ali-sama wrote:when have the jedi used mind manipulation during a battle against non jedi or even jedi.
The only powers shown inside a battle have been, tk, enhanced agility etc, force lightning.
Read the books, troll.
When we get peopel saying, sith with the aid of the force, will emmidietly tell what his weaknesss is, then using tk to remove hi shelment, attack him mentally. what can you call that.
It's called "the ability to read", troll.
Never once has juggernauts helmet been removed by tk. Brute froce only. Otherwise jean grey coudl eaisly do it.
Obviously, there are limits to Jean Grey's power which you don't understand, troll. If you can rip something off with your hands, you should be able to do so with TK unless there's something funny about your TK.
a fan whore woudl care if juggernaut wins or looses. I coudl give a shit.
That doesn't change the fact that you're acting like a fan-whore, troll.
lets say they manage to ligth saber his helmet off. They woudl still need to get past his skull cap.
lets say they do thsi too.
How do we know they can mind fuck him.
the list of peopel who mind fucked him are short and finite.
jean grey, professor x, nate grey, ema frost, racher sumers
I have yet to see a jedi show the tk or psy ability of thoes people.
Read the fucking books, troll.
If you can bring up a case of them matching in ability to them. Then yes. they can beat juggernaught.
there area a few chracters in marvel which should never be brought in a vs battle with sith or any sw force in general.
Professor X -
Jean Grey - marvel girl - pheonix
Madoline prior - cloone of jean grey
rachel grey - daughter of jean - pehonix 2
Nathen grey- cable
scarlet witch- wanda
invisible woman
emma frost
these chracters are good batles
kitty pride
night crawler
she hulk
What the fuck does this have to do with your blatant dishonesty, troll? You fucking LIED. Your whole argument is based upon the fact that Thor once took down Galactus (when Galactus was near death already; a minor point you forgot to mention) and that Galactus once survived being hit with a whole planet _+ nuclear weapons, therefore you concluded that Juggernaut could easily shake off being hit with an entire planet + nuclear weapons. Never mind the fact that Thor's hammer-hit didn't even knock down a nearby human building, you lying little ass-wipe.
And when people point out the clear deception of your argument, what do you do? You evade, ignore the point, and try to find ways to go on the offense, never once admitting that you were wrong.
I think I'm beginning to understand why you don't have a girlfriend, you little shit. You don't even realize when you're annoying people, you're about as honest as a White House press secretary, and you act like a supercilious smart-ass even when you've been caught in the act of bullshitting. Even when you
admit you're wrong, you still have to take some backhanded swipe at people, like this:
I ams orry for immitating the debating skills of some of the predominant memebers
In short, you're an asshole. Don't you wonder why no one is leaping up to defend you, fucktard? Are your social skills truly so utterly nonexistent that you don't fucking get it?
Enjoy being alone, moron. Because this board is just one more place which is rejecting you.