I probably shouldn't've italicized all of that cause I'm not a fanboy, if that's your impression.Kuja wrote:I'm not saying X360 is teh uber great, I'm saying it's next-gen, it's here and it's now.
Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. Why should I give a flying fuck that "OMFG T3H 360 IZ OUT AND IZ UB3Rl33T?" Only fanboys use that kind of logic. Why pay out the wazoo now when in 4-6 months the price'll start dropping to something reasonable?
And I'm not surprised at the lukewarm reception. RPGs and fantasy games tend to dominate the Japanese market. Seriously, does anyone really expect "Tony Hawk's American Wasteland" or Madden '06 to do anything in Japan? 360's starting lineup is virtually all shooters, racers, and sports. Of course it's going to fail in Japan.
Rather, wouldn't these traits apply to the average consumer, i.e., a parent looking for a present (albeit expensive) for their child? I can see now why X360 so far has dismally failed in Japan because of the launch titles but in America I would be surprised to see X360 stack up weakly against PS3, considering the launch gap and as-yet-unknown graphics contest (we simply don't know for a fact which will ultimately look decisivley or marginally better).
Personally, I'm only getting a PS3 if Ace Combat 6 is the messiah of arcade fighters. Though honestly, aside from the FPS's, I'm not eyeballing much X360 games very closely either. (I'm mainly a PC gamer)