STGOD2k6 Diplomacy
Moderator: Thanas
The hologram flickered for a moment as its hand accidentally passed through a frame joining the docking bay to a hallway. Unlike the smooth obsidian interior of the hangar, the corridor had the same crystalline blue coloration as the external surface of the facility.
"No apologies are necessary. Your sidearms pose us no threat. We are awaiting your presence in the central hall. This way."
The hologram walked ahead of the Khar delegation at an easy pace, explaining the facility and why he was not present in-person.
"This facility was constructed from a template found in the Ancestor Database. Our historians hypothesize that these constructs were used as a meeting place between our ancestors and other advanced extragalactic species prior the first fall. Though it is quite large, the design allows such a facility to be fabricated on very short notice, even now at the nadir of our power."
He paused, then turned to the Khar delegation with an expression of polite concern.
"You may have noticed that biosensors along this corridor are active. There is no need for alarm, they have simply determined the optimal environment for your biology, and life support systems are preparing it for your delegation. This hallway serves the same purpose as the decontamination chambers that...less sophisticated species typically use.
Due to the size of this facility, conventional forms of transportation are understandably uneffective. At the end of this corridor is a chamber that will..." He paused for a moment, searching for a suitably unalarming word..."relocate your party to a similar chamber close to the central hall. You may notice a flash of light, but there is no need for concern. Our own delegation arrived from Avalons surface in quite the same manner."
He led the Khar party to the chamber and waved them inside. As soon as they were all inside, a bright flash of light flowed down from the ceiling to the floor. A voice spoke out, this time comming from the actual person rather than the hologram, waving out to a comfortably large enamel-white chamber with a long oval table at the center, surrounded by chairs floating off the floor of the chamber. At the far end, a five-person Avalonian delegation was already seated, with a sixth chair for the guide.
"Welcome to the central hall. Semi-permeable forcefields have been created around each member of your delegation and are maintaining an environment that you should find suitable."
He handed each Khar a small white pad of plastic with an embedded touchscreen.
"If you wish to make further adjustments to your individual environments for comfort, these controls will allow you to do so. We would not need such devices to do so, but you are not Avalonian, and understandably lack many of our abilities."
As almost an afterthought, he added on another statement.
"Please, take a seat."
"No apologies are necessary. Your sidearms pose us no threat. We are awaiting your presence in the central hall. This way."
The hologram walked ahead of the Khar delegation at an easy pace, explaining the facility and why he was not present in-person.
"This facility was constructed from a template found in the Ancestor Database. Our historians hypothesize that these constructs were used as a meeting place between our ancestors and other advanced extragalactic species prior the first fall. Though it is quite large, the design allows such a facility to be fabricated on very short notice, even now at the nadir of our power."
He paused, then turned to the Khar delegation with an expression of polite concern.
"You may have noticed that biosensors along this corridor are active. There is no need for alarm, they have simply determined the optimal environment for your biology, and life support systems are preparing it for your delegation. This hallway serves the same purpose as the decontamination chambers that...less sophisticated species typically use.
Due to the size of this facility, conventional forms of transportation are understandably uneffective. At the end of this corridor is a chamber that will..." He paused for a moment, searching for a suitably unalarming word..."relocate your party to a similar chamber close to the central hall. You may notice a flash of light, but there is no need for concern. Our own delegation arrived from Avalons surface in quite the same manner."
He led the Khar party to the chamber and waved them inside. As soon as they were all inside, a bright flash of light flowed down from the ceiling to the floor. A voice spoke out, this time comming from the actual person rather than the hologram, waving out to a comfortably large enamel-white chamber with a long oval table at the center, surrounded by chairs floating off the floor of the chamber. At the far end, a five-person Avalonian delegation was already seated, with a sixth chair for the guide.
"Welcome to the central hall. Semi-permeable forcefields have been created around each member of your delegation and are maintaining an environment that you should find suitable."
He handed each Khar a small white pad of plastic with an embedded touchscreen.
"If you wish to make further adjustments to your individual environments for comfort, these controls will allow you to do so. We would not need such devices to do so, but you are not Avalonian, and understandably lack many of our abilities."
As almost an afterthought, he added on another statement.
"Please, take a seat."
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
ICNS Sovereign of Rohag
Albiachor Fleet Base
Sparse March
Parliamentary Empire of Crobuzon
The Mayor's Imperial Crobuzon Navy Ship Sovereign of Rohag was a monumental piece of engineering. She measured a full two miles from the exhaust-worn tubes of her thaumochymical engines to the brazen sigil set in her pitted, armored prow. Her flanks, layered in meters of grime, paint, and solid armour, were interrupted by the pustule-like aperatures of missile tubes and point defense clusters. Hundreds of small, grim weapons tracked everything in the area with malevolent intelligence as golem-minds ran through their paces, well-oiled bearings soundless in space as the rotary cannon spun, futile as long as they were inactive, miming the parry and counterthrust involved in shooting down a mock phalanx of enemy missiles or fighter-craft.
The vessel's main guns, short and ugly and horrifically destructive, stuck their stubby muzzles out of their armored citadel-turrets. Each one of the superdreadnought battleship's 24 cannon could hurl a shell at significant portions of the speed of light, propelled by chymical explosive and powerful physicks charms.
Such was the Sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of all who would insult or oppose the march of the Parliamentary Empire. It's citizens and interests would be protected by the threat posed by vessels like the Sovereign of Rohag and the other nine ships of her class.

Deep within her armoured hull, located far away from the vessel's sightly but exposed conning tower, lay the Commandatorium. In the vessel's schematics, one would be able to see the extra shell of armor deep in the steelclad's heart, pierced only in a handful of places where thick bundles of cable channeled puissance, elyctricity, and a steady torrent of information and communications.
The Commandatorium was filled with the quiet, incessant hum of a quintillion nanoscopic pistons, the buzz of a nigh-infinite number of metaclockwork gears. Huge difference-engines, their cogs and tapes linking into a half-dozen different dimensions, churned and buzzed constantly. Cogitation devices whirred, tended by uniformed young ratings and officers at all hours. A lowered pit to one side of the commandatorium was home to a watersight- the shallow pool rippled faintly as two voydanoi officer-thaumaturges used their watercraeft to suspend a moving, shifting representation of local space in the air above the pool. Each one of the watercraefter's skulls were pierced by cables, piping updates directly into their inhuman cortexes for immediate display. Tiny lasers illuminated droplets in a myriad of colors, displaying moving vessels, civilian ships, and natural obstacles in a rainbow of colors.
The smell of oil and the cloying aroma of incense filled the hot, dry air, as diviners conjured new hexes and communicatrices opened puissant channels through spacetime, bringing in word from the rest of the fleet. An autoreciever clicked periodically with the arrival of aethergraphs from across the Empire.
In the center of the chamber stood the Admiral's Chair. Festooned with cogitation engines and ringed with stations for a dozen subordinates, the brazen throne was occupied by a slender, greying man dressed in the braided grey-and-navy uniform of the Imperial Navy. A peaked cap sat on one armrest, and a pair of hawkish, pale green eyes flickered from display to display. Grossadmiral Johan der Vandermere, the Third, of the Shankell Vandermeres, watched as the last battleship division arrived in-system in a nova of shredded spacetime.
"Admiral, VI. Division is reporting on station, reactors hot and torquedrives primed. III. Division reports rearmament complete, on station, reactors hot, and 'drives primed."
"That would be the last of them, Mr. Creasole. Mr. deGranigut, inform the fleet that they are to accept coordinates to rally point Tertius outside of Kreshayan* space."
"Sir, transport Servus reports engine trouble and requests permission to stand down, otherwise, the fleet acknowledges."
Over thirty ships of the wall, five others of the Pax Crobuzona class and the rest lesser but still solid warships in their own right, seemed to waver as Torquereactors exerted force at a 90-degree angle to the fabric of reality. Deep beneath layers of abjuration hexes, holy water, solid lead/gold alloy, and thick plates of steel, absolute insanity began to course through devices man was not meant to build.
Squadron after squadron of cruisers, destroyers, and torpedoboat tenders began to vanish in gut-wrenching flashes. Fat-bellied transports loaded with Marines and bulky ammunition colliers followed suit. Finally, one by one, the wall of battle ships of the Parliamentary Empire's Edgewards Fleet plunged into the nether, eviscerating the laws of physics as they leapt at superluminal speeds through horrific dimensions towards an unsuspecting enemy.
The Sword of Damocles hanging over the Silver Flame began to fall. Only time would tell if that flame would be snuffed out.
*The systems inhabited by the Silver Flame lie in a constellation visible from Bas-Lag known as Kreshay, the Seaman. Therefor, the quelectin are called Kreshayans by the people of Crobuzon.
Albiachor Fleet Base
Sparse March
Parliamentary Empire of Crobuzon
The Mayor's Imperial Crobuzon Navy Ship Sovereign of Rohag was a monumental piece of engineering. She measured a full two miles from the exhaust-worn tubes of her thaumochymical engines to the brazen sigil set in her pitted, armored prow. Her flanks, layered in meters of grime, paint, and solid armour, were interrupted by the pustule-like aperatures of missile tubes and point defense clusters. Hundreds of small, grim weapons tracked everything in the area with malevolent intelligence as golem-minds ran through their paces, well-oiled bearings soundless in space as the rotary cannon spun, futile as long as they were inactive, miming the parry and counterthrust involved in shooting down a mock phalanx of enemy missiles or fighter-craft.
The vessel's main guns, short and ugly and horrifically destructive, stuck their stubby muzzles out of their armored citadel-turrets. Each one of the superdreadnought battleship's 24 cannon could hurl a shell at significant portions of the speed of light, propelled by chymical explosive and powerful physicks charms.
Such was the Sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of all who would insult or oppose the march of the Parliamentary Empire. It's citizens and interests would be protected by the threat posed by vessels like the Sovereign of Rohag and the other nine ships of her class.

Deep within her armoured hull, located far away from the vessel's sightly but exposed conning tower, lay the Commandatorium. In the vessel's schematics, one would be able to see the extra shell of armor deep in the steelclad's heart, pierced only in a handful of places where thick bundles of cable channeled puissance, elyctricity, and a steady torrent of information and communications.
The Commandatorium was filled with the quiet, incessant hum of a quintillion nanoscopic pistons, the buzz of a nigh-infinite number of metaclockwork gears. Huge difference-engines, their cogs and tapes linking into a half-dozen different dimensions, churned and buzzed constantly. Cogitation devices whirred, tended by uniformed young ratings and officers at all hours. A lowered pit to one side of the commandatorium was home to a watersight- the shallow pool rippled faintly as two voydanoi officer-thaumaturges used their watercraeft to suspend a moving, shifting representation of local space in the air above the pool. Each one of the watercraefter's skulls were pierced by cables, piping updates directly into their inhuman cortexes for immediate display. Tiny lasers illuminated droplets in a myriad of colors, displaying moving vessels, civilian ships, and natural obstacles in a rainbow of colors.
The smell of oil and the cloying aroma of incense filled the hot, dry air, as diviners conjured new hexes and communicatrices opened puissant channels through spacetime, bringing in word from the rest of the fleet. An autoreciever clicked periodically with the arrival of aethergraphs from across the Empire.
In the center of the chamber stood the Admiral's Chair. Festooned with cogitation engines and ringed with stations for a dozen subordinates, the brazen throne was occupied by a slender, greying man dressed in the braided grey-and-navy uniform of the Imperial Navy. A peaked cap sat on one armrest, and a pair of hawkish, pale green eyes flickered from display to display. Grossadmiral Johan der Vandermere, the Third, of the Shankell Vandermeres, watched as the last battleship division arrived in-system in a nova of shredded spacetime.
"Admiral, VI. Division is reporting on station, reactors hot and torquedrives primed. III. Division reports rearmament complete, on station, reactors hot, and 'drives primed."
"That would be the last of them, Mr. Creasole. Mr. deGranigut, inform the fleet that they are to accept coordinates to rally point Tertius outside of Kreshayan* space."
"Sir, transport Servus reports engine trouble and requests permission to stand down, otherwise, the fleet acknowledges."
Over thirty ships of the wall, five others of the Pax Crobuzona class and the rest lesser but still solid warships in their own right, seemed to waver as Torquereactors exerted force at a 90-degree angle to the fabric of reality. Deep beneath layers of abjuration hexes, holy water, solid lead/gold alloy, and thick plates of steel, absolute insanity began to course through devices man was not meant to build.
Squadron after squadron of cruisers, destroyers, and torpedoboat tenders began to vanish in gut-wrenching flashes. Fat-bellied transports loaded with Marines and bulky ammunition colliers followed suit. Finally, one by one, the wall of battle ships of the Parliamentary Empire's Edgewards Fleet plunged into the nether, eviscerating the laws of physics as they leapt at superluminal speeds through horrific dimensions towards an unsuspecting enemy.
The Sword of Damocles hanging over the Silver Flame began to fall. Only time would tell if that flame would be snuffed out.
*The systems inhabited by the Silver Flame lie in a constellation visible from Bas-Lag known as Kreshay, the Seaman. Therefor, the quelectin are called Kreshayans by the people of Crobuzon.
Last edited by Thirdfain on 2006-03-08 04:31pm, edited 3 times in total.
The Khar shipmaster nodded, his helmet projecting a blank, stony visage over his actually amused face. Leave it to Nevaryutib to try to make an impression.
"Most impressive that you have such capacity to squander resources on frivolities," he commented, looking at the forcefield bubbles.
As he lowered the bubble's artgrav slightly, he looked at the Avalonian hologram in puzzlement. Take a seat? Surely a Nevari can't command someone to do that, any less than a diplomat could command a king to kneel before him. A bit of private conversation in the Holy tongue followed.
"Ichudj de-namakyu utisnoad?" Did he just say to kneel/sit?
The professional xenodiplomat of the team nodded gravely.
"Ni namuirutulk, ut'tissitan sanart ruchedj. Si de-radisnak tyaloputryfa, nivi." You are correct, but in alien cultures, it is polite to offer one a backrest. Sitting carries no other connotations.
Malasuredj wrapped his head around the concept a few times before utterly failing to understand why it was so. Checking twice to make sure, he decided the distance from the chairs was far enough and nobody else was standing, so it could be considered a gesture of equality to sit down. He did so, and the other Khar hastened to follow through, as any subordinate should.
"I am uncertain as to what sort of abilities could you have that the Great Race could not, besides grossly useless and technologically correctable things such as capacity for unpowered flight or natural thermographic vision. You are implying that you have instinctive control over your own ship's environmental systems, or forcefields themselves?"
"Most impressive that you have such capacity to squander resources on frivolities," he commented, looking at the forcefield bubbles.
As he lowered the bubble's artgrav slightly, he looked at the Avalonian hologram in puzzlement. Take a seat? Surely a Nevari can't command someone to do that, any less than a diplomat could command a king to kneel before him. A bit of private conversation in the Holy tongue followed.
"Ichudj de-namakyu utisnoad?" Did he just say to kneel/sit?
The professional xenodiplomat of the team nodded gravely.
"Ni namuirutulk, ut'tissitan sanart ruchedj. Si de-radisnak tyaloputryfa, nivi." You are correct, but in alien cultures, it is polite to offer one a backrest. Sitting carries no other connotations.
Malasuredj wrapped his head around the concept a few times before utterly failing to understand why it was so. Checking twice to make sure, he decided the distance from the chairs was far enough and nobody else was standing, so it could be considered a gesture of equality to sit down. He did so, and the other Khar hastened to follow through, as any subordinate should.
"I am uncertain as to what sort of abilities could you have that the Great Race could not, besides grossly useless and technologically correctable things such as capacity for unpowered flight or natural thermographic vision. You are implying that you have instinctive control over your own ship's environmental systems, or forcefields themselves?"
The guide, who had already sat in his chair, began to speak, but was stopped by an older member of the Avalonian Delegation, a woman who appeared in her forties. "I am Consul Neve, representative of the Senate Xenos Council. You have already met Subconsul Verde." She nodded to the guide as she spoke. "This is Subconsul Betan. The others are aides on my staff, they are here to assist members of your own delegation should you require anything. The 'frivolities' you have experienced are simply for your own comfort."
"You are essentially correct in your deduction. We need nothing other than our minds to command our technology. In such a manner, our technology responds as extensions of ourselves. However, enough discussion on technologies whos functionalities are tied to our own innate abilities. You wished to open trade, and we are curious as to what you have to offer."
"You are essentially correct in your deduction. We need nothing other than our minds to command our technology. In such a manner, our technology responds as extensions of ourselves. However, enough discussion on technologies whos functionalities are tied to our own innate abilities. You wished to open trade, and we are curious as to what you have to offer."
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
Outside the spaces of the Hekartes, Gaian space, Concord and Khar space ships slithered out of Netherspace.
Communications were sent through the dedicated transformation devices and transformed into the more technological ways of communication.
It was a generic message requesting for Falau'un diplomats to meet with the respective counterparts.
Communication between Falau'un was normally done via telepathy, over interstellar distances, information was "teleported". The more complex variant, a VisuaPort, "teleported" a visual representation of a pocket of space to a target location, and vice-versa. Most people didn 't do the magic themselves anymore, it was done by the magic imbued into the communication devices. But a few still preferred to do it themselves, such as the High Councillor. He has established a VisuaPort in his office and it showed Battle Mage Jien Tzfa, House R'tluun sitting in the command chair of his ship.
"They have not surrendered?" The High Councillor Hieran Da'shu, Lord Da'shu asked.
"Of course not," Tzfa shook his head. "They're Falau'un."
"I know," he sighed. "One still could hope. But well..." He paused for a second. "Commence orbital bombardment."
The ships in orbit around Ghejetachd opened fire and magical energy poured into the planet below.
The movement, trying to break out of the rigid House system of Falau'un being, had never been one to last; and their members knew it. The principle of the Council and House was iron-clad. And so, the city on the planet and its three hundred thousand Falau'un was eradicated and given Falau'un standards, with almost no collateral damage.
Communications were sent through the dedicated transformation devices and transformed into the more technological ways of communication.
It was a generic message requesting for Falau'un diplomats to meet with the respective counterparts.
Communication between Falau'un was normally done via telepathy, over interstellar distances, information was "teleported". The more complex variant, a VisuaPort, "teleported" a visual representation of a pocket of space to a target location, and vice-versa. Most people didn 't do the magic themselves anymore, it was done by the magic imbued into the communication devices. But a few still preferred to do it themselves, such as the High Councillor. He has established a VisuaPort in his office and it showed Battle Mage Jien Tzfa, House R'tluun sitting in the command chair of his ship.
"They have not surrendered?" The High Councillor Hieran Da'shu, Lord Da'shu asked.
"Of course not," Tzfa shook his head. "They're Falau'un."
"I know," he sighed. "One still could hope. But well..." He paused for a second. "Commence orbital bombardment."
The ships in orbit around Ghejetachd opened fire and magical energy poured into the planet below.
The movement, trying to break out of the rigid House system of Falau'un being, had never been one to last; and their members knew it. The principle of the Council and House was iron-clad. And so, the city on the planet and its three hundred thousand Falau'un was eradicated and given Falau'un standards, with almost no collateral damage.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

Controlled? By mind without visible linkage? The Khar concealed their disgust with the idea of any hint of psykerism rather well, managing only a few slight wingbeats and maybe a muffled muttering or two to reveal their views on what seemed the depths of Avalonian depravity.Matt Huang wrote:The guide, who had already sat in his chair, began to speak, but was stopped by an older member of the Avalonian Delegation, a woman who appeared in her forties. "I am Consul Neve, representative of the Senate Xenos Council. You have already met Subconsul Verde." She nodded to the guide as she spoke. "This is Subconsul Betan. The others are aides on my staff, they are here to assist members of your own delegation should you require anything. The 'frivolities' you have experienced are simply for your own comfort."
"You are essentially correct in your deduction. We need nothing other than our minds to command our technology. In such a manner, our technology responds as extensions of ourselves. However, enough discussion on technologies whos functionalities are tied to our own innate abilities. You wished to open trade, and we are curious as to what you have to offer."
"To my right is Xenodiplomat Muridil Akeq'Siskrez, and to my left is Kedridilya Byeq'Ardros, the former of the Imperial Extended Family and the latter of Clan Ryefrau. The least among us is Desnavdanitar Qaeq'Namchau, whom is of clan Utanostanaq as an outside observer and may be referred to as Nitar, if he allows." The Captain paused for the enlisted man to nod slightly to being given his rank's dimunitive form.
"I am Tyertirfnepak Akeq'Malasuredj, Shipmaster and Landsholder. I am no Merchant Prince, nor a Technoscientist, and I cannot speak with confidence as to the specifics of our superiority. Undoubtedly you do not have an encyclopediac knowledge of the inventions of technological innovations of your people, and could you do that I would be astonished if you could list items of improvement after viewing an alien culture for the first time, if you may excuse my frankness.
Such queries would best be handled by the Clan Nirtnal, in my humble opinion, or perhaps their intermediaries through the Nevari- slave race, that is- known to us as the Sigefr. Had we assumed that trade specifics would be hammered out on right currently on this expedition, undoubtedly a Nirtnal functionary would be present. So sorry, but we did not plan for this contingency."
[Translation Guide- (O/E numbers are approximate)
Desnavdanitar- The highest Enlisted rank of the Imperial Khar Navy, often shortened to Nitar as Sergeant is shortened to Sarge. (E4)
Kedirilya- A senior NCO (E7), feminine form.
Muridil- A rank of noncommissioned officer. (E6)
Tyertifnepak- A Lieutenant Commander, or the Junior-Grade Captain of a small escort vessel. (O5)]
The Falau'Un message was greeted with almost genuine warmth, as finally a Nevaryutib race had managed to send a message without managing to trespass within the nests of the Khar Imperium. In a triumph of Khar politeness, it managed to only threaten absolute and total Falau'Un destruction if they made any hostile actions twice in the entire message, and referred to the inevitable destiny of all races as slaves once.
A second message ordering Falau'Un diplomats to jump to the Imperial system of Erutnikam Cheros, a small Imperial outpost near the border of Utostanaq and Salrt-Ryoan territory, was delayed for about two hours by ceaseless arguments among Clan Representatives of the system that first detected the message and thus claimed it. The argument was eventually broken up when the Imperial Extended Family, Ryefrau, and Utostanaq reached an agreement and threatened to start breaking heads if the other four didn't fall in line, and the message was sent.
"My apologies. When the Council reviewed transcripts of your messages, they assumed that you would be present as trade representatives and gave this assignment to my staff and I precisely because of my prior experience with trade inside the League."MRDOD wrote:Controlled? By mind without visible linkage? The Khar concealed their disgust with the idea of any hint of psykerism rather well, managing only a few slight wingbeats and maybe a muffled muttering or two to reveal their views on what seemed the depths of Avalonian depravity.
"To my right is Xenodiplomat Muridil Akeq'Siskrez, and to my left is Kedridilya Byeq'Ardros, the former of the Imperial Extended Family and the latter of Clan Ryefrau. The least among us is Desnavdanitar Qaeq'Namchau, whom is of clan Utanostanaq as an outside observer and may be referred to as Nitar, if he allows." The Captain paused for the enlisted man to nod slightly to being given his rank's dimunitive form.
"I am Tyertirfnepak Akeq'Malasuredj, Shipmaster and Landsholder. I am no Merchant Prince, nor a Technoscientist, and I cannot speak with confidence as to the specifics of our superiority. Undoubtedly you do not have an encyclopediac knowledge of the inventions of technological innovations of your people, and could you do that I would be astonished if you could list items of improvement after viewing an alien culture for the first time, if you may excuse my frankness.
Such queries would best be handled by the Clan Nirtnal, in my humble opinion, or perhaps their intermediaries through the Nevari- slave race, that is- known to us as the Sigefr. Had we assumed that trade specifics would be hammered out on right currently on this expedition, undoubtedly a Nirtnal functionary would be present. So sorry, but we did not plan for this contingency."
"So sorry, we did not mean a proscripted greeting to be interpreted as such. However, trade representatives could concievably be summoned to discuss the economical aspects of trade if you so wish and the designated leaders of such enterprises as this agree.Matt Huang wrote: "My apologies. When the Council reviewed transcripts of your messages, they assumed that you would be present as trade representatives and gave this assignment to my staff and I precisely because of my prior experience with trade inside the League."
As a side note, a part of our mission may be applicable here. Although even in this I am deficient in knowledge, I know that if you are interested in military arms, Khar Weaponry, compared to all others that we know, is very precise and quite powerful. Imagine the effects that matter meeting an energy shield produced, fired in beam format. It's quite glorious. Or it could go the opposite way, if Avalonian military arms have some sort of superiority that the Great Race could assimilate in exchange for compensation."
Small Fringe system on Gaian border, designated Contact Point 3
Hull 490, a modified tanker, carrying an AI system with full power to make treaties as well as the researcher Tadom jumped into the sytem designated by the Gaians for the meeting.
Inside the medical facility, Tadom was being prepared in case the Gaians actually wanted a physical meeting. Implant softwares were updated and drug reserves filled, a full environment suit readied and final tests of the translation devices were completed. Now was simply waiting until the humans were ready.[/b]
Hull 490, a modified tanker, carrying an AI system with full power to make treaties as well as the researcher Tadom jumped into the sytem designated by the Gaians for the meeting.
Inside the medical facility, Tadom was being prepared in case the Gaians actually wanted a physical meeting. Implant softwares were updated and drug reserves filled, a full environment suit readied and final tests of the translation devices were completed. Now was simply waiting until the humans were ready.[/b]
Tou system
25 light minutes from primary
17 lm from Suigin
Shield begins to decelerate. It regards the clearly superior ship and the flickering sensor ghosts, presumed to be strike-craft of some sort, apprehensively. A response is sent almost immediately, “We are on an exploratory and diplomatic mission. It is our intent to contact and establish relations with the space faring nation or nations in this region.”
"There are no space faring nations in this region. There are many which have not yet reached for space again, however. All in this region are protected by the Collective," replies Sleipinir.
"We seek to contact the space faring nation that controls the ships and industrial facilities we have detected to be in operation in this area of space."
"There is no nation that meets said description. There is only the Collective."
"Therefore... would it be safe to assume that this, 'Collective' controls the space-ships and industrial facilities in the region?"
"We do."
"Then my nation wishes to establish diplomatic contact with the Collective. Contact procedures require me to inform you that both the identity and location of my nation will be withheld until meaningful diplomatic dialogue has begun."
"There is a planet 17-light minutes from here. Transmitting environmental data. Would this be a suitable place for conducting negotiations?"
"Planet suitable. How much time until a properly authorized official can arrive to begin formal diplomatic dialogue?"
"Negotiations can begin immediately after planetfall."
"No offence intended, but they would hold little meaning if conducted with someone that does not have proper authorization from the Collective government to do, or agree, to anything in a meaningful manner. I presume that such someone is or will be available at the planet upon arrival?"
"The Collective has nothing that meets the description of 'Government'. Negotiator is plenipotentiary, and will be there on arrival."
The lead diplomat had been wondering if whomever he was speaking to was being thick on purpose, this last line about not having a government removed all doubt. "Very well then, unless you would prefer us to approach at sub-light, we will engage our Fold Drive and enter orbit around the planet."
"Fold Drive would be suitable. CS Freya is in orbit around the planet."
The Shield engages the Fold Drive, time-space folds around the ship in a sort of groove that allows it to travel above c. A few seconds later, the ship emerges in orbit around a shining blue sphere. Most of the surface is covered with oceans, a few small continents and lots of islands visible from orbit. Cities dot most of the continents and several islands. It appears to be a pre-space civilization. "We have a diplomatic team gathered in one of our shuttles. Requesting landing instructions."
A single fighter launches from the Freya. It makes a flyby, then takes up station 1km from the bow and waggles its wings. Freya transmits, "Follow the leader." After the Mekidar shuttle launches, the fighter deorbits. It descends towards a small rocky island, with a single building on it. There's just enough room next to the building to land a couple shuttles. A very small shuttle is already sitting near the edge of the pad. The fighter touches down briefly, and then rockets back into the sky.
From the Mekidar shuttle, debark a pair of humans, and a pair of Mekidar. Out of the neo-classical building that the shuttles landed by, walks a solitary human woman with blonde hair. She's wearing a dark gray suit with gold piping, and a badge on her chest with stars.
A middle-aged man steps forward, he stands-up straight, legs together, and places his right fist against the upper left corner of his chest, knuckles bordering the shoulder joint. The three other diplomats perform a similar gesture, but unlike him bow their heads slightly. "Greetings, my name is Grigorii. I'm the senior diplomat." He quickly introduces the others.
"I am an Avatar of Joyeuse. Please, come inside,” says the woman.
[ooc: Jointly written by me and Adrian. More to come.]
25 light minutes from primary
17 lm from Suigin
Shield begins to decelerate. It regards the clearly superior ship and the flickering sensor ghosts, presumed to be strike-craft of some sort, apprehensively. A response is sent almost immediately, “We are on an exploratory and diplomatic mission. It is our intent to contact and establish relations with the space faring nation or nations in this region.”
"There are no space faring nations in this region. There are many which have not yet reached for space again, however. All in this region are protected by the Collective," replies Sleipinir.
"We seek to contact the space faring nation that controls the ships and industrial facilities we have detected to be in operation in this area of space."
"There is no nation that meets said description. There is only the Collective."
"Therefore... would it be safe to assume that this, 'Collective' controls the space-ships and industrial facilities in the region?"
"We do."
"Then my nation wishes to establish diplomatic contact with the Collective. Contact procedures require me to inform you that both the identity and location of my nation will be withheld until meaningful diplomatic dialogue has begun."
"There is a planet 17-light minutes from here. Transmitting environmental data. Would this be a suitable place for conducting negotiations?"
"Planet suitable. How much time until a properly authorized official can arrive to begin formal diplomatic dialogue?"
"Negotiations can begin immediately after planetfall."
"No offence intended, but they would hold little meaning if conducted with someone that does not have proper authorization from the Collective government to do, or agree, to anything in a meaningful manner. I presume that such someone is or will be available at the planet upon arrival?"
"The Collective has nothing that meets the description of 'Government'. Negotiator is plenipotentiary, and will be there on arrival."
The lead diplomat had been wondering if whomever he was speaking to was being thick on purpose, this last line about not having a government removed all doubt. "Very well then, unless you would prefer us to approach at sub-light, we will engage our Fold Drive and enter orbit around the planet."
"Fold Drive would be suitable. CS Freya is in orbit around the planet."
The Shield engages the Fold Drive, time-space folds around the ship in a sort of groove that allows it to travel above c. A few seconds later, the ship emerges in orbit around a shining blue sphere. Most of the surface is covered with oceans, a few small continents and lots of islands visible from orbit. Cities dot most of the continents and several islands. It appears to be a pre-space civilization. "We have a diplomatic team gathered in one of our shuttles. Requesting landing instructions."
A single fighter launches from the Freya. It makes a flyby, then takes up station 1km from the bow and waggles its wings. Freya transmits, "Follow the leader." After the Mekidar shuttle launches, the fighter deorbits. It descends towards a small rocky island, with a single building on it. There's just enough room next to the building to land a couple shuttles. A very small shuttle is already sitting near the edge of the pad. The fighter touches down briefly, and then rockets back into the sky.
From the Mekidar shuttle, debark a pair of humans, and a pair of Mekidar. Out of the neo-classical building that the shuttles landed by, walks a solitary human woman with blonde hair. She's wearing a dark gray suit with gold piping, and a badge on her chest with stars.
A middle-aged man steps forward, he stands-up straight, legs together, and places his right fist against the upper left corner of his chest, knuckles bordering the shoulder joint. The three other diplomats perform a similar gesture, but unlike him bow their heads slightly. "Greetings, my name is Grigorii. I'm the senior diplomat." He quickly introduces the others.
"I am an Avatar of Joyeuse. Please, come inside,” says the woman.
[ooc: Jointly written by me and Adrian. More to come.]
Last edited by Beowulf on 2006-02-01 10:52pm, edited 1 time in total.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"We are not unfamiliar with the principle, crude though it may be. I must admit that I find your willingness to exchange military technologies with a people so new to you quite odd. Were the positions reversed, we would not begin to consider such an arrangement unless relations had been well established."
She noted the suits that the Khar delegation wore. "However, I suspect that other avenues of trade may prove mutually beneficial. For example, your garments are most unusual, and I presume it to be some sort of safeguard against decompression or an unsuitable atmosphere. Would I be correct in that assumption?"
"The very same system that is maintaining individual environments for each member of your party within semi-permeable forcefields can be scaled down into a personal device. I suspect it would offer you more protection against corrosive, radiation-heavy, and otherwise hostile environments than your current garb. Such devices see common use by our citizens, but in order for such a product to be viable in trade, we would have to find an effective means for your species to control them. Perhaps some sort of mind-impulse unit. We could most likely produce a model that would respond to such an interface, crude thought it may be."
She noted the suits that the Khar delegation wore. "However, I suspect that other avenues of trade may prove mutually beneficial. For example, your garments are most unusual, and I presume it to be some sort of safeguard against decompression or an unsuitable atmosphere. Would I be correct in that assumption?"
"The very same system that is maintaining individual environments for each member of your party within semi-permeable forcefields can be scaled down into a personal device. I suspect it would offer you more protection against corrosive, radiation-heavy, and otherwise hostile environments than your current garb. Such devices see common use by our citizens, but in order for such a product to be viable in trade, we would have to find an effective means for your species to control them. Perhaps some sort of mind-impulse unit. We could most likely produce a model that would respond to such an interface, crude thought it may be."
"Quite, although crude by no means does not mean useless- I bring to mind the age-old slugthrower, still used by many powers. However, to get to the point, it has ben concluded that it is of considerably small risk that any sort of technological contamination of weaponry exchange could result in any sort of rapid shift of power. However, such mutual cooperation would benefit both of us and strengthen our respective forces, assuming there is indeed some value of your technology to us and vice versa, and not those of our enemies. "
"It makes total sense if neither power is to exploit their advantage against one another instead of others. And quite frankly, we have little to fear of the Avalonian League, it seems. Even were you to, and this is expressedly hypothetical, sally forth towards our home systems, which from the beginning you have said is not even being considered, I would have no doubts that it is both theologically and practically impossible to defeat the Imperial Khar Navy totally. Likewise, I can unofficially and candidly say that it is doubted that the Avalonian League could be effectively subjugated easily regardless of whether or not Khar technology is in the hands of such Nevaryutib."
A little hyperbole never hurts, thought the Captain, as he very deliberately overestimated Avalonian strength. Assuredly they actually could not be that tough, since to defeat the Khar would be to violate one of the principles of the universe itself.
"As to the skinsuits, your supposition is correct. While the old style is preferred, perhaps due to tradition and ease of maintainance, I can assure you that personal-level forcefield technology is not known to the Khar-" at which point the Imperial NCO nodded and commented something that sounded like "Oolsoh" and the Utostanaq Nitar gave the equivalent of a frown "- but that obviously considering the confidence with which you use it as vaccuum protection leads us to believe that yours are more sophisticated."
He hesitated, as if uncertain whether to press a point.
"Eeeee, by Mind-Impulse Units, Honored Diplomat, you did not perchance mean Yasi-Kin- excuse me, among others it is called Psykerism, did you? Or am I mistaken and the synonymous phrase here is Neural Reading Interpretation? If the latter, please except my most grand apologies and supplications for the error..."
The question was casual, much too forced and casual. The Utostanaq Enlistedman had jumped slightly at the mention of the word fragment Yasi-Kin-, and the entire party seemed to exulde a palpable layer of apprehension.
"It makes total sense if neither power is to exploit their advantage against one another instead of others. And quite frankly, we have little to fear of the Avalonian League, it seems. Even were you to, and this is expressedly hypothetical, sally forth towards our home systems, which from the beginning you have said is not even being considered, I would have no doubts that it is both theologically and practically impossible to defeat the Imperial Khar Navy totally. Likewise, I can unofficially and candidly say that it is doubted that the Avalonian League could be effectively subjugated easily regardless of whether or not Khar technology is in the hands of such Nevaryutib."
A little hyperbole never hurts, thought the Captain, as he very deliberately overestimated Avalonian strength. Assuredly they actually could not be that tough, since to defeat the Khar would be to violate one of the principles of the universe itself.
"As to the skinsuits, your supposition is correct. While the old style is preferred, perhaps due to tradition and ease of maintainance, I can assure you that personal-level forcefield technology is not known to the Khar-" at which point the Imperial NCO nodded and commented something that sounded like "Oolsoh" and the Utostanaq Nitar gave the equivalent of a frown "- but that obviously considering the confidence with which you use it as vaccuum protection leads us to believe that yours are more sophisticated."
He hesitated, as if uncertain whether to press a point.
"Eeeee, by Mind-Impulse Units, Honored Diplomat, you did not perchance mean Yasi-Kin- excuse me, among others it is called Psykerism, did you? Or am I mistaken and the synonymous phrase here is Neural Reading Interpretation? If the latter, please except my most grand apologies and supplications for the error..."
The question was casual, much too forced and casual. The Utostanaq Enlistedman had jumped slightly at the mention of the word fragment Yasi-Kin-, and the entire party seemed to exulde a palpable layer of apprehension.
- Nephtys
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6227
- Joined: 2005-04-02 10:54pm
- Location: South Cali... where life is cheap!
GNCL Emberwind arrived soon after, transiting in-system from her Superluminal Travel. Scanning for the alien ship, she moved closer to contact.Stormin wrote:Small Fringe system on Gaian border, designated Contact Point 3
Hull 490, a modified tanker, carrying an AI system with full power to make treaties as well as the researcher Tadom jumped into the sytem designated by the Gaians for the meeting.
Inside the medical facility, Tadom was being prepared in case the Gaians actually wanted a physical meeting. Implant softwares were updated and drug reserves filled, a full environment suit readied and final tests of the translation devices were completed. Now was simply waiting until the humans were ready.[/b]
Again, Northbloom waited anxiously. How many alien races had she seen? She had wondered if someone had transferred her to the Diplomatic Corps while she was sleeping...
Diplomat, the AI of Hull 490, opened communications using perfect Gaian language. "Greetings Gaian diplomat. Please state the method by which you wish to discuss the important issues of mutual interest. If you wish a face to face meeting between yourself and the Diem representative this can be arranged though this ship is not currently equipped to host a deligation and Diem would require to wear an environment suit in an atmosphere comfortable to humans.
"I bow to your greater experience in dealing with outsiders and ask how you want to procede"
"I bow to your greater experience in dealing with outsiders and ask how you want to procede"
DirHR-Charlie notes:>Ambitious people, these Khar. Goal oriented and aggressive. They don't look like good team players, though. We'll have to work on that.
The response to the Khar response was sent. After getting through the initial pleasantries and reassurances of peaceful intent it moved on to business. Embassies, diplomatic hotlines, opening up trade and international travel, the details of which could be hammered out at leisure.
The response to the Khar response was sent. After getting through the initial pleasantries and reassurances of peaceful intent it moved on to business. Embassies, diplomatic hotlines, opening up trade and international travel, the details of which could be hammered out at leisure.
I prepared Explosive Runes today.
Neve tilted her head curiously, as if the answer to the question was obvious. "I suppose the technology could be described as neural reading. You people are, of course, aware of the electro-chemical manner in which the brain operates. With proper calibration, such a device translates specific mental commands which are picked up by the mind-impulse unit into control signals for the forcefield/life support system. Training will be required to maximize its utility, but the same is most likely true of your current means of individual life support."
She suppressed a small smile and continued to speak in her diplomatic tone.
"I understand that removing, and presumably equipping, your helmets is a particularly time-consuming task."
She suppressed a small smile and continued to speak in her diplomatic tone.
"I understand that removing, and presumably equipping, your helmets is a particularly time-consuming task."
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
Gaian border
The Thunder came to rest outside what was thought to be Gaian space. Air-Mage Drif'ayn, House Del'Chu sat in his chair on the bridge and waited. A message was sent out to the Gaians, requesting to enter Gaian space for a diplomatic meeting.
Concord space
The destroyer was waiting patiently outside, carrying a diplomat and asking for permission to deliver him. They were patient.
Khar space
Another destroyer was hovering outside the borders and transmitted peaceful messaging asking for diplomatic contact.
The Thunder came to rest outside what was thought to be Gaian space. Air-Mage Drif'ayn, House Del'Chu sat in his chair on the bridge and waited. A message was sent out to the Gaians, requesting to enter Gaian space for a diplomatic meeting.
Concord space
The destroyer was waiting patiently outside, carrying a diplomat and asking for permission to deliver him. They were patient.
Khar space
Another destroyer was hovering outside the borders and transmitted peaceful messaging asking for diplomatic contact.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

"Of course we know of the Igsimeknerb [Neurology], although, so sorry, I am not a neurologician so I cannot really differentiate between such forbidden vileness as Psykerism and the normal operation of Neuron pulses by name. As far as the helmets, that is true, as the vaccuum sealing of the unit is particularly hard to undue as it opens from the back. I understand roundheads like yourselves, excuse my slang, have it easier with headgear operation due to your peculiar head shapes."Neve tilted her head curiously, as if the answer to the question was obvious. "I suppose the technology could be described as neural reading. You people are, of course, aware of the electro-chemical manner in which the brain operates. With proper calibration, such a device translates specific mental commands which are picked up by the mind-impulse unit into control signals for the forcefield/life support system. Training will be required to maximize its utility, but the same is most likely true of your current means of individual life support."
She suppressed a small smile and continued to speak in her diplomatic tone.
"I understand that removing, and presumably equipping, your helmets is a particularly time-consuming task."
He nodded sagely, and tapped his beak twice for emphasis. It was nice to talk over such a minor point, even if it was obvious the Avalonians were specifically drawing out over it to avoid having to cut to business.
Falau'Un Visitors
After having apparantly recieved a single Falau'Un transmission already, the Khar were alarmed at the presence of another transmission from a second vessel. They quietly informed it to report to Erutnikam Cheros in hopes that the two vessels would sort things out together, or perhaps if the Falau'Un were as divided as Humanity maybe they would destroy eachother and save the Khar the trouble of dealing with aliens.
The Khar response to the wellnatured Custodian babbling was a terse "Acceptable proposition, forwarded to Imperial Ministry Of Diplomatic Agreements With [Unsubjugated Slave Races//Aliens]. If such 'hammering out' {idiom?} is to take place now, feel free. Otherwise, please feel free to depart our systems if you have no purpose in being here."
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4736
- Joined: 2005-05-18 01:31am
Contact Point 2
Strength remained in orbit around the planet as the warships arrived. The sensors lit them-up, but no further action was taken. After two of the three ships left, the remaining one began to transmit language signals that matched the one that had been isolated as being the most likely candidate for the native language.
The Republic ship replied in the languange of the Mekidar, and as the two ships began to transmit concepts, ideas, and images, along with the associated words, both the Mekidar and Diem were able to construct basic translation matrices. The greeting from the Diem was decent enough. Strength replied in the language of the Diem, "We are on a mission to explore this area and contact the people living here. We mean no harm, and would like to have formal diplomatic relations and engage in trade. Also, talk tends to be easier and better understood if we each speak on our native tongues and let the others translate."
[EDIT: removed mental retardation.]
Prinam System, Gaian Compact
The pulsing sequence stopped upon recieving a the message from the locals. Rock's Captain was rather puzzled, wondering aloud why they were threatening violence already, a full 10 hours of travel (at current course and speed) from the orbit of the 7th planet in the system, let alone the 6th. Maybe their ships have inferior propulsion systems.
Rock began change course and slow down. If these people (the Gaians) had even a pre-space understanding of physics and mathematics, it should have been clear that the ship would enter orbit around the local star in just over 1 hour, 20 minutes. Comms remained silent, as the Mekidar waited for a response to the course change. Hopefully, it would something along the lines of "State your purpose here" and not "Get the fuck out of my system!".
[Note: With an initial velocity of 200,000 km/s and an orbital velocity of 10 km/s (a little bit high, actually), I am giving my ship -40,000 m/s^2 of acceleration, or -4082g. I hope it is not unreasonable for the maximum thrust of a cruiser.]
Strength remained in orbit around the planet as the warships arrived. The sensors lit them-up, but no further action was taken. After two of the three ships left, the remaining one began to transmit language signals that matched the one that had been isolated as being the most likely candidate for the native language.
The Republic ship replied in the languange of the Mekidar, and as the two ships began to transmit concepts, ideas, and images, along with the associated words, both the Mekidar and Diem were able to construct basic translation matrices. The greeting from the Diem was decent enough. Strength replied in the language of the Diem, "We are on a mission to explore this area and contact the people living here. We mean no harm, and would like to have formal diplomatic relations and engage in trade. Also, talk tends to be easier and better understood if we each speak on our native tongues and let the others translate."
[EDIT: removed mental retardation.]
Prinam System, Gaian Compact
The pulsing sequence stopped upon recieving a the message from the locals. Rock's Captain was rather puzzled, wondering aloud why they were threatening violence already, a full 10 hours of travel (at current course and speed) from the orbit of the 7th planet in the system, let alone the 6th. Maybe their ships have inferior propulsion systems.
Rock began change course and slow down. If these people (the Gaians) had even a pre-space understanding of physics and mathematics, it should have been clear that the ship would enter orbit around the local star in just over 1 hour, 20 minutes. Comms remained silent, as the Mekidar waited for a response to the course change. Hopefully, it would something along the lines of "State your purpose here" and not "Get the fuck out of my system!".
[Note: With an initial velocity of 200,000 km/s and an orbital velocity of 10 km/s (a little bit high, actually), I am giving my ship -40,000 m/s^2 of acceleration, or -4082g. I hope it is not unreasonable for the maximum thrust of a cruiser.]
Hull 133 replied to the message. "As you wish, a sub-channel is devoted to transmitting all major communications in your own language for comparason purposes.Adrian Laguna wrote:<snip>
"My people do not use a major trade-based economy of the type our archeological studies have shown ancient humans did, but I am sure that there are things that either of us has that can be utilised for fair exchange with one another if your people so wish.
"Am I correct in assuming that your peoples territory extends to near ours? To avoid future unpleasantness I belive that we should arrange exact territorial claims and methods of assuring mutual non-hostilities at the soonest time possible based on your authority structure with such issues."
- Nephtys
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6227
- Joined: 2005-04-02 10:54pm
- Location: South Cali... where life is cheap!
GNCL Emberwind... on the Fringe!
The ship began her decelleration to make contact with the alien 'Hull 490' ship crossing into their space. The sleek ivory cruiser matched velocity, and transmitted a signal directly to it. Makina Northbloom transmitted her signal.
"We will meet aboard your ship. We are accustomed to working in potentially hostile environmental conditions." The Commander said, flexing her fingers slowly. She turns her head back. "I'm going to bring a guest of mine, if you don't mind. She will be conducting official negotiations on relations on behalf of my planet."
Nothbloom turned her head just briefly, and looked at the face of the smiling woman within the entangled mass. ~I will meet you in one-thirtieth of the nearest planet's rotation, neighbor.~.
GNCS Whisperwind, in the Prinus System...
"Commander. Contact has altered course. It's beginning to reverse acceleration in relation to the system primary, and is plotting to enter orbit within one hour."
Stoutkin rested his elbows against his command panel. Their attempts to communicate have recieved no response, however the vessel did appear to change course. "Repeat our attempts to raise them on all frequencies, all cyphers and languages." he commanded, as the ship glided and moved. "I'd like to see some kind of blasted response from them." he frowned.
By now, the Flashfire had already overshot back past the two ships, heading out into deep space. It was already beginning to change it's course back to meet the other two, although such would take some time.
Matching vectors and moving to within practically visual range, Whisperwind began to transmit again, as well as flashing visual cues and braking slightly to signal her intent. She clearly possessed superior acceleration and maneuvering in this case, at least compared to those observed from this alien craft.
The powerful strike cruiser adjusted it's course again, pulling ahead of the decelerating craft and beginning a low powered burn of her own. Would it react to their hails and actions, or continue on it's course?
GNC Autumn, Windglaive class Heavy Cruiser... on the Gaian Border...
As Thunder moved to a relative stop, the Autumn would meet it, escorting the rest of the way. The order was given. The ship was to be brought to the orbit of Gaia herself, escorted the rest of the way closely. These backwards 'magic' worshippers intrigued Gaia, and she wanted to see them in person...
The ship began her decelleration to make contact with the alien 'Hull 490' ship crossing into their space. The sleek ivory cruiser matched velocity, and transmitted a signal directly to it. Makina Northbloom transmitted her signal.
"We will meet aboard your ship. We are accustomed to working in potentially hostile environmental conditions." The Commander said, flexing her fingers slowly. She turns her head back. "I'm going to bring a guest of mine, if you don't mind. She will be conducting official negotiations on relations on behalf of my planet."
Nothbloom turned her head just briefly, and looked at the face of the smiling woman within the entangled mass. ~I will meet you in one-thirtieth of the nearest planet's rotation, neighbor.~.
GNCS Whisperwind, in the Prinus System...
"Commander. Contact has altered course. It's beginning to reverse acceleration in relation to the system primary, and is plotting to enter orbit within one hour."
Stoutkin rested his elbows against his command panel. Their attempts to communicate have recieved no response, however the vessel did appear to change course. "Repeat our attempts to raise them on all frequencies, all cyphers and languages." he commanded, as the ship glided and moved. "I'd like to see some kind of blasted response from them." he frowned.
By now, the Flashfire had already overshot back past the two ships, heading out into deep space. It was already beginning to change it's course back to meet the other two, although such would take some time.
Matching vectors and moving to within practically visual range, Whisperwind began to transmit again, as well as flashing visual cues and braking slightly to signal her intent. She clearly possessed superior acceleration and maneuvering in this case, at least compared to those observed from this alien craft.
The powerful strike cruiser adjusted it's course again, pulling ahead of the decelerating craft and beginning a low powered burn of her own. Would it react to their hails and actions, or continue on it's course?
GNC Autumn, Windglaive class Heavy Cruiser... on the Gaian Border...
As Thunder moved to a relative stop, the Autumn would meet it, escorting the rest of the way. The order was given. The ship was to be brought to the orbit of Gaia herself, escorted the rest of the way closely. These backwards 'magic' worshippers intrigued Gaia, and she wanted to see them in person...
The arranged meeting chamber was, days ago, a storage tank for liquid He3. Diem ships very rarely had more than one crewmember, if that, so there were no inherant facilities for a meeting.Nephtys wrote:<snip>
The room was a 30 metre cube with the walls, celing and floor were covered with light panels that could be adjusted in output or changed to any colour or pattern desired. The center of the room was dominated by the large table. One side of the table had chairs copied from those found in the ruins, the far side had a typical resting couch that was modified around the shape of Tadom's atmosphere suit.
The atmosphere was specifically mixed for humans including the ultrahigh water content that was needed for their comfort, as per the information transmitted from the Gaian ship.
Tadom waited, on his side of the room, for the humans to arrive. His full atmosphere suit protecting him from the discomfort of the radically different air as well as cooling him. Soon the Gaians would arrive, and the future of his species may just rest on the decisions and negotiations he was about to perform.
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
The Thunder waited patiently for the Gaian ship to arrive. The Air-Mage manifested a hot tea. At least he could do something while waiting. He wasn't really sure why it was him to go to Gaia, but questioning the will of the High Councillor was a quick way to wreck your career. Or worse.Nephtys wrote:GNC Autumn, Windglaive class Heavy Cruiser... on the Gaian Border...
As Thunder moved to a relative stop, the Autumn would meet it, escorting the rest of the way. The order was given. The ship was to be brought to the orbit of Gaia herself, escorted the rest of the way closely. These backwards 'magic' worshippers intrigued Gaia, and she wanted to see them in person...

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

- Glimmervoid
- Jedi Master
- Posts: 1344
- Joined: 2005-01-29 09:00am
- Location: Some were in the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm.
- Contact:
OOC:Sorry This took so long, full week.
Hubira System
Sirens went off all over the system, half the defence fleet at once vectored towards the newcomer.
“Sir” Said the com officer “We have detected a incoming ship, it is transmitting a pulsing single on all bands”
“Sensor now!” shouted the Admiral aboard his Silver Flame class cruiser “What class is that ship, is it from the same race responsible for the Shearwater incident”.
“Negative, sir” responded a com tech “Its of a complete different design style and dose not have the strange energy reading”
“Ok then, tell the rest of the defence fleet to hold back, order four escorts to follow us, we are going to meet this intruder”.
“Orders sent sir, the Walpole, Henbury, Hanau and the Yaakov are all following us in.”
The cruiser and the four Legion Class Frigates powered up there engines to full and cruised towards the ship, all there com twenty four of there com transmitters transmitting the same message towards the alien vessel.
“Please reduce your delta-v to zero relative the primary and respond on all frequencies you are able.”
Hubira System
Sirens went off all over the system, half the defence fleet at once vectored towards the newcomer.
“Sir” Said the com officer “We have detected a incoming ship, it is transmitting a pulsing single on all bands”
“Sensor now!” shouted the Admiral aboard his Silver Flame class cruiser “What class is that ship, is it from the same race responsible for the Shearwater incident”.
“Negative, sir” responded a com tech “Its of a complete different design style and dose not have the strange energy reading”
“Ok then, tell the rest of the defence fleet to hold back, order four escorts to follow us, we are going to meet this intruder”.
“Orders sent sir, the Walpole, Henbury, Hanau and the Yaakov are all following us in.”
The cruiser and the four Legion Class Frigates powered up there engines to full and cruised towards the ship, all there com twenty four of there com transmitters transmitting the same message towards the alien vessel.
“Please reduce your delta-v to zero relative the primary and respond on all frequencies you are able.”

Neve returned the nod. "Yes. Such a device would be of much more use to your people."MRDOD wrote:"Of course we know of the Igsimeknerb [Neurology], although, so sorry, I am not a neurologician so I cannot really differentiate between such forbidden vileness as Psykerism and the normal operation of Neuron pulses by name. As far as the helmets, that is true, as the vaccuum sealing of the unit is particularly hard to undue as it opens from the back. I understand roundheads like yourselves, excuse my slang, have it easier with headgear operation due to your peculiar head shapes."
He nodded sagely, and tapped his beak twice for emphasis. It was nice to talk over such a minor point, even if it was obvious the Avalonians were specifically drawing out over it to avoid having to cut to business.
She paused long enough to signal a shift in topic.
"Now that we both have established a small sampling of what is to be gained as potential trade partners, perhaps we can establish diplomatic contact protocols for future use. I am not familiar with the traditional methods of your people, the relevant portions of the Ancestor database were compiled long before many of the worlds in this sector of space had developed even rudimentary spacefaring capacities. However, it has been our practice to use long-range communications to maintain direct contact. Diplomatic facilities such as this would be fabricated as necessary for special circumstances such as first-contact, and processed back into raw energy once it has fulfilled its purpose."