FTeik wrote:My point is, that nobody and nothing can prevent Palpatine or whoever is the ruling Sith-Master to change the nature or rules of the order, if he so pleases.
Suppose i am a Sith-Apprentice, who has just killed his master. Looking through his records i find his notes on "How to run the Sith-Order and take over the galaxy." I look through those rules and think "well, that might work, so i'll keep it" or "stupid idea, forget about it, i change that rule".
So what makes a Sith a Sith?
And my point is that just because you're a dark sider, does not make you a Sith. And go ahead, make hundreds of Sith Apprentices...and watch chaose run rampant like no tomorrow as you have a bunch of blood thristy power hungry monsters. The point of the rule of two was because Bane figured that a bunch of these bastards is pointless, they'll kill themselves and spare the Jedi the trouble.
Palpatine himself notes that there is a specific reason for the rule of two and why he kept it. He made other people Dark Side force users, but there was only two Sith. The order precepts are somewhat undefined but the statement of the rule of two is a rather new one.
There is apparently an intiation ritual as well, that being the whole bit of Darth and a name you hold, as well as afew other rules he never cared to mention. But he makes it quite clear, just because you can swing a lightsaber, and use the Dark Side it does not make you a Sith anything.