However, there is one figure which I am having trouble with on another forum. This is the 900km diameter width for the DS2, and the corresponding billions of crewmen figure. The quote which Saxton bases his case on states that the DS2 'will be more like 500 miles in diameter'. Saxton then logically assumes that this must correspond with an increase in crew, and I would agree.
However, my opponent claims that still has the 160km figure, and a much smaller crew complement, which is clearly illogical. The problem is that he claims that overrides pretty much all else, including the cinefex quote, and as Saxton simply logically 'assumes' there is a crew increase, the most I seem to be able to propose is the 900km width figure, as Saxton states no evidence for a crew increase?
My question is that is there any evidence for the crew increase, and does in fact overrule everything ever except the great man himself? I have never liked and their rpg based ideas like super-class star destroyer etc, please someone prove this guy wrong!