KOTOR 3... Wish list

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Post by Crown »

Disclaimer; yes this is thread necromancy, I feel that I'm on topic and adding to the discussion, so please don't drag this down by '0mg! the necro!'. If you have nothing to add, just let it die peacefully.

Okay I finally got to play KotoR and KotoR 2 - but strangely enough I played the sequel before the first one, so that was a bit of a faux pas for me, but anyway given that I played them backwards (so to speak), I've got a bit of a different 'feel' for the games than the rest of you.

So, onto my wish list;


I liked the idea of KotoR 2's 'influence' interactions, I know that it was a pain in the ass for everyone (me too) when you first play it, but I've found myself actually replaying KotoR 2 over and over again - multiple times, just to see what happens when I gain influence with X chracter. It is strange, but I've never had that compulsion with KotoR 1 at all. I just played it twice (Lightside/Darkside) and I was satisfied.

So in short, keep the 'influence' stuff in, it's nice - and it makes you pay attention to what the conversation is all about.


Can we please put some effort into this? I'm sorry, but killing puppies just for the sake of killing puppies to gain Dark Side Points (DSP) does not interest me. I get it! I'm aiming for DSP so I have to do 'evil' things, that's fine - but do they have to be so fucking petty?

This was in both KotoR 1 and 2, and it really brought the game down.

My idea (which I see others in this thread have already said upon re-reading the thread, but I'll keep this bit in anyway) - and I know that it would take a little more effort from the game developers to do this - is to have a Darkside story arc (for example in KotoR 2 it could have been the Exchange posting bounties on Jedi) whereby I go the Darkside route, collect my DSP, but rather than killing misserable refugees, or slaughtering helpless Ithorians (who by the way were too dumb to be conciveable that they actually were the fittest species on their planet), make it more Palpatine-like Darkside ascention.

I mean, sure I work for Czerka for a while, and the Exchange, but at the end of the day these people should become my tools, I should own them. The best example I have of this can both be found in KotoR 2; the Twi'lek dancing girl on Telos Station - who dances for me, I'm her pimp and collect on her earnings - and the Tandorians (I hope I got that right) who try and take over the Ebon Hawk on Nar Shadaa - who also become my bitches and pay their dues to me. But obviously on a more 'grander' scale.

That is what the Darkside path should be like, not some thug with a lightsabre.

The Darkside 'Look'

Not really happy with it, can someone explain to me why I turn grey and look like I've been shaving with a cheese grater?

Keep the yellow eyes and the 'stern' look, but really that much corruption that quickly is just wrong.


Yeah, after I make my 'first' Lightsabre (if they go down this road again), I'd like to make other ones after that - as often as I'd like, whenever I like. Nothing pissed me off more than going through all the trouble of gaining influences over Atton, Handmaiden, Disciple and Mira such that I could turn them into Jedi, and then have wait and scavenge off of my Sith attackers to get Lightsabres from them.

Real pain in the ass.

Armour and the Force

Instead of completely 'nulling' - couldn't armour just slightly reduce the intensity?

Useless Characters

Really, there were some that you just didn't need, G0T0 comes to mind, useless.


Put 'auto transits' in them, because I feel like you waste at least a half hour of gameplay on each planet just running around the stupid things. It's not a 'feature' it's fucking annoying. Especially when you're done with the fucking planet, and you're just trying to get back to the Ebon Hawk - which is something KotoR had (thank God) and KotoR 2 lacked (fuckers).

Also with this, can we have an 'over map' for stuff like the Dantooine planets (especially in KotoR), just so that we can see where the 'path south' will take us, and where we can go from there? That would be fucking fantastic.

Useless Auto-Feats

You know what I'm talking about, the ones you would neve pick in a 100 years but the game 'gifts' them to you when you create your character. Look I don't want my character to have any useless gun feats since I already fucking know that this game(s) is (are) heavily biased towards melee weapons from the begining.

I mean what's the point of these 'gifts' when I'm never gonna use them anyway?


Resurrect her, she needs to be bitchslapped a few more times me thinks! :twisted:

But honestly, I actually liked her better than Jolee, who was just annoying. She was a manipulative bitch who gave contradictory advice (as was her want) - and meddled in your affairs for her own purpose.

Force Immune Beasts

What's up with this shit? I mean the one or two occasional 'boss' beasts I understand, but when a fucking canon fodder animal 'saves' my Force attack, I'm just thinking; STUPID!

That goes double for droids with no shields.

That's all that I can think off at the moment.
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Post by Jaepheth »

my wish:

KOTOR 3: Source :D

seriously though, just a new engine, and a STORY!

oh, and multiplayer co-op.... definately multiplayer.
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Post by EmperorSolo51 »

Jaepheth wrote:my wish:

KOTOR 3: Source :D

seriously though, just a new engine, and a STORY!

oh, and multiplayer co-op.... definately multiplayer.
Wait. You wanna turn it into "Star Wars galaxies: KOTOR"?
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Post by Skelron »

Well lets be fair, from all I hear about Galaxies, making it run on the KOTOR engine would be a vast vast improvment.

After more thought at the moment I just want to hear the confirmation that it is actually being made, does anyone have a link that confirms this. That might give us a very loose guide as to when it will arrive, as I have heard nothing except that more staff have been made redundent and that it likely will delay KOTOR3...
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Post by Vendetta »

I'd just like the fucker to be finished.
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Post by Mr Bean »

EmperorSolo51 wrote:
Jaepheth wrote:my wish:

KOTOR 3: Source :D

seriously though, just a new engine, and a STORY!

oh, and multiplayer co-op.... definately multiplayer.
Wait. You wanna turn it into "Star Wars galaxies: KOTOR"?
No seeing as KOTOR 3 source would resemble, KOTOR Jedi Knight not KOTOR Galaxies(Which is yet another clicky the button RPG)

Gasp! My hitcone and damage depends on my acutal aim with my skills and levels just making my drift higher? Joy!

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Post by Jaepheth »

EmperorSolo51 wrote: Wait. You wanna turn it into "Star Wars galaxies: KOTOR"?

No, that would be massively multiplayer, I just want co-op. ie the way Baldur's Gate 1&2 multiplayer was done
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Post by Lord of the Farce »

Mr Bean wrote:
EmperorSolo51 wrote:
Jaepheth wrote:my wish:

KOTOR 3: Source :D

seriously though, just a new engine, and a STORY!

oh, and multiplayer co-op.... definately multiplayer.
Wait. You wanna turn it into "Star Wars galaxies: KOTOR"?
No seeing as KOTOR 3 source would resemble, KOTOR Jedi Knight not KOTOR Galaxies(Which is yet another clicky the button RPG)

Gasp! My hitcone and damage depends on my acutal aim with my skills and levels just making my drift higher? Joy!
In other words, a Star Wars version of VtM: Bloodlines with multiplayer co-op? :?
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Post by Mr Bean »

Lord of the Farce wrote:
Gasp! My hitcone and damage depends on my acutal aim with my skills and levels just making my drift higher? Joy!
In other words, a Star Wars version of VtM: Bloodlines with multiplayer co-op? :?[/quote]
Bloodlines barley scratched the surface of what SOURCE can do with a game.

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