a particularly safe ship.

I'd comment on the 'engineers make mistakes, so things explode for no reason all the time' argument, but frankly what's to be said.

His understanding of scale is retarded. He doesn't understand either how large the project is, or how large the Empire is. I guess we could be generous and limit the construction to military assets (since the DS1 was top secret), but what difference would it make? 18 years, I bet. :roll:

So his baseless, stupid idea is 'plausible' because he says it is. I feel my 'Vampire Bus' theory is also 'plausible': but noone expects a yellow
schoolbus to hold up construction, do they?
What I'm having trouble understanding is where you got it from that I am saying that this IS going to be the reason for the long build time of the Death Star. All I did was throw out some ideas, 3 of them actually, that might be either used as an explanation or reason for something that, while plainly stupid, based on what we can gather from the movies, is probably going to end up being cannon.
Seeing as I can't figure that out, I have to assume that you just hate the EU, which is apparent. (I'm not that much of a fan myself) or you just can't bring yourself to accept that there is even the slightest possibility something else might have happened besides what you believe. That's fine.

As for me being a dumbass? It isn't the 1st time I've been accused and it won't be the last. You join a long distingushed list :wink:
Titanic, as mentioned, didn't have anything approaching sensible watertight compartments. Media hype aside, it wasn't a particularly safe ship.
So what you are saying in a round about way is that the ship was not designed correctly? So who is responsible for that?
I'd comment on the 'engineers make mistakes, so things explode for no reason all the time' argument, but frankly what's to be said.
Well, that wasn't close to what I said or was "arguing" and not the point I was making, closer to engineers aren't infaulable like you seem to be saying... any way see above.

And like I said before, maybe I should have been more clear, baseless? Yes stupid? maybe. Plausible adj.
1. Seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable; credible: a plausible excuse.
2. Giving a deceptive impression of truth or reliability.
3. Disingenuously smooth; fast-talking: “Ambitious, unscrupulous, energetic, … and plausible,—a political gladiator, ready for a ‘set-to’ in any crowd” (Frederick Douglass).
Hmmm... maybe I should have said possible? :lol: anyway, now i'm tired of arguing about something I'm not arguing about.
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Post by Mange »

It's going to be very interesting to see what direction the novel will take and hopefully they will acknowledge the problem with the appearance of the Death Star in ROTS (unless it has been revised for the DVD of course...).
Stark wrote:Titanic, as mentioned, didn't have anything approaching sensible watertight compartments. Media hype aside, it wasn't a particularly safe ship.
The media hype surrounding the Titanic in 1912 wasn't as big as people believes today (all large ships of the era was considered to be unsinkable). Titanic was the second ship in the Olympic-class and its older sister had been in regular traffic for almost a year before Titanic's maiden voyage. While the ships of the Olympic-class lacked the horizontal watertight bulkhead subdivision of the Lusitania and Mauretania (not to forget that the watertight bulkhead only reached the D-deck), but the ships were safer than some of the modern ships afloat today.
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

I have the feeling that one reason for the delay might be the great weapon exploding due to the lack of an emergency waste evacuation port linked directly to the core, with the new model having an improved super-laser design and the new exhaust port :P
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Post by Havok »

DEATH wrote:I have the feeling that one reason for the delay might be the great weapon exploding due to the lack of an emergency waste evacuation port linked directly to the core, with the new model having an improved super-laser design and the new exhaust port :P
Hey Stark you wanna take this one? :P
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses.
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