Blizzard clearly states it is Concussive attack, so it does give heat damage, so you could not use it in your logic to prove all other unities have heat immunity because they showed igual resistense to Firebats attacks.On the contrary, I stated that they are not normal flame but some sort of concussive plasma. The name Firebat, and Peridition strongly suggest heat-based weaponry, however the only reason firebats came into this argument was your claim that the damage from them meant Zerg could not survive lava. Since you now claim no firebat flame damage, there is no possible contradiction to Zerg energy immunity. Well and good.
yes, its odd, because they say "burn!burn!burn!".
Blizzard descriptions are very full in imaginative terms. Like the Defiler , they say he have many virus-like attacks but he used spores like a fungus instead. ^^
Also the logic of the nuke leaving the radiation to mariners. I does not leave radiation for anything, zergs, humans, protoss, the creatures wandering, etc. I guess this is also some blizzard hardness to find description and gaming together.
I never used Blizzard's quote to that. And I accepted your image, or dont you forget it ?I also used Blizzard's statments here and there. You tried to use a LACK of statements to produce a false dichotomy, because Blizzard did not say "They can burrow into Lava." you have tried to show that the visuals are wrong, visuals win over dialogue if there's a chance of contradiction, which there isn't since you have no dialogue actually saying they CAN'T do what I've shown they do. Going into space unharmed means they are immune to suffocation, the amount of radiation one would be exposed to in space, the heat of direct sunlight in space, and the cold of solid shadow in space (Just on the Moon that means roughly 250C to -203C). Being in space and surviving comfortably actually implies a heck of a lot of immunities.
My point about blizzard is : they made descriptions of special abilities of everyone, they wasted they time for it. The visuals do not show any SC defense to heat weapons also. We assume - because I have also, you forget my point is that would be not enough to be full fire/heat imunity like you pointed out in the first , long ago post, not they have no different adapatations of the humans. So, I feel hard to already assume it, since we found no evidence of this in the blizzard descriptions and SC visuals but the burrowing - which is limited to the little cracks.
they of course have adaptations to stand up with human technology which makes their armor good, and yeah, they can live in the space. So a average zerg is more resistent than a human. But like in the game, this resistense does not stop them being killed I do not think they will be stoped in that sittuation.
I consider this argument is being rather circular. We got stoped here, as i Said. I am tired. Can we just move to a new one and forget this. I can accept Zergs show more heat resistense than a human but I not sure if that will gave them fully fire immunity ? Is that little difference between us enough to move to a new matter ?
I am rather moving to your otherquestion
Of course, let me point out, that I think if a massive swarm of zerglings caught a group of individuals, personal armor wont be enough, unless protect all the body and Zergs will do damage. And of course this sittuation the Zerglings will won.Last of all consider the Dark Swarm. This Zerg effect causes a massive cloud of living parasites for form a field in which all directed fire weapon attacks are warped and twisted off path, making them useless as aim is for crap. Inside a Dark Swarm only Melee combat is possible. In Melee who would you vote for, the Stormies and At-Sts or the Zerglings and Ultralisks?
I dont know if they can break a At-St armor, someone else would now, so I have no opnion about who would won there.
But if you ask me if dark swarm will be effective to a attack ?
I dunno. In the game We usually can defend well - not moving targets, but stationary like a base - against this, taking down the defiler before he gets in the range (This is possible in the game). I suppose the Empire can do the same. I doubt the Federation could do the same. But then , you would need this to hurt then with swarms because personal defense of Federation is ridiculous.