Vympel wrote:Who says the "special technique" is physical rather than spiritual?
1) From the scientific POV, if the "spiritual" really exists (ex:
Star Wars), it involves the manipulation of as yet unknown types of energy. Thus it is also in the realm of the physical.
2) That half red-herring aside, the
point is that a special technique is required
at all to make up for the loss of your body. If all that is important in a person is the "luminous" soul, then losing the "crude matter" body should not threaten the base existence of the soul. This is somewhat consistent with the way it is portrayed before the PT, where many Jedi got the Ghost thing automatically. But now, they don't.
3) Even before that, the average ghost doesn't really get to do much. Only a soul with a
matter attachment AFAIK, can do much in the physical plane.
a) Live Jedi attach to their real bodies,
b) Palpy attaches to clones of himself, even
c) Exar Kun linked himself to a physical castle and is probably restricted to using a bit of his power in the physical plane (he could barely choke the Jedi students when a Sith of his class would probably be able to send them flying across the room).
When Luke was knocked out of his body, he can barely poke R2 with the Force, and we know Luke is a top-rated Force-user at the time and should have been able to hurl R2 across the room and probably produce sound by using the Force to vibrate the air for good measure. Obi-Wan only talked to Luke a few times...
I don't consider obscure dumbassed old EU when I'm thinking about issues such as this. It's like pretending that Splinter of the Minds Eye is anything but non-canon bullshit.

There's some stuff that just didn't happen, official continuity be damned, as far as I'm concerned- I still can't believe that SotME is maintained as actually happening in the Ultimate Visual Guide or whatever, for example.
As what our mutual enemies would lump into a group called "Saxtonites", you can't diss the Marvel comics - it is where Giel's big battleship came from
For why Luke defeated Vader, I think because he's quite powerful himself (the Emperor and Vader both agreed on that, and you just know they're comparing him to themselves) and went into a Dark Side rage. Maybe he wasn't that mad when fighting Lumiya?
Note that he was holding his own quite well even before he went berserk.