I like this idea. It shall [not, oh well!] be forwarded to Lucas!The Silence and I wrote:To touch on that last point, could the suit have been intended for Palps? Not the limbs of course, but the enclosed and partially armored lifesupport system may have been intended for his use if he couldn't discover the secret to prolonging life before age crippled him.\
Age did eventually cripple him of course, as he hobbles with a cane in ROTJ, though. We know people can use the Force to make themselves springy and agile (Yoda, Dooku, etc). Still, it was a good thought.
Like Vader was the prototype for Palpy's eventual suit? Fascinating theory.Now Vader requires a different size helmet, and mechanical limbs and what not, but with the Emperor's resources building a suit tailored to Vader's body wouldn't take long--provided the plans exist in some form. So if Palps had the basic blueprints floating around for his evential use Vader could have benefitted from that. Take some measurements, download some artificial limb blueprints (these should be easy to find) and tailor to Vader's size, build the custom helmet and lifesupport system, add some cool looking armor and youu've got Vader. Make sense?