Tempok's Ship Designs, From My Fanfic

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Waddles McGee
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Tempok's Ship Designs, From My Fanfic

Post by Waddles McGee »

Yes, people, yes. Through the power of Paint, I bring you my ship designs.

Edit 1: This is the link for my fanfic. It's in progress, but it's coming along nonethelss.
The Hunt for Osiris

Note: Also contains Tempok's history. Any advice that is CONSTRUCTIVE in nature is appreciated. Please refrain from adding such helpful comments along the lines of "You suck at paint", "You suck at writing", and "Prepare to have a VEEEEEERY boring puberty :twisted: ".


The Tempok Empire was formed in the midst of a civil war of a Empire called the Pratempok. The Tempok, while more ruthless than than the Empire which it suceeded from, was more keen on issues such as civil rights and equal treatment. These are the only reasons they suceeded; The Ruling government wanted only Purebred Prat's to be allowed to own land, and leave the planet.

The war lasted nearly 600 years, when, finally the deciding battle took place. A peace conference was arranged, and , as the end of war approached, a bomb was set off in the negotiation room shortly after the Tempok leader left the room to use the "~/35]P"(unpronouncable, but the best translation would be bathroom).

Both fleets were gathered there, and, fortunately for the Tempok Empire, they had caught the enemy off guard. Of course their shields were up, but no matter. They used a Rocket Propelled Asteroid Torpedo which went directly through the shields. The battle was over in hours.

And only one side emerged victorious:The Tempok Empire.

In the war, over 10.5 Billion had died, over half on the Pratempok's side. There were over 6,000 ships built , and at least 4000 were lost at the final battle, or the battle of Krentor 4.

Tempokians Are usually 6'1", most are gnerally Blue-Skinned, and have ridges. Their technology is the most advanced in their galaxy, making the a force to be reckoned with.

Tempokian Star Ships and Fighter Database
1.The Tempokian Universal Flyer Fighter Mach 1
Description:The T.U.F.F was first concieved during a Pot Party in Denmark's Capital by a bunch of stoners.After The Party, the one who turned them in stole the idea and took it to the Capital to be displayed in the city.The Building Commisioners loved the idea, and it was comissioned on stardate 29037.6.
A small yet powerful fighter, it sacrifices hull and antimatter room for weapons and speed.It is usually equipped with a 360 degree disruptor turrets,2 forward firing pulse phaser ports, and one torpedo launcher hidden under its hull.
Fire Rating:Very,Very, Fast (EG. disruptor turret fires about 20 shots every 3 seconds)
Manuverability:Very High
Antimatter:Max=About 5 Units (About 30 Days travel at max efficency)

2.The T.H.A.R.V. class fighter. AKA Tempokian Hit And Run Vessel.
Story:Based off of the same design as the TUFF's, these fighter's were updated with stronger shielding and better impulse speeds. Designed for hit and run operations,it is mainly a quick-strike vessel, which makes them a poor choice for front line combat. It is best put to use if deployed in numbers.It is commonly referred to as the TUFF MK-2 because of the hull design, although the upgrades make all the difference.
Designed for essentialy strike operations, these can be ok support ships for TUFF's but are best if used for Hit and Run.
Speed:Very Fast
Weapons:2 Forward Firing disruptor Cannons and 1 Type VIII Phaser Emitter
Crew Compliment:3
Antimatter:20 Units (about 200 days travel at maximum efficiency)
Weapon Recharge Rate:Fast(EG. 20 disruptor shots every ten seconds.)
Shield Recharge Rate:Fast(3 Points every 10 Seconds)

3.DUFT a.k.a. Decievingly Unarmed Fighter Transport
In order to solve the problem of TUFF's running out of fuel before reaching their destinations, the President of Denmark commisioned the idea of a carrier vessel from which to launch the fighters.This would have the advantages of acting as a mobile Resupplying and Refueling center for the fighters,increasing the amount of fighters kept in one piece.Although they were small, they were expensive! It was put into service in 290310.5.
Recharge Rate:Medium(EG:7 disruptor shots every two seconds.)
Weapons:2 Pulse phasers,1 disruptor turrets, 4 Photon Torpedo Launchers, 1 Shield disruptor, 1 engine diruptor, and a Tachyon pulse emitter.
Cargo Capacity:150 TUFF's(About 200 Tons)
Antimatter:12 Tons(about 200 Days travel at maximum efficiency)
Sublight Speed:About 2 Million KM at max speed
Power:2 Warp Cores, 1 primary and 1 secondary.
Shields:Primary,Secondary and Tertiary Shields.
Photon Compliment:110
Phaser Banks:341 Discharges at Minimum Efficiency

4.Phantom Class Assault Cruiser
The Phantom Class Assault Cruiser was commisioned on stardate 30012.4 as an answer to the evergrowing need for support ships to reinforce the carriers, which were defended, but were not defended enough, it would seem.
The Cruiser itself is a bruiser, so to speak, equipped with 5 Experimental Trans-dimensional torpedo launchers, 4 Type 12 Rotating Disruptor Turrets, and a Heavy Ion Pulse emitter. The ship itself is so heavily armed that it is relatively slow when compared to other ships of the same class, but most don't get the oppurtounity to take advantage of the two major weaknesses in the ship: Exposed engines and limited speed. By the time most enemies notice the weaknesses, they notice them from the outside view.
Recharge rate: Medium (.7 Shots per Second)
Speed: Slow
Shields:Experimental Energy Dissapating Shields (Heavy)
Crew Compliment:300, 50 Required for basic operation

5. Pharoh Class Strike Vessel
The Pharoh Class Strike Vessel is A hit-and-run ship, which was made to combat the faster enemy ship designs, such as the Blimp Class(Coming soon) Carrier. Equipped with a Cloaking Device and Lighter Energy weapons, it has 2 Warp cores, meaning faster recharges on the shields and weapons. While this is an advantage, the disadvantage to having 2 warp cores would be tha fact that the enemy has more than one place to shoot at. It was commisioned on stardate 30132.2.

Weapons:2 Type 6 Disruptor Turrets
2 Light Self-Replicating Torpedo launchers
1 Type 9 Plasma Phaser Array

Recharge Rate: 2 Disruptor Bursts per second
Speed:Fast (12,000 Km Per Second)(Is that fast? :S)
Crew Compliment:154 Max, 24 Required for minumum efficiency

Note: You may bring up that Asteroid Torpedoes wouldn't actually penetrate the shields of a ship, but the shields in MY universe work differently. In order to quote Mike:
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Post by NoXion »

So your shields don't protect against physical impacts? Interesting...
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Post by Waddles McGee »


In MY universe, the shields do protect against impacts, but not against larger masses or more dense masses, such as Asteroids.

Also, to add, the enemies could invent a more dense Torpedo, but the other side would counter it, and counter that, and YADDa-Yadda-Yadda.

Too much trouble, so the weapons will remain as they are Until Further Notice, for the purpose of story.

Also, please note that the shield statistics are in Kilomegawatts(if that's real. I just want a realistic friggin, like shield output.), the weapon yields are in Megawatts, and that the antimatter efficiency rates, amongst other things, are COMPLETELY made up.

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Post by NoXion »

In MY universe, the shields do protect against impacts, but not against larger masses or more dense masses, such as Asteroids.
Size doesn't matter when it comes to physical impactors and shields. Depending on the mechanism the shield employs, velocity matters.
Also, to add, the enemies could invent a more dense Torpedo, but the other side would counter it, and counter that, and YADDa-Yadda-Yadda.
Or they could use a big-ass coilgun/railgun.
Also, please note that the shield statistics are in Kilomegawatts(if that's real. I just want a realistic friggin, like shield output.), the weapon yields are in Megawatts, and that the antimatter efficiency rates, amongst other things, are COMPLETELY made up.
A "kilomegawatt" would be a thousand million watts, or a gigawatt. It seems like it would take quite a while to wear down gigawatt rated shields using megawatt rated weapons.

Also, why the hell does your assault cruiser picture have so much empty space? Fix it please, it's breaking the format up.
Does it follow that I reject all authority? Perish the thought. In the matter of boots, I defer to the authority of the boot-maker - Mikhail Bakunin
Capital is reckless of the health or length of life of the laborer, unless under compulsion from society - Karl Marx
Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value - R. Buckminster Fuller
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Post by Waddles McGee »

NoXion wrote:
Size doesn't matter when it comes to physical impactors and shields. Depending on the mechanism the shield employs, velocity matters.
In the Star Wars, Star Trek, and other universes maybe; not mine however. Shields work differently.

These shields use a triple-layer system. The impact of smaller objects is condensed into smaller explosions upon impact. Since the warheads used in torpedoes in my universe are all explosive, the shields were made to reflect that.

Also, please note that this was at the Beginning of Tempok technologically, about 600 years before the common era. The shields work much as you described in the previous post now. Thank you for bringing this up.
NoXion wrote:Or they could use a big-ass coilgun/railgun.
But they won't. Story purposes, remember?

NoXion wrote:A "kilomegawatt" would be a thousand million watts, or a gigawatt. It seems like it would take quite a while to wear down gigawatt rated shields using megawatt rated weapons.

If you recall, I was asking for a more realistic shield output range. Please help me to find one.

NoXion wrote:Also, why the hell does your assault cruiser picture have so much empty space? Fix it please, it's breaking the format up.
Easily done. Thank you for bringing that to my attention, as that is a rather old picture.
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