The most idiotic woman alive

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Post by SylasGaunt »

Rogue 9 wrote: She already has children, which disqualifies her automatically no matter what happens.
Actually the Darwin Award rules are quite clear that a subject can still qualify even if they've reproduced.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Keevan_Colton wrote:
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:
Haruko wrote:Wouldn't she be already?
She's still alive, so she's not eligible, but if the man kills her after they get married, she'd be a shoe-in.
Darwins are for removing yourself from the genepool....getting shot repeatedly in the groin has a way of reducing your chances of having more children...
It wasn't "being shot in the groin" that makes her an idiot as much as it was "being shot in the groin and insisting on marrying the man who shot her in the groin", so I was thinking that any reproductive damage from the gunshots would be a moot point in the argument.
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Post by UCBooties »

I find the issue of reproductive ignorance much less surprising, and it's more prevelant than you might think. I had a gf my senior year of high school who was utterly convinced that we had "made love" when we had never even come close. Prom night she was a day late on her period and decided she was pregnant and told me so. I then had to explain why it was completely, mechanicaly, impossible for the two of us to have concieved a child, and she was utterly bewildered.

And yes, sheltered Catholic girl.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Oh for fuck's sake, how can anyone seriously argue that failing to learn from information your parents tried to hide from you is as bad as failing to learn from being shot four times in the fucking groin, held hostage for six days while nearly bleeding to death, and having your children threatened?

It is possible in theory to be kept away from knowledge of reproductive biology. It is not possible, either in theory or in practice, to not notice being shot four fucking times! If you can't learn from that, you are a fucking moron. Period. And she doesn't even have the excuse of fear, because the guy is locked up. She's petitioning the judge to let him off easy, for fuck's sake.
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Post by wilfulton »

I recall a story about a woman who was shot in the head by an abusive husband with a .38 caliber semi-wadcutter. The bullet pierced the front of her skull, went straight down between the two hemispheres of her brain, and cracked the back of her skull but did not penetrate. Anyway the shot separated the two hemispheres as accurately as any surgeon's blade (I don't know what the procedure is called at the moment), but IIRC, she remained conscious the whole time. And of course insisted she wanted to stay with the guy because she still loved him.
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Post by wilfulton »

Ghetto Edit:

For the unitiated, a semi-wadcutter has a flat point that is smaller than the diameter of the bore. A wadcutter has a flat point that is the full diameter. They're ideal for punching paper, because they leave nice clean holes.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

She failed him?

No lady, you've failed at life.
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Post by wolveraptor »

Maybe she went insane from some sort of PTSD?
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Post by wautd »

Frankly, I think those two deserve eachother (but lets hope they wont breed)
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Post by wolveraptor »

To late. She already has kids. They're are probably fucked up beyond belief.
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Well, fuck her.
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