enterprise d

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enterprise d

Post by Enforcer Talen »

it's been asked how you would improve an isd - how would you improve the enterprise?
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Post by Romulan_nemesis »

Promote Dr. Crusher. lol, I don't really see anything to be needing improving on the Enterprise (-D), except for landing struts. And a better warp core ejection system. Dr Crusher is just my favorite TNG Character. So, promote her :)

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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Scrap the civvie quarters and devote the resulting space to backups that don't rely on the main computer. Also, put in a tertiary power source devoted entirely to weapons and shields.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

First, it needs to be faster.
Second, it needs all of the modifications that can be done to its shields in less than fifteen minutes that radically improve their output to be done before the ship ever leaves stardock. All other potentially valuable modifications should be detailed in the ship's read me files. :wink:
Third, it needs a better, safer system of controls. I would recommend non-plasma powered touch screens.
Fourth, the holodecks should all be removed.
Fifth, they need to make their systems more reliable.
Sixth, They should get rid of all people onboard who are not members of Starfleet (read: Children). Seriously, such people have no business growing up in an environment where they run the risk of death on a weekly basis. They have no purpose on the ship, and they are liabilities in combat. Pets should also be removed, or at least made to be the same animal every week (Spot, that means you).
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Post by Mr Bean »

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Heavy Turbo Lasers :D

Just one would work for ST :D

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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Create backup systems, get the civilians off the ship, add plasma weapons, re-engineer the warp core so it doesn't almost blow up in every episode, and stop the "exploding bridge consoles". The ship has a laundry list of problems.
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

Simply, blow it up.
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Post by paladin »

anarchistbunny wrote:Simply, blow it up.
I agree. The ship has too many problems to simply fix.
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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

I actually think it's possible to turn the Galaxy class into One Bad-Ass Mo'fo Battlecruiser (TM), in the context of the ST Universe at least. The Dominion Wars Galaxy is a good start, with its hull-hugging sheild setting to its variable sheilds (if the hull-hugging setting was indeed an add-on and not a feature always available), and improved shuttle bay. One would also figure that they removed the civvie quarters on that ship and made the phasers and sheilds as powerful as possible. That, and fix the warp core, which it appears as if they may have also have done. It actually seems as if the Galaxy has been transformed into a competent warship by the Dominion Wars.
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My E-D Design

Post by Invader ZIm »

The E-D has a whole group of problems associated with it as a "ture" combat vessel. Many of these are more than likely outgrowths of how Star Fleet was envisions for TNG. But if we are putting the ship into drydock for a refit then here is my list-

A Structural

1. Reduce the cross sectional area of the ship along the major axis of attack
2. Move major propulsion systems closer to the long axis of the ship.
3. Redesign and rebuild any portion of the ship that requires the active use of a force field
4. Move the command locations of the ship to a more secure area (e.g from the top of the saucer to within deck).
5. Add armor plating to at least the major direction of attack for the ship.
6. Remove all civilain quarters and facilities (includes: Holodeck, Arboretum, 10 Forward, Hydroponics). Cut the number of dedicated research facilities by 75% (Note: proper scheduling of resources and personnel can avoid a productivity loss. Personnel cuts in sciences may also be nessesary to prevent productivity loss).
7. Remove the "Saucer Speration" mechanisms. It is a failed concept and escape pods are a more efficent use of space volume and the ship could be evacuated in a shorter time in the correct number of Epods is availble in high crew density areas.

B. Power Generation

1. Remove the existing Warp Core
2. Reinstall Core that is less reactive and with passive saftey systems. This new Core should only produce sufficent power to move the ship at its maximum velocity and provide life support. It should be a smaller less complex sytem than the current one.
3. Install a secondary power system that is dedicated to running main weapons and sheilds. This power system should be able to handle the maximum throughput for the weapons and sheilds at peak.
4. Any available volume on the ship that is not nessesary for crew functions should be taken over for batteries.
5. The power grid should run in open crew areas in such a way as to not require a human crew member to assume a prone position, or reach above his head to access it.

C. Weapons and Defense

1. Allow for redundant power connections from the ships power grid to weapons systems.
2. Change the "Spinal Mount" arrangment of Photon Torpedo bays as they currently are to a more flexable turreted configuration.
3. Increase the number of Phaser emmittors on the surface of the ship, but have them fire as a pulse with variable frequency. (Note: This is not the same as the Defiants Pulse Phasers, but reather reduces the power load on the weapons system).
4. Consider the addition of "Stand Off" weapons, like the VLS system on the modern day U.S. Ticonderogas. This weapons system should be effective by direct guidance or by programming like a Tomohawk. Targeting for this system should be independant of vessel orientation.
5. Some Phasers should be dedicated to Piont Defense at all times.
6. The ship volume to sheilded volume ratio should be as small as possible. Anything over 0.1 is a waste of energy and defensive capabilities. If hull huggung sheilds are availble then use them.
7. Because Federation ships have an expolotable weakness in sheilding when it comes to phase angles. Install at least 3 independant sheilding sytems all operating out of phase with each other.
8. Move major offensive weapons mounts outside of the sheilded volume, so that weapons will not have to be in phase when free. These weapons mounts should be heavily armoured, have independant batteries, and specific crew stations with a sealed and seperate life support system from the main ship.

D. Security

1. The following areas of the ship should be considered secure and access only to authorized personnel permited at any time: Bridge, Engineering, Computer Core(s), Main weapons stations. Great effort should be taken to build security check points into the pathways to these areas so that the sightlines of an intruder are interupted.
2. Firing port positions should be built into the wall along the approach to secured areas.
3. Secure areas of the ship should be constructed with "exotic" (heh heh) materials that block transporters.
4. Security stations in critical areas should NOT be linked to the main ships computer in ANY way. If there is a link then there shoul be NO write access between them at all.
5. Resrected access areas should be constructed with especially formidable doors encase of a security breach.

E. Propulsion

1. Increase Maximum FTL speed if possible.
2. If 1 is not possible then increase the duration of the maximum FTL speed.
3. Increase the Acceleration in STL if possible.

F. Misc

1. Medical facilities should be equiped with quarentine systems that do not require the use of ships power in ANY way.
2. Like Subs, provide cargo storage for consumables and spare parts where ever is possible (e.g. Canned foods can make a wonderful walking surface).

G. Stealth

1. Care should be taken to reduce the EM signature of the ship. This includes Infared and visable light. Remove or turn off all those flashy spot lights and portholes.
2. Those warp Nacells look cool but they can be seen from a distance, cover them up. Or as in the structural modifications relocate them along the long axis but internally.
3. Allow for the cross section of the ship to return minimal signal strength returns to active sensors (e.g. the F117). Graceful curves are replaced with harsher angles.

Whew! Thats all I can think of right now, I'm sure there is more. If the Feds fielded a ship like this they would still be toast against the Imps, but at least it makes more sense than the real E-D did. Who knows maybe this design might give them a better shot at at least bloddying the Empire' nose ( or wounding some ISD captians pride), in a limited and sufficently short encounter.

If any body has some artistic talent it woul be interesting to see what a "morph" of the E-D into this design would look like.

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Post by Cpt_Frank »

RayCav of ASVS wrote:I actually think it's possible to turn the Galaxy class into One Bad-Ass Mo'fo Battlecruiser (TM), in the context of the ST Universe at least.
There's one problem: Even if you fix all the bugs and so, the ship still looks like an intergalactic pleasure cruiser designed by a bunch of fucking wimps. My list of improvements:
-add many tiny little things to the hull so that the ship gets a structured surface
-paint it black
-remove all but a few windows
-replace the weapon emplacements with manual operated turrets with independant
-relocate the main bridge deep within the bowels of the ship
-disregard saucer separation
-install a safe warpcore (it was possible during the TOS era, so it should be possible during the TNG era)
-remove all the pleasure facilities from the ship, use the freed space for fuel storage
-no civillians on the ship
-no large comfortable crew quarters anymore, simple large sleeping rooms will do.
-remove all this living-room stuff from the ship:
that means, no more carpets, no pastel colours etc.
steel gray wil have to do
-decentralise the structure of the ship and make crucial maintenance points accessable by other means than Jeffries tubes
-no consoles with plasma conduits anymore
-issue real uniforms and real sidearms (projectile weapons)
-disregard transporters for transport of living beings completely, instead, enhance shuttlebay

Phew, so much to improve, the best thing would be you simply blow up the thing and get an ISD.
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Post by Diamedes »

Invader Zim wrote:3. Allow for the cross section of the ship to return minimal signal strength returns to active sensors (e.g. the F117). Graceful curves are replaced with harsher angles.
I doubt the 24th century would have to fall on first generation stealth tech. Graceful curves can be just as stealthy as diamonds and triangles, in fact more so. The f-117 is first generation stealth, the B-2 is second generation. The B-2 has curves.

They could also be using their shields to muffle sensor hits. If something can absorb a DEW hit, it most likely can absorb a radar pulse or other forms of energy, effectively making it a deadspot to sensors.
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Post by Diamedes »

Though I should also note that it is obvious that they don't do this for visual sensors, due to the cloak treaty.

That could be why they don't use stealth at all. Maybe cloak is 24th century jargon for stealth in general, and the Romulans and Klingons would view it as an incursion if the Fed ships were even radar invisible. That was stupid of the Feds either way.
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Post by Romulan_nemesis »

But, why all the military refitting? The Galaxy Class, as of right now, is not a ship of war. It is a ship of peace and exploration. The Dominion War is over. As of the year 2379, (current year in ST time), The Federation is at peace. I say, it goes back to its regular duties of mapping, research, and diplomacy.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

The reason? Simple:
si vis pacem, para bellum.
If you want peace, prepare for war.
Having a fleet of powerful warships will cause your foes to think twice over an attack. And a strong warship can still explore, but isn't easy prey.
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Post by Romulan_nemesis »

Cpt_Frank wrote:-issue real uniforms and real sidearms (projectile weapons)
-disregard transporters for transport of living beings completely, instead, enhance shuttlebay

Phew, so much to improve, the best thing would be you simply blow up the thing and get an ISD.
REAL uniforms? A uniform is a uniform. Just cause the Federation knows how to classify, meaning red for command, blue for med/sci, gold for eng/sec/ops, that doesn't make them real uniforms? I'm sure that a mucky greenish brown imperial uniform will be more sufficient. And how much can you enhance a shuttlebay without taking away from all of your so-much-needed always-at-the-ready newly created weapons and defensive systems, even when the ship is at a time of peace?

Personally, I like the galaxy class as it is, and there should be more medical facilities. I mean, a ship with over 1000 people on board and only one sickbay? I know theres more facilities, but there should be two main medical hubs on at least two decks. Although that would classify it as a medical ship. Hey theres an idea...

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Post by NecronLord »

Cpt_Frank wrote:
RayCav of ASVS wrote:I actually think it's possible to turn the Galaxy class into One Bad-Ass Mo'fo Battlecruiser (TM), in the context of the ST Universe at least.
There's one problem: Even if you fix all the bugs and so, the ship still looks like an intergalactic pleasure cruiser designed by a bunch of fucking wimps. My list of improvements:
-add many tiny little things to the hull so that the ship gets a structured surface
-paint it black
-remove all but a few windows
-replace the weapon emplacements with manual operated turrets with independant
-relocate the main bridge deep within the bowels of the ship
-disregard saucer separation
enhance shuttlebay
I've been buildong a model of that ship... strange, i'll see if i can get a digital camera. (yes I am sad, very very sad)
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Post by Romulan_nemesis »

Cpt_Frank wrote:The reason? Simple:
si vis pacem, para bellum.
If you want peace, prepare for war.
Having a fleet of powerful warships will cause your foes to think twice over an attack. And a strong warship can still explore, but isn't easy prey.
How can you have a ship of exploration, when all the labs that make most of that exploration possible have been cut off completely? Or at least down to a minimal size? The Federation was not built upon fear, terror, and conquest.
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Post by Vympel »

Romulan_Nemesis- you CAN have a ship for exploration without the useless luxuries aboard the Galaxy-class: luxurious quarters for even the LOWLIEST crew, holodeck etc. They are and always will be a WASTE of space; better taken up by more critical items.

Outwardly, hey form follows function; the Galaxy-class has zero phaser fire blind spots- phaser arrays everywhere basically, and sufficient torpedo armament. Forgot outward appearance- but remove the luxuries dammit.
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Post by Romulan_nemesis »

I had no mention of crew facilities. Go spartan for all I care. Though I like the space...Bed and a replicator. I said about the LABS...Stellar Cartography obviously proved its use in Generations. Sickbay is self explanatory. Holodecks can be used to have training simulations for officers for dangerous missions. Hydroponics can save energy spent on the food replicators that can be diverted to your energy sucking defensive and offensive systems.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

If you cut down the crew quartier sizes, you will free a lot space which you can dedicate to larger fuel ammounts etc.
With that, you can enhance the weaponry without the need to cut down on scientific facilities that much.
Holodeck access should be restricted for military training only.
Screw replicators-they just need energy. Instead, store a variety of food rations.
Oh and change the goddamn look of the interior it looks like a friggin' eighty's living room:
All the bulkheads, deckplates, and consoles should be made of steel, no need to paint them or cover them with plastic - all walls shall and consoles shall be steel grey in color.
The various cables and tubes running through the ship should not be covered up.
Carpets are useless-instead, replace them with steel deckplates.

Oh and by real uniforms I meant something along the lines of the TOS movie era uniforms not colorful pyjamas.
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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

Cpt_Frank wrote:
RayCav of ASVS wrote:I actually think it's possible to turn the Galaxy class into One Bad-Ass Mo'fo Battlecruiser (TM), in the context of the ST Universe at least.
There's one problem: Even if you fix all the bugs and so, the ship still looks like an intergalactic pleasure cruiser designed by a bunch of fucking wimps. My list of improvements:
-add many tiny little things to the hull so that the ship gets a structured surface
-paint it black
-remove all but a few windows
-replace the weapon emplacements with manual operated turrets with independant
-relocate the main bridge deep within the bowels of the ship
-disregard saucer separation
-install a safe warpcore (it was possible during the TOS era, so it should be possible during the TNG era)
-remove all the pleasure facilities from the ship, use the freed space for fuel storage
-no civillians on the ship
-no large comfortable crew quarters anymore, simple large sleeping rooms will do.
-remove all this living-room stuff from the ship:
that means, no more carpets, no pastel colours etc.
steel gray wil have to do
-decentralise the structure of the ship and make crucial maintenance points accessable by other means than Jeffries tubes
-no consoles with plasma conduits anymore
-issue real uniforms and real sidearms (projectile weapons)
-disregard transporters for transport of living beings completely, instead, enhance shuttlebay

Phew, so much to improve, the best thing would be you simply blow up the thing and get an ISD.
I was doing it in the context of simply modifying the ship to the best possible standards. You're talking about a whole new ship.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Yeah, my modifications go very far, but not that far.
You still keep the most of the original hull of the ship....
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Post by Mr. B »

The best way to upgrade the Enterprise is to make it a Star Destroyer.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Indeed, the best way to improve the Galaxy class:
Use their refined raw materials to build Star Destroyers!
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