No, I'm sorry. I was listing what is capable. You declared it wouldn't be simple, and you immediately said you meant 'Simple deathmatch', not 'Squad based'. Any literate individual will associate this to mean you are referring to this being sufficient to a modern realistic FPS.
Since what you just said makes so little sense, I assume you haven't even read anything I've been writing.
Who said anything about realistic? The unreal tournament series is a modern FPS, but about as far from realistic as you can get. The hypothetical game is a MODERN game, one that includes features that are expected in a game from 2005, and actually takes advantage of years of progress in game development.
What you listed was a FPS, but not a modern one. Lacking a use button might have been ok 10 years ago, but not anymore. We have higher expectations now for our minimum requirements.
So you basically can't use hte language you're typing in.
The irony of this statement is just priceless.
Projection now. God you're a boring peice of shit. You'll continue on this facade of an argument, screaming how your list of features is inviolate, how if you don't have an FPS with them, the console is a failure.
What the hell? Are you even reading what you're replying to? You complain about an inviolate list of features in reply to a paragraph where I give a specific example of a feature that does NOT need to be included.
What's this? Another set of total lies? Yep. I can name off easy ways to play a FPS; how do I know? The tech demo included such! You just constantly redefine it into 'Simple', 'First ever FPS', and other outright bullshit in your frantic, desperate attempt not to lose a point.
I haven't redefined anything. It's not my fault you keep confusing two different concepts.
Simple FPS = the game I'm talking about. The one the revolution is a few buttons short of being able to play well.
First ever FPS = my exaggerated description of the stripped-down "FPS" you posted that would work with only four buttons. The one lacking even basic things like a use button, which has been a mandatory element for years now. "First ever", because it represents a step
backward in design, to a more primitive game design.
These are the same definitions I've been using the whole time.
'I'S NOT BEING MOCKED! YOU IS!' Okay, you go back to the playground now. The adults are debating here.
Either you have the reading comprehension of a small child, or you're being intentionally dishonest. Which is it?
I posted a mocking comment, you immediately started screaming about fallacies.
You posted a mocking comment, I copied you and pointed out the fallacy in it. You then replied with "ur stupid, im moking u".
See a difference? One person's mocking is taken as literal argument to be debated, but the other's is supposed to be left as mocking.
So it wasn't mocking, it was an argument. You can't even make your posts consistant.
I'm sure this is a really hard concept for someone of your childish intelligence to understand, but it's possible to write a two-part argument. The first part mocks you, then the rest presents a real argument. See:
Mocking: Haha, see this obvious parody of a one-button controller?
Serious: 4 buttons is simplicity taken too far.
What a surprise that you just scream FALLACY! at the mocking part, and ignore the more serious content. I guess it was just too complicated for you. I should just stick with "UR WRONG. I RIGHT. U IDIOT."
That is only how it is done for straight ports and utter, totally oblivious dumbasses like you. Any real programmer knows to do otherwise. I know this because I've done programming.
Right, because all programming starts with what hardware is available, not which program is needed. "I have a computer, what kind of programs can I write with it" makes so much more sense than "I need a program to control this machine over there."
And I suppose nobody at Nintendo ever thinks "hey, Halo just outsold our entire system for this generation. What can we do to exploit this obvious market for FPSs?" It's much better to think "I have 4 buttons available, I can make pong v2.0." No wonder their market share is disappearing.
Lying bullshit, again. You're the one saying 'Our concept needs X buttons and you don't have it'. Repeatedly. Showing this to be cart-before-horse thinking is not a strawman.
Are you honestly this stupid? Are you really trying to claim that nobody ever has an idea, then decides how practical it is based on the hardware available?