Four stormtroopers, whoop-dee-doo! He slaughtered at least 10 of them in rapid succession, and Obi-Wan killed at about seven more by himself. These guys didn't look any more strongly armed than the others he pwn3d earlier. Not to mention how he killed two at once in one blow in the botched Order 66 attempt on him.Noble Ire wrote:Again, Yoda may have realized or thought he was losing the battle, simply felt the approach of troops, who did in fact appear by Palpatine as soon as Yoda fled.Kurgan wrote:I mean, why couldn't Yoda have used the trick Obi-Wan used to pull himself out of that pit in TPM? Obi had both hands, true, but he was merely a Padawan. This is Yoda! Plus Yoda is lighter than Obi-Wan...
Yoda GAVE UP. Either because he was scared, he ran out of Force Mana and needed to recharge (but made no attempt to try to take out Palpy again, period, unless you count grooming Luke a little, 24 years later) or some other unknown reason (we know the real reason, because Lucas had a schedule to follow.. but this was the best he could come up with? Makes Yoda look like a quitter). As to losing the battle, I think he was doing pretty well. His only slip up was to fall down. He seemed pretty able bodied after that, considering what just happened (we know Jedi are perfectly capable of bouncing back after long falls seemingly without injury).
Obi-Wan may have also sensed he was losing the battle, but he had a last ditch plan! Have some confidence dude. Maybe the despair of the Bogan took Yoda's heart away, who knows!