That is treason talk there. Harmanz cannot repulse the RRF. It's physically impossible, like preventing a Pope/Anti-Pope Ecclesiastical Explosion!
Stay out of Ridleybank and the entire Center.
As penance for my misdeeds, the Redemptionists have assigned me to enter Ridleybank and spend the night in a Church, preaching. And to announce it on the forums in broad daylight. 24 Hours later, I leave. Wish me luck.
Well at least they didn't kick you out. Though you better hope a hunter doesn't decide to come by.
WE, however, do meddle in the affairs of others.
What part of [ ,, N() ] don't you understand?
Skeptical Armada Cynic: ROU Aggressive Logic
SDN Ranger: Skeptical Ambassador EOD
Mr Golgotha, Ms Scheck, we're running low on skin. I suggest you harvest another lesbian!
Nephtys wrote:If you want a fight, come to Pitneybank. We've got 300 Survivors in the mall and surrounding buildings, and it's going to heat up soon...
Wow, thats a lot of oh so tasty harmanz. I am not sure how many harmanz we are fighting in Hildebrand Mall. What zombie groups are laying siege in Pitneybank?
Dangermouse wrote:
Wow, thats a lot of oh so tasty harmanz. I am not sure how many harmanz we are fighting in Hildebrand Mall. What zombie groups are laying siege in Pitneybank?
Dead groups, for the Lord is my providier of shotgun ammo and I am his instrument. Lol be it that three zombies have fallen to my hand in twenty AP thanks to training and damage.
"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton
Nephtys wrote:If you want a fight, come to Pitneybank. We've got 300 Survivors in the mall and surrounding buildings, and it's going to heat up soon...
Wow, thats a lot of oh so tasty harmanz. I am not sure how many harmanz we are fighting in Hildebrand Mall. What zombie groups are laying siege in Pitneybank?
We already slaughted The Many as they broke against our department store fortifications like water on rock.
Other than that... they're coming. All of them....
My scientist got his first revive syringes, so revivals will be possible.
And my military man made it to Caiger mall to search for lots of guns and clips and shells.
WE, however, do meddle in the affairs of others.
What part of [ ,, N() ] don't you understand?
Skeptical Armada Cynic: ROU Aggressive Logic
SDN Ranger: Skeptical Ambassador EOD
Mr Golgotha, Ms Scheck, we're running low on skin. I suggest you harvest another lesbian!
Running running running can't stop running. Picked up free XP with my tatic of sprinting for safty, stopping to lock all open doors and drag bodies outside, netted me 20XP because I'm out of Ammo for my holy shotguns. Still stuck in Riddleybank.
Dammnit both of my chars are dead. Got eaten in the manor.
"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton
[img=right][/img] "Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. ... If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. ... If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?" -Epicurus
Fear is the mother of all gods.
Nature does all things spontaneously, by herself, without the meddling of the gods. -Lucretius
I'm in Santlerville inside a mall by myself. I barricaded it up to lightly and I'm recharging AP. Hopefully I can stay on the move until I get to Ridleybank's church that they designated where I will await my penance.
And probably die. But maybe not, the RRF is almost all away on a mission to Hildebrand.
Woot, the 200+ Zombies are on Hildebrand Mall, representing the full might of the RRF along with many Ferals. We've just (this is breaching operational security but I figure it's already occured and nobody here is at Hildebrand so I can reveal it) duped them- set our attack timer for 1 GMT at the NW and we just hit the SE 15 minutes ago with a small strike team.
There appear to be Zergers (One guy named Buscar07 and Buscar09, I gather, along with SpeedyMarie and Speedy Mary... and MrDepresive and DrDepresive [SIC both]) defending the mall. Shame on humanity...
I'll get pics saved for posterity of the outside and us wrecking the SE in about 45 minutes when the IP Reset occurs. It does happen at 24:00 GMT, right?
Now that's ownage right there. Gall Lane is mostly revive-ees waiting, but still...
just started out, playing as Dominatus. Found a nice and barricaded police department & searched it. Found a shotgun & a second pistol, along w/ ammo and a flak vest.
Just used one of my characters' 40 AP searching for ammo in a police department. What did I get for my troubles? Four flare guns.
EDIT: Just did it AGAIN with another character. What did I net? A freakin' shotgun shell and another flare gun. Christ on a cracker! Is anyone else having this trouble? It seems like I went from finding copious amounts of ammo in PDs to finding nothing.
"To make an apple pie from scratch you must first invent the universe."
— Carl Sagan
MRDOD wrote:Woot, the 200+ Zombies are on Hildebrand Mall, representing the full might of the RRF along with many Ferals. We've just (this is breaching operational security but I figure it's already occured and nobody here is at Hildebrand so I can reveal it) duped them- set our attack timer for 1 GMT at the NW and we just hit the SE 15 minutes ago with a small strike team.
There appear to be Zergers (One guy named Buscar07 and Buscar09, I gather, along with SpeedyMarie and Speedy Mary... and MrDepresive and DrDepresive [SIC both]) defending the mall. Shame on humanity...
I'll get pics saved for posterity of the outside and us wrecking the SE in about 45 minutes when the IP Reset occurs. It does happen at 24:00 GMT, right?
Now that's ownage right there. Gall Lane is mostly revive-ees waiting, but still...
That's right. The reset is at 24 GMT.
We breached at least three quarters of the mall tonight. The humans would be smart to leave now....
Dangermouse wrote:
That's right. The reset is at 24 GMT.
We breached at least three quarters of the mall tonight. The humans would be smart to leave now....
All remaining SW Harmanz infected and dying. 35 AP-less zombies shut in with them. All but NE breached and ~20 Zombies each attack the breach, unknown damage.
Human Dangermouse has finally learned the true meaning of BARHAR! I have become infected killing a zombie. Can anyone in the group heal me at the Blaxall Police Station? On the plus side, I am twenty points away from earning a skill.
The latest breach from the NW of Hildenbrand mall in Roftwood:
Job's a good un, Dangermouse. You're all better.
Now if I could only get another 129 XP for diagnosis...
For example, suppose I wrote a book that within 30 years of the moon landing millions of people could be duped by bad science and endless hectoring into believing that it didn't happen... nah, can't do that, too unbelievable for a fantasy novel, right?--Terry Pratchett, The new Discworld Companion
hehe, did some more scavenging in the police dept, I now have 3 fully loaded pistols, two fully loaded shotguns, and a few clips. On the downside, my class is a private so I don't have free running yet, and the PD I've been holed up in has been upgraded to "very strongly barricaded".
Matt Huang wrote:hehe, did some more scavenging in the police dept, I now have 3 fully loaded pistols, two fully loaded shotguns, and a few clips. On the downside, my class is a private so I don't have free running yet, and the PD I've been holed up in has been upgraded to "very strongly barricaded".
Very strongly barricaded is accessible from the street, it's heavy that you've got to watch for.
Pitneybank Mall is now officially a battleground. The mall's connected to a fire station, necrotech building AND police station, so it's pretty obviously an amazing place. I stepped outside of our designated entry point and... sixty five zombies. I mowed down four, before I had to retreat when they attacked me. And I used up all my ammo. :/
Just started as Hotfoot, a Scout. Managed to find a pipe, another flare gun, and some books.
I'm probably going to get owned horribly, but hey.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep. The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying." SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
Hotfoot wrote:Just started as Hotfoot, a Scout. Managed to find a pipe, another flare gun, and some books.
I'm probably going to get owned horribly, but hey.
Scouts get it in the shorts due to lack of easy combat or skill XP. Wooty you get free running making it much easier to stay alive... But no easy way to level up. Get a fire axe and just start swinging until you can get Pistol training.
"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton