[EugenicHegemony] Income Tax debate advice

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Post by The Spartan »

EugenicHegemony wrote:My point is we should all be able to keep our capital and then anyone can afford private school. Not just the rich and then more government redistribution through vouchers. it's absurd. Private school and no public will create a major competitive advantage to the citizenry of any country. especially one such as the U.S. You ignored everything in that article on why that system was installed. It breeds future labor and this has all been documents. NCLB is doing exactly what it set out to do. It's pushing kids out the door and creating this massive consumerist farm we have today.
You are a fucking moron.

You honestly think that by eliminating taxes everyone will be able to afford private schools? Do you not understand how expensive they are, even the "cheap" ones? How does some kid(s) whose household income is less than $20k a year afford private school even with eliminated taxes?

And how the fuck does all private and no public school create an advantage? You honestly fucking think that eliminating education for the majority of people in this country is a good thing? Or that the huge number of religious idiots in this country will allow science (real science) to be taught at their child's private school instead of the nonsensical Intelligent Design bullshit that they cry for?
Dumbshit wrote:Bullshit about eliminating the SC
Really. How do you expect to have your "strict adherence to the Constitution" without a Supreme Court to interpret said document? You want them eliminated so because they're not directly elected? Do you not understand the concept behind this? By not being directly elected they can concentrate not solely getting reelected but on the merits of the case, vis-a-vis the Constitution. Without them, the Constitution may as well be written in Swahili (a language few Americans are even aware of) because no one would be able to agree on what it means. Hence, the existance of the SC.
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Post by SirNitram »

Boyish-Tigerlilly wrote:Oh. By the way. I didn't invote the toad here. I don't know how he followed me back.
Search engines spider through this forum periodically. He undoutably just punched in things and found you.
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Post by Surlethe »

EugenicHegemony wrote:
Surlethe wrote:
EugenicHegemony wrote:I'm not being dishonest at all. I said national communist policies. This is not a very well hidden secret.
And communist policies entail debt? I defy you to actually provide evidence of national policies which are uniquely communist, motherfucker, and I doubt you'll be able to do so.
No because nationalized compulsory education is a communist principal.
You're a lying little fucker. Nationalized compulsory education is only part of the communist principal
Karl Marx wrote:10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c, &c.
So why is there no child labor, and why do private schools exist?

Furthermore, why has religion not been abolished? Oh, yes; that's right: the First Amendment, a part of the very Constitution you were just now citing. Liar.
I never said debt equals communism, and why does your pussy ass keep saying that?
Logic, you fucking, inbred retard: a concept of which your shitbrains will never comprehend. You were defending the claim that the U.S. government is communist in nature, and then you came out with a decrial against the national debt; logically, you intend it as a piece of support. Naturally, any intelligent person would understand this, but not you, asshole.
I did you stupid mother fucker. It's not verbatim and it sure is close enough to constitute the same polices.
Slippery weaselling and no evidence? Color me surprised, you gum-flapping, drooling idiot.
The American public would not stand for control of religion.
Then you concede the government is not communist.
I said polices and then I posted them. You then came back with your worthless opinion, and nothing more. They may not all be implemented in the same fashion, and that doesn't mean anything. They still exist. Mixed economies are not exclusive to the U.S.
My "worthless opinion" refuted every fucking point you made, asshole; you're sounding like a damned broken record.
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Post by The Dark »

EugenicHegemony wrote: 1. Abolition of private property Check
http://eugenichegemony.blogspot.com/200 ... perty.html
U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8: The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises. (Taxes on things, including property.)
Zoning laws and regulations - the Supreme Court ruled zoning constitutional in 1921.
Federal ownership of land; Bureau of Land Management - in Nevada 87% of land is federally owned.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - broad powers to seize any private property during "emergency."
The Gov can seize any private property for private/Corporatist use.
X. The abolition of private property under Marxist/Leninist dogma maintains that the individual citizen cannot own land, and that all land is by default the property of the government. If this were so, the government would not be required to provide fair market value for property acquired under eminent domain, nor would it be possible for persons to purchase land, nor would intellectual property be considered a private thing (i.e. there would be no copyrights or patents).
2. Heavy progressive income tax Check
U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8: The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises. (Taxes on things, including income.) The Sixteenth Amendment classifies income tax as an indirect tax, or tax on a thing, as opposed to tax on a person.
Corporate Tax Act of 1909.
Revenue Act of 1913.
Social Security Act of 1936.
X. The overall effect of the income tax, once exemptions and loopholes are factored in, is that it is U-shaped. The top 20% do pay the highest proportion of their income in taxes. Next come the bottom 20%, then the second quintile (21-40%), followed by the fourth quintile. If it were truly highly progressive, there would be a clear decrease from the top quintile to the bottom. Said decrease does not exist; therefore the income tax is not highly progressive. Q.E.D.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance Check
U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8: The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises. (Taxes on things, including inheritances.)
Estate Tax Act of 1916.
Social Security Act of 1936.
X. Last year I inherited a fairly decent sum of money when my grandmother died. Note the little word all in the first sentence, fucktard.
4. Confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels With the new civil disobedience act they can seize any property or assets they please. Check
Confiscation of property of American Indians.
IRS confiscation of property without due process.
Internment of Japanese-Americans during WW II; confiscation of their property.
Confiscation of drug-merchant property.
RICO Act of 1970 (Racketeering Influenced & Corrupt Organizations) - used as a basis to confiscate property.
O.O.....I'm starting to think fucktard was going too gentle on you. I happen to know plenty of immigrants (Filipino, Turkish, Cuban especially), who did not have any of their property confiscated when they entered the country. RICO in particular tends to be applied to organized crime rings (particularly illegal gambling, prostitution, and money laundering).
5. Central bank Check
U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8: The Congress shall have the power to coin money, regulate the power thereof.
National Bank Act of 1863 - established federal monopoly.
Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 1933.
As has been stated above, this idea was necessary to allow for common valuation of goods and services, and was an idea that easily predated the concept of communism (let me put it this way - the Roman Empire had a standard measure for its coins dictated by the Emperor).
6. Government control of communication and transportation Check
U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8: The Congress shall have the power to establish post offices and post roads.
U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8: The Congress shall have the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States.
Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 - placed railways under federal regulation; created Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC).
Federal Highway Act of 1916.
Air Commerce Act of 1926.
Federal Radio Commission, 1927.
Federal Communications Commission, 1934.
Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938.
Interstate Highway System, 1944.
Federal Aviation Agency, 1958.
Department of Transportation, 1966.
Ah, yes, because it would be so much easier to build roads if...nobody built roads. I can see you've never taken an economics course that discussed the concept of a public good. Try getting an education before you spout off nonsense about the promotion of public goods being communist.
7. Government ownership of factories and agriculture Check
Department of the Interior, 1849 - now includes: Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service.
Department of Agriculture, 1862.
Anti-trust Acts, 1902.
Department of Commerce and Labor, 1903.
Tennessee Valley Authority, 1933 - Hoover Dam, Muscle Shoals Project.
The Sherman Act is not government ownership. In fact, it's designed to promote the very competition you claim to want by eliminating monopolies and oligopolies.
8. Government control of labor Check Anyone here see the move to destroy the labor Unions in America?
First labor unions, then called federations, 1820.
National Labor Union, 1866.
American Federation of Labor, 1886.
International Workers of the World, 1905.
Department of Labor, 1913.
Railway Labor Act of 1926.
Civil Works Administration, 1933.
Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1933 - farmers receive government aid only if they relinquish control of farming activities.
National Labor Relations Act of 1935.
Works Progress Administration, 1935.
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 - set minimum wages.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 - effectively the equal liability of all to labor.
Davis-Bacon and Walsh-Healy Acts - require government contractors to pay "prevailing wages."
U.S. Unemployment Service.
So the establishment of labor unions is an attempt at government control of labor? What is this, Bizarro Union?
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country.
Americans call it the Planning Reorganization act of 1949 , zoning (Title 17 1910-1990) and Super Corporate Farms, as well as Executive orders 11647, 11731 (ten regions) and Public "law" 89-136. These provide for forced relocations and forced sterilization programs, like in China. regional planning Check
Farmers Home Administration (FHA).
Government subsidies favor large agribusinesses
The government subsidies favor large agribusiness because they're based on a per-acre amount. The naturally large corporations formed by lack of government intervention (they'd be broken up if the Sherman Act were followed to the letter of the law) have a competitive advantage and are able to manipulate government. But wait, corporations don't exist in communism. Oh, shit, that's about the seventeenth hole in your theory.

10. Government control of education. Check
http://eugenichegemony.blogspot.com/200 ... izens.html
Gradual shift from private education to state funded education began in the New England States in the early 1800s.
Smith-Lever Act of 1914.
Smith-Hughes Act of 1917.
Federal school lunch program, 1935.
Fair Labor Standards Act, 1938 - children work only with government approval.
National School Lunch Act of 1946.
National Defense Education Act of 1958.
Federal School Aid Act of 1965.
You're quoting your own fucking blog as evidence? I'm beyond boggled. That's just.....Nitram, Keevan, I'm sure you can come up with better ways of putting it than I can.

Oh, and I've already commented on this in another thread: oddly enough, the public schools provide a better education than private schools once external factors (family income, native language, et cetera) are accounted for, so unless you're suggesting you want everyone else to be as shit stupid as you are, I don't see the benefit to abolishing public education.
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by EugenicHegemony »

Surlethe wrote:
EugenicHegemony wrote:
Plekhanov wrote:Just out of interest EugenicHegemony are there any countries out there that you don’t regard as commie-nazi states?

Are there any present day or historical examples of the kind of society you would implement in preference to the commie-nazi dystopian that is the USA or are you working entirely in theory?
I have come up with a few ideas, yes.

1)Strict adherence to the Constitution; otherwise it becomes onerous and government become our master. It's in place more to keep government on a leash with the citizenry holding it; more than it is for the actually citizenry.

7)Abolish Supreme Courts. (They're: appointed in a dictatorial fashion, there till they die, and the last law of the land; therefore it's absurd. As of now the more capital you have the better chance of getting appeals and a never ending process ensues. 1-2 appeal limit with no more than a year bewteen appeals .No USSC to dictate the outcome. A jury of your peers is all we need)
Whoops ... is there a contradiction here? Moron.

----No there is not, you moron. Original Constitution, and abolish the USSC.
8)Denationalize our economy. (Free unencumbered markets. Use any system you please: Capitalism, Socialism, or Communism. If you are a fascist, then you're out of luck. They've forced a command economy on the workers of America, while giving themselves and their special interests a free anarchic market)
How the fuck is a Communist market possible in a denationalized economy? Of course, you still rely on the arrogant presumption the economy is "nationalized", though you've done nothing do back up that claim, though I have politely asked you twice to do so.

So, are you going to provide evidence?

--------The fact we can't use any economic system we please says it all. Nationalized is government controlled and regulated. That's pretty damned self explanatory.

Pure communism is possible in a free market. I need to show you why?
Pure Socialism is also.

Pure Communism- Commune your tax free capital with like minded people.

Pure Socialism- Allow workers to own the means of production and distribution.

Pure capitalism- Well, you get the idea.

9)Decriminalize drugs. (First the Welfare state must be abolished or we will all continue to pay)
Ahh, your posts make so much more sense now. Please, do us all a favor and turn yourself in to the FDA.

-------We are forced to pay for a prison system because of this moronic war on freedom...I mean drugs.
11)Wholly cut off government from our economy. (End protectionism)

12)Make it illegal for government to commingle with any private entities and vice versa. (All subsidization will end).
Are you so stupid that you don't realize this will do far more to fulfill Marx's principals than the current government contracts will ever do?

------Why are you so stupid to think it would?

13)Denationalize Globalization.
How the hell can globalization be nationalized the first fucking place?

------This government has a monopoly on force and start wars to open global markets. are you that dense? It's none of their business, and they should be removed completely.

14)Abolish all Central Banks. (Ending the governmental monopoly on: prices, rents, wages, salaries, capital, inflation, deflation, interest rates, stock market just to name a few. That is our lifeblood and it's not capitalism; it's more like nationalized communism)
Shit, you are dense. Currency is the lifeblood of a real, grown-up economy, and you propose to do away with it?

------No, only the forced interest on it.

15)Abolish income tax (It's a war tax. It was used for the Spanish American war, civil war, WWI just to name a few. One year prior to WWI. Does 1+1=2 for any of you)
So? It is also a portion of the government's income, and the US is in debt enough already. Or did you want us to go deeper into debt?

------I already provided the info on abolishing the income tax, and no they don't need it. Look it up, I'm not going to do your home work for your lazy ass. It's a few posts above.

17)Open policy. (A potential enemy will know we (all) know: what they're up to, where they are, what they're doing, and where they're going; therefore they have no place to hide)
And you are tactically and strategically inept, too, I see. Since when has the government been omniscient?

------That's not a response, and it's useless. Try again.

In conclusion, you're obviously not intelligent enough to cobble together an internally consistent alternative to the current US situation, let alone make sweeping proclamations about the nature of the United States' economy and form of government.

----No, you're just to small minded and mindfucked to see it's a solution. This is the only site where people have not discussed this and added their own ideas also. You and your (I'll fight everythiing you say attitude), suck.
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Post by Plekhanov »

EugenicHegemony wrote:You asked if I had any ideas and I then posted them.
No I didn’t I asked you 2 questions:

1. “are there any countries out there that you don’t regard as commie-nazi states?”

2. “Are there any present day or historical examples of the kind of society you would implement in preference to the commie-nazi dystopian that is the USA or are you working entirely in theory?”

How you interpreted those few lines to be a request that you cut and paste your 17 point plan is beyond me.
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

You'll find we're tearing your ideas up because this is actually one of the most rational and logical forums on all of the good old intraweb. Bullshit does not fly here and stupidity is mocked and then destroyed.

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Post by EugenicHegemony »

The Spartan wrote:
EugenicHegemony wrote:My point is we should all be able to keep our capital and then anyone can afford private school. Not just the rich and then more government redistribution through vouchers. it's absurd. Private school and no public will create a major competitive advantage to the citizenry of any country. especially one such as the U.S. You ignored everything in that article on why that system was installed. It breeds future labor and this has all been documents. NCLB is doing exactly what it set out to do. It's pushing kids out the door and creating this massive consumerist farm we have today.
You are a fucking moron.

You honestly think that by eliminating taxes everyone will be able to afford private schools? Do you not understand how expensive they are, even the "cheap" ones? How does some kid(s) whose household income is less than $20k a year afford private school even with eliminated taxes?

And how the fuck does all private and no public school create an advantage? You honestly fucking think that eliminating education for the majority of people in this country is a good thing? Or that the huge number of religious idiots in this country will allow science (real science) to be taught at their child's private school instead of the nonsensical Intelligent Design bullshit that they cry for?

-----It's all in here you mindless fuck not that you'd be able to find it most of the time because I'm too fucking retarded to use the quote function properly or dress my links. Then again, I also have trouble dressing myself so perhaps there is some connection. Maybe the communists are fucking with my zipper, it is after all some kind of collective oppression to make all those teeth stay together no matter what they individually want to do...mmm, these crayons are tasty.


Dumbshit wrote:Bullshit about eliminating the SC
Really. How do you expect to have your "strict adherence to the Constitution" without a Supreme Court to interpret said document? You want them eliminated so because they're not directly elected? Do you not understand the concept behind this? By not being directly elected they can concentrate not solely getting reelected but on the merits of the case, vis-a-vis the Constitution. Without them, the Constitution may as well be written in Swahili (a language few Americans are even aware of) because no one would be able to agree on what it means. Hence, the existance of the SC.
-----A jury of our peers is all we need because appealing to popularity could never work out badly!. The USSC is allowing this government to tear it to shreds now, so your argument is worthless.
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Post by SirNitram »

As this individual has already declared they don't feel the need to follow the forum's rules, and has refused to respond to the accusal to present a defense...

As Supermoderator of SDNet, I hereby condemn this thread to the Sewer. Horsemen, you are hereby given free hand to ridicule and edit this idiot's posts to your heart's content.

Going Down...
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

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Post by EugenicHegemony »

Keevan_Colton wrote:You'll find we're tearing your ideas up because this is actually one of the most rational and logical forums on all of the good old intraweb. Bullshit does not fly here and stupidity is mocked and then destroyed.

Welcome to Stardestroyer.net, please enjoy your brief stay and the free refreshments available for the duration of your visit in the Hall of Shame.
You're all not obedient government bootllickers, and there's nothing logical about anything I've got to say so why dont you just tear that shit of mine apart. So why dont I just save you all the effort and go fuck myself with a very large spiked dildo modled on a donkey cock while you all giggle yourself stupid at my expense. I coulld give a rats ass about this site which just goes to show the value of a good solid engrish educmacation with all that luberly gremmer stuff.... I just thought it was funny to see Technocratic tiger boy here asking questions not something you'll ever catch me doing...I might accidentaly learn something and we couldnt have that.
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Post by EugenicHegemony »

SirNitram wrote:As this individual has already declared they don't feel the need to follow the forum's rules, and has refused to respond to the accusal to present a defense...

As Supermoderator of SDNet, I hereby condemn this thread to the Sewer. Horsemen, you are hereby given free hand to ridicule and edit this idiot's posts to your heart's content.

Going Down...
Go get yourself a nice drink and something good to eat while I fuck a dolphin. Also please try not to let yourself get too amused by how much I bitch about the internal bleeding later.
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Post by The Spartan »

EugenicHegemony wrote:No there is not, you moron. Original Constitution, and abolish the USSC.
:wtf: So you wanna bring back slavery then, huh? Nice... :roll: You gonna repeal the amendments on Civil Rights as well? After all, they're not part of the original.

Oh, and how do you propose to enforce and interpret this form of the document? Or any form of the document. Which is what the Supreme Court is for you fucking moron. Is your name Terry?

Are you actually stupid enough to believe that it's simple enough for a country with a population this size to actually agree on what it says? Oh, wait of course you are because you know what it's supposed to mean and everyone will agree with you. Dumbass fucking teenager.
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Post by SirNitram »

EugenicHegemony wrote:
SirNitram wrote:As this individual has already declared they don't feel the need to follow the forum's rules, and has refused to respond to the accusal to present a defense...

As Supermoderator of SDNet, I hereby condemn this thread to the Sewer. Horsemen, you are hereby given free hand to ridicule and edit this idiot's posts to your heart's content.

Going Down...
Go fuck yourself bitch.
I'll fuck my wife instead. You can go fuck your hand, you retarded excuse for an anarcho-capitalist wanker. If you have an argument, present one with evidence and logical debate. Since you have proven this beyond you, to the point of referencing your own blog as a source in your desperation, I will assume you cannot.

Come on, fucknuggets. Show us the arguments. Show us the meat, the facts, the stuff that'll sway us. Otherwise, you can get your extremist, goon ass out of this forum. Got it, kid? Or do I need to draw it in crayon?
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

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Post by EugenicHegemony »

SirNitram wrote:
EugenicHegemony wrote:
SirNitram wrote:As this individual has already declared they don't feel the need to follow the forum's rules, and has refused to respond to the accusal to present a defense...

As Supermoderator of SDNet, I hereby condemn this thread to the Sewer. Horsemen, you are hereby given free hand to ridicule and edit this idiot's posts to your heart's content.

Going Down...
Go fuck yourself bitch.
I'll fuck my wife instead. You can go fuck your hand, you retarded excuse for an anarcho-capitalist wanker. If you have an argument, present one with evidence and logical debate. Since you have proven this beyond you, to the point of referencing your own blog as a source in your desperation, I will assume you cannot.

Come on, fucknuggets. Show us the arguments. Show us the meat, the facts, the stuff that'll sway us. Otherwise, you can get your extremist, goon ass out of this forum. Got it, kid? Or do I need to draw it in crayon?
Why should I retype it all if it's on my blog? I don't have the time for that bullshit. I posted around (I think 17 ideas) for a different system, and all I got was flaming.
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Post by The Spartan »

EugenicHegemony wrote:-----It's all in here you mindless fuck
Oh. Good. A reasoned argument against education that isn't at all based upon reasoned logic instead of tinfoil hat government boogeymen... :roll:

A jury of our peers is all we need. The USSC is allowing this government to tear it to shreds now, so your argument is worthless.
Yes of course because a jury of our peers is who should be interpreting the Constitution rather than seasoned jurists who understand the intricate inner workings of law and it's ramiffications.

And how exactly is the USSC letting the government tear itself to shreds?Last I looked, it was doing a damn fine job of holding it together, particularly when it comes to obeying the Constitution.

*Unhorsmanized for ease of reading.
The Gentleman from Texas abstains. Discourteously.
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Post by EugenicHegemony »

The Spartan wrote:
EugenicHegemony wrote:No there is not, you moron. Original Constitution, and abolish the USSC.
:wtf: So you wanna bring back slavery then, huh? Nice... :roll: You gonna repeal the amendments on Civil Rights as well? After all, they're not part of the original.

Oh, and how do you propose to enforce and interpret this form of the document? Or any form of the document. Which is what the Supreme Court is for you fucking moron. Is your name Terry?

Are you actually stupid enough to believe that it's simple enough for a country with a population this size to actually agree on what it says? Oh, wait of course you are because you know what it's supposed to mean and everyone will agree with you. Dumbass fucking teenager.
Don't be a literal dick like me. The things that have been changed for the betterment of all will stay, or to put it another way, the bits that I like and go along with my fucked up libertarian wanking that has every government in the entirety of human history as communist will be kept, the rest will go. The constitution s I said, is there more to keep this government in check. when they abuse it or pass things like the PA 1-2, it's a useless piece of parchment. They need that power taken from them almost as badly as I need the power to post, and to reproduce, taken away from me.
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Post by Surlethe »

EugenicHegemony wrote:
Surlethe wrote:
EugenicHegemony wrote:Just out of interest EugenicHegemony are there any countries out there that you don’t regard as commie-nazi states?

Are there any present day or historical examples of the kind of society you would implement in preference to the commie-nazi dystopian that is the USA or are you working entirely in theory?
I have come up with a few ideas, yes.

1)Strict adherence to the Constitution; otherwise it becomes onerous and government become our master. It's in place more to keep government on a leash with the citizenry holding it; more than it is for the actually citizenry.

7)Abolish Supreme Courts. (They're: appointed in a dictatorial fashion, there till they die, and the last law of the land; therefore it's absurd. As of now the more capital you have the better chance of getting appeals and a never ending process ensues. 1-2 appeal limit with no more than a year bewteen appeals .No USSC to dictate the outcome. A jury of your peers is all we need)
Whoops ... is there a contradiction here? Moron.

----No there is not, you moron. Original Constitution, and abolish the USSC.
Why don't you try replying outside the fucking quote next fucking time, troll? In any case, you're an idiot: Article III, Section 1: "The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office."
8)Denationalize our economy. (Free unencumbered markets. Use any system you please: Capitalism, Socialism, or Communism. If you are a fascist, then you're out of luck. They've forced a command economy on the workers of America, while giving themselves and their special interests a free anarchic market)
How the fuck is a Communist market possible in a denationalized economy? Of course, you still rely on the arrogant presumption the economy is "nationalized", though you've done nothing do back up that claim, though I have politely asked you twice to do so.

So, are you going to provide evidence?

--------The fact we can't use any economic system we please says it all. Nationalized is government controlled and regulated. That's pretty damned self explanatory.

Pure communism is possible in a free market. I need to show you why?
Pure Socialism is also.

Pure Communism- Commune your tax free capital with like minded people.

Pure Socialism- Allow workers to own the means of production and distribution.

Pure capitalism- Well, you get the idea.
You're so fucking stupid I'm losing brain cells typing in reply to this. Communism is characterized by DIRECT INTERVENTION in the economy, as you yourself have said in this very fucking thread! Lying asshole.
9)Decriminalize drugs. (First the Welfare state must be abolished or we will all continue to pay)
Ahh, your posts make so much more sense now. Please, do us all a favor and turn yourself in to the FDA.

-------We are forced to pay for a prison system because of this moronic war on freedom...I mean drugs.
Because nobody ever commits crimes which are not drug related. Idiot.
11)Wholly cut off government from our economy. (End protectionism)

12)Make it illegal for government to commingle with any private entities and vice versa. (All subsidization will end).
Are you so stupid that you don't realize this will do far more to fulfill Marx's principals than the current government contracts will ever do?

------Why are you so stupid to think it would?
Because if the government can't contract out work, it has to do the work itself, which, in turn, means it will sieze and use resources on its own, thus accomplishing Marx's principal of the government seizing the means of production and agriculture. Is it so fucking hard to grasp?
13)Denationalize Globalization.
How the hell can globalization be nationalized the first fucking place?

------This government has a monopoly on force and start wars to open global markets. are you that dense? It's none of their business, and they should be removed completely.
So you claim one nation can control globalization? You can't make the process of globalization the property of one government, by the very definition of nationalization! I don't see how this is hard to understand; but then, you're a lying asshole, so I shouldn't overestimate your intelligence, as I did at the beginning of the thread.
14)Abolish all Central Banks. (Ending the governmental monopoly on: prices, rents, wages, salaries, capital, inflation, deflation, interest rates, stock market just to name a few. That is our lifeblood and it's not capitalism; it's more like nationalized communism)
Shit, you are dense. Currency is the lifeblood of a real, grown-up economy, and you propose to do away with it?

------No, only the forced interest on it.
I see the logic escapes you once again, so I'll explain simply:

IF currency, THEN inflation. IF no inflation, THEN no currency. It's that fucking simple, and you're so damned stupid you don't realize the implications of your own statements.
15)Abolish income tax (It's a war tax. It was used for the Spanish American war, civil war, WWI just to name a few. One year prior to WWI. Does 1+1=2 for any of you)
So? It is also a portion of the government's income, and the US is in debt enough already. Or did you want us to go deeper into debt?

------I already provided the info on abolishing the income tax, and no they don't need it. Look it up, I'm not going to do your home work for your lazy ass. It's a few posts above.
17)Open policy. (A potential enemy will know we (all) know: what they're up to, where they are, what they're doing, and where they're going; therefore they have no place to hide)
And you are tactically and strategically inept, too, I see. Since when has the government been omniscient?

------That's not a response, and it's useless. Try again.
You're so fucking, mindlessly, endlessly idiotic that you honestly don't realize that telling an enemy exactly where our military forces are is a Bad Thing?
In conclusion, you're obviously not intelligent enough to cobble together an internally consistent alternative to the current US situation, let alone make sweeping proclamations about the nature of the United States' economy and form of government.

----No, you're just to small minded and mindfucked to see it's a solution.
How the hell can a "solution" which CONTRADICTS ITSELF be a solution?
This is the only site where people have not discussed this and added their own ideas also. You and your (I'll fight everythiing you say attitude), suck.
It's because we actually think here instead of sucking your cock.
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Post by SirNitram »

EugenicHegemony wrote:Why should I retype it all if it's on my blog? I don't have the time for that bullshit. I posted around (I think 17 ideas) for a different system, and all I got was flaming.
Of course you did: Your 'ideas' are without merit or logical support. You don't seem to understand the basis of logical argument, which is going to bite your immature, bratty ass repeatedly while you're here.

Of course, this won't be a long period. The Senate will be unlikely to dwell on your case long; you have admitted you won't argue or debate. This violates a banning offense here. You knew this when you came here(Unless you'd like to admit you didn't read the rules, which is also bannable. A little Catch-22 for wankers who think they're above the rules.). Alternately, you'll be like most we have here, and you'll run off when you can't spew whatever lies you'd like without the fires heating up.

In short: This is the kitchen. If the heat is too high, maybe you should get the fuck out.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

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Post by The Spartan »

EugenicHegemony wrote:Why should I retype it all if it's on my blog? I don't have the time for that bullshit. I posted around (I think 17 ideas) for a different system, and all I got was flaming.
You "ideas" were flamed for being out right stupidity you idiot. They weren't even internally consistent for chris'sakes! And worse, many would result in a collapse of society, i.e. the elimination of taxes and the destruction of education.
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Post by The Dark »

Who decides what is for the betterment of all, Hegemony? I'm sure the radical Christians would love to eliminate the First Amendment's religion provisions "for the betterment of all," just as I would oppose it for the same reason. Likewise, I consider the public education system to be "for the betterment of all," while you, apparently, do not.
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by Surlethe »

EugenicHegemony wrote:I posted around (I think 17 ideas) for a different system, and all I got was flaming.
It's because they were stupid ideas.
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Post by EugenicHegemony »

The Spartan wrote:
EugenicHegemony wrote:-----It's all in here you mindless fuck
Oh. Good. A reasoned argument against education that isn't at all based upon reasoned logic instead of tinfoil hat government boogeymen... :roll:

A jury of our peers is all we need. The USSC is allowing this government to tear it to shreds now, so your argument is worthless.
Yes of course because a jury of our peers is who should be interpreting the Constitution rather than seasoned jurists who understand the intricate inner workings of law and it's ramiffications.

And how exactly is the USSC letting the government tear itself to shreds?Last I looked, it was doing a damn fine job of holding it together, particularly when it comes to obeying the Constitution.

*Unhorsmanized for ease of reading.
Seasoned nothing. We don't need them deciding on what the constitution means. Jefferson's law of aggressing is something we should all follow. That would take care of 90% of it.

Yeah, that's why they abolished private property rights.
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Post by Plekhanov »

Just two more questions EugenicHegemony, do you really think the way that you’ve ‘debated’ here today is the best way to go about recruiting people for your revolution?

Do you generally find that your wall of ignorance style or arguing is successful in converting people to your cause?
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Post by EugenicHegemony »

The Dark wrote:Who decides what is for the betterment of all, Hegemony? I'm sure the radical Christians would love to eliminate the First Amendment's religion provisions "for the betterment of all," just as I would oppose it for the same reason. Likewise, I consider the public education system to be "for the betterment of all," while you, apparently, do not.
No one is able to aggress on anothers rights, and that includes the nutty christians. That's the recipe for a free life. Follow that, mind your own business, and live your life. Safe in the knowledge that you are free to pick any hovel to live in, any gutter to starve to death in, any disease to die of and...well, not any book to read or job to do since I want to abolish education for most folks, but you get the drift.
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Post by The Spartan »

EugenicHegemony wrote:Don't be a literal dick. The things that have been changed for the betterment of all will stay. The constitution s I said, is there more to keep this government in check. when they abuse it or pass things like the PA 1-2, it's a useless piece of parchment. They need that power taken from them.
Emphasis mine. Who the fuck do you think tells the goverment that they've overstepped they're bounds you idiot? It's the Supreme Court. That's the sole reason the exist: to interpret the Constitution and inform the Congress and/or President that a particular law has gone over the line.

Who decides what stays for the betterment of all? You?!

And how do you propose to eliminate them when the original Consititution includes them as a basic and necessary component you fucking idiot?
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