Ghost Rider wrote:This oneWhitestar wrote:Could you repeat the question?Noble Ire wrote:I'm still waiting for a reasoned answer.
The first one after your second post.Noble Ire wrote:Why? He was a Sith Lord. Was your SoD streched when Obi-Wan stood on the slope easily, when the heat would have driven back or killed a normal man, as well? Your objection makes no sense.
You can call this EU if you wish and I'm not sure I buy it either, but there was a "Locations Guide" to ROTS published which talked about Mustafar.
It said that the temperature near the lava is too intense to survive without special clothing (which has merit since the Mustafarians do wear protective clothing). During the duel, Anakin and Obi-Wan use the Force to create a bubble around themselves for protection from the heat.
When Anakin is beaten, he is unable to maintain the bubble, exposing himself to the heat. Not only was he burned externally from the fire, but he had significant damage to his internal organs. Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader gets into his injuries in greater detail (Yeah, I know...EU again) talking about him having artifical internal organs and melted ear drums from the heat.
I would also like to point out that I personally witnessed a horrific car accident many years ago, in which a man was trapped in his flaming car. Many bystanders, including myself attempted to help this guy, but it was too late as we were force (no pun intended) to watch him burn to death. The ordeal left me traumatized and ever since watching that scene, I find it very hard to believe Anakin's survivability. Hope this helps.
Thus, Anakin should have died, Force or no Force. Hope this helps.