DodoBrd16 wrote:If your sensors are not turned on or aimed at the right area, then its unlikely they will detect anything.
"Because the battle was only a few miles outside the city, a TL would also destroy the city on full power "
You dont know if a full powered shot would be required.
"If that's even possible "
If you can put a fighter together, you can take it apart. See a fighter that wont come apart is pretty damn hard to conduct maintance(sp) on.
Back in context please
"And they didn't just have that tank hangin around the palace? guess again. "
No clue what that means, all I know is that a federation tank, sitting out side the hangar was able to shoot down a fighter comming out of the hangar.
"Little Massiah kid who is "The best pilot in the galaxy" and can "see things before they happen"
No...the little messiah kid who still doesnt know how to control his ability and has no experiance, what so ever flying a fighter.
And has great destiny and of course the "Cuteness factor"
"Idiot. The trade federation would have you beggin for them to stop in under an hour "
We are talking about the same trade federation right? The Trade federation that deployed its soldiers well within artillery....tank...rocket fire range..... and had their units walk in columns towards the enemies posistion. LOL good god a guy with a SAW could level dozens of Trade federation robots, let alone a heavy machine gun. The only thing the trade federation has going for it is its fleet assets. Which I will fully agree, pulverize any invasion force.
"Yeah obiously the USA have the better sensor equipment "
Never said we did.
You claimed the US would find the wormhole first. Unlikely
"Whereupon the naboo ask them who the hell they are. They say "were the USofA yeehaaa and quickly eat KT crispy death "
Assuming they even know they are there. Upon which point the peaceful democracy that is Naboo would probably try to open relations. And with out suprise and detailed intel of Naboo, we wouldnt attempt an assualt.
Flase Dilema. This is a Vs. Immediate hostilities are imposed regardless
"And they get there how. Sensors. What are they going to do get across Naboo's oceans in a fucking Canoe? "
Rubber raft with a motor on the back or using paddles. Its the way almost all of our special forces hit the beach,its low observable.
But do they cross from the middle of the ocean to land in it. NO
"None of which they could even understand. "
A military base does not have to fit into a set pattern, it can look like anything and our special forces units are trained to spot such things.
And it wouldnt be hard to find Defense force buildings, its the buildings that the guys in uniform come in and out of with small arms weaponry. And all Marine Recon would have to do is wait for some one to break a local law and follow where they are taken.
Power of course they wouldnt be able to figure that out.... its only going to be the place where probably the most heat in the city is generated. And taking this out is not as necessary as communications.
The duel at the end of the film is the palace power generator. I didn't see any particularly large amouns of heat effects
And speaking of coms, last I saw, they still used dishes for such things as well. And close range coms are not as important as planetary.
Justify yourself
"And you know the naboo don't have a sheild because? "
Because not once was it mentioned in the movie and if they had one that I doubt the threat of the federation fleet would have been all that big if they did have one.
50 odd battleships>sheild
"which they couldn't understand. "
And why not?
"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang
That is the sound of a single laser cannon shot each obliterating all of the above.
Need I add that "radio restraint" would do fuck all? "
And their ground units are doing this from beyond the horizon how?
Because they are as dead as a doornail which has been ground down to a powder, placed in a coffin, cremated, and the ashed interred in a tomb before they even hit the beach.
"No, it's not the only one... its the one they had access to in the film "
If there was more then one then it is most likely that we would have seen a great deal more fighters on the assault of the federation ships.
Except the pilots where the only ones released by the queen and co.
Hell it would probably be easier to get to other hangars since I'm rather certain that the Federation put the majority of its troops into securing the capitol.
You know this how?
So its most likely that there is only one hangar.
"The hutts are assumed to be in charge, and they would pay them. "
Most would probably leave before the hutts even knew what the hell was happening.
Ah.....very good counter argument there sir........
anyone who thinks that the "good ol USofA would beat the naboo is a complete fool and a candidate for the dawin award.