It realy affect some people though such as the Healing classes and the most dramatic effect was on Teleporters. Before I could jump 190 Meters per port and use barley any endurance so I could port for about five minutes strait. Or enough to go across Steel Caynon North to South about eight times before going endurance dry.Hotfoot wrote: It's pretty fucking tame, really. Everytone got the same nerf, it just changes the landscape slightly.
After ED my porting got me 140 Meters per jump and I could get... maaybe across twice before running out. But that was just the charm of teleport. It COULD be the fastest traval (bar none) power, but you had to spend slots on it to get it there.
Back to SWG. Yes combat was a point and click and special and special affair. What still gets me is the Jedi hit squads(Which still exist.)
Basicly on alot of servers there existed a semi-peace between Dark and Light Jedi, and because it was so hard to get Jedi in the first place only the Hardcore, guilded folks could do it.
Meaning that if you ran into one Jedi you ran into several.
The side result of this was the "Jedi Hit squads", simply put if you ran anywhere either TEF(Temporary enemy flag) or Declared(Can PVP vs opposite faction) you would die, as Jedi would hang around major spaceports and player cities and instantly desend on any TEF's or Declared and kill them, normaly with several Jedi attack one target.
So could step off onto a supposed Imperial controled planet and be jumped by half a dozen Light Jedi Masters, or step off onto a Rebel friendly planet and be choked to death by ten Dark Jedi.
This problem went on for many months and when I left, it STILL had not been fixed, the offical Dev response was... Oh well deal with it, One jedi can kick any non-Jedi's ass, and if you run into several your going to die. Even if said light Jedi are slaughting hundreds outside the Emperors retreat.