Suggest to me PS2 games

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Suggest to me PS2 games

Post by Hotfoot »

Co-Op I think I've got covered with X-Men Legends 1&2, but additional co-op games would be welcome.

Other than that, not looking for anything in particular, right now I'm eyeballing Resident Evil 4 when it comes over, Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistance, and maybe Final Fantasy 10. Are there any really amazing games I should look at?
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Post by Molyneux »

MGS3 is just damn good.

I've always liked the Ratchet and Clank games, but I haven't yet played Deadlocked...not sure if they have co-op modes, though.

If you haven't played Kingdom Hearts and are at all a fan of Disney or Final Fantasy, by the way, you should really check it out - it's a great game in its own right, too.
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Post by Haminal10 »

God of War is an absolute must-own.
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Post by Arthur_Tuxedo »

I'll suggest 3:

1. Guitar Hero
2. Guitar Hero
3. Guitar Hero.
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Post by Vendetta »

Molyneux wrote:I've always liked the Ratchet and Clank games, but I haven't yet played Deadlocked...not sure if they have co-op modes, though.
Only Deadlocked has co-op. Up Your Arsenal has online multiplayer though.

I'd say get God of War if you want to hit dudes, and either Ace Combat 4, 5, or Zero (out in March) if you want to blow shit up.
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Post by Laird »

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory(The xbox version had co-op, I don't see a reason the PS2 version would not.)
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »


Zone of The Enders
Zone of The Enders-2


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Post by Molyneux »

Crossroads Inc. wrote:ArmouredCore-2

Zone of The Enders
Zone of The Enders-2


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Xenogears was fun, but Xenosaga was just too darn slow for my taste...
I second the recommendations of AC and Zone of the Enders, those games were lots of fun!
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Post by Equinox2003 »

It all depends on what type of games you like. I mostly stick to RPG, and a few situation games, and a couple of sports games. For Sports I would say Madden and ASB series are good.
For situation games, Resident evil and Tomb Raider are good, and for RPG, the Final Fantasy series (and Kingdom Hearts) are good. maybe not X2, but thats up to your opinion.
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Post by The Dark »

For RPGs, Dragon Quest VIII is good. I'm also eagerly awaiting the release of Shadow Hearts: From the New World. I'd also recommend the original Shadow Hearts and the sequel, Shadow Hearts: Covenant. Each game has some characters in it from the previous ones. Any of the Wild ARMs series is also good, if a little different in flavor.
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Post by Bounty »

Timesplitters 2
Metal Arms : Glitch in the System -->especially this one, awesome shooter and it's hilarious too
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Resident Evil 4, and the update for MSG3 are really good ones. They'll consume vast amounts of time and neither are really "WTF?!...why can't I?!" titles.

FFX is a bit dated and while I enjoyed can be a tad slow and the story at times is a bit "Oh what now?"

As for others...Shadow Hearts(both of them) are decent. DQVIII...ONLY if you like SNES/NES Rpgs(very simple but it is a grind fest).

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Post by 2000AD »

Depending on your preference of game type I suggest:

Resident Evil 4 - Kicks ass, has a new and half decent plot (no more evil Umbrella created zombies) and has two major firsts in Resident Evil History:
1 - Voice acting that doesn't make you cringe
2 - Over the shoulder camera rather than awkwardly placed fixed camera that hides the enemies trying to kill you.
Also has an absolutely jaw dropping achievement in AI programming: When your assigned to guard someone, the person doesn't act like a suicidal dick! I was amazed when my protectee cowered behind me when enemies appeared rather than carrying on running into the middle of them. I was literally stunned when i pointed my gun at her and she ducked! SHE DUCKED TO AVOID FRIENDLY FIRE!!!! This is quite possibly the first AI person i have been assigned to protect that didn't go out of their way to make me fail the mission.

WWE SMackdown vs Raw 2006: If you like wrestling games then this is THE game. Elevates the series past the pinnacle that was Here Comes the Pain and generally improves in every way over the predecessors.

Gun: Grand Theft Auto in the Wild West but on a smaller scale. Good story, brilliant voice acting (Tom Jane and Lance Heinriksson to name a few), easy to learn game play, plenty of side missions and generally all around fun. My only gripe is that it is a bit short, but even when you've done everything you can still have fun causing trouble in towns till a posse is organised against you.

Devil May Cry 1 and 3: Both should be going cheap now and both are brilliant pieces of action gaming, despite 1 being quite old now. Avoid Devil May Cry 2 like the plague.

Tony Hawk seires: I don't skateboard in real life, i don't watch it on TV, but i love tha games. If it's your first skateboard game i recommend Tony Hawks 4 as it's cheap now, and still a good game. After that Underground is good, heard bad things about Underground 2 and good things about American Wasteland.

Tiger Woods Golf: Another case of don't play it, don't watch it but love the game. 2005 is a good game and i've been hearing good about 2006 since it came out but i haven't played it yet.

Tekken 5: I didn't think Tekken 4 was broke but a lot of people did, so the next one went back to it's roots both figuratively, as in game style, and also literally, as you also get Tekken 1, 2 and 3 on the disk for free.
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Post by Joe »

Resident Evil 4. I know it's been recommended, but I cannot emphasize how much you need to play this game.

All the PS2 Grand Theft Auto games are great.

I really like Spider-Man 2 (movie game) and Ultimate Spider-Man, though to be fair the appeal is somewhat diminished if you're not a fan of the character.

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Post by Lagmonster »

Ghost Rider wrote:Resident Evil 4, and the update for MSG3 are really good ones. They'll consume vast amounts of time and neither are really "WTF?!...why can't I?!" titles.
I like Resident Evil 4, I really do, but the number of times I was stumped by a gate of some sort and I thought, "Why the living, breathing FUCK do I have to wander miles off course and fight a giant fish and an ogre to get a strange key to unlock this church, when I have a perfectly good SHOTGUN IN MY HANDS, and there's a WINDOW RIGHT THERE.

The greatest offender in this category was a gate in the village that impeded your progress for half the game, yet was flanked on either side by a 2-foot high rotting fence in the 'impassable' area off the path.

The day will come when someone takes something like the Red Faction engine and makes a game where locked plywood doors in office buildings are no longer an indestructible obstacle for large men carrying heavy explosives, and on that day I will be happy.
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Post by CDiehl »

Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefront II are both a lot of fun. The first one is good if you just want a simple ground battle, though the sequel is good for more complicated ground fights and the space missions are incredible.

Destroy All Humans, in which you play a 50's-sci-fi alien conquering the world, is a lot of fun, partly because you get to be the villain and partly because of the way the game satirizes Cold-War era America.

Spartan Total Warrior is an obvious God of War clone (the big boss fights are really variations on the ones in God of War), but it is a lot of fun for a button masher. Also, you get to beat down a near-endless supply of Roman soldiers.

NHL 06 is one of the few sports games I enjoy (I prefer hockey over other sports myself). It has a lot of different teams to pick from, and you can create a player and a team of your own.

I must reiterate the love for Gun. It is short, and somewhat resembles GTA in the Old West, but it's enjoyable, the main theme is lovely and the voice acting is wonderful.

Finally, I'd like to give some credit to The Warriors, a game based loosely on the movie. It is similar to GTA in a lot of ways, but it's a fun game to play when you just want to beat stuff up. I wish I could modify games so I could make it resemble Gangs of New York.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Molyneux wrote:MGS3 is just damn good.
Definately wait until MGS3: Subsistance comes out, if it hasn't already, since it comes with Metal Gear 1 and 2.

And by MG1, I mean the REAL, MSX version, not the shitty NES adaptation...
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Post by Lazarus »

I loved Killzone, and actualy only found out about it after seeing the E3 Killzone 2 trailer, which is truly the most immensely impressive trailer I have ever seen for anything. Even playing the game on my poxy tiny tv it was still fantastic.
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Post by felineki »

If you're into the more retro stuff, I'd heartily recommend the Street Fighter Anniversary Collection, Gradius III & IV, and Gradius V.
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:And by MG1, I mean the REAL, MSX version, not the shitty NES adaptation...
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Post by weemadando »


The best fighting game on the PS2.
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:I'll suggest 3:

1. Guitar Hero
2. Guitar Hero
3. Guitar Hero.
As soon as I saw the thread I was going to come in and post that in max size, bold, all caps, but it seems you've beat me to the punch making everyone aware of its awesomeness.

However, I feel I should emphasize the point:


EDIT: Such is its awesome that I, a die-hard PC gamer, have considered buying a PS2 for the sole purpose of being able to play Guitar Hero. The people responsible for this admittedly rather simple game are absolute geniuses, and should be revered as gods. Supergods.
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Post by Akhlut »

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Holy fuck. I spent 60 hours on it and was willing to spend another 60+ on it except that it wasn't my own copy, rather, the copy of my cousin's friend. The game's fucking awesome. You get to be a human transformed into a semi-demon beast and go around kicking ass, taking names, and creating the world as you see fit. :D It's probably among the last of the turn-based RPGs, but it's a very good example of it.
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Post by Enigma »

Here's some kooky selections I'd recommend. :):):)

All of the Silent Hill games (even though the first one is a PS1 game)

Digimon 4
Monster Rancher 4
Burnout 4
Grand Tourismo 4
Unlimited Saga
Destroy All Humans
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
Mortal Kombat: Deception (you need to play DA to understand a bit of this game)
Mortal Kombat:Shaolin Monks
Final Fantasy x

There are more but I don't remember.

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Post by Erik von Nein »

Shadow of the Collosus is a really great game. It's beautiful, though sparse as the game is nothing but boss fights. Even still there's enough to do as there are more than 15 (if I remember correctly, and I probably don't) collosuses to fight. Each one is different in some way, which makes each one so much fun. The controls are also pretty intuitive and easy to use so you won't get too frustrated with it.

Dark Cloud 2 is pretty fun, if you like town-building, dungeon-crawling, weapon-customizing good times. Beware Spheda; it can be both fun and extremely frustrating.

Get Soul Calibur 2 (or 3, since it exclusive, though I haven't played much of it yet). It's a fast and fun fighting game with a pretty good single player mode.

The Silent Hill games are pretty good for their atmosphere and story. The controls are pretty darn iffy, set in the "our enemies are slow and stupid, so you're even more slow and stupid to make them a threat" kind of way. There're multiple endings, depending on time, items used and enemies killed as well as various other decisions you make, so there's a fair amount of replay value.

I must second Resident Evil 4. It corrected so much that was wrong with the RE games that it's not even funny. But, even better than that, it corrected some of what's wrong with games in general. The enemies you face aren't particularly slow or stupid, the friendly AI is smart enough not to get itself killed without you trying to get it killed and there's very little back tracking. My only complaint would be boss fights, in that as soon as you figure out the pattern it just becomes a matter of doing the same thing over and over until the boss dies.
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Post by Mobius »

Some Old school shooters
R-type Final
Contra: Shattered Soldier
Neo Contra

The best fighting game on the PS2.
Isn't the nr.2 out?
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