Your first computer game

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Post by Uraniun235 »

I think it was Zaxxon on the Commodore 64. I could be wrong though.

Definitely a C64 game at any rate.
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Post by Ma Deuce »

MS Flight Simulator 4.0 and Wolfenstein 3D
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Post by DesertFly »

Ace Pace wrote:Fury 3. :oops:
That's nothing to be ashamed about. That was the first game I owned. First game I played? Not sure, some Commodore 64 game back in the late Eighties.
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Post by darthdavid »

This archaeology platformer on windows 3.1 on an IBM Multimedia. That and Stellar 7. That was like, oh, probably mid to late 97 to early 98. I know my dad got the computer, and I know we'd had it for several months atleast when he died in october of 98 but I'm also fairly certain that we only had an even older ibm with a green monochrome display and I think a 286 proc or some shit like that in early 97 about when my grandpa died so that puts the time period when we got it into a fairly narrow range. I never made it past like leve 3 of stellar 7 but damned if I didn't try. I also played Operation Overkill on that (it's shareware, and one of the most fun TDS games I've ever played (though that's probably mostly nostolgia) and runs on XP (well atleast 32 bit xp, I don't know about 64 bit)). Oh and we had this war game cd with Project X, Modern Combat (or something like that) and Jet Fighter II. JF II was 3D and barely ran on that computer but it kicked major ass for me at that time. Modern Combat was a really crappy TBS game and Project X was a fun little side scroller but it didn't run right alot of the time and it wasn't as fun as it could've been. Oh and I can't forget Sim Earth (heheh, I still play that one every couple of months :mrgreen:). And there were also several "infotainment" point and click games I played. You know the kind with crappy FMV and voice clips from "experts" about all that stuff. They had some neat puzzles so I still liked them though :). And you'd be suprised how good a game a word processor is to a computer obsessed 7/8 year old who'd hoped and prayed every day of elementary school that his class would get to go to the computer lab and concoted elaborate plans about the many ways the serial cable networked Apple IIs could be fucked with if access was gained at the master station :D. The problem with trying to pinpoint the date is that my dad got like 30 used games at once from some buddy in a software store and that coupled with the fact that I don't remember the exact time scale clearly means that it's hard to pin it down, so a massive, rambling list rapidly forms. I shall end this here before I think of something else :).
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

Either ADI, or Keen.
No wait, it was a learning company submarine learning game of some sort about saving the ocean from a radiation spill and evading fish.
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Post by Darth Quorthon »

Thexder and Robocop on an old-ass Tandy. Yeah baby.
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Post by LordShaithis »

First games: Combat, a little top-down tank fighting game, and a generic clone of Pong that my dad bought from Montgomery Ward. Both were single-game units with built-in controllers, and were purchased in the years immediately prior to my birth. Asking which I played first is question whose answer is lost to history, as I couldn't have been more than five or six years old when they were retired in favor of the Atari 2600.

First real console games: My dad being an early adopter of the "video games are good for adults" attitude that really only came into vogue in the PS1 era, I didn't have to ask for an Atari. It just appeared, for family use, meaning it was dad's but us kids could play it too. Defender, Haunted House, Combat (again), Space War, The Empire Strikes Back, and the immortal Pitfall were some that I recall playing. ESB on the 2600, it doesn't get any more "early eighties" than that.

First games on a computer: I was nine or ten years old. The Atari had only recently been banished to the dining room television by the NES when I received something interesting. An old Timex/Sinclair 1000 computer, regarded as an underpowered toy even in it's very-eary eighties heyday, with it's whopping 2k of RAM that could be expanded to 16k with an external pack. I received that, a pair of programming manuals, and a book of printed code for some terrible little games. I pecked out the code for an awful little shooter that was billed as Galaxian, but was in reality an unrecognizable and almost unplayable turd. I eventually acquired a few shitty games on cassette-tape, but overall the T/S 1000 was a toy to learn BASIC on.

Addendum: The Atari 2600 was finally retired for the last time in the early nineties, upon the arrival of the SNES. It and those two single-game units are the only consoles my family has ever purchased which are not still in service. The NES, SNES, N64, PS1, and PS2 are all still being played, in various places and with varying regularity. My little brother still occasionally plays the NES, which is substantially older than he is.
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Post by weemadando »

If we aren't talking about personally owning, playing Zaxxon and Centipede (I think) at age 2 or 3 on my dad's Apple ][e, which was also what Dinosaur Discovery was on.
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Post by LordShaithis »

Aha, I found a picture!


1970's ownage!
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If Religion and Politics were characters on a soap opera, Religion would be the one that goes insane with jealousy over Politics' intimate relationship with Reality, and secretly murder Politics in the night, skin the corpse, and run around its apartment wearing the skin like a cape shouting "My votes now! All votes for me! Wheeee!" -- Lagmonster
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Post by Karza »

Star Goose and Ski or Die. Got them on the same disk and played on my father's laptop whenever he wasn't doing something stupid, like work, with it :)
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Well then excuuuse me, Princess!!
You're excused, cupcake.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

Star Wing on my SNES. Damn, that game rocked. Kicking rad, though I never finished it . . . couldn't beat the last boss. If I could find my SNES, and that game, I would play it through.
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Post by Ar-Adunakhor »

Wolfenstien 3D, grand-daddy of the FPS. (there was one more true FPS before that, but I can't seem to remember the name.... gahh!) Beat the son of a bitch when I was 6.

Ironically, I no longer find any fun in any FPS that does not have an online co-op mode against other humans. The challenge is just not there. Hooray for strategy games and MMORPGs. And MUDs. Ahhh MUDs....

But yeah, Wolf 3D was fun.
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Post by Mr Bean »

I owned Wolf3D before I even had a computer to play it on.

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Post by Macunaima »

In the Atari 2600, a Pac-Man clone called "Mouse Trap". Lame as hell, but as it was the very first, there I was, playing nonstop. After that, several other games on that console and in a TRS-80.
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Post by DaveJB »

Day of the Tentacle.
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Post by Mobius »

MS Flight Sim 5.1 or Fury3 which came with my Sidewinder 3D pro
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Post by Bounty »

First game played : either Super Mario Bros 1 (NES) or the original Legend of Zelda (NES)
First "game" owned : 1942 on one of those cheap one-game portables
First proper game owned : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Super Mario Bros 2 (both NES)
First PC game played : Stunts
First PC game owned : Hellbender
First Game Boy game : Donkey Kong Land
First N64 game : GoldenEye
First GBA game : Rayman
First GC game : Rogue Squadron II : Rogue Leader
First DS game : Super Mario 64 DS
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Post by 2000AD »

Yogi's Great Escape for the Amiga 500 ...... i was 10 years old damnit!
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Post by Elheru Aran »

Ack, yeah, forgot Carmen Sandiego. There was also a Doom clone called 'Corridor 7'. And... hmmm... LHX, some sort of helo game, by the guy that did Yeager Air Combat, which I also had. Used this *ancient* analog joystick, only two buttons... -grins-
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Post by Old Plympto »

One of these, can't remember which: Zaxxon, Choplifter, Frogger, Lode Runner and Karateka on Apple ][.
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Post by Flakin »

Manic Miner for the ZX Spectrum 48K.

I still play it on a Spectrum Emulator (And a whole bunch of other Spectrum games as well). In fact, I recently managed to finish a great Spectrum platformer called 'Starquake'. After 16 or so years of trying. :)

Those were the days. If any of the other EBC members had a Spectrum, this video might be for you...

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Post by Arrow »

I remember playing some sort of space invader type game on the Intellivision back when I was three or four, and I played some sort of tank game on the same system. The first game that sucked me in was The Legend of Zelda on the original NES. The first true computer game I played a lot was Myst, followed by Iron Helix, Mechwarrior 2 and then the Marathon series. Those were the days...
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Post by PainRack »

First game= Mario Brothers
First computer game= Command & Conquer
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Post by Dooey Jo »

I remember playing computer games but I was too young to remember what it was. Some games I know I played when I was very young (but I have no idea which one was the first. I just have these images in my mind):
  • Err... "walking around blowing shit up big helicopter climb the rope oh my god it's so damn hard side scroller game" for C64 or Amiga.
  • Last Ninja
  • Hmm... "Scrooge McDuck game" for Amiga? It kicked ass. It might have been called "I took the wrong turn in the cave OMG Flintheart Glomgold killed me".
  • Nuclear War
  • Wings, or as it was called back then: "Not the red balloooon!! BAM! Aaaarrgh"
  • "Look like Last Ninja health meter karate chop a brick by killing the joystick game" (also known in my mind as "OMG I swallowed a Vick's Blue whole! :shock:", because I once did that when I watched my brothers play it and then I was freaked out for half a week...)
  • "The fucking worms in the ceiling are freaking me out and killing me cool graphics scary game"
  • Alone in the Dark ("Aaaaa!! The purple monsters! Too scared to play! Where's my ammo?!")
The last two games where probably from the early 90's (in fact, I know that I played AitD in -92 or -93), but the other games I must have played sometime between -89 and -93. I don't know, I just don't know. I've played too many games for too long :cry:

But I do know the first I game I bought myself: Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse. Took me seven years to finish it...
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