"What do you do?"Archaic' wrote:You'd be surprised. There's huge numbers of girls in the fandom. They seem to have a lot more staying power than the guys actually, given that they tend to florish more within the fanfic and fanart communities. A good percentage of them are mature non-fangirls too.
"I play games."
"What kind of games?"
"Awww so cute" or "Cool I play Pokemon too"
"Good can we get into bed and uh evolve now?"
Note the bold : important part, I'm not into pedophilia.
"What Pokemon do you use?"Manus Celer Dei wrote:Every single girl I have ever dueled in pokemon used a Sandslash. Granted, this was way back when it was just red and blue, but still, it freaked me out.
"Sandslash, Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle [insert all cute Pokemon]"
Lol seriously I don't want to be a loser when I'm 25 and have no girlfriend and not go on dates, if Pokemon is going to give me an edge, so be it (half kidding here) .
To be serious I've always wanted to go into Pokemon... can't help it when living in a house with a brother whose every other word seemed to be Pokemon related somehow... drugs, max stats, gamesharking max pokemon, and then later the online play and winning badges at a Nintendo tour to be Pokemon champion of Toronto lol... call it a sibling rivalry thing . He's done with it now, but if there's a lot of tactics and strategy involved, Pokemon could be my new "thing" come summer lol. Plus remembering the names of a few hundred Pokemon can't be that hard compared to differential equations or vector calculus, it should be a breeze now that I'm older.