FOG3 wrote:Tiriol wrote:Excuse me - Palpatine just happened to snuff out millions of life forms to create personal citadel of Force energies. Not impressive? Lord Kaan was the one responsible for the existence of the Valley of the Jedi and he had not intended that - he had rallied almost all of the remaining Sith Lords (with the exception of Lord Bane) around him to use a deadly Force power called thought bomb to destroy Master Hoth's Jedi Army of Light. But something failed and both the Jedi and the Sith were trapped in that accursed valley. Palpatine didn't make such a botch out of his work and most certainly was not trapped on Byss (and he did that energy entrapping thing to millions of beings). And he was never shown to wear any Sith devices - Exar had his Sith amulet, Naga Sadow had a bunch of Sith artifacts, even Revan wore that strange armour and robe.
Sith devices and Force wells were mentioned, unless you want to show that Jerec, Kreia, and Desann were packing some serious Sith artifacts. The comment on it resembling the creation of the Valley of the Jedi is in part to counter the resembling Nihilus's trick, which it doesn't at all.
True on the Sith artifact account; but our dear Kreia had spent some considerable time near the Exile whose special nature should be apparent to anyone playing KotOR 2. And how, how how the fuck does Palpatine's creation of Byss's Force-enhancing effect (I'm not actually sure what it really did, the
Essential Guide to Planets and Moons suggested that enhancing effect) resemble Lord Kaan's poorly planned, half-mad and poorly performed thought bomb trick which happened to destroy Kaan also? True, Palpatine didn't devour those life forces like Nihilus - but he had not intended that life-trapping effect to be a weapon, either and he most certainly was not trapped by it himself.
Tiriol wrote:So, what Palpatine would say to the populace that an area of at least 17.6 kilometres long and many kilometres wide has to be evacuated during the Galactic Civil War, when Coruscant was most likely the safest place in the galaxy? And nobody would notice that there's some heavy construction going on there while they have been evacuated? And nobody would notice how a goddamned Executor-class command ship enters the atmosphere, lands and is covered with new buildings?
Because of course he could never have a BS thing like a radiation leak needing to be fixed to get them out of there. No it must be more parsimonious that he squished them all and all the people and their records that died plus a 11 mile area being now uninhabited is easier to pull off, I call BS. Those people have records I might remind you, and what would be the point of doing it your way other then "ME BEAT CHEST, ME ROCK" nonsense. Mr. I'm going to play things from the shadows is going to take on that kind of streak?

Plus it's not like everyone is going to notice a black shape letting off no exhaust (repulsors) on a rapid descent in the middle of the night in a evacuated area?
Perhaps you'd like to explain to me, then, how nobody in that area and in the areas directly adjacent to it noticed any kind of deep-seated problems with having a) the goverment telling that there is something big and bad going on and that they must move out and b) no evidence whatsoever that there actually is anything bad? The radiation example you gave is quite poor: there would be a huge outcry in the whole galaxy if a large part of Coruscant would be said to suffer from radiation, dangerous enough to evacuate populace? Perhaps some massive refugee outbreak when Coruscant's populace is trying to move away just to make sure that they don't have to suffer. Admittedly, it is also far-fetched to think that Palpatine would have used some massive Force mind trick on everyone and my personal opinion is that he combined both methods (bullshitting and Force powers). But Palpatine has snuffed out millions of lifeforms through the Force, as evidenced by Byss, and has enhanced/given Force-sensitivity in/to others while OUTSIDE of Byss (meaning that he would not be in direct contact with the said Force well - even Kedann's Reborn had to enter the Valley of the Jedi, unless I'm mistaken), so there's not much reason to believe that he could not achieve something similar on Coruscant.
Tiriol wrote:Sidious killed three experienced Jedi Masters almost immediately the fight had started in RotS, remember?
He strikes down three Jedi Masters under the effect of the Shroud of the Dark Side, while they're still going "Golly Gee he's a Sith?!" Did you even play KOTOR2? Yeah Kreia must have just picked that up in the past week because the Masters talking about the technique born of Malachor V (guess on the steps of what Sith Academy the Revan unmasking scene happened), the Sith Assasins using the same basic technique, and Darth Nihilus who was consumed by the technique aren't there, right?

Plus you're forgetting the lead up to her sucking them dry. Considering Force Lightning is supposed to involve draining life force from what I've heard I'd stop short of calling the lesson of Malachor a trick in order to imply Force Lightning isn't.
The Jedi Masters were: Master Kavar who was the Jedi Guardian and the Mandalorians thought would lead the war (ie that eras Mace Windu equivalent), Master Vrook, and Master Zez-Kai Ell. They paralyze your character in order to strip you of the Force. Kreia walks in and cancels that. The Masters go "the Sith they've finally revealled themselve, charge" or in other words ingnite their lightsabers and prepare to attack. Kreia bitchslaps the trio of them with the Force, bitchslaps Master Vrook when he gets up to try it again, informs them of what idiots they are, and then leaves them drained husks that can't even be felt in the Force.
Palpatine lost his duel with Mace Windu, and only did anything significant with his force powers on him when Mace had his arm taken off and was still basically in shock. He had only a measily little edge on Yoda. As I said he never _overwhelmed_ them with his power. Eventually likely to, and did, win is a different ball game from just bitchslapping them around like no one's business.
As for why Revan would know it, gee lesson of Malachor, who first found out about Malachor and its secrets? Who apparently concealed even its existence for his apprentice while using it? Who had things like a device of Kasshyk designed to reinforce his true personality? Who did the Exile serve under? The only thing Revan didn't have that Kreia did was possibly access to her apprentices. Additionally what Malak did with his contraption sound amazing familiar to the "learned hunger" associated with the lesson of Malachor.
So somehow it's a different thing for Kreia to first use Force Push and then some kind of a life-draining Force lightning on those Jedi Masters than for Palpatine to use the shroud of the dark side (notice: shroud that affects EVERYONE in one big fucking galaxy, not just those four Jedi Masters - and novel appears to suggest that Palpatine could control the shroud to a high extend, allowing Obi-Wan to act freely on
Invisible Hand's bridge and later against General Grievous on Utapau) against four experienced Jedi Masters and kill three of them in a quick order? These Jedi Masters had all participated in the Clone Wars and survived and they had their lightsabres ignited and they knew/suspected Palpatine's true allegiance AND they were fucking ready to overthrow him for the sake of the Republic. How the hell is it different from Kreia's situation? Oh, Mace Windu, one of the most powerful Jedi of his time, did not fall so easily. Well, guess what - neither did Darth Sion, or Darth Nihilus, or the Exile when Kreia had to face them (remember Kreia's memory sequence where she was all but beaten to a glory pulp? Or when Exile fucking kicks her ass in the end?).
And Kreia - she lost her hand to Darth Sion in the beginning of the game, but considering that Lord Sion called her once again his master later on and didn't try to kill her would suggest that Kreia gained some powers while with the Exile. Or are you so thick that you suggest that Kreia intentionally lost that hand? That she could have bitchslapped and Force-raped Sion from here to Christmas but chose not to? The Sith Assassins were said to gain strength according to their opponents' Force potential. And how the hell is Darth Nihilus same thing as Darth Revan? Nihilus was consumed by the hunger for more Force, yes, but Revan was never shown to suffer from that or even to drain someone of the Force. He used Malachor's secrets to corrupt those goddamn Jedi and pervert them into Sith assassins and warriors for him, but the Exile was a fucking aberration - someone who did not exist in the Force, an open wound in the Force. Revan was certainly NOT a wound in the Force.
And overwhelming power? Like, I don't know, a fucking Force storm conjured straight from the dark side of the Force and able to consume and destroy capital ships the size that would make Revan and his peers in his time piss in their pants and call for mama? If that's not overwhelming power, I don't know what it is.
Tiriol wrote:Do you happen to remember how shit hard that final fight was? Revan most certainly did not just "dominate" Malak, he fought for his life (well, that was me - I had not chosen any life draining powers when I played as a lightsider and none of my Force powers seemed to affect the floating Jedi corpses).
I used pure RP Lightsider Sentinel Class and curb stomped him on the Leviathan and on the Forge on Hard level. I patiently waited for him to drain his captives before giving him a another lesson. That however isn't relevant as it's game mechanics. Malak delusions about you being weaker earlier, followed by his BS about you being stronger then Darth Revan later I personally discount. His little speach before his death in which he admits he is a loser compared to you on the other hand I take seriously. At that point the Dark Guardian (he's Force Jumped me on the Star Forge) is clearly reflecting on the error of his ways and finally dropped the bravado, denial, and comforting lies he's been telling himself.
So Darth Malak somehow is unable to deduct how powerful his former master is in his own place of power? And you said it yourself - you "patiently" awaited him to go through those captives. Yes, game mechanics, but they happen to have some correlation, since Malak tells Revan what he is doing with those bodies. Revan had to run all around Malak and hit him repeatedly and avoid getting hit, since the bastard could just steal an another life force (and don't say that it proves how powerful Revan must have been - remember Palpatine's little trick on Byss?).
Tiriol wrote:The cutscene was rather vague. It certainly gave impression that Revan was self-assured, but the Jedi are not actually known for throwing everything into play out of desperation. Yoda deemed Luke ready to face Vader in RotJ, remember? He and Obi-Wan warned against Luke doing so in ESB, though, so they were not randomly throwing him against the Dark Lord and why the hell should the Jedi Order of old with many more followers and the support of the Republic be more desperate?
Perhaps you missed they were flat out losing the war and Bastila was just managing to slow them down. Perhaps you missed that Revan was exterminating or converting the Jedi in droves such that even though Revan's idiot apprentice was in charge for the last year at wars end the Jedi's number was under a hundred. Perhaps you missed the part of the plan where they thought if they got Revan the Sith war machine would fall apart. Perhaps you missed that they sent no Masters with the brain washed Revan and why. Perhaps I should stop ribbing you on this because we don't know what Revan was up to. Given the device on Kasshyk there's even the possibility Revan planned what happened. What we saw was him crushing a Republic troopers throat, the Jedi run up, Revan flourished with the saber, and then was backstabbed.
Out of interest, where it was mentioned that the number of the Jedi had dropped below one hundred? And if Revan did that, remember what Palpatine did. The number of the Jedi who did not convert dropped below ten and even non-affiliated Force-users were hunted down like rats. Perhaps you missed the part in the Galactic Civil War where the Empire fell apart only upon Palpatine's death and was actually on the verge of total victory with their new Death Star? Perhaps you missed the part in the opening scene of RotJ where it is clearly stated that the second Death Star would spell a certain doom for the rebellion? And perhaps you missed the part where Palpatine too was essentially backstabbed by Vader, just like Revan had been backstabbed by Malak? Yeah, thought so. If Luke managed to escape even after getting near-full treatment of Force lightning, then sure as hell Palpatine could have escaped his health fully intact and thus the Empire does not fall apart, the Rebellion gets its ass handed to it since the Emperor does not die and the Empire stays intact and there's no last minute Imperial incompetence thanks to the sudden loss of Palpatine's version of battle meditation's positive influence.
Revan planned for the Jedi to wipe his memories, to reduce him nearly to a mere private in the Republic army? KotOR made it quite clear that Revan had not been prepared for Malak's betrayal, so he could not have planned the memory-losing thing in advance, don't you think? He had no fucking clue that he was Revan in the game and was entirely shocked to learn it, one way or another - yeah, sounds like great planning. Especially the part in KotOR II where it is mentioned that he just disappeared, apparently alarmed by some memory of some terrible menace outside the known galaxy. So... He decided to plan ahead and make sure that he'd remember a huge threat outside the known galaxy perhaps all too late to be of any real use? Yes, what a genius.
Tiriol wrote: And remember, KotOR 2 also has other Jedi to survive - the three Jedi Masters survived from Revan's purge and it was implied that the Jedi had just gone underground - many of them had left their Order, but those who remained chose to disappear so that the Sith would reveal themselves.
Find dictionary. Look up "fallout" then proceed to smack yourself one. Revan set the events in motion with the Mandalorian Wars, with Malachor V, and the fallout even as he left with the apparent intention for his Sith followers to destory themselves if the dark side ending had been canon is clearly the result of Revan's actions. Revan's intentions and all however are still not clear.
I don't have any clue as to what you mean with that "if the dark side ending had been canon" part. I didn't say that the entire Jedi Order survived, I said that some survived. There's a difference, don't you think?
Tiriol wrote: So, which one had more repercussions? A Jedi fallen to the dark side who managed to kill a lot of Jedi and whose actions drove the remaining into hiding? Or someone who destroyed the Jedi Order, almost succeeded in killing all the Jedi and whose regime ruthlessly annihilated every bit of Jedi lore they came across?
If Palpatine destroyed the Order then so did Revan. Not that Revan can cleanly be said to have truly fallen or not. The temple and enclaves were abandoned, and many believed the Jedi extinct in the beginning of KOTOR2. When Kreia says of those that survive that they're Jedi no longer, it isn't just bluster. From Kreia at the end you know a new Order was established at a later date, and that the Disciple will sit on the new Council.
Not clearly fallen or not? He used Malachor V's secrets to pervert unwilling subjects to be his pawns! He set up a Sith academy on Korriban to train new Sith warriors to him - and he bloody well knew that they'd use the dark side. He also happened to use the Star Forge which was said to be tainted with the Builders' greed and lust for power. And as you said yourself, he killed that Republic soldier with Force grip. So tell me, how it is unclear has he or has he not fallen?
About the Jedi back then. I actually have a memory that the Jedi Masters (who most likely were better informed than our dear, dear Kreia) would have said that the remaining Jedi went into hiding to await the time when the Sith would reveal themselves. And according to your logic, the Jedi Masters which Exile met in the game were not, in fact, Jedi any more since "Kreia said so, yes she did, preciousss".