Whee, I'm now the tactical commander of Group 1 of the RRF!
Anyways, taking a stroll through Ridleybank right now, I have this advice for you: If you're a survivor, stay the fuck away from it! I see literally a zed or more on every block, and inside every house.
MRDOD wrote:Hopefully the site is down for everybody else, because I'm standing in the middle of the street 1 block away from a zombie and 2 from another one...
Edit- Oh shit oh shit oh shit, I just spent my last 2 AP getting to the safehouse and the doors are open and everybody's dead but Jogurt and Me and there's 5 zombies with us there. SyntaxVorlon, if you're alive, don't come back!
I think we ought to move our base to Grigg heights I fear Maudley attracted attention.
Attention All SDNSAG Members: If You Are In The Reganbank Area, Molebank And Northern Reganbank Are Heavy In Zombies. SDNSAG Official Rally Point Moved To Grigg Heights Area. Possible Use Of 'The Ideal Safehouse' If It Is Available.
I think, that there should also be a SDN Zombie clan, so without further ado, I found : SDN:Brain Munchers. All our members (me ) are currently in barrville. There aren't many brrnz to munch so I'm thinking of moving to a more survivor filled burb soon.
Whoo, killed my first zombie. Ran out of the hospital and hacked him up with my fire ax... only to discover that someone had upped the baricade on the hospital and locked me out.. dammit. Oh well I made it to a relatively safe location at least.
darthdavid wrote:I think, that there should also be a SDN Zombie clan, so without further ado, I found : SDN:Brain Munchers. All our members (me ) are currently in barrville. There aren't many brrnz to munch so I'm thinking of moving to a more survivor filled burb soon.
Just join the RRF. There's an open invitation for SD.net members and it also has the benefit of being an actual group.
If anyone has a FAK, I have 27 HP and an infection I need to fix soon. I'm in the north of Reganbank, so anyone with the proper equipment who's nearby PM me your location.
Jesus, Jogurt, you and I are like zombie detectors. Probably our own faults for not moving far enough once we knew the safehouse was wiped out, but still- if I hadn't checked to see what people had said about my zombie warning and noticed we'd all been getting eaten I'd have died (I actually was being damaged as I moved out of the building).
Right, so. Stanbury Village, Shackleville, and Mockridge Heights have zombies everywhere. Galbraith Hills isn't safe either because some TKing assholes just set up shop. They essentially walked into the building I was in, announced their intentions, and started killing everyone.
Well it looks like I'm going to have to fight my way through zombie-infested territory tomorrow if I want to go anywhere. My safehouse in Molebank hasn't been attacked, though.
Well, I'm loaded to the gills with weapons after spending 50 AP scrounging up ammo. Tomorrow is going to be epic.
The End of Suburbia
"If more cars are inevitable, must there not be roads for them to run on?"
-Robert Moses
"The Wire" is the best show in the history of television. Watch it today.
Warehouse at [05x58] is safe, but you need Free Running to enter. That is my Ideal Location for the SDNSAG Safe House. People without Free Running can use Blaxall Way PD 1 West of it if you need it.
Healed myself and grabbed ammo in the same turn, it's quite a convenient location as I said before.
Big fight coming up in the Ridleybank/Stanbury area. My zombie alt's headed there now to join in the fun, and my human is running far, far away. Or would be, if my roommate didn't need the extra hits to ensure his RRF zombie gets to use all 50 AP.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
Warehouse at [05x58] is safe, but you need Free Running to enter. That is my Ideal Location for the SDNSAG Safe House. People without Free Running can use Blaxall Way PD 1 West of it if you need it.
Healed myself and grabbed ammo in the same turn, it's quite a convenient location as I said before.
Right, I'll be there in a jiffy. As it is, Shore Hills just got invaded by some PKers, and we don't have the capacity to make a counter-attack.
This has been another blunder by you friendly local idiot.
Heh. Seems the servers were down to add some features, one of which is that, when you run out of AP the little map screen turns into a "You are asleep" screen with the message bar saying "Exhausted, you fall asleep." Fun.
"To make an apple pie from scratch you must first invent the universe."
— Carl Sagan
I'm at Blaxall Way PD. I just need another 49 XP and then I can be more effective at healing.
For example, suppose I wrote a book that within 30 years of the moon landing millions of people could be duped by bad science and endless hectoring into believing that it didn't happen... nah, can't do that, too unbelievable for a fantasy novel, right?--Terry Pratchett, The new Discworld Companion
Erik von Nein wrote:Heh. Seems the servers were down to add some features, one of which is that, when you run out of AP the little map screen turns into a "You are asleep" screen with the message bar saying "Exhausted, you fall asleep." Fun.
That, and it also feels like they were able to kick the server speed up a few notches. Making the run from my place to the fallback point was quick as lightning, as well as the scouring I did afterwards.
This has been another blunder by you friendly local idiot.
I donated to take the 160 hit limit off one of my chars, and made a zombie character as a result. I've got him heading up to Ridleybank now since it seems fairly safe.
On a side note somebody DNA scanned me while I was waiting for my AP to regen.. I feel so violated.