Faqa wrote:Wash's death was good too. I'm a fan of sudden, instant deaths. I figure that that's what violent death should be about; none of this hanging around and having your last words to your closest friend crap. I like it when they're dead before the sword that killed them has gone *click* in the sheath.
So it's realistic. Why's that good? While I agree that every character lasting long enough to spout off dramatic last words can be grating, what's so utterly terrific about just having him fall down? In a war movie, sure, it's part of the idea. But typically? There's gotta be a real REASON behind the death and treating it the way Wash's was treated just plain annoyed me. And I haven't even seen Firefly. You can't just kill the guy and move on. Lacks drama.
Well, for one thing unrealistic deaths do have a tendency to
somewhat ruin SOD for me, and one thing that's too often missing in movies is main characters who die not by some brave sacrifice or to bring some kind of deep and insightful meaning to the story, but rather by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sometimes that's all that happens, but we never get to see it in movies, possibly because too many people have your view that having a main character die in that fashion lacks drama.
For another, sudden deaths really highlight how fragile life is. When someone dies suddenly, and without warning, you suddenly have to reevaluate the situation, because suddenly you realise that even though the characters are all your heroes, they're not indestructible, which makes their triumph a greater achievement. It's all very well for a superhero to die a stupid, unrealistic death, but in general I like the main characters in movies to be limited by the constraints of human frailty, because that way it can be viewed as a tribute to human achievement rather than a tribute to indestructable uberman achievement.
In any case, they didn't even move on from it so much as set aside their grieving until they, you know, didn't have people shooting at them or trying to flay their skin off and things like that.
ROAR!!!!! says GOJIRA!!!!!