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Post by The Original Nex »

Karen, though, seems quite adamant in her refusal to listen to reason because she keeps arguing that the figure makes sense, and the BS excuse that it doesn't make sense anyway is a cop-out.
It seems like she's stopped arguing for it in a logical sense, and rather, gone to the "It's just a fantasy" crap. Since we know from prior publications that she doesn't believe in the "it's just a fantasy, realism doesn't apply" jargon, shows me that she's just preaching to the choir now.

You're right, I don't know why she doesn't just shut up. I know she's not a complete idiot, but she's acting like fool right now.
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Post by Noble Ire »

By my reckoning, that blog just put him a few levels lower than Traviss ever got. At least she seems to want to try at maintaining continuity and realism. :?
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Post by The Original Nex »

Well, IIRC in another of Karen's blogs, she mentions that she used to be pretty close to a tech-head, but. . .Ryan Kaufman told her to stop worrying about it, that it's just a fantasy, etc. So, frankly, I blame Kaufman for all of this, including the corruption of a perfectly good EU author. :x
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »


Idiots, the whole lot of them.
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

These people just don't understand that all of the "IT'S FANTASY/MYTHOLOGY SO IT DOESN'T HAVE TO MAKE SENSE!!!!!!!!!" thing they are shouting is complete bullshit. All fantasy and myth makes sense and is self-consistent, those that are not internally self-consistent are ripped apart and eventually forgoten since no-one wants to remeber a pile of shit.

Let's take for example the myth of Cuchulain, the infamous Irish warrior, the Hound of Ulster. In the Myth, Cuchulain is a great warrior capable of slaughtering hundreds of normal soldiers, and single-handedly routing armies. However, when he is finnally brought down it is by Lugaid son of Curoi, who has qualities similar to those of Cuchulain. The myth works because it is self-consitent, if Cuchulain had been killed by a random drunk (with no divine help, or anything similar) then the myth would have been forgotten like the piece of crap would have been.

Ryan Kaufman brings up the myth of Beowulf and how he can hold his breath for a full day. That's fine, we use suspension of desbelief, but we would declare it a pile of shit if he, without any extraodinary circumstances, later has to go up for breath after only an hour under water. Or if the story teller, for example tells us "After a day, he finally had to surface for air." Then if latter on he says, "Two weeks had passed and Beowulf's lungs still hadn't given out" we call bullshit on the grounds that there is no consistency.

How does this relate to Star Wars? Well, we see in the movies and Clone Wars cartoon that combat droids are not vastly inferior to the Clones, and that the Republic does not have truly ovewhelming space superiority, or even the will to use it on each and every dammed world they come across (ie they don't blast everything held by the CIS into oblivion). So when someone says something that destroys the self-consistency, what choice do we have but to say they are wrong? You see, the problem here is exactly the same as taking the example of Odyssius, his son, and a servant, taking on and killing over a hundred men all by themselves and then claiming that Odyssius is capable of taking on half the Troyan Army all by himself. It is a moronic, unsuported claim, that is also contradicted by other surces (namely, The Iliad)

So this bullshit about the numbers not having to make sense because, "It's fantasy" just doesn't fly. Because, guess what? Real fantasy actually does make sense within it's own world, it is self-consistent. The reason several million clones being able to wage a Galactic-scale war does not work has little to do with what is not feasable realistically, and everything to do with what is feasable within the Star Wars universe. You can clearly see that in SW people can't fly, so any story in which someone does so will be called stupid. That is the reason why the numbers being thrown around are non-sensical, they contradict almost everything else in the SW universe!
Last edited by Adrian Laguna on 2005-10-04 05:00pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by A-Wing_Slash »

What the hell is wrong with the people who believe this kind of crap? No one in there right mind can believe this stuff. Why can't these people just say that there a trillions or whatever a goood number of clones is and get it over with. The Lucas people are making themselves look like blithering idiots, and pissing off their most devoted fans. I just can't understand what must be going through the heads of the people who make this up.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

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Post by Master of Ossus »

Someone ask Ryan Kaufman on his blog why the fuck we should buy his works if:

1. He admits that he doesn't give a damn about realism while publishing works on orders of battle for a fictional army.
2. He admits that he doesn't expect readers to believe what he tells them.
3. His works deal with subjects intended to bring realism to the Star Wars universe, yet he doesn't actually care about that because it's all just mythical.
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Post by Darth Wong »

This is a good example of what I think I'll call "arguments of convenience", in which people will make any argument (even one they do not entirely believe in) just because they think it will achieve what they want: in this case, defending published analyses of Star Wars by arguing that Star Wars should not be analyzed. The most popular example of an argument of convenience, of course, is Intelligent Design (not one IDer actually believes that this "designer" is anyone other than Jesus' daddy), and this is similar. They can't seriously believe that Star Wars is unworthy of analysis, otherwise they wouldn't write up serious-looking analyses and try to sell them. They're just saying it in order to cover for their incompetent analyses.
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Post by Mange »

Dr. Saxton has updated his site with an illuminating page that touches upon this subject:
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Post by apocolypse »

Mange the Swede wrote:Dr. Saxton has updated his site with an illuminating page that touches upon this subject:
I found this particular part of Saxton's analysis interesting.

"That would imply two or three million troops in this demonstration performance alone (which excludes those left to occupy Geonosis, and those deployed to the galaxy's many other fronts). "

Now granted, you could argue the number of Acclamators present on Coruscant, but that still implies at least a significant portion of the "3 million GAR" number, and quite possibly the entire GAR if what Traviss and Kaufman are attempting to force-feed the fans was accurate. So, potentially you have a war being fought across many fronts across the galaxy. Yet all your troops are stationed on one planet, and not actually fighting across all these fronts, as they're supposed to be doing.

Edit: BTW, good find Mange.
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

The Original Nex wrote:
That's why I'm not too upset with Ryan Kaufman, for example. He just kinda dropped the subject and hasn't discussed it, so I'm not going after him.
Well I doubt you'll be very fond of this then. He's jumping on the "Numbers in Star Wars are Silly" band wagon too. . .

He's babbling on about mythology, and how numbers are meaningless. :roll:
Oh boy..."Its MAGIC! We dont need to explain it, man!"

Then why did you try, man? :roll:

Well...i think that Akabar guy made a VERY good point in refuting this crap. If Han Solo got his head chopped off, and suddenly it grew back or something, you cant just say "Ut, ut, ut! Star Wars! Sci-fi...dont have to explain what happened!"
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

Mange the Swede wrote:Dr. Saxton has updated his site with an illuminating page that touches upon this subject:
Mmm...very interesting. I only found otut abot Saxton's page about a year ago but i'm continuously please dby how informitive and thorough it is. He really makes you understand the sheer scope and scale of the galaxy and explainsit in terms peole who arent scitifically inclined, like me, can fully understand, though i'm sure lots of people think it's 'wanky'.
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Post by The Original Nex »

After her blog comments filled up I replied to her comments through E-mail, here's my Email to her, and her response:
Traviss: I thought you said you weren't going to fill up the thread?

Zack: Noted. I'll follow up here

Traviss: This is the other end-stop of the argument - that either all of it is real or none of it is. Some of it is very real: some of it isn''t, like FTL and all the ships with hulls that actually wouldn't stand re-entry. It's a clever mix of the two, and it works.

Zack: Well yes, but that's why LFL hires authors like Curtis Saxton, David West Reynolds and other scientifically minded folks to come up with logical ways for ships to withstand the stress. And they do.

Traviss: You probably missed the much earlier post (somewhere) where we explained about numbers and detail we had inherited and had to work with. That's what retconning is about .

Zack: I understand. And I want to make sure you understand I'm not trying to attack you an Ryan personally. You just ahppen to be very friendly on the boards and make yourself available. And, as the author, I felt you might be a good person to discuss it with.

But don't retconns also involve competely changing something that doesn't make sonse into something that does? For example when Coruscant's original population was pegged at 5 billion. That clearly doesn't make sense given what we know about Coruscant, so LFL upped the number, and then upped it again (it's still too small but I won't get into that).

If LFL gave you the numbers to use and that is what you were stuck with then they messed up, not you. The thing is, LFL has been shown to completely throw out irrational things before to allow logic, why they won't do it in this instance is odd.

Traviss: I'm not saying none of it matters. I'm saying it isn't crucial enough for people to get upset about it, or for folks to harangue me and Ryan or anyone else about it, which I'm afraid has happened.

Fair enough. I think it's more an issue of LFL telling fans that they will retconn something and then not letting the authors do it. Many fans are not incensed at you I think, but at the Continuity Editors. I certainly hope I haven't come acorss as rude or belligerent. I greatly enjoy your work, and am thankful that you take so much time to come and talk with us Star Wars junkies.
Yes, I freely admit I was too nice and a suckup, but I don't really hold Traviss in contempt as I do Kaufman. Shame on her for listening to the bastard, but at least I know she has a level of intelligence.

Anyways, here's her response which I have yet to reply to:
All this depends on which science bugs you. I meant what I said about the cloning technology and the teensy fact that Kamino can't actually produce that many clones; and that to me is as improbable and as intrusive an incongruity as the numbers of droids. The fact that I can spot it because it covers areas I know well but that some people are blind to doesn't mean that the improbable numbers are worse in continuity terms. We have to take the whole lot and work with it.

The focus on one incongruity and not others - especially the life sciences side - is what I find illogical. Now - say we had a lot more biologists and ecologists and economists in fandom, and they raised a stink about Kamino: would we throw out AOTC because it shows clones being produced in vast numbers on a planet that couldn't have that infrastructure in reality? No. Nor should we. And I happen to find that I can write better stories about the ethical issues given Kamino as a springboard than I ever could if I reverted to my hard SF mode.

A great deal was retconned and explained in the GAR feature and it's been pretty well ignored. It took a lot of work, especially for Ryan who had to do the number-crunching on the regular army section of the ORBAT. That was a monster task because the movie detail was set long before anyone thought of numbers, and it took some clever work to sort it. For all I know, it might all change in the future like Coruscant's population did. (And I really don't know.)

And I don't heap blame on LFL. The more specific we were about maximum numbers, production and recruitment, the more we shut doors for other books and stories. Fans don't see the advance work that's in the pipeline years ahead and that has to be accommodated too. If anything needs retconning, I'd say it's the quadrillions of droids, which is as improbable as anything else, but I can see an excellent storyline in that apparently inexplicable disparity in numbers. You'll understand that my enthusiasm for exploring that has taken something of a knock, though.

Unfortunately - and I'm speaking only for myself now, not Ryan - I have been called "lazy" and "stupid" by some fans, and I find those kind of personal insults unacceptable when I'm writing 16 hours a day, 24/7. Okay, it's a tiny, tiny minority, but boy are they persistent...

Anyway, thanks for getting in touch, mate. I can't give you any closure on this, but at least you've heard me out, and I'm grateful for that.

Lots of mistakes there, but I have been trying to not offend her (I don't think that would get her to concede anyways), but I guess I'll email her back with another rebuttal. . .
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Post by Noble Ire »

Well...i think that Akabar guy made a VERY good point in refuting this crap. If Han Solo got his head chopped off, and suddenly it grew back or something, you cant just say "Ut, ut, ut! Star Wars! Sci-fi...dont have to explain what happened!"
Thankee. :wink:

Kaufman really is quite dense. Saying the logical aspect of Star Wars is irrelevant compared with the myth element is like saying a car is a metaphor and inducer of movement, but it dones't matter if or how the car works. :roll:
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Post by Lord Sander »

Quick question, is an article in the Insider considered official?
When did this happen?
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

Noble Ire wrote:
Well...i think that Akabar guy made a VERY good point in refuting this crap. If Han Solo got his head chopped off, and suddenly it grew back or something, you cant just say "Ut, ut, ut! Star Wars! Sci-fi...dont have to explain what happened!"
Thankee. :wink:

Kaufman really is quite dense. Saying the logical aspect of Star Wars is irrelevant compared with the myth element is like saying a car is a metaphor and inducer of movement, but it dones't matter if or how the car works. :roll:
It's true it's a good point.

But yeah i agree Kaufman is like some of the trolls i've seen get banned around here with that "Hur, hur! Kiss off with your useless numbers and science, dork!"

I mean i was like, ok i'm gonna see what this is all about, read the rebuttal, consider both sides...then it get to reading his 'blog' (which reminds me, sometime i gotta' find out what that word means) and i had to like stop, mid sentence, and stop reading so i could brace myself against the desk that the force of me rolling my eyes so hard wouldnt cause me to loose balance and fall out of my chair.

Whats more, if he felt it was so fanciful and mythical why try to explain it in the first place?
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Post by Master of Ossus »

18-Till-I-Die wrote:I mean i was like, ok i'm gonna see what this is all about, read the rebuttal, consider both sides...then it get to reading his 'blog' (which reminds me, sometime i gotta' find out what that word means)
It's a contraction for "web-log." Basically, an internet diary.
and i had to like stop, mid sentence, and stop reading so i could brace myself against the desk that the force of me rolling my eyes so hard wouldnt cause me to loose balance and fall out of my chair.

Whats more, if he felt it was so fanciful and mythical why try to explain it in the first place?
That's pretty much the way it goes. The guy seems to be about as consistent as Ricky Williams. No wonder his figures are retarded.
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Post by Noble Ire »

Pablo Hidalgo wrote:Here's how I tend to see the passionate arguments of number-crunching tech-minded fans who insist the Star Wars galaxy exists in some kind of definable, objective way,

You can build an incredibly elaborate and intricate house of cards complete with symmetrical wings, swinging doors, a skylight and the illusion of structure. You've done so by being aided and abetted by Lucasfilm, who has published the cards with which you build that house, and provided some clues as to how they should fit....

I can commend you on building that incredibly elaborate house. Of taking the pieces given to you, making them fit, and constructing this impressive monument. I can respect the time, effort, and dedication it has taken to build this house of cards. Bravo! It's fun to look at, and amazing to explore.

But in the end, it is still a house of cards built on a rickety table. When I point that out, I'm not disparaging your card-house building skills nor your dedication to building said card house. What you've done is remarkable

But it's still a house of cards on a rickety table, and I can't help but think it's good to keep that in mind before you start on that next level.
I don't think I've ever come so close to posting something that would get me banned from the board. :x
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Post by Master of Ossus »

Let me have a go at this one. The more these authors write the stupider they seem and the angrier they make me. Let this be a lesson to anyone who's trying to get out of a hole they dug themselves in the future: step one is to stop digging.
Karen Traviss wrote:All this depends on which science bugs you. I meant what I said about the cloning technology and the teensy fact that Kamino can't actually produce that many clones;
Yes it can, which you would know if you hadn't been such an incredibly lazy retard and had bothered to do your fucking research by reading a text that would've taken all of an hour to get through.
and that to me is as improbable and as intrusive an incongruity as the numbers of droids.
The droid number fits extremely well with the scale of the SW Universe as established by the films, which has been repeatedly demonstrated in threads that you participated in and something which should have been immediately obvious, just as it was immediately obvious to the dozens of websurfers who aren't paid to write articles and follow the Star Wars Saga only out of love for the vision it represents.
The fact that I can spot it because it covers areas I know well but that some people are blind to doesn't mean that the improbable numbers are worse in continuity terms. We have to take the whole lot and work with it.
Improbable numbers ARE worse in continuity terms, and if you can spot mistakes then you should bring them to your editors' attention so that they can be dealt with in the future rather than perpetuating the mistakes throughout the EU as has been done in the past (ie. with the length of the Executor).
The focus on one incongruity and not others - especially the life sciences side - is what I find illogical.
WHAT incongruity? We KNOW that the Kaminoans produced massive facilities under the surface of their oceans. How does it not make sense that they would be able to produce many clones with those purpose-built facilities?
Now - say we had a lot more biologists and ecologists and economists in fandom, and they raised a stink about Kamino: would we throw out AOTC because it shows clones being produced in vast numbers on a planet that couldn't have that infrastructure in reality? No. Nor should we.
I am an economist (or so my degree tells me) and I know that Kamino makes perfect sense in the scope of an economy as vast as that of the Star Wars Galaxy. I can't speak for biologists or ecologists, but I can say that your chain of thought is wrong because it presupposes things which are demonstrably incorrect.
And I happen to find that I can write better stories about the ethical issues given Kamino as a springboard than I ever could if I reverted to my hard SF mode.
Cool. Good for you. That's the whole point, though: the stories get better if they make sense within the continuity, and that's part of your role as a writer in a franchise like that of Star Wars.
A great deal was retconned and explained in the GAR feature and it's been pretty well ignored. It took a lot of work, especially for Ryan who had to do the number-crunching on the regular army section of the ORBAT. That was a monster task because the movie detail was set long before anyone thought of numbers, and it took some clever work to sort it.
Well, wah wah! Forgive me for not being sympathetic given that the authors of many websites have ALREADY DONE a substantial amount of work in the same areas and they're working for free! Dr. Curtis Saxton, for example, could've easily written such an article on the Clone Army because of all the research he's done for his website, and he would've done a better job than you did because he wouldn't have included nonsense like the 3 million clones number. Pleading that you were incompetent is a terrible excuse--it didn't work for Michael Brown, either.
For all I know, it might all change in the future like Coruscant's population did. (And I really don't know.)
Since your number is undoubtedly wrong it had better change in the future. This absolves you of no responsibility, though. YOU wrote that number into your article. YOU took responsibility for it when you signed your name to the article. YOU are accountable for errors in that article. Your editors may also be accountable, and if they take the fall for you then so be it, but no one forced you to write that thing and put your name on it.
And I don't heap blame on LFL. The more specific we were about maximum numbers, production and recruitment, the more we shut doors for other books and stories.
Let me get this straight: I shouldn't be mad at LFL because they're trying to make it easy for other authors to be lazy and not do their research, either? That is, essentially, what you're saying. That other LFL writers are so bad that they're incapable of writing interesting stories within the SW universe without totally violating previous materials. THAT is pathetic.
Fans don't see the advance work that's in the pipeline years ahead and that has to be accommodated too. If anything needs retconning, I'd say it's the quadrillions of droids, which is as improbable as anything else,
That is absolute bullshit of the highest order. I have justified the high number of droids (and it's actually "quintillions," but I'm sure that the difference is wasted on a numerical neophyte such as yourself) as being WELL within the scope of the Star Wars economy. The droids make perfect sense. Why don't the clones? Oh, yeah, I forgot: it's because they hired some morons who have no appreciation whatsoever for the fans or the Saga to write an article on the GAR.
but I can see an excellent storyline in that apparently inexplicable disparity in numbers.
Yet your explanations for the disparity are both retarded AND refuted by the movies themselves. Tell me, if the clones were able to make up for their disparity by quickly redeploying to various fronts throughout the Galaxy, then how the fuck did we see multiple, simultaneous campaigns going on on different planets during the Order 66 montage? Can I add, "Never watched Revenge of the Sith" to the list of your faults while (not) doing your research for this project?
You'll understand that my enthusiasm for exploring that has taken something of a knock, though.
I would hope that it would have. You are obviously too incompetent to duplicate what UNPAID FANS have been doing for years.
Unfortunately - and I'm speaking only for myself now, not Ryan - I have been called "lazy" and "stupid" by some fans, and I find those kind of personal insults unacceptable when I'm writing 16 hours a day, 24/7.
You may not be lazy but you failed in your job of maintaining an internally consistent and believable world when you wrote that article on the GAR--something that was supposed to make the war more believable. Instead, it made the conflict much less understandable. Nice work.
Okay, it's a tiny, tiny minority, but boy are they persistent...
It's a "tiny minority" that includes previous stalwarts for the EU like Kudzu, who have traditionally taken whatever the EU has told them to be gospel truth.
Anyway, thanks for getting in touch, mate. I can't give you any closure on this, but at least you've heard me out, and I'm grateful for that.

I've heard you out and I think you're COMPLETELY off-base about everything. Nothing that you've said has made me any more sympathetic to you since you brought all of this on yourself. Hope you like the hole you've got yourself, there. Good luck getting out now.
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Post by Noble Ire »

It seems that the VIPs have had enough of my presence.
Kaufman wrote:Ackbar, you've more than made your point here. It's time to let some others have their say.

Udesii, ner vod.
This in response to my post attacking Pablo's extremely condescending statement.
Ah, nothing quite like the oppression of viewpoints. :|

Edit: And of course, Pablo takes one last snipe, after I've been all been blacklisted from the blog. What an asshole. :roll:
And then to cap it, a "friendly reminder" from an Admin that questioning which amounted to saying that questioning a moderator or VIP amounted to flamming, an offense punishable by banning.
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

Adrian Laguna wrote:-snip-
I hope no one minds, but I'm going to repost this in a more consise manner that does a better job of showing what I mean.

Let's take the story fo Odysseus (Ulysses in Latin) which spans two epic poems, the Iliad, and the Odyssey. Now, let's assume that Homer, or perhaps one of his heirs, decides to allow another poet to expand upon the story, this poet can make a new (short) adventure for Odysseus.

At the end of the Odyssey, Odysseus, his son, and a servant, take on and slaughter over 100 men. Granted, they were unarmed men, but the numerical superiority means the should have won, that they didn't is a testament to Odysseus's and his son's incredible skill in battle. This is okay, and the fans accept and even love this aspect. However, the new poet in the new adventure says that Odysseus and an army of 3000 men must defend their homeland from an invading army of several billion, and then expects the fans to swallow this. They won't, and shouldn't, because it doesn't make any sense. In the Iliad we see that, despite his incredible skill in battle and great cunning as a strategist, he is simply not capable of the level of ownage required to make the new story believable. If he had, then the Troyan War would have lasted 10 hours not 10 years. The poet then screams, "It's fantasy, why does it have to make sense!?" and the fans tear him to pieces (verbally) for being a lazy moron that can't write a story that is consistent with eveything else.

The exact same thing is happening in Star Wars with this current article, and a few other things. Yet the authors, and some fans, keep trying to defend something that is indefensible. Odysseus and 3000 men can't realistically (using the laws of realism already established within the story) take on an army of billions, because neither he nor his men ever show the level of god-like abilites required to do this. Neither can a Clone army of just a few millions take on a quintillion (or even a ridiculously conservative trillion) Droids. For the same reason, the level of ownage required to do this is never shown anywhere. Not in the movies, not in any book, not in the Clone Wars cartoon.

Could someone please post/send this to the mentally disfunctional authors?
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

Actually i cant believe they are trying to use the Clone Wars cartoons to support their claims.

In the Cartoon, in one episode, we see tens of thousands of Gunships carry huge forces planetside. In another, we see them fighting a siege on a fortress world, 'banking world' or whatever, with millions of soldiers. And in ANOTHER episode near the end, we see teh battle over Coruscant with what appears to be many thousands, maybe tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, of ships and obviously many millions of Clone soldiers and Droids.

The Clone Wars Cartoon supports more than anything the contention that the Grand Army of the Republic as well as the Confed's droid legions number well into the billions.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

How the flying fuck can BonnieBitch say with a straight face on Ryan Kaufman's blog that the people at LFL take continuity and scientific realism seriously while COMMENTING ON A BLOG THAT IS TRYING TO GET PEOPLE TO IGNORE SUCH REALISM? That whole organization is made up of cowards--EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. I came into this whole thing thinking that LFL was a flawed but well-intentioned organization. It is now clear to me that the only way to change things is to fire the whole lot of them. The sky is falling, Dark Moose.
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Post by Ender »

KT wrote: great deal was retconned and explained in the GAR feature and it's been pretty well ignored. It took a lot of work, especially for Ryan who had to do the number-crunching on the regular army section of the ORBAT. That was a monster task because the movie detail was set long before anyone thought of numbers, and it took some clever work to sort it.
I call complete and utter bullshit. 1) The bulk of that work had already been done YEARS ago by Dr Saxton for the ITW AOTC 2) I created an OoB for the Army when they announced the aricle would be written. The only diference is that I had a brigade and regiment be interchangable terms and that I had a legion be doulbe the size they have it at. It took me about 20 minutes with the ITW and wikipedia to create it to.
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