From the Author wrote:
A quick note to my readers,
Before I start, thanks to the fans of my Borg fanfic. It will be completed eventually, as time permits. I have to go back and reread a lot of it though, and have to decide where I want it to go. Special thanks to Mario for pming me with some encouragement.
I have not seen Nemesis, nor do I intend to. The closest thing I have seen is screenshots, reviews and plot outlines, and obviously the many complaints on how bad it was. This is not technically a "rewrite" more than a completely new story, one hopefully that people will enjoy more than watching Nemesis. The title will change once I've figured out a suitable one.
Unlike my Borg fanfic, I wrote everything with the end in mind. The ending has already been done. I'm going to try and avoid this becoming "episodic", but its unavoidable with the way I've decided to write it -- piece by piece, whenever I feel like it. Special thanks to the contributors from this thread, for the original idea.
As always, criticism, encouragement and ideas are welcome.
Now I present to you, Star Trek : Nemesis.
8/3/05 - Update Log added. Mario has agreed to be co-author and editor of the fanfic. He's a great editor, and I'm putting his changes in right now. If you've already read the fanfic, read the first few chapters again, and take a look at Mario's handiwork.
8/15/05 - New chapter added, unedited.
8/19/05 - New chapter added, the first battle scene, one of many more to come.
8/24/05 - New chapter added about Sela's mind machine, also unedited.
9/20/05 - Long-awaited (or not) update, hopefully sufficient to satiate your appetite for now.
Main Characters (to be updated as the fanfic progresses)
Ambassdor Jean-Luc Picard
Sela of Romulus
Captain William Riker
Tomalak of Romulus
Spock of Vulcan
Captain Beverley Crusher
Captain Geordi LaForge
Governor Worf of the Klingon Empire
Commander Deanna Troi
Commander Data
Major S'tak of the Romulan Fifth Legion
Centurion Bachra of the Romulan First Legion
Remus was the political and economic backwater of the Romulan Empire, although it did have one notable resource -- the Remans.
The only apparent similarity between Remans and their distant Romulan cousins were their pointed ears. They were shorter, and the tallest Reman was probably shorter than the shortest Romulan. Despite their small yet robust stature, the average Reman could still be easily overpowered by the average Romulan.
Their skin was dark grey, adapted to their habitat, which was usually deep underground or in caves where illumination was lowest. The Remans smelled awful to the noses of most Romulans; the pungent Reman stench was extremely unpleasant to their Romulan cousins to the point of invoking nausea.
For thousands of years the Remans lived in small city-states, occasionally warring with themselves in petty struggles for land, power, and even religious differences. The denizens of Remus, which numbered in the billions, forgot the knowledge of the stars, and melded with the primitivity of their surroundings.
Remus had remained isolated and alone in the universe until the coming of Emperor T'pok I, in the early days of Romulan space travel. The exiles from the planet Vulcan, over the course of several millenia, had developed a distinct culture of their own on Romulus and a technological prowess that would one day shake the Alpha Quadrant.
After the launch of the first space probes, The Romulans discovered the planet Remus. Emperor T'pok, in need of a cost effective way to build a utopia for his subjects, sent military expeditions to capture Remans and bring them back to Romulus. Over the eons, these "domesticated" Remans blended into their new surroundings and worked within the hierarchy of imperialistic Romulan politics and military circles. Intermarriage eventually dulled many of the undesirable features of these indentured Remans.
For the Remans who remained behind, their medieval towns and cities remained largely unmolested, except for the annual "Tribute". Each year, the Romulans would "honor" the strongest of their sons by taking them away to a massive industrial facility on Remus, created by T'pok, for the purpose of slave labour.
Eventually, the complex would house nearly one billion Remans and millions of Romulan overseers. Factories were created for the betterment of working class Romulan citizens. Romulus was flooded by goods produced off-planet by enslaved Remans. Remus' rich soil also meant that each and every Romulan had more than enough to feed his family.
The ordinary working class Romulan all but disappeared. With so much free time, culture, art and science flourished. Since every Romulan was well-off, societal status and influence became more important than economic security. Politics and the military were the most obvious paths to success.
The innovation of replicators meant less demand for Reman slave labour, but they continued to be used as workers for tasks which Romulans found distasteful or dangerous. Starship construction was one of them. T'pok's base was converted over hundreds of years into a massive starship factory. The Romulan Star Empire would be sustained by the freighters and Warbirds produced by the Remans.
For all the prosperity that the Remans brought their lords and masters, the Romulans made little attempt to improve the living conditions of ordinary Remans, nor did they try and fully integrate Remans into their society. Romulan citizens were forbidden to form relationships with Remans, save for the few who lived on Romulus. Most native Remans lived in squalid camps, given bare essentials and left to fend for themselves.
As such, it was not the Romulans who truly controlled the Remans, but the Reman Elders. The wizened Elders were methodical and patient; they were able to observe and emulate the unsuspecting Romulans over a period of several thousand years.
It was written in the holy texts that one would come from the stars and bring salvation to the Reman people, and free them from their eons of oppression. This champion would be virtuous and bring hope to the Reman people. He would not be a Reman -- rather, he would be an outsider, one of the world but at the same time one not of the world. This champion would lead the Reman people into a new Golden Age.
With this prophecy in mind, drilled from childhood into the memories of every Reman, the Elders were able to unite the various factions of Remus and convince them to revolt against their seemingly invincible masters. The Remans had covertly built up huge stockpiles of weapons, equipment and information on their overlords. The Reman Elders knew their Romulan overseers had grown idle and complacent over the centuries.
The only thing left was to wait for a champion.