Look What I Found Under a Rock

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Post by Imperial Overlord »

The adventurers materialized on a shelf of black rock overlooking a lake of molten lava. Heat shimmers danced in the air as waves of intense heat buffeted them. The vault itself was about a third of a mile in either direction and about three hundred feet higher than the lake of lava that covered the floor. Overhead several clusters of what appeared to be stars of poisonous green, vibrant pink, and sky blue shown from the ceiling.

Nalifan pointed to one cluster. "Crystal's in the ceiling. They're reacting to the faerzress."

"It's like Baator's sky got replaced by one built by faeries," Mikos muttered. The shelf they were on was very thick and about thirty feet above the lake of molten rock. The shelf itself was part of a pathway that covered this side of the lake. He noted several entrances and exits from the cavern, as well as several pillars that jutted up from the molten rock.

"There's an illusion covering an cave on the opposite side," said Trizkel. He pointed. Kaeryn nodded. She had already chanted prayers of protection over herself and Mikos. Trizkel, Fadina, and Nalifan had worked their own forms of protection, although both the drow wore magical rings that gave them some protection from fire. Kuuni had declined to go on the errand, deciding to do something more "interesting". Kaeryn was beginning to dread what that meant, but no one had been able to disuade her. Not that Nalifan had tried.

"Nothing lives here, right?" Fadina asked.

"As of twenty years ago, nothing worth mentioning," Nalifan replied. "Maybe a few fire elementals or salamanders."

"As of twenty years ago," she said scathingly. "Do we have any information that is more up to date?"

"No," Nalifan said while stepping forward. "Does it matter? What could challenge us? We don't have time to waste worrying about every minor detail. If you recall-"

A lava geyser interrupted Nalifan's speech. A huge serpentine neck topped with a head the size of a wagon rose from the lava. And then another, only slightly smaller. And then a third, this one's head merely large enough to swallow an elf in a single gulp.

Their scales were dark red and and their eyes were doors into furnaces. Great horns curved back along their skulls as the largest reared back and opened its maw revealing fangs the size of swords. It was death and destruction incarnate, the perfect fusion of physical power and raw magical might.

"Dragon," whispered Mikos. He was already running to the right side, his bow in hand and reaching for an arrow. He loosed swiftly, aiming for the intesection on the several neck plates. The arrow penetrated the dragon's armour and went in deep. Black blood pulsed from the wound. And then the dragon unleashed a holocaust.

Nalifan managed to utter the trigger word to bring a shield of force into being. It managed to block part of the blast that burned away most of his protective wards. Everyone but Mikos was hit hard, the Dalesman managing to avoid the blast entirely.

Wreathed in clinging flame, Fadina shouted the initiator to a spell. A beam of icy cold shot from her hand towards the dragon, rebounded, and struck her. The Calishite high mage fell, encrusted with frost.

As Kaeryn rushed to the fallen mage's side the other two dragon's pulled themselves from lava. The second extended her wings as she closed, her entire upper body now protruding from the lava lake. The smallest rose from the molten rock with the beating of its powerful wings. It hovered above its larger brethren, rearing back to unleash a blast of fire on the adventurers.

The clinging fires were burning away the last of Nalifan's wards, but the arch-mage remained calm. He uttered a single, deadly word. A ray of ebon and crimson lightning flashed from his finger and struck the flying dragon. It gave a terrible shriek and fell limp into the lava. The other two roared their terrible anger.

Kaeryn uttered healing chants while Mikos launched volley of arrows at the great red. Most bounced off it's scales, but two struck hard, drawing more blood. Trizkel, still wrapped in flames, rushed to confront the other. A gout of acid erupted from his mouth and ate through the tough scales on her flank. The dragon opened her maw and unleashed great gout of flame.

Kaeryn huddled over Fadina, shielding her patient. Nalifan's force shield gave him some protection, as did his ring, and enchanted garments. Trizkel's eye withered in the in blast which consumed his skin and ravaged his flesh. He did not fall, instead rising up on wings of magic.

Trizkel sped forward through the air and slapped the dragon's claw with his burned hand. The dragon reared back and screamed as the psychic warrior channelled all the anguish he had suffered through an empathic link. So great was Trizkel's power and terrible his suffering that psychosomatic wounds erupted on the dragon's flesh.

The great dragon struck Mikos with a buffet of its mighty wings, but the archer rolled with the blow. Another arrow struck home in the dragon's flesh. It's eyes flashed a brilliant gold and Mikos staggered back, stunned.

Nalifan rose, and unleashed a killing spell as he retreated. Four spheres of dire power flashed from his hands, stricking the great dragon with blasts of glacial cold. The dragon screamed and lunged at Nalifan, falling short by inches.

Fadina rose and uttered a sorcery of her own. Deadly lightning flashed from her hands. The spell shattered scales and blasted flesh off the great dragon, and then arced to strike the other, tearing open another wound. Kaeryn uttered another healing prayer, repairing her own fire ravaged flesh.

Trizkel dodged a claw swipe, was clipped by another which opened shallow wounds across his chest and bruised ribs despite his force armour, and descended on the dragon's right shoulder, stabbing deeply and drawing blood as he drew upon his powers to steal some of the dragon's vitality. The great beast shook him loose and the drow narrowly avoided a viscious swipe from her wing and a bite from her jaws. The drow circled around her back to strike again.

Nalifan unleashed another volley of spells, blasting the dragon with an explosion of freezing mist in which dancing skull shapes could be seen, and rolling thrusting a sphere of wintery chill into the dragons' flesh. The dragon roared and retreated, but the orb continued to pursue, freezing the mighty wyrm's flesh. It roared and spoke a terrible word in the arcane language of dragons. The air around Nalifan rippled, but the sorcery did not penetrate his innate resistance to magic.

Mikos blinked and steadied himself, shaking off the dragon's magic. He knocked an arrow, steadied his aim, and loosed. The arrow flew straight and true into the wyrm's eye. The orb popped in a spray of black blood and it's belows were deafening.

As Trizkel drove his blade into the other dragon's back, Kaeryn unleashed magic of her own. Lightning arced from Kaeryn's outstreched hand, a spell enhanced to its maximum destructive potential. It blasted scales and flesh from the dragon's upper torso. The great beast reared up in agony as Trizkel lunged forward. His blade plunged deep into he dragon's exposed neck and black blood geysered from the wound, splattering him with scalding blood. The dragon fell, writhing as it bled to death.

Fadina uttered another spell. Streamers of grey mist rose from the mighty dragon as the deadly magics withered the flesh and drained its vital fluids. Nalifan drove the sphere of deadly cold into the wounded beast's chest as he unleashed another blasts of intense cold. The corpse toppled into the lava.

There was a moment of silence in the wake of the last dragon's death. Kaeryn walked towards Trizkel so she could tend to the drow's terrible injuries. Nalifan invoked a spell that would allow his body to heal itself using negative energy and began to treat his own wounds with massive infusions of otherwise deadly sources.

Mikos walked back towards him. "It appears something of note did happen within the last twenty years, arch mage," said Fadina archly.

"Yes," admitted Nalifan, "it certainly appears so. Three dragons, an old mated pair and a young adult offspring. The larger was probably male, they retain fertility latter in life than females. I was certainly not expecting the obtain three dragon hoards to augment our wealth as well as the fever iron. I would have encompassed more transport spells if I had known that was going to be the case. We'll just have to settle for what we can scoop into bags of holding and portable holes."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by LadyTevar »

I think Kaeryn has teleport spells... ;) Definately has her own Planeshift spell.

But I was wondering if you'd have her just be the healer, or if she'd get to toss a nice ChainLightning or two. You even remembered she has Enhanced MetaMagic! :lol:
*hugs* Great story. Wonder how much red dragon skin is selling for right now?
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Imperial Overlord
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

LadyTevar wrote:I think Kaeryn has teleport spells... ;) Definately has her own Planeshift spell.
Teleporting is one thing, teleporting to a place full of faerzress is another. :D
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Post by LadyTevar »

Imperial Overlord wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:I think Kaeryn has teleport spells... ;) Definately has her own Planeshift spell.
Teleporting is one thing, teleporting to a place full of faerzress is another. :D
now, did I say I'd be teleporting from *there*? No, I just said I could help move some of that treasure.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

LadyTevar wrote: now, did I say I'd be teleporting from *there*? No, I just said I could help move some of that treasure.
Doesn't matter whether it is to or from, it still screws up teleportation.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Imperial Overlord wrote:
LadyTevar wrote: now, did I say I'd be teleporting from *there*? No, I just said I could help move some of that treasure.
Doesn't matter whether it is to or from, it still screws up teleportation.
Bah. You're no fun, and not getting the joke besides ;) Silly Overlord.

So how much of this treasure now belongs to Mystra/Midnight's temple? :lol:
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

LadyTevar wrote: Bah. You're no fun, and not getting the joke besides ;) Silly Overlord.
Ahh Planeshift. You wouldn't believe the bad experience players have had with that spell. Not the travel spell of choice by a long shot (although I did enjoy the roped together dwarf fighter and sorcerer appearing 200 miles out to sea).
So how much of this treasure now belongs to Mystra/Midnight's temple? :lol:
As much as Kaeryn chooses to donate from her share, of course.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Imperial Overlord wrote:
LadyTevar wrote: Bah. You're no fun, and not getting the joke besides ;) Silly Overlord.
Ahh Planeshift. You wouldn't believe the bad experience players have had with that spell. Not the travel spell of choice by a long shot (although I did enjoy the roped together dwarf fighter and sorcerer appearing 200 miles out to sea).
So how much of this treasure now belongs to Mystra/Midnight's temple? :lol:
As much as Kaeryn chooses to donate from her share, of course.
Kinda figured Nal wouldn't be donating to that. :lol:
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

"Excuse me," came a high pitched voice that came from behind and below. Hannesh put down his mug of ale and craned his neck around. The Bloody Axe was not a place friendly to small folk. The tavern cattered to some of the best and toughest warriors in the pan dimensional trade. It was solid stone with high ceilings, free flowing ale, and ogre-magi bouncers.

Hannesh located the source of the voice. A female gnome with long white hair and grey skin, wearing mostly black. A dagger was sheathed on her belt. Hannesh squinted at her. The mercenary was a big, intimidating man. Six foot three and broad shouldered, he was built for war. He wore his mustaches long and his dark hair back in a top not, in the manner of his long ago homeworld. He had killed with bow, lance, sword, knife, bare hands, feet, and teeth. He had learned to sing spells in three arcane languages and swear in a hundred obscure ones. "Are you talking to me?"

"Yeah. If it's not too much trouble. Some guys told me you've been everywhere and done everything. That you were one of the best in Union, so I thought you might be able to answer my question. Oh, and the next three rounds are on me."

"Ask and I may answer," replied Hannesh. Free beer was good, but money was better.

"I'm kind of looking for this guy. He's good and he's been to all sorts of places. His name's Karesh."

Hannesh thought for a moment. "Doesn't ring a bell."

"Kind a tall, black boar's helm, one man army kind of guy?" Kuuni proded helpfully.

"No. Definitely not. Only guy even close to that got turned into a quillboar by a bunch of elves."

"Quillboar?" said Kuuni. "What's that?"

"A guy wearing a boarhide with fifty arrows sticking in him," Hannesh replied.

"Drat," Kuuni muttered.

"Try with the guild," said Hannesh.

"Which guild?" she asked, perking up.

"Swordswingers. Guild Quarter. There are a lot of worlds out there. He could have fought on a hundred of them and set foot on none of the ones I've been."

"Thanks," said Kuuni and wandered off through Union's crowded streets and over its arching bridges until she reached the Guild Quarter. It was much more hoity-toity that the Tavern Quarter as Important People walked by in outfits designed to show off how rich and important they were.

She walked into a cafe that was ridiculously over priced, bought a sweet choclatl and honey pastry from a nice blonde girl, and bent her ear a bit. It didn't take long for directions to the Brotherhood of the Sword to come up. Kuuni thanked her and skipped across the square.

The building was somber and blocky, looking a lot like a slightly renevated gatehouse. Kuuni sighed and headed inside. A dark haired half elven male wearing blue velvet was sitting at a desk just inside the entrance. Kuuni admired the tapestries of valiant warriors for a moment before walking up to him. Her head was barely higher than the desk. "Um . . . excuse me. Could you point me in the direction of someone . . . who knows stuff," she concluded.

The half elf arched an eyebrow. "Knows stuff?" he repeated.

"I'm kind of looking for this guy. I was figuring someone here know him. He's really good with a sword."

"We do not deal in information. We are a service that connects people in need with military professionals."

"That's the thing. He's a mercenary and he's really good." The elf rolled his eyes. Kuuni's eyes welled up with tears. "Please?" she said in a weak voice.

"Alright. Jessen might know."

"Where can I find him."

"Here, but it will cost you." Kuuni smiled.

A minute latter and with more than a little platinum changing hands, Kuuni had an opponment with Jessen. She hopped up a flight uf stairs and into a narrow office stuffed with scrolls. Jessen, a wizened elf who actually looked old, was an archivist. "How can I help you?" he said in an even tone.

Kuuni went over to the elf and gave him the ticket from downstairs. He took it from her. "Well, there's this guy, he's really, really good. I need to find him. His name's Karesh."

"Karesh of the Ten Thousand Blades?"

"Yes!" she said. "Where can I find him?"

"He is not a member of our guild nor does he operate out of Union, although he has been to the city. Karesh takes on contracts that interest him. He lives on his homeworld of Vye, in the city of Lasker, where he is a personage of considerable importance. If you want to hire him, as the saying on one world goes, 'the mountain goes to Muhommed'."

Kuuni gave him a blank look.

"It means that you go to him."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Well... that's a bit more helpful.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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"So," said Kuuni tapping her foot as her comrades trailed into the inn rooms, "did you collect all that boring old fever iron? Hey, you've got new toys!"

"Yes," said Nalifan as he reached into the pockets of his new leather coat and tossed a handful of garnets at Kuuni, "we've got new toys. We did some shopping in Sshameth on our way back."

The gnome managed to catch most of the gems in mid air. She quickly scooped up the rest. "I know why Triz has a new sword-"

"It's just temporary," said Trizkel as he rested a hand on the weapon's pommel. Finding a good short sword in Sshameth hadn't been hard. It would do until Ulathren was finished forging his new one.

"-but why is Fadina carrying that?" The Calishite high mage had a great sword with a fifty inch blade strapped to her back. Like Trizkel's weapon it was night black and almost entirely devoid of decoration, save for the maker's marks and runes of binding on the blade.

"A surprise," Nalifan replied. "How were things on your end?"

"I know where he lives," Kuuni replied. "Now tell me everything."


"So after that it was pretty boring," Nalifan concluded. He took another sip of wine. The cook of the Wayfarer's Sojourn had sent up a meal involving beds of rice which were then covered with vegetables, slices of meat, and sauces the dinners picked from several larger platters. "Kaeryn healed us and then we checked out the cave with the illusion covering it. It was their lair and they did have a small mountain of treasure. We took the best part, which included some fever iron, thus making the whole trip easier. Stopped over at Sshameth, purchased a few items, dropped off the fever iron, and came back here."

"You also changed your clothes," said Kuuni.

"Yes, a natural reaction to having a dragon burn them with fire. I did mention the fire, right?"

"Yes," said Kuuni. Kaeryn hid a smile. "Now want to hear about my day?"

"Just the important parts."

Kuuni frowned. "Alright," she said heavily. "He lives in the city of Lasker on the world of Vye. Apparently he's a big shot."

"How big?" asked Kaeryn.

Kuuni shrugged. "Big."

"Odds are that he'll be waiting for us somewhere there and it is a trap," said Nalifan. "I suggest that everyone get plenty of rest and prepare for our big trip tomorrow."

"We're going anyway?" Kaeryn said.

"Do you have a better way of going about it? We need to grab him in order to find out who his employer is and where Sylvetria is being held. He won't come after us here, but can probably found lurking on his homeworld. We can either go after him or wait for him to figure out some way of hitting us here. This time we're all going and we are prepared for him."

Trizkel nodded in grim agreement. Mikos said nothing. "What about the undoubted legion of minions?" Kaeryn asked.

"Fadina's sorcery couldn't penetrate his defences and to be blunt, I doubt yours with either. The odds of anyone else carrying even close to that amount of protection is low. Very low."

"So we take care of the rabble-"

"And then join the rest of us. There are some clerical magics that make the user quite formidable in personal combat, I suggest-"

Kaeryn smiled. "I have that covered."

The dinner was fairly subdued after that with the adventurers departing for their own rooms after that. Fadina joined Nalifan in the large room they had set aside for their work. Two of the walls were almost covered with sheafs of paper depicted glyphs and patterns of arraingment, as well as proposed equivalent structures. Nalifan went to work, adding several new ones to several different sheets.

"Hmm," said Kaeryn as she entered behind them. "Quite complex."

"The complexity is managable," said Nalifan, "its the nature of the arraingments themselves that doesn't make sense."


"Well, some do. Theses for example, deal with handling certain types of abyssal power. The amount is staggering, but its easy enough to see where they got it from and what they intended to do with it. How they access it is the mystery."

"Through the Weave, obviously."

"Are you familiar with elven spellcraft."

"Only the basics, but I am well acquanted with Netherese, Calishite, and Mulhorondian systems." Kaeryn furled her brow. "I don't see any reference to the weave at all."

"That's our problem," said Fadina. "The pieces are right, there is just no way to fit them together."

"Well, part of the slab is missing," said Kaeryn. "I assume that's what's on it." The priestess of Mystra circled the room. "Impressive work."

"Thank you," said Nalifan.

"Could it have been Shadow Weave magic?"

"No reference to it either," said Nalifan. "Not that anyone used it much at all back then.

"Well, except for the Imaskari when Mystra cut some of them off from the Weave."

"Yes," said Nalifan. "Yes. And what did those Imaskari artificers do then?"

"Well," Fadina answered, "legend has it they bound their souls to that of yugoloths so they access the dark power of the Shadow Weave."

"And how did they do that if they couldn't use the Weave or the Shadow Weave?" said Nalifan.

"Maybe the ones who could still use the Weave summoned the fiends," replied Fadina.

"Maybe, but Elvish tradition says High Magic comes from the Seladrine, not from Mystra."

"So? Priests draw on the Seladrine to."

"Not my point. After Mystra rewove the Weave after Karses Folly, the greatest feats of Netherese magic became impossible, but high magic still worked. The Netherese didn't much use high magic because their own magic could duplicate its accomplishments. What is the logical conclusion? High magic is not dependent on the Weave. The Weave is a conduit between a mage and the powers of the universe. High magic manipulates those powers directly. That's why its so much more difficult and so much more powerful. When there were no limits on the Weave-"

"The Netherese didn't have to bother with it," finished Fadina. "And then Mystra altered the Weave and their mightiest sorceries wouldn't work but high magic still did. That's the secret."

"The secret that killed suns, annhilated gods, and sent whole races into ruin," said Nalifan. The others turned to him. "Psionics doesn't use the Weave either, but it is a form of magical practice. That's how the illithids formed their empire. That's how the put entire pantheons to the sword and reworked whole worlds. This is just one world and lord Ao's word can reshape it as he wills it. How could the illithids smash so many, each with their own gods? High magic, massively applied. How many thousands of illithids leanding their strength to each practitioner? Millions? And then their slaves rose against them as they over extended themselves and it all came apart."

Everyone was silent for a moment. "This is what Karesh's mistress wants. Power to equal that of the Netherese. Or the high mages who cursed every Ssri Tel'Quessar on Toril and created the drow. Or the illithid."

Kaeryn was appalled. "We can't let her get it."

"No, especially since she will kill us to maintain control of its secrets. And as strong as she is, we'll need every trick we can muster."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by LadyTevar »

YAY!!! Another nice chapter, with the secrets adding up.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

"I love this city," Nalifan said as he unrolled the chart on the table. The adventurers had finished breakfast and were now reading themselves for their next trip. "Where else can you get planar maps that cover even the most obscure corner of the planes annotated in the language of your choice?"

'So that is Vye," said Kaeryn touching the map.

"Yes. The Cartographic Society said that humans are the only sentient life form, that they get the occassional planar visitor, and they aren't xenophobic; at least in his stretch of caverns."

"Stretch of caverns?" said Kaeryn. "Ahh. The expression we use 'in that neck of the woods'."

Trizkel snorted. "That's silly. What if it isn't wooded? Surface worlders."

Kaeryn opened her mouth to reply and then thought better of it. "Never mind," she said.

Nalifan tapped the hilt of his sword. "Everyone ready?"

"You that eager to get us killed?" Kaeryn said half jokingly.

"That's not quite the outcome I'm anticipating," the drow replied. "So. Ready?"

Nods answered his question. "I believe the fair lady Kaeryn will be providing transportation for the first part of the journey."

The priestess of Mystress spoke the initiator of a mighty spell Mystra had granted her. Blue sparks spat from her fingers, forming a hoop in mid air. They spun faster and faster and then there was a sound like steel being torn apart and reality broke. An image of a city square appeared in front of them. "Lasker, on the world of Vye," she said.

Trizkel stepped through the gate and into the sun drenched square. The others followed. Dozens of pedestrians, light skinned humans, were watching in awe as strangers stepped through the ring. The adventurers considered their surroundings.

The square was paved with cobblestones and surrounded with two story shops. More houses and shops of white plastered brick could be seen throughout the city, most of them no more than three stories. The city seemed comparitively clean and certainly didn't smell anywhere nearly as bad as it could have.

Off to the left was a series of rising hillsides topped with mansions, the highest being reserved for a sprawling palace. Money rises, poverty sinks thought Nalifan. It's funny how some things never change. The necromancer walked towards one of the locals, smiling in a friendly manner. "Excuse me," he called out in the local tongue, a gift granted to him by magics he had worked several years ago, "my friends and I need directions. Can you help us?"

The locals seemed to hesitate for a moment. They were dressed in light clothing appropriate for the warm climate. Both sexes wore either knee length tunics/dresses or shirt and pants combinations. Sandles were more widely worn than shoes or boots. Nearly half the adults were carrying swords.

A man with light brown skin and dark hair spoke up. "What do you need stranger?"

Nalifan smiled and rolled a gold coin over his knuckles. "We have travelled far in search of a great master of the sword, Karesh of the Ten Thousand Blades. Do you know where we can find him."

The man nodded. "When he is in the city he can be found at his house," he said pointing to the hilltop mansion just below the palace, "but he is not there at the moment."


"Yes, he's gone to the Shrine of Tekri."

"Where can I find the Shrine?"

"The desolation to the northwest, maybe ten days by horse to Atreen. The road will take to Atreen and you may join the supplicants there."

"Thank you," said Nalifan, flicking the gold coin to the young human. "How, may I ask, do you know this?"

"Word spread that the Perfecti had been seen in Atreen."

"And thus heading towards Tekri?"

"Yes. Like you, many supplicants wanted to prove themselves worthy of the Perfecti's instruction."

"Thank you," said the drow. He returned to his comrades. "Well, I know where he is. He's definitely a big wheel locally, apparently a big wheel in the sword cult or whatever it is. That's his house, right next to the palace of the king or emperor or whatever. Everyone knows he's been seen there."

"Trouble," was all that Trizkel said. He pointed towards a dozen men entering the square. They wore breastplates and steel bracers that provided protection while not greatly hindering mobility. All of them carried swords of varying designs.

"I'll handle it," said Nalifan.

"Please, no unnecessary killing," Kaeryn asked.

"Trust me, I won't waste magic on them unless I have to," the drow replied. He approached the guards. "Is there a problem?" he asked.

"You are not of this land," said the leader, a broad shouldered man with a shaved head.

"Indeed," Nalifan replied. "We are peaceful travellers and mean no one any harm," he lied smoothly.

"You did not enter through the gates."

"No, we entered the city by magic. We have travelled a great distance to come here."

"The penalties for entering the city illegaly are harsh."

"Then you have our apologies and we will leave this city. We had no intention of violating your laws."

The guard looked passed Nalifan at the rest of the adventurers, sizing them up. "My men will escort you and your friends through the gates. We will show leniency this time."

"Thank you. Your restraint is appreciated."
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2006-01-26 05:05am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadyTevar »

I have a feeling that Karesh will know we're coming soon.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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LadyTevar wrote:I have a feeling that Karesh will know we're coming soon.
Either that or he was lying to his employer when he said that was his plan. :D
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Post by LadyTevar »

Imperial Overlord wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:I have a feeling that Karesh will know we're coming soon.
Either that or he was lying to his employer when he said that was his plan. :D
*snort* Why else make sure everyone in town knows where he's heading?
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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The adventurers materialized outside of a small town on a dusty plane. A light wind whipped grit into their faces. Mikos squinted and looked over the terrain. Running from east to west the land got increasingly barren, from sparse scrub to barren desert. The town in front of them was scarcely more than a walled caravan stop.

"Atreen, I take it," Kaeryn said. "You couldn't bring us any closer?"

"No, scrying and teleportation past this point is beyond my power. Whatever this temple is, it's sitting right in the middle of a teleport and scrying dead zone." To his magical senses, the area to the west was a sea of chaotic and disruptive power. Maroon and indigo streaks and vortex wandered through what appeared to be empty air. "It would be a duergar's labor to learn to use magic in that mess."

Trizkel nodded. "Shouldn't hinder us."

"True. It does makes a great trap. No teleporting, no scrying, no extradimensional reinforcements of any kind. And of course, we have to go there to find out prey. An excellent choice, I commend him on it. Let's go find out what we are about to get ourselves into."

The adventurers circled the town and found a large, open gate to the west. Two score young men, and a few young women, were arranging bundles under the eyes of a scar faced grey haired man. Like the people of Lasker they wore either long tunics or pants and shirt. All of them carried swords.

Nalifan approached the grey haired man. A long, slim sword was hanging from a baldric on his back and he wore metal bracers a sleaveless coat of boiled leather. Minor scars covered his face and arms. "Excuse me," asked Nalifan, "can you answer some questions of mine?"

"I have never seen men like you before. Where are you from?"

Nalifan smiled in an engaging manner. "The Dalelands, a long way away. I'm not surprised that you've never heard of us."

"I haven't. Can you use that?" he said pointing at Nalifan's sword.

"Yes, although I am not as good as some of my friends."

"The student exerts himself on behalf of the master."

"Indeed. My friends and I have heard of the Tekri and we have come very far to learn the truth."

"Ahh. Then you are in luck. The Perfecti is here."

"That would be Karesh?"


"How far is Tekri from here?"

"Three days west for a man in good shape. All supplicants must carry supplies to the Shrine. Food and water for the journey is the supplicant's own business."

"I see. And then one tries to impress the masters with his worthiness."

"Exactly. Only Karesh was different."


"Indeed. He was a legend before he ventured towards Tekri. Never beaten since he was fifteen and he was twenty-one when he came. Challenged Master Zardren. Zardren's skill was greater, but Karesh was faster, stronger, and possessed greater endurance. Karesh won the fight and then submitted for training."


"Yes. We all knew he would become Perfecti."

"Zardren wasn't?"

"There have only been three Perfecti. Tekri, Alesha, and Karesh. No one else has possessed their might."

"I have seen that the sword is greatly esteemed among your people. Is that linked to Tekri?"

"Yes. When all was lost, when the God Seskar lead his legions against us and all hope died and even the gods cowered in fear, Tekri lead those who resisted. Outnumbered twenty to one, he lead the charge. Carved his way through the Eternal Guard until he reached Seskar himself. Those that survived the battle say that after a few moments Seskar fell and that a great explosion devestated the plane.

"Most were killed, but the few that survived were completely untouched. The desolation was born that day. And Tekri built his school on the site of Seskar's fall, working the bones of the god into the very structure of the building."

"Thank you. Many things have been made clear." Nalifan returned to the others.

"Well?" asked Trizkel.

"Tekri was a swordmaster who killed a god out there and saved the nation. That's why the sword cult. He's one of three great swordmasters in their history. Three days west of here is a school built with the bones of a god. Guess who the third great swordmaster is?"

"So Karesh has surrounded himself with a small army of swordmasters and dared us to come get him?" asked Kaeryn.

"Yes," replied Nalifan. "Everyone up for this?" Nods answered his question. "Let's go."

The adventurers began their journey across the desert. Kaeryn made food and water from dust. Bags of holding and portable holes were opened to supplement the meals and produce camping equipment. Aside from the odd snake, the journey passed without serious incident.

Mid way through the third day, a building came into view. It was a long half cylander, reinforced by flying butressess. The Shrine of Tekri was plain, devoid of decoration, but not unmarked by the elements. Two veiled swordsmen stood at the entrance.

"Wards," said Nalifan. "Against invisibility and other stealth magic. It seems that Karesh doesn't want anyone sneaking up on him. Let's review the plan. Everyone sound off about their parts."

"Kill the swordsmen and then take Karesh," said Fadina.

"Karesh," said Mikos.

"Karesh," said Trizkel.

"Sneak around and find an opening," said Kuuni.

"Swordsmen and then Karesh," said Kaeryn.

"Let's do it," said Nalifan. The drow resumed walking towards the school. "Mikos."

The archer had the bow in his hands and an arrow in the air in the blink of an eye. The second was flying towards the other swordsman before the first one began to fall. "One in the throat, one in the heart. Nice," said Nalifan.
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Trizkel leapted ahead vaulting the stairs to the main doors. He had augmented himself with his most potent abilities and was barely recognizable. His flesh was slate grey and barbed tentacles sprouted from his back. He could crush bone to powder with his bare hands and his heart blazed with terrible hatred. He kicked open the plain double doors and sprung inside.

Three score swordsmen waited inside with steel in their hands. They were armed and armoured for battle and more than ready for him. Behind them stood Karesh of the Ten Thousand Blades, shinning like a star in the enhanced vision granted by the Eyes of Arachnidae.

The hall was plain, a long open space that probably served as a gathering hall and training ground. The swordsmasters raised their weapons and charged. Sixty to one.

A terrible blast of sonic energy split the air. Bones broke and organs ruptured. Blood poured out of every orface. A blast of blue-white flame followed immediately, fiery skulls dancing in the fireball detonation that blackened skin and charred flesh.

The survivors continued forward as lightning leaped among them and others shrivelled and fell as the water was sucked out of their body in a haze of red mist. Not one lived long enough to clash swords with Trizkel. "Karesh!" he shouted. "Your death is here!"

The others had entered behind Trizkel. The spellcasters had unleashed their killing spells against the swordsmen and Kuuni was slinking around off to the right side. A cracked and blacked stone floor strewn with the dead filled the space between Karesh and Trizkel. That also meant their was no one between Karesh and Mikos.

Arrows flashed across the space. The first was dodged, the second deflected, Karesh was charging by the time of the third, which skittered off his black boar helm. Another shaft struck him hard in the right side, but failed to penetrate the form fitting armour of scales he wore underneath his leathers.

A jagged red and black ray from Nalifan's finger struck Karesh as he charged. Karesh's spell defences were formidable, but the spell punched through. Flesh blackened under the influence of the spell's deadly power, but Karesh resisted the worst effects of the death magic. Adamantine blades lashed out at Trizkel. The drow parried and fell back a step.

Fadina and Kaeryn chanted spells. The spirits of fallen warriors joined with the wizard, augmenting her strength and endurance while granting part of their prowess to her. She drew the greatsword from her back and closed on Karesh's right.

Kaeryn directly channelled a fraction of Mystra's might. A blood red aura surrounded her and a halo of seven stars circled her head. A flail of magical force appeared in her hand, crimson strands connecting a void black handle to a brilliant star. She closed on Karesh's left.

Trizkel rushed forward, parrying Karesh's strikes. The swordmaster fell back a half step, deflected Fadina's overhand strike and opened a long cut on her right arm. Kaeryn took the advantage of the opening and struck. The tethered star smashed into Karesh's hip.

The swordmaster lashed out with his blades as he fell. With his left hand blade he sliced Kaeryn open just above the hips with a horizontal blow. With his right hand sword he fended off his attackers while regaining his feet.

Kaeryn staggered back holding her entrails in as Trizkel closed to grapple. His own blades forced the Karesh's aside as his tentacles reached out to grapple. Karesh dropped the swords, conjured a long knife from his cloak, and stabbed the drow in his real eye. The blade punched through into the drow's brain and Karesh twisted.

Karesh raised his left arm and blocked Fadina's swing. The armour held, although his bone was bruised. He shattered her left kneecap with a kick and turned back to Kaeryn as green light flashed around him. Nalifan's spell failed to penetrate his defences and the priestess had healed her own wounds. He dropped the knife and a pair of shortswords appeared in his hands as Mikos moved into Fadina's spot, longsword and shortsword in his hands.

He deflected Kaeryn's flail strike and stabbed her through the neck, his blade exiting throught the back of her spine. Kuuni stabbed him in the right thigh, the terrible blade penetrating his armour and sinking deep into his flesh. Blood jetted from his femoral artery. Kuuni was already dancing away.

Another spell failed to bite against Karesh in a green flash as Karesh turned to deal with Mikos. His wounds were already beginning to close courtesy of the Regnald's Helm. A flurry of strikes were exchanged and then Karesh opened Mikos's right wrist. The sword dropped from his hand and then Karesh decapitated him, drenching himself in blood. Both parts of the Dalesman topped.

Fadina was rising to meet him, sword in her hands. He ran her through the heart, spun to deal with Kuuni as she rushed in and blood gushed all over him, blocked her knife strike, and watched her roll away from his own strikes. He dropped the blades back into his cloak and filled his hands with knives. She dodged two, but one opened a wound in her left arm and another opened he right thigh. A series of explosions enveloped him in flames. He managed to leap aside and dodge the worst part of the blast and the his armour helped abate the worst of the flames. The gnome closed with her wicked knife.

He caught her wrist with his left hand and broke her neck with his right. He tossed her broken body aside and turned towards Nalifan. "Now you die mage."

Nalifan uttered a series a syllables and the floor turned to clingy mud. Karesh sank almost to his waist. He struggled forward. "You've only bought yourself a little time." Blades flickered from his hands.

One bounced off an invisible shield another struck his right shoulder bit deep, and the third through sixth bounced off an invisible wall. Karesh struggled forward, powering through the viscous mud using brute strength. "That won't stopped me, Nalifan. Nothing can bar my path."

Nalifan was already intoning another spell and dropping what appeared to be a crumpled piece of black cloth. Where the drow stood now a huge sphere eight feet in diameter floated. Heavy plates of purple armour covered the creature and ten segmented eyestalks sprouted from the top of the eye tyrant. A huge central eye was closed above a fang filled maw. "Perhaps," the beholder replied.

It slowly rose, one of its eyestalks unleashing a green beam that blasted part of the ceiling to nothingless. Another eyestalk directed an invisible force with unfolded the cloth, revealing a six foot diameter hole. The bodies of the adventures began to float towards into the portable hole.

Karesh reached the invisible wall, drew forth a large curved blade, and struck. The wall vanished with a great clap of thunder as it failed to withstand destruction incarnate. The drow had already exited the roof, the bodies of his allies secured in the hole. Karesh caught a glimpse of him transforming into a hawk, snatch the portable hole with his talons, and then he was gone; leaving the Lord of Ten Thousand Blades alone with the dead.
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2006-01-27 07:20pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadyTevar »

:rubs throat: ... Ouch. Ressurrect spells are a costly bitch.

Two gripes:

1. "Kaeryn directly challenged a fraction of Mystra's might." I think you mean channelled? ;) And why didn't you use Greater Avatar? It would have given Kaeryn a bit more power if you were going to have her actually go hand-to-hand.

2. You had Kaeryn go hand-to-hand? :roll: She was never built for melee, she was built for ranged combat.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Imperial Overlord »

LadyTevar wrote::rubs throat: ... Ouch. Ressurrect spells are a costly bitch.

Two gripes:
1. "Kaeryn directly challenged a fraction of Mystra's might." I think you mean channelled? ;) And why didn't you use Greater Avatar? It would have given Kaeryn a bit more power if you were going to have her actually go hand-to-hand.
She did use a variation of the Greater Avatar. That's the "channelling Mystra's might, reddish aura, seven orbiting stars" bit. Thanks for catching the my mistake, by the way.
2. You had Kaeryn go hand-to-hand? :roll: She was never built for melee, she was built for ranged combat.
Her spells wouldn't bite and an bow monkey like Mikos could barely lay a glove on him. Range wasn't going to work. However, having nearly a half dozen melee combatants on him simultaneously was thought to have a chance. And, to be fair, they did manage to injure him.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Imperial Overlord wrote:
LadyTevar wrote::rubs throat: ... Ouch. Ressurrect spells are a costly bitch.

Two gripes:
1. "Kaeryn directly challenged a fraction of Mystra's might." I think you mean channelled? ;) And why didn't you use Greater Avatar? It would have given Kaeryn a bit more power if you were going to have her actually go hand-to-hand.
She did use a variation of the Greater Avatar. That's the "channelling Mystra's might, reddish aura, seven orbiting stars" bit. Thanks for catching the my mistake, by the way.
You're welcome. I still say that was not Greater Avatar, as there are several attributes you neglected to mention.

Lesser Aspect: "resemble Mystra", Resist Energy Attk +10
Aspect: As Above plus: Metallic Appearance, Resist Energy +20, Damage Resist 10/+3, Spell Resist 25
Greater Aspect: As Above plus: Wings, +1 Natural Armor, Immunity to Energy, Disease, +4 v/s Poison, Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +4, Chr +4. Treat as Celestial Outsider
Impy wrote:
Tev wrote: 2. You had Kaeryn go hand-to-hand? :roll: She was never built for melee, she was built for ranged combat.
Her spells wouldn't bite and an bow monkey like Mikos could barely lay a glove on him. Range wasn't going to work. However, having nearly a half dozen melee combatants on him simultaneously was thought to have a chance. And, to be fair, they did manage to injure him.
Although we both forgot her Wand of Webs ;) Hey, it might have worked to hold him a moment

Although if we have to face him again, I might have to try using "Miracle", not to mention just standing back and casting "Mass Cure Critical" every round :lol:
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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He still gets his SR against Miracle, which Kaeryn can't beat.

And she got the full benefit of miracle, I just changed the Avatar's appearance to be more Mystra like and less generic (wings and metallic skin for a goddess of magic with the symbol of a crimson falls surrounded by seven stars, no thank you).

Mass cure critical would be insufficient against Karesh, which is why she didn't bother.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Imperial Overlord wrote:He still gets his SR against Miracle, which Kaeryn can't beat.

And she got the full benefit of miracle, I just changed the Avatar's appearance to be more Mystra like and less generic (wings and metallic skin for a goddess of magic with the symbol of a crimson falls surrounded by seven stars, no thank you).

Mass cure critical would be insufficient against Karesh, which is why she didn't bother.
:wtf: You're joking. Next you'll tell me Mass Heal wouldn't be enough either.

Besides, I *liked* the wings. :(
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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In a non game mechanic kind of way, this guy inflicts a slew of critical or mortal wounds on one guy and then goes to the next target. Curing one critical wound on everyone isn't useful. The unwounded people don't need it and it isn't enough to save the fubared guy.

Game mechanics:
You really don't know how much damage an epic level fighter type can deliver in one round (and that's not even going to what happens when he crits). 4d8+20 averages out to about 38pts or two (non critical) hits from Trizkel (and he crits about once a round). Fighters 10 levels lower than this guy routinely do more than one hundred in a round and he's much, much worse. A heal won't even cover the kind of punishment he'll inflict in a round. And then there are criticals . . . .

Mass cure critical is a post battle spell you cast repeatedly to heal a bunch of injured guys in epic.
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Post by LadyTevar »


*HOW* are we supposed to beat this guy again?!
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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