1) the Ridicolously under armed and staffed Deathstar1
2) the Clonetrooper nembers that have then so low that they couldn't staff the ships at the battle of Coruscant and would have to control every world in the republic/war with 1-3 troopers each against quadrillions of droids.Scattered across the Death Star's surface were thousands of weapons emplacements: a total of 10,000 turbolaser batteries, 2,500 laser cannons, 2,500 ion cannons and 768 tractor beam projectors. The station carried a crew of 265,675, plus 52,276 gunners, 607,360 troops, 25,984 stormtroopers, 42,782 ship support staff, and 167,216 pilots and support crew. The station also carried 7,200 starfighters, four strike cruisers, 3,600 assault shuttles, 1,400 AT-ATs, 1,400 AT-STs, 1,860 drop ships, and more.