And now, another ass-sucking Mod "bonniegirl" decided to go Charles Bronson on me, leaving me quaking in my boots. Since, as Moose pointed out, such off-topic comments shouldn't be on my blog comments, I deleted her ass myself.
To: Darth Talas
From: bonniegrrl
RE: "Chewie, Get Me A Hydrospanner!" : Sound In Space! Tee-Hee!
Comments: And there is an old saying "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." Maybe LF should hire people who actually care about the material enough to do this job correctly? After all, the EU isn't too complicated for those webmasters who do this for free.
um careful there kiddo. Those people DO care. And since you none of them or what their job actually involves you might want to pipe down. Seriously. EU is complicated and those webmasters you speak of don't always hit the mark. So hop down off that high horse of yours.
Yeah, you meanie! You're going to hurt a VIP's feelings! Oooh, I hope they see me defending said VIP like a good little suck-up!
To: Darth Talas
From: bonniegrrl
RE: "Chewie, Get Me A Hydrospanner!" : Sound In Space! Tee-Hee!
Comments: I'm getting really tired of reading comments from today's allegedly professional sci-fi writers who think they have a free ticket to be lazy when it comes to writing about Star Wars.
First of all there's no "alleged." Those authors are indeed LFL authors.
No one questioned whether or not they were "Lucasfilm" authors, you rancid twat. What I "alleged" was their professional aptitude.
No one is a VIP on these blogs unless they are officially connected to LFL, ILM, LucasArts and so on. So you can stop guessing on that point.
Wow, I never would have gleaned that without your guidance, you sloppy bitch. There's only an
entire section
where VIP blogs are featured!
Second, I doubt these authors believe "they have a free ticket to be lazy when it comes to writing about Star Wars." If you knew anything about the likes of Karen Traviss or Dan Wallace or any of the other authors here, you wouldn't be saying that.
"Yeah! You don't know them like
I[/i] know them! You stop beating up on my VIPs pals!
To: Darth Talas
From: bonniegrrl
RE: "Chewie, Get Me A Hydrospanner!" : Sound In Space! Tee-Hee!
Comments: Now I wanted to bring up the real point of me commenting here. You are more than allowed to your opinion. BUT be very careful crossing the line into flamming.
Who did I flame, you stupid cunt? Someone has to be NAMED in order to be flamed. The poor excuses for mods at like Moose and that other fucking idiot James T Skywalker sure are slow on the smackdown when Saxton is flamed there. But oh! Don't flame the Army dyke, or else!!
Insulting our authors is a good way to get yourself kicked off the blogs. You can disagree with them all you want, but questioning whether or not they're legit and then calling them lazy is pretty rude. So consider this an admin warning.
Consider this my complete dismissal of your oh so impartial Modding there, twat. You people are so pathetic in your VIP brown-nosing.