Pity, I hoped to play as FlandersVympel wrote:IGN interview
Playable factions, as listed:

Moderator: Thanas
Pity, I hoped to play as FlandersVympel wrote:IGN interview
Playable factions, as listed:
Would the Inquisitors be lone assassins to route out or whole military units to fight a battle with? Whichever, it adds a nice element to the gameplay, given there's never any time you feel you've a content empire under control in these games.Arrow wrote:
Wow, that's just vicious! I can see this screwing with all sorts of plans. And when the Pope decides to have one of my generals wacked, I'll be marching on Rome. FUN!
Darth Servo wrote:So will Total War 5 be based on WW1?
Actually, you can. Ever played Crusader Kings? It was a good game otherwise, but Paradox really dropped the ball on that project by removing even the slightest facsimile of naval combat for some indeterminate reason. They didn't even bother to indirectly represent navies as anything more than magical transport flotillas for your armies...Adrian Laguna wrote:One thing though, they need to add naval battles. You can't have a game during this era without tactical naval combat.
You and I both know we'd like to see something later than what we've currently seen which is in Shogun: Total War. Going from the 17th century to the end of the 19th would be fun. Could have everything from the War of Independence to the Napleonic Wars to the Boer Wars. It could be done easily, given the combat isn't strictly melee anyway since ranged infantry and weaponry already exists. And there's always "company, affix bayonets, charge!".Vympel wrote:
As if. The Total War series will always be based on melee combat first and foremost, I reckon. Expect them to revisit Rome: Total War, perhaps even Shogun, before they touch WW1 with a ten-foot pole.
I'm not talking about the new Medieval, the current naval system that is just stragic battles with no tactical combat works fine for me. I'm talking about my proposed Imperialism Total War.Dominus wrote:Actually, you can. Ever played Crusader Kings? It was a good game otherwise, but Paradox really dropped the ball on that project by removing even the slightest facsimile of naval combat for some indeterminate reason. They didn't even bother to indirectly represent navies as anything more than magical transport flotillas for your armies...Adrian Laguna wrote:One thing though, they need to add naval battles. You can't have a game during this era without tactical naval combat.
So, here's to hoping that the innovative minds over at Creative Assembly won't make that mistake with this game.
I'm honestly astounded there hasn't been a serious Total War-style game set in this period. The ACW isn't exactly an infertile source of material!Adrian Laguna wrote:If got to choose, the next Total War game (after Medieval 2) would be:
Imperialsim - Total War
Begining in 1861 and ending in 1921, six or twelve turns per year. Factions: United States of America, Confederate States of America, Mexico, British Empire, Russia, France, Prussia, Brasil, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, China, Japan, Zulu, Ethiopia, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Persia, ?????.
You can always let the AI do everything and just watch some nicely simulated battles (and likely lose if playing at any decent difficulty).Zac Naloen wrote:i can't bring myself to buy the total war series, they seem to require lots of thinking and lots of time. I played a demo of shogun and got confused within 10 minutes!!
Needless to say if these screenshots are anything to go by i might buy it for drooling purposes!
I'm just qouting word for word what the IGN interview with someone from CA said- they did say the list wasn't finalized, so it well could change.Falkenhayn wrote: Vympel, are you sure that you can play AS the Pope? Fuckin' hell fit me for a pointed hat then.
Seconded. Damn those Franks and their revisionist historians...Vympel wrote:I just hope they change "Byzantium" to the real, contemporary Greek term- Βασιλεία Ῥωμαίων or Basileía Romaíon. Or in Latin- Imperium Romanorum. "Byzantine Empire" is a modern term, after all.
Heck, even Constantinople would be better.