Now in the prequels Palpatine creates the droid army to be the enemy, so he can gain control over the senate. In ROTS he deactivates the droids, thus ending the war. Here he hits a snag. "Since the enemy is gone, what I'm going to use as the big bad wolf, so the senate will eat out of my hand while I consolidate power and regroup my armies?". Palpy is miffed. "Dang, I knew I missed something."
And lo and behold! Here comes the rebel alliance. I mean, Palpy must have been on his fucking knees going "Thank you dark side, thank you!"
I mean it's fucking god sent. Now he can go "Oo, oo. Look at them evil rebels. I must remain in control so we can "win the war against terrorism".
Senate goes "Oh yes Palpy, save us from the eevil rebels."
The whole empire is based on the idea that there are enemies threatening the empire. Without an external threat, it would have been hard for Palpy to keep the senate distracted long enough that he could be rid of them.
After all, he didn't dissolve the senate until the 1st DS was complete.
The rebels are a perfect way to keep the senators at each others throats for a couple of reasons. 1) Palpatine is in power. All the little weasels will try to suck up to him by catching "rebels". 2) Those rebels are any and all who you can pin the rebel tag on, because once it sticks, it doesn't come off. This causes dissent amongst politicians, making it unlikely they'll unite against Palpy.
What I don't know would this sort of scenario fit the official timeline.
I mean, if you really start creating conspiracy theories based on this. Palpy could have allowed the rebel alliance to form, so he could crush it later in a grandiose show of power.
"Everything that has transpired, has done so according to my desire"
Nah... that's too Machiavellian. Even for me.

On the whole I think this is a very Palpatinish plot.
Comments etc. are welcome.