Coyote wrote:You bring up something very interesting, Gricksigger.
Gricksigger wrote:...What matters is that all books in the Bible were written by authors when they were filled with the Holy Spirit that made their work inded the Word of God, inerrant, infallible, etc.
Okay, so the Bible is entirely infallible. So explain to me a few things, please...
For example, Christianity has a pretty impressive foundation-- many miracles, like the Loaves and Fishes, and the walking on water, were seen by crowds of dozens to 'thousands'. So it's not like a collection of stories with just one guy who heard it from a neighbor's uncle... you know.
But there are some oddities, too... for example, the prophet Elisha also performed miracles, like pouring a vast amount of oil from a tiny vial (Kings II; 4:1-7), he also revived the dead (Mark 5:35-43) and ascended into heaven alive (Kings II; 2:9-14). Yet the Torah never claimed Elisha to be the Messiah or God, in fact it warns against the coming of false prophets who will perform real miracles and warns the Jews not to follow anyone who tries to lead them from the Torah's teachings (Deuteronomy; 13: 2-6).
Jesus's Davidic lineage, another claim to Messiah status, came under scrutiny. Here I was pointed to the work Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen, a personal acquaintance of mine, who has done his own research in comparing the New Testament to the Torah. He found some discrepancies between Matthew and Luke-- Matthew 1:6-16 said that twenty-eight generations seperated Jesus from King David, whereas Luke 3:23-38 shows forty-three generations of seperation. It was even pointed out that the two apostles did not even agree on Jesus's paternal grandfather.
My friend Rabbi Kelemen also found an essay by Catholic theologian John P. Meier, which was endorsed by the Archbishop of Milan, who admits that the geneologies "are of questionable historicity". The essay was "Jesus of History: Origins and Ministry" by John P. Meier, in the New Jerome Biblical Commentary, 1319.
There are some fascinating things one can find when one looks around. Most notable are these contradictions. Also, bear in mind that the Messiah is is to be born of Jesse, not Mary, and named Emmanuel, not Yeshu, and that his arrival into Jerusalem will be on the back of a white donkey (literally, "hamor levan," in Hebrew, a "white ass") led by the Prophet Elisha. The arrival of the Messiah will also usher in a thousand-yera reign of Peace, which clearly has not happened yet.
So, what exactly are you claiming to be "infallible"? The Christian validation for Jesus rests on Hebrew prophesy from the Old Testament, and according to the OT... you're on thin ice.
"'az, tagid'li ha'tchuvah, bevakeshah."