Stark wrote: Further, all the claims of an impossible victory are totally scuppered by the fear the rebels had of any counterattack, even a laughably small one like two or three ISDs.
Which doesn't necessarily mean that the Rebels' fears are correct or justified. History is littered with examples of commanders being afraid, more than is ever warranted, because they didn't know better, were overly cautious, or overestimated the enemy. The Rebels have rarely, if ever, fought a major fleet action. They are guerillas and major set peice battles are anthema to that mindset. Naturally they would be fearful, doubly so as Ackbar is not a properly trained fleet commander.
Furthermore, there is the question of whether the Endor Fleet could have delivered a blow equivalent to that hypothetical counter-attack (assuming it could have been as effective as the Rebels fear). It is quite clear as Chris O'Farrel pointed out, that the loss of battle meditation, the collapse of regular communications channels, and the general losses of personnel and ships has demoralized the Fleet and they have lost unit cohesion. Battles have been lost with vastly superior forces simply because the chain of command had shattered. Once again I will point out the incredibly dramatic Battle of Samar as illustration of that point.
Stark wrote:I'm not going to bother to point out that my opponents in this thread have ignored points raised and evidence quoted that support their position, so I'm going to assume they're lazy or incompetent.
Lazarus, I almost totally agree with you. I'm glad some of my opponents actually READ Publius' posts, and noticed that there is at least one source showing that P. *did* announce the death of his CO.
Ignoring his points are not the same as not agreeing with them or holding a different view of them. This is a debate after all. If there are points that you feel have been ignored why not bring them up instead of acting indignant on Publius's behalf.
Stark wrote:However, P. rank is less important than his position, as he was not a commander of anything in the sense of being in charge. He may have outranked the commanders of other ships, but they are senior to him by virtue of being commanders, rather like Piett being assigned command over Grand Admirals, even though he was lower rank than them.
And again, I ask because I do not know, is this based on some precedent? Would that be how real world navies handle it? Or is there SW precedent?
I ask this again because it seems that Paelleon's authority was acknowledged at the battle. And Publius, who you are supporting, actually acknowledges that one Captain Dorja declined authority and deferred to Paelleon. Either Paelleon, illegally, countermanded officers who would be above him or no one was stepping up
Stark wrote:With regards the speculation regarding Teshiks battle, I of course agree that the Rebels were trying to capture him. However, if my opponents view of rebel strength are correct (ie, it was a hopeless battle for more than a dozen ISDs) it is absurd that it would take hours to even disable his ship, given such a massive disparity.
It is abusrd to think that Teshik fought an effective, ongoing action for three hours on top of the four or five hours that he had already been fighting.
It is absurd to think that a ship could be fighting, and taking damage, for four hours and then stand off an entire fleet for a further three.
That is why I believe that the ship was disabled and boarded; the Rebel boarding action taking up most of those three hours. An
Imperator-class star destroyer carrying more marines and naval ratings than the size of many small municipalities would of course take a good deal of time to subdue.