I can only hope they never picked up any of my reality TV.MRDOD wrote: Perhaps they detected Khar TV Broadcasts and Radio Transmissions (KNN?) or something.

Moderator: Thanas
Concord looks after a vast number of different worlds that form their recruitment base. A lot of independant merchants and traders that travel around border worlds will often bring in bits of information, mostly rumors and conjecture though. Although broadcasts, flight recorder information and other tidbits of information that can be substantiated will be catalogued by the powers that be and will eventually filter through to the Concord Assembly.MRDOD wrote:The Concord confirmed my ship's nationality as "the Khar" in a knowing manner despite knowing the Age of Silver/Steel and thus one of the myriad of nations active during that time (the Eqqarya/Khar Empire of the past) as at best a vague myth. Perhaps they detected Khar TV Broadcasts and Radio Transmissions (KNN?) or something.
If it makes you feel any better, my ship will miss your nation by a fairly wide margin, and then have to spend some time looking for it. During that time they should meet with either one of your ships, or a probe. The bigger they are, the easier to detect and know their position. Diem is rather small, the Mekidar just know the rough area of space they are in.Stormin wrote:I have a small point to raise, I think being able to tell where another persons worlds are, what their tech level is and how powerful they are simply through ultra long-range scanning is a bit much. For a small player like me, it means that at any time anyone larger than me can one-round me knowing where to hit. Also, if this level of detection was possible, the meeting at the galactic core would be far different since everyone would already know of everyone else.
If nobody else agrees with me I will stfu and drop it.
There is also the fact that Project Argus is many decades old. The Mekidar have been looking into deep space for quite some time now. The researchers finally felt they had a decent enough picture of the surrounding area, that's why the meeting I posted occured.MRDOD wrote:Perhaps the UltraRadar thingie that the Mekidar have is some Previous Age Technology, or is just very sensitive.
I would love to be that organised.Spyder... going to give an example pic?
Thanks I will have them Lab boyz tell most of that the next time I need them to give a report. Incidentally in light of this the line that read "In fact they could not even work out the basic principle the ship used to propel its self through space." is said because they dismissed to rocket fule as the ships engine due to the acceleration they saw.Thirdfain wrote:Glimmervoid, your immediate findings on the Aetherclipper:
There's something which must be a powerplant (connected with lots of wires) but it's absolutely trashed. There are machines filled with innumerable nanoscopic gears and clockwork, of unsure usage. The engines are literal honest-to-god liquid fuel rockets, which does not jive with their recorded acceleration, and the vessel has a couple of "fuel" tanks full of a thick, pearlescent liquid which you have never seen before.
Bizzare glyphs are carved or emblazoned all over a number of devices in the hull.