The Air-Mage turned towards the Khar and smiled at him for a while, obviously in thought.MRDOD wrote: The Khar steepled his fingers in deep thought.
"I am not an apologist-philosopher, but this seems at odds with what I would consider reasonable. If you are dead, you are dead and the universe is over from your perspective. At best, your spirit recycles into a new being. At worst, it splits into several completely different ones. I have met very few people that are instinctively resistant to fear of mortality. Killing yourself for glory is a noble endeavor, but there is no glory in defeat or a hopeless defensive. What lunacy that would be! A blasted ash plain filled with corpses is no victory for a defender as much as it is no victory for a conquerer.
The Nemrybya once thought it was. They rebelled within my lifetime, and declared that they would rather be dead than serve us. We liquidated a Nemrybyan Ghetto at sunrise every planetary rotation, and they could not stomach the contest of ideologies. A dead race and a molten globe, monuments to eternity? What use has anyone of being dead? What use have we of a ball of molten glass? They are now a true monument to eternity, as they shall be a Nevari-Clan forever in an Empire that shall last until the End Times, and perhaps even transcend the Qedti, the Little Death Where All Becomes Nothing At The End Of The Universe.
So it is written, and thus it is true."
"A victory is a victory is a victory. There is no second winner. If the victory is not total, it is no victory at all but a shale and sad compromise of a victory. If an opponent accepts this and his own fate, it is 'glorious' if you will. If fate should be harsh to the Falau'un, we shall look our death into the eye and gladly embrace it.
"Our home planet is littered with monuments of such. In the House Wars or any other conflict within, millions died, cities reduced to molten slag We know they died brave, proud, and to this day, serve as a monument to ourself. To always remain true to oneself, to always resist, fight back, and if need be, die for your beliefs and core concepts. Anything else would be to betray yourself - and that is worse than death."