V:tM - New Orleans by Night

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Kelly Antilles wrote:Roland's eyes sparkle. "Ooh, you're strong. So, what brings you to New Orleans?"
Michael winced at his utter femininity. He couldn't stand femmy boys. He did his best not to shudder. He gave Roland one last squeeze before letting go. "I think you know exactly why I came to New Orleans." He pointed at Samara and Jay. "They invited us all here. Let us get past the introductions, shall we? I am eager to hear of what business we have."
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

verilon wrote: Michael winced at his utter femininity. He couldn't stand femmy boys. He did his best not to shudder. He gave Roland one last squeeze before letting go. "I think you know exactly why I came to New Orleans." He pointed at Samara and Jay. "They invited us all here. Let us get past the introductions, shall we? I am eager to hear of what business we have."
Roland rolled his eyes. "How typical. Always business. Never pleasure." He sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I'm sure if you can pry it away from our Malkavian friend there, you can have it. I just wonder what your interest is in this book?"
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Post by haas mark »

Kelly Antilles wrote:Roland rolled his eyes. "How typical. Always business. Never pleasure." He sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I'm sure if you can pry it away from our Malkavian friend there, you can have it. I just wonder what your interest is in this book?"
He glanced again at Jay and Samara. "I told you already. They invited us. They should be telling us." He snuck a glance at Joshua whispering to the Malkavian.
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Post by Oberleutnant »

Anton's eyes beamed with genuine happiness and surprise. <You speak Russian? Wonderful!>

He paused briefly, making no effort to hide his smile. <I am new to this country and this city . . . Forgive me for being so forthright, but could you introduce me to your . . . colleagues over there? I beg for your kindness.>
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Post by Mark S »

Oh man. The show had really begun now.

I the crazy guy with the old books was really losing it. He snarled wickedly at the bartender and started his rant anew. outwardly I kept my position at the counter and passively watched. Inward, I readied for a brawl.

At that point the sweet young think managed to swat away the swarms of admirers and sat them all down at the same table. They hadn't seemed connected when I had first entered and I wondered what her game was.

With a lightning fast glance she sicked the place's bouncer at the lunatic. This must be her place, I thought as I watched the help, another woman, a blonde, cross the room like an eel through reeds.

I watched as the bouncer confronted the crazy beside me with calm, stern force. He ignored her entirely.

She wasn't exactly thrilled. As her target strode away to circle the table of ... book dealing vampires? endlessly, she turned, first to watch him, then to look at me. I shrugged innocently, tipped my glass and took another sip.

That's when I noticed it. The guy I had followed in here. The guy who had followed that other one, was looking at me. He was carrying on another conversation but I managed to catch his eye at least once. I sighed. It looked like he was the one curious about me now. That was when it always fell to shit.

The crowd merged and when it had parted once more, my curious friend had been accosted by the wacko. One would talk, the other alternate from whisper to wide-eyed rave.

Up, down, up down. I watched to silver-haired lunatic pace and sit and pace some more until he finally remembered that he didn't have his blood yet. He charged the bar again. I just got out of the way.

He had dropped one of his books. The young one he had been talking to followed after him with it. More ranting followed. More veiled laughter from me.

There certainly was much ado about books tonight. It made me wish I had read more in life. Wait, I didn't even learn to read until I was dead.

The two men at my side moved off again. The owner, I think, came closer. Where ever she was going, whatever she was doing, somehow, her attention stopped on me for more than a blink. I raised my glass to her.

"Quite a place you've got here," I stated, I slight sarcasm in my tone. "It's a wonder you aren't all dead. Again."

Why had I done that? This whole night was turning out to be one thing after another for me. One way or another I could tell I was going to wind up hurt.

Don't get caught up in the intrigues. Stay in the shadows. There was so much bullshit waiting for me.

Man, I hate vampires.
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Oberleutnant wrote:Anton's eyes beamed with genuine happiness and surprise. <You speak Russian? Wonderful!>

He paused briefly, making no effort to hide his smile. <I am new to this country and this city . . . Forgive me for being so forthright, but could you introduce me to your . . . colleagues over there? I beg for your kindness.>
Anna smiled. It always pleased her when she could make someone smile. <"I am a linguist of sorts. I try whenever I can to speak a person's native language to them. I find it much easier for us to understand each other.">

She brought him to the table where the others sat. "We have another new visitor. Gentlemen, this is Anton Menshikov. He is recently from I would guess one of the former republics of Russia. I can't quite figure exactly." She smiled again. "This is Alec, Dachlan, Jake and..." She paused as she got to the Malkavian. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure."
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Mark S wrote: The owner, I think, came closer. Where ever she was going, whatever she was doing, somehow, her attention stopped on me for more than a blink. I raised my glass to her.

"Quite a place you've got here," I stated, I slight sarcasm in my tone. "It's a wonder you aren't all dead. Again."
Anna had moved off after introducing Anton to the others. She looked directly at the young man at the bar as he spoke. Her eyes narrowed. "You have a problem with my bar?" she asked in all seriousness. This one definately was worth watching. She caught Katarina's eye and the young woman began to approach slowly.

((Oh, one thing to note. Almost all of the workers look VERY German.))
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Post by Mark S »

She ignored me. Ah, she was in a conversation with some other guy anyway. They were speaking... Russian, I think. It had been a while since I had been there. Run out of there, whatever.

She eventually sat him down at the table with the others. The more the merrier I guess.
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

((a few things to make things easier...

thoughts either italics or *.
<will denote speaking in a language other than English>
((out of character))

and please, if you guys can help me at all, I'd appreciate it. I'm already going nuts trying to keep up with everything. I've never GM'd a White Wolf game before, only D&D. This is very different.

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Post by Larz »

The Malkavian chuckled, a tone of lucidity kept him from laughing at Joshua's threat, "Clod, fool, marshmellow melted with Gram Bell as your milky dark chocolate fiend." With that the Malkavian snatched up both books, his eyes meet Anna's as she looked at him.

Something tugged within Anna, a feeling of dejavou at seeing the ranting Malkavian. A feeling that sometime within her past she had seen, heard, or even meet this mad man before, in a time and place far or close. At very least she felt as if she should know who this babbling madman was, and why he made mention of antiques.

The Malkavian looked directly at the man at the bar whom he noticed watching him, a cynical smile crossing his face before turning his attentions back to Anna.

"Silly woman, do you not remember me, I'd figure such an archeologist as yourself, Anna Bruck, would have heard of me, a fossil, a relic, a malignant mad man. You insult my tastes and my karma." The malkavian's demonic eyes burned into Anna as like she were just another neonate. His voice was low and dark, an evil grin playing upon his lips, "I am but the essence of blood that flows through my vains, stollen from those who are whores for pleasure and pain, a collection of rememberance, but some would call me Mal..."
"Once again we wanted our heroes to be simple, grizzled everymen with nothing to lose; one foot in the grave, the other wrapped in an American flag and lodged firmly in a terrorist's asshole."

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Post by Mark S »

"No problem at all, Freuline," I said in my thickest, most noble sounding High-German accent. "I was merely commenting on the interesting clientel you seem to have attracted.

"I always love a place with so much to see and do."
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
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Post by Raxmei »

Kelly Antilles wrote: A rather large, burly man opened the door and looked out. His eyes scanned the alley. He checked beside the door, behind it, and still saw nothing. Shrugging, he turned to move back in the door.
The doorman looked friendly enough. Alfred stepped into the open as soon as his back was turned. "Oh hello, I almost thought you were closed! I hope you don't mind me dropping by without an appointment. I saw some friends of mine go in your place and wondered if we could make a little a get-together." Alfred smiled as he finished talking. This was going to be a very interesting night, he could practically feel it.

Edit: fixed the quote tags
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Raxmei wrote: The doorman looked friendly enough. Alfred stepped into the open as soon as his back was turned. "Oh hello, I almost thought you were closed! I hope you don't mind me dropping by without an appointment. I saw some friends of mine go in your place and wondered if we could make a little a get-together." Alfred smiled as he finished talking. This was going to be a very interesting night, he could practically feel it.
Brutus nodded. "Please come in. Everyone is welcome in the Eye of Horrus." He led the small man in through the back door. "The others tend to hang around the back of the bar." He opened a door to show the rear entrance into the bar.
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Post by weemadando »

Oswald didn't like the feel of this club one bit, too many new vampires, still riding high on a power-trip. The risk of spiked blood, and unwanted blood bonds being formed by means of subterfuge. Not to mention the constant threat posed by groups such as the order of St. Christopher... Should they choose to attack such a location as this a great blow would be dealt to the kindred. But the temptation provided by the book was too much. Even during his time at the Miskatonic University with Henry Armitage [OOC]sorry I can't help it[/OOC] he had only encountered a smattering of books on the occult. Nothing compared to some of the ancient libraries of Europe he had studied...

She was talking in Russian now. Not that it helped. About 500 years and an scholarly aptitude meant that few languages had eluded Oswald's grasp. The malkav sits opposite him staring, "Well, are you going to talk to her?"
"Wait, I need to hear what she's saying..." She's nervous, very nervous... What could possibly make her this concerned. Then he saw the second Malkav at the bar. "I think its time that I make my introductions."
"Mmm-hmmm." His friend nods slightly as Oswald stands and walks towards Anna Bruecks turned back, "Excuse me, Ms Brueck, I hear talk that you are in possession of quite a grand old text..."
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Post by Mark S »

I let myself relax as the woman turned to address the bookish stiff and the attention left me. That was close, I thought. I really pissed her off with the crack about her place.

I stayed with them though and listened as they spoke about this book again. Another guy looking for this book! At this point I pretty much had to get in on this. Even if it meant breaking my rules.

These days I just somehow found myself interested in being around others of my kind.


I held my tongue (and my drink) and listened.
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
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Post by Stormbringer »

"Jack, my friend you do have a lot to learn. You don't disrespect your elders. I may be a contrary sonuvabitch but some thing you don't do"

Alec picks up his drink and downs it

"What do you say we get a drink. Something to eat?"
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

weemadando wrote:Oswald stands and walks towards Anna Bruecks turned back, "Excuse me, Ms Brueck, I hear talk that you are in possession of quite a grand old text..."
Anna turned to the older man. "I am in possession of quite a few 'grand old texts'," she replied. "Which one would you be of interest in?"
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Post by Stravo »

"Mind your elders, huh? The only elders I got to know were my sire who is a psychopathic son of a bitch with delusions of godhood. The other was an eight year old girl that handed me my ass after I tried to protect her. You know its kind of embarrasing when an eight year old girl kicks your ass up and down the street then comments that if she had more time she would have bedded me too." Jack shivered slightly. "Elders are an odd bunch, thats all I know. The young ones aren't any more different either, like deer rutting. Everyone's got something to prove."

He glanced over at the odd kindred that had spoken to Ms. bruck only moments ago.

"And what's with Fritz over there? Its not polite to hang around folks like that without a reason."
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Post by Stormbringer »

"Hell, if I know. But Jack, if you keep picking fights like this, you'll find that one guy that is bigger and tougher. And you'll be dead. So why not get the hell out ofm here before you find him here."

Hapless fool. If he mouthed off to the wrong person he would wind up dead.
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Post by weemadando »

Kelly Antilles wrote:
weemadando wrote:Oswald stands and walks towards Anna Bruecks turned back, "Excuse me, Ms Brueck, I hear talk that you are in possession of quite a grand old text..."
Anna turned to the older man. "I am in possession of quite a few 'grand old texts'," she replied. "Which one would you be of interest in?"
[OOC] He's an old VAMPIRE, not an old MAN, he only looks in his late 30's, but to the kindred his true age is apparent.[/OOC]

"If only I knew... You see I was brought here by a friend. It was he who brought this book to my attention." Oswald pauses for a moment, "Oh, I'm sorry, how rude of me. Oswald Mathers-" He extends his hand, "Professor of Classics at the university down here at the University." He suddenly shifts languages to ancient greek, <<I think my interest in a certain ancient tome would be justified, don't you?>>
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

weemadando wrote: [OOC] He's an old VAMPIRE, not an old MAN, he only looks in his late 30's, but to the kindred his true age is apparent.[/OOC]
((which is why I said OLDER, not old. He is older than her. She's 21))
"If only I knew... You see I was brought here by a friend. It was he who brought this book to my attention." Oswald pauses for a moment, "Oh, I'm sorry, how rude of me. Oswald Mathers-" He extends his hand, "Professor of Classics at the university down here at the University." He suddenly shifts languages to ancient greek, <<I think my interest in a certain ancient tome would be justified, don't you?>>
The corner of her mouth rises in a smirk. Greek was one of the first languages she had learned. <"Ah, then you would probably be quite interested in my entire library, Professor. I am a contributor to Tulane. I'm surprised we haven't met before. If you would like, I could meet with you tomorrow night and show you my library and see if there is something to your liking.">
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Post by weemadando »

<<Excellent, it is good to know that at least the old ways live on with some. Even if you aren't Brujah, our younglings are a disgrace to our clan, or perhaps that is the old fuddy duddy in me coming out.>> Oswald smiles a the young lady. "So tomorrow night then, where shall I meet you?"
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

weemadando wrote:<<Excellent, it is good to know that at least the old ways live on with some. Even if you aren't Brujah, our younglings are a disgrace to our clan, or perhaps that is the old fuddy duddy in me coming out.>> Oswald smiles a the young lady. "So tomorrow night then, where shall I meet you?"
She laughs heartily at your jest. "I am a linguist, Professor. I know many ancient and dead languages." SHe pulls a card from her pocket and hands it to you. It has the address of her shop on it. "This is my antiquities shop. I will be there early in the evening tomorrow. Most of my collection is there."
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Post by haas mark »

Joshua caught Michael's glance and smiled. He then turned back to the Malk. "Mal. I am serious about this one." He watched as the Malk spun around, beginning a new rant. And as he did, he saw the indiscernable one again. He only caught his eye for a split second, again, but knew that he had something to do with it. There was a look of dejection sliding across his face. He glanced from Mal to Alec to Anna and back to Mal, his icy-grey eyes darting to and fro, taking in everything.

Michael caught Joshua's smile, and turned his focus back to the group. "Nina," said a female Ventrue. "My name is Nina Palahkov. It is a pleasure to meet you." She extended a bony hand towards Michael.

He took Nina's hand and shook it. <Good evening, Nina. It is a pleasure to meet you, as well.> He spoke in Russian loudly enough for Anna to hear, but not so much so that it was out of place, or rude.

Roland spoke, "Ooh, and he speaks languages, too!" He uttered a shrill giggle that made Michael cringe. Why, oh why, did I have to get stuck with this fool?

"Yes, Roland, I speak a few other languages."

Samara spoke up, "Michael, we invited you becasue we need something."

Jay chimed in, "Roland and Nina, we need you to help him. As for you," he pointed limply at the other two Kindred, who remained unnamed, "you will be helpng our little 'friend' in his journey." He said the latter with a smirk as he pointed with his forehead at the raving Malkavian known as Mal.

More serious, Samara said, "And you will not get killed. You are vital to the mission. Be careful, wary. Lie, cheat, steal. You will do what you must, whatever it takes, to get those books."
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Post by Stravo »

"Point taken. Now I guess the original question I wondered was who was the prince and where does one go to present himself. I have a funny feeling I'll be staying here for a while and I don;t want to ruffle any feathers..." he paused as a shadow of a smile crept across his face. "At least not ruffle ones I've already ruffled. Secondly, if there are any local Assamites I would appreciate it if you guys gave me a heads up about that." Jack looked into Alec's eyes with a grudging respect, hard to tell behind his black shades.

"You seem like a man in the know so I'll trust your judgement."
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