The Providence and Recusant-classes have already been labeled as "Destroyers" However, while they are clearly within the same size range as established Star Destroyers, the lack of the word "Star" (which I suspect was removed as a "compromise" between Saxton's writing and long-held brain bugs about what Star Destroyers should look like) in their names gave minimalists a loophole which they could use to stick to their dagger-shaped brand name theory.
A minimalist retard at by the name of EH_Pilot has posted an alternative, but still idiotic argument that ISDs ARE Star Dreadnaughts.

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Can anyone verify if Lucas actually said this? Also, are Lucas's comments considered G-canon? If this Lucas quote is canon, the minimalists no longer have that loophole. The existence of Providence-class Star Destroyers would prove that the term isn't just a cool name for ships with a general dagger shape.EH_Pilot wrote:Move the clock forward a couple thousand years to the Battle of Coruscant in the Clone Wars. With the ROTS DVD release approaching, Lucas recently made comments about the amount of film that was cut, commenting on how there was about an hour's worth of film shot between the begining scroll and "the crash of the Star Destroyer". That's right, Lucas called Greivous' flagship a Star Destroyer... weird, isn't it?