Moderator: Thanas
It had been months now since the Vorlons entered Dilgar space. Months since the Vinzin sector had seen any kind of crisis. Even the Narn had appeared to acquiesce to the demands for privacy. Rai'Jal might have been in a better mood however if things weren't fastly degenerating in the galactic south.
A new threat seemed to have arrived on the Dilgar frontier. A group calling themselves the 'Raider threat', or 'Marxis corporation' depending upon whom was giving the information.
A routine patrol into the Kokkar sector had revealed that the two hospitable planets there were in the process of being colonized. The Markab system also seemed to be infested with these pirates. A light scout sent to investigate the system for potential, never reported in. Later a recording on a sublight frequency was recieved by the nearby base station which though garbled and poor quality, was an account of the ships fate. Apparently this group had taken it upon themselves to board and sieze the scout vessel!
As he read the report Rai'Jal grew increasingly tense. He just couldn't stop thinking about the nerve of this rag tag group using trade as a front for such obvious acts of piracy.
There was no point in Rai'Jals mind of asking for the ship back. As far as he was concerned had he been on the ship he would have fought to the death, and he expected the same from any Dilgar who served with him. To simply ask for the ship itself back was not only a waste of time and effort on his behalf, but also made the empire look week and foolish.
If this group wanted to accost the Dilgar, they would have to do better than hide behind the ephemeral shield of earthforce. Even if this group does consist mostly of earthers, there will come a time when the legitimate government no longer wants to take the blame for them. After all who wants to get into a war simply because seperatists are getting greedy and employing questionable tactics.
No, Rai'Jal thought, if this raiding group wanted to engage the Dilgar Navy then it would be thier final mistake.
Perhaps the plan that was meant to curb Vorlon aggression could be manipulated to serve this newer threat. Probably with a much higher success rate at that...
Perhaps he could convice Bi'Lar to speak with the Earth force representative, maybe he could embaress those fools into taking action themselves. Certainly if this Marxis, was using EarthForce to screen his activities, then Rai'Jal didn't see the problem with taking a little retribution towards EarthForce. He was certain that Bi'Lar would make them keenly aware of that fact...
Rai'Jal felt beeter now that he'd worked through this conundrm. He sat back and enjoyed the Flarn that was being imported from Minbar.
A new threat seemed to have arrived on the Dilgar frontier. A group calling themselves the 'Raider threat', or 'Marxis corporation' depending upon whom was giving the information.
A routine patrol into the Kokkar sector had revealed that the two hospitable planets there were in the process of being colonized. The Markab system also seemed to be infested with these pirates. A light scout sent to investigate the system for potential, never reported in. Later a recording on a sublight frequency was recieved by the nearby base station which though garbled and poor quality, was an account of the ships fate. Apparently this group had taken it upon themselves to board and sieze the scout vessel!
As he read the report Rai'Jal grew increasingly tense. He just couldn't stop thinking about the nerve of this rag tag group using trade as a front for such obvious acts of piracy.
There was no point in Rai'Jals mind of asking for the ship back. As far as he was concerned had he been on the ship he would have fought to the death, and he expected the same from any Dilgar who served with him. To simply ask for the ship itself back was not only a waste of time and effort on his behalf, but also made the empire look week and foolish.
If this group wanted to accost the Dilgar, they would have to do better than hide behind the ephemeral shield of earthforce. Even if this group does consist mostly of earthers, there will come a time when the legitimate government no longer wants to take the blame for them. After all who wants to get into a war simply because seperatists are getting greedy and employing questionable tactics.
No, Rai'Jal thought, if this raiding group wanted to engage the Dilgar Navy then it would be thier final mistake.
Perhaps the plan that was meant to curb Vorlon aggression could be manipulated to serve this newer threat. Probably with a much higher success rate at that...
Perhaps he could convice Bi'Lar to speak with the Earth force representative, maybe he could embaress those fools into taking action themselves. Certainly if this Marxis, was using EarthForce to screen his activities, then Rai'Jal didn't see the problem with taking a little retribution towards EarthForce. He was certain that Bi'Lar would make them keenly aware of that fact...
Rai'Jal felt beeter now that he'd worked through this conundrm. He sat back and enjoyed the Flarn that was being imported from Minbar.
- GuppyShark
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2830
- Joined: 2005-03-13 06:52am
- Location: South Australia
"Mr. Marxis, you have a video call on line three. It's Mr. Defel."
Marxis rubbed his hand through his hair, and shoved aside some reports he had been browsing through. He reached over to the vidcom console and pressed a finger to the intercom button. "Put it through."
The lights in his office dimmed, and a video screen that had been previously hidden unobtrusively slid quietly into place.
A grainy, moving image of Mr. Defel appeared, upon a black background.
"Marxis, I hope you're doing well," Defel began. "I've been thinking about the equipment problem you mentioned on my last visit, and I've found a solution."
Marxis grinned with genuine pleasure. "Go on."
Mr. Defel stepped back from the camera, and the camera's viewpoint panned out. He could now be seen clearly standing in the cargo hold of a bulk freighter. The black background he had been shot against was part of a corporate logo painted against an enormous shipping container.
It was the corporate logo of a defence contractor of the Centauri Republic.
"Everything you need to defend yourselves, all state-of-the-art military spec. The first shipment is covered by the five million you already authorised, I'm sure you'll have no objection continuing additional shipments at the same rate."
"Well, I'll have my people look into the fine print, but you've got the go-ahead, Drake, if I can still call you that."
"Sure, Cap.
"Won't the Centauri Republic object to our purchasing from one of their contractors? We've just started negotiating with them and things are delicate right now."
"Actually, it's a few contractors, and no. They won't object."
"You're sure?"
"I'm sure. Defel Enterprises has branches in almost all known space. We specialise in just this sort of thing. Making sure people get what they want. The Centauri military hasn't been getting much in the way of funding from their government lately; the Emperor has been spending it all on civilian colonisation and outreach projects, some sort of grand venture. That has left a lot of their traditional vendors out in the cold. Some of the nobility owed my associates some favors, so they've made sure our shipments stay off the record."
"You shouldn't be talking so freely over video, Drake."
Defel waved the concern aside. "My associates have secured this transmission. But I understand your concern. I'll meet you when we arrive in orbit. Out."
The transmission ended, and the video display slid back into hiding. Marxis directed his attention to Vera, who had been out of camera shot for the entire conversation.
"Don't authorise any transfers until the shipment has arrived and our people have gone over it. If this is really military-grade Centauri parts, our problems are solved."
"And that's what's bothering me. It's too easy, and I don't like it when it's too easy."
Vera nodded, and left the office, leaving Marxis to his thoughts.
Marxis rubbed his hand through his hair, and shoved aside some reports he had been browsing through. He reached over to the vidcom console and pressed a finger to the intercom button. "Put it through."
The lights in his office dimmed, and a video screen that had been previously hidden unobtrusively slid quietly into place.
A grainy, moving image of Mr. Defel appeared, upon a black background.
"Marxis, I hope you're doing well," Defel began. "I've been thinking about the equipment problem you mentioned on my last visit, and I've found a solution."
Marxis grinned with genuine pleasure. "Go on."
Mr. Defel stepped back from the camera, and the camera's viewpoint panned out. He could now be seen clearly standing in the cargo hold of a bulk freighter. The black background he had been shot against was part of a corporate logo painted against an enormous shipping container.
It was the corporate logo of a defence contractor of the Centauri Republic.
"Everything you need to defend yourselves, all state-of-the-art military spec. The first shipment is covered by the five million you already authorised, I'm sure you'll have no objection continuing additional shipments at the same rate."
"Well, I'll have my people look into the fine print, but you've got the go-ahead, Drake, if I can still call you that."
"Sure, Cap.
"Won't the Centauri Republic object to our purchasing from one of their contractors? We've just started negotiating with them and things are delicate right now."
"Actually, it's a few contractors, and no. They won't object."
"You're sure?"
"I'm sure. Defel Enterprises has branches in almost all known space. We specialise in just this sort of thing. Making sure people get what they want. The Centauri military hasn't been getting much in the way of funding from their government lately; the Emperor has been spending it all on civilian colonisation and outreach projects, some sort of grand venture. That has left a lot of their traditional vendors out in the cold. Some of the nobility owed my associates some favors, so they've made sure our shipments stay off the record."
"You shouldn't be talking so freely over video, Drake."
Defel waved the concern aside. "My associates have secured this transmission. But I understand your concern. I'll meet you when we arrive in orbit. Out."
The transmission ended, and the video display slid back into hiding. Marxis directed his attention to Vera, who had been out of camera shot for the entire conversation.
"Don't authorise any transfers until the shipment has arrived and our people have gone over it. If this is really military-grade Centauri parts, our problems are solved."
"And that's what's bothering me. It's too easy, and I don't like it when it's too easy."
Vera nodded, and left the office, leaving Marxis to his thoughts.
"Vir, why is it taking so long to raise the army that I want?" Londo asked irritably. "I've heard...rumors that the Llort will be destabilized soon, and I want to be able to take advantage of that."
"Apparently, one of our biggest defense contractors already has contracts that they have to fullfill before they can work for us," Vir answered.
"Contracts with who?" Londo asked.
"The Marxis corporation," Vir said flatly.
"What?!" Londo exclaimed. "If Marxis arms his ships with Centauri technology, and the other races find out..."
Londo had a sudden, terrible vision of Narn, Minbari, and Dilgar ships all invading Centauri space in droves.
"Invoke the Neccessary Defense Law and force them to cancel those contracts!" Londo ordered.
"I'm not sure we want to do that, Londo," Vir said quietly. "You see, the company which acted as middle man in the formation of those contracts was Defel Enterprises."
Londo paled. The Shadows had infilitrated Centauri society more deeply than he had feared. "They never told me," he whispered.
Vir frowned. "Never told you what, Londo?"
"They never told me what it would cost to weaken the Llort for us," Londo replied.
"Apparently, one of our biggest defense contractors already has contracts that they have to fullfill before they can work for us," Vir answered.
"Contracts with who?" Londo asked.
"The Marxis corporation," Vir said flatly.
"What?!" Londo exclaimed. "If Marxis arms his ships with Centauri technology, and the other races find out..."
Londo had a sudden, terrible vision of Narn, Minbari, and Dilgar ships all invading Centauri space in droves.
"Invoke the Neccessary Defense Law and force them to cancel those contracts!" Londo ordered.
"I'm not sure we want to do that, Londo," Vir said quietly. "You see, the company which acted as middle man in the formation of those contracts was Defel Enterprises."
Londo paled. The Shadows had infilitrated Centauri society more deeply than he had feared. "They never told me," he whispered.
Vir frowned. "Never told you what, Londo?"
"They never told me what it would cost to weaken the Llort for us," Londo replied.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
Londo scowled deeply when he heard that Marxis had taken his scout. Apparently, the fact that a Centauri contractor was working for him didn't soften Marxis toward his people.
"Shall I order the shipyards to begin building carriers for our fighters, Londo?" Vir asked.
"No," Londo said. "I don't want a war, especially since..." the Shadows had apparently decreed that they would be allies, but Londo decided not to say that. "There's no need for it. Marxis is paranoid of attack, and it's causing him to be overly aggressive. He will deal with us if we can put his fears about us to rest. Offer to buy the scout back."
"Yes, Londo," Vir said. "But what if he refuses?"
"There are other means of dealing with him," Londo answered cryptically.
"Shall I order the shipyards to begin building carriers for our fighters, Londo?" Vir asked.
"No," Londo said. "I don't want a war, especially since..." the Shadows had apparently decreed that they would be allies, but Londo decided not to say that. "There's no need for it. Marxis is paranoid of attack, and it's causing him to be overly aggressive. He will deal with us if we can put his fears about us to rest. Offer to buy the scout back."
"Yes, Londo," Vir said. "But what if he refuses?"
"There are other means of dealing with him," Londo answered cryptically.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
- Uraniun235
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 13772
- Joined: 2002-09-12 12:47am
- Location: OREGON
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"They've accepted our offer to deploy Carmichael and Newell."
"Hm. I hadn't fully expected that. Good thing it wasn't a bluff, eh Ben? Send the orders at once."
"They couldn't help but get a jab in about Earthforce being stretched thinly."
Alshain smirked. "When the Leopard class starships come online, they'll think twice about that remark."
"Never mind. Any word from Mr. Defel?"
"Yes sir. A very ominous word, in fact."
Alshain took the note and read it. His eyes widened.
"We warned them. We clearly warned them against entering the home system. And they're the ones making veiled threats when their willful attempt to violate our territory results in the loss of their scout?!"
"You have to admit, it bears resemblence to the Corpora-"
Alshain erupted in anger. "GODDAMNIT, WE WARNED THEM! They didn't even attempt a diplomatic solution and you're comparing me to that fucking pirate?!"
Ben Magnan had recoiled, but he managed to find the testes to retort. "Sir, we may not have had the complete picture of every encounter involving the Corporate security forces. Given that, it is perfectly reasonable to suggest that there may be a resemblance, to present an alternative perspective, and to warn against the possibility that this could be spun against your administration if this should be leaked to the wrong hands."
Alshain blinked, sighed, and rubbed his temples. "You're entirely right, of course. I'm dreadfully sorry, Ben, it's just seemed like a rough term."
"Don't worry about it sir. If you'll excuse me...?"
"Of course, of course."
A soft chime. "Mr. President, General Prescott is here to see you. He says it's extremely urgent."
"Send him in."
--- thirty minutes later
"This is the President. Assemble the full Senate for an emergency session. ...YES, I know what time it is! I want them assembled in one hour!"
--- six hours later
"They say a man shouldn't respond when he's pissed. What do you think, Cal?"
"I think this was long overdue, Mr. President."
"He'll blow his stack."
"He deserves it."
Wilhelm raised his eyebrow at his old friend, then smiled.
"Maybe he does at that."
"Hm. I hadn't fully expected that. Good thing it wasn't a bluff, eh Ben? Send the orders at once."
"They couldn't help but get a jab in about Earthforce being stretched thinly."
Alshain smirked. "When the Leopard class starships come online, they'll think twice about that remark."
"Never mind. Any word from Mr. Defel?"
"Yes sir. A very ominous word, in fact."
Alshain took the note and read it. His eyes widened.
"We warned them. We clearly warned them against entering the home system. And they're the ones making veiled threats when their willful attempt to violate our territory results in the loss of their scout?!"
"You have to admit, it bears resemblence to the Corpora-"
Alshain erupted in anger. "GODDAMNIT, WE WARNED THEM! They didn't even attempt a diplomatic solution and you're comparing me to that fucking pirate?!"
Ben Magnan had recoiled, but he managed to find the testes to retort. "Sir, we may not have had the complete picture of every encounter involving the Corporate security forces. Given that, it is perfectly reasonable to suggest that there may be a resemblance, to present an alternative perspective, and to warn against the possibility that this could be spun against your administration if this should be leaked to the wrong hands."
Alshain blinked, sighed, and rubbed his temples. "You're entirely right, of course. I'm dreadfully sorry, Ben, it's just seemed like a rough term."
"Don't worry about it sir. If you'll excuse me...?"
"Of course, of course."
A soft chime. "Mr. President, General Prescott is here to see you. He says it's extremely urgent."
"Send him in."
--- thirty minutes later
"This is the President. Assemble the full Senate for an emergency session. ...YES, I know what time it is! I want them assembled in one hour!"
--- six hours later
Code: Select all
Reports indicate that you have constructed a very large armed star fleet. EarthForce says that they have no record of licenses for the number of capital starship weapons you have deployed, nor have your starships been properly registered. This report has been checked, and triple-checked, against the possibility of miscommunication or clerical error. There has been none on our part.
You have single-handedly destablized this entire region of the galaxy with your willful disregard for diplomatic enforcement of territorial soveriegnty in favor of shooting first and asking questions later. You have exceeded both your corporate charter and the limits of the Felgercarb Act by constructing such a large fleet. With this fleet, multiple foreign governments have contacted me, quite convinced that you are intending to invade THEIR territory. It is entirely probable that your reckless military procurements will spark an intergalactic arms race.
Under my advice, the advice of two separate civilian corporate watchdog groups (with three more lending tentative support until they can further deliberate), as well as that of the Joint Chiefs and the Corps Diplomatique Terrestrienne, the Senate has adopted the following resolution (paraphrased): You will cease all fleet construction. You will instruct your starships to hold orbit until otherwise ordered. Earthforce is deploying additional starships to take over border security in your region. And you will accept the arrival of EarthGov representatives to immediately begin an audit of your corporation.
You will find little support in the Senate, or among the Earth Alliance public. They were willing to overlook your previous actions, but NOT a massive private battlefleet which has not sworn an oath - at least, none we have on record - and may or may not be accountable to a civilian government. The aforementioned resolution passed 467 to 30.
I imagine you'll concoct some bullshit story about how you're the beleaguered defender of humanity alone against the false threat of alien invasion, but your actions have not protected us; they have endangered us.
You have crossed the line.
Wilhelm Alshain
President of the Earth Alliance
"I think this was long overdue, Mr. President."
"He'll blow his stack."
"He deserves it."
Wilhelm raised his eyebrow at his old friend, then smiled.
"Maybe he does at that."
- Nephtys
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6227
- Joined: 2005-04-02 10:54pm
- Location: South Cali... where life is cheap!
Valira Moonshield's Ashinta Destroyer swiftly passed through the Gorash system, moving through Earth Alliance Space. She listened to the hails from the Earth Patrol vessels, and fashioned a response quickly, weapons open but unpowered.
She waited, then, murmuring. Should her request be acknowledged, she remained ready to deploy the bulk of the Minbari Vanguard if the threat was as great as it seems...
Code: Select all
Humans of the Earth Alliance, This is the Moonshield Clan Ship Val'isne. We have heard reports of your merchant class militarizing a massive warfleet, and have come to investigate for yourselves. Please allow us transit to the systems in question so that we may see for ourselves...
"Withdraw the fleets."
"We are not ready."
"The concerns of others are not ours."
The older vorlon listened to the voices of his race. Clearly they were not eager for war. More importantly they felt they weren't directly threatened, and that risking vorlon lives for the younger races was unacceptable. Bowing to the consensus, he issued the order to recall the ships. Most of them anyway.
In his own mind the old vorlon, ancient vorlon more accurately, made his own plans. War was coming. If his people were to take part, as he felt they must, then they must be safe. He be flicked through some of the new designs created since the return.
Yes, the new ships would do nicely. His people would be safe, and the galaxy would be balanced again.
"We are not ready."
"The concerns of others are not ours."
The older vorlon listened to the voices of his race. Clearly they were not eager for war. More importantly they felt they weren't directly threatened, and that risking vorlon lives for the younger races was unacceptable. Bowing to the consensus, he issued the order to recall the ships. Most of them anyway.
In his own mind the old vorlon, ancient vorlon more accurately, made his own plans. War was coming. If his people were to take part, as he felt they must, then they must be safe. He be flicked through some of the new designs created since the return.
Yes, the new ships would do nicely. His people would be safe, and the galaxy would be balanced again.
Dragon Clan Veritech
In his warroom used for hostile takeovers Marxis looked grimly at the grid of holoscreens with a dozen different channels echoing the same sentiments. Just outside the door there were dozens of heavily armed private security guards, but Marxis had no delusions. His men weren't ready to stop Earthforce yet.
"...lack of accountability... mercenaries... interstellar arms race... interstellar war..."
"Two more Earthforce warships just jumped into Lotna and are headed our way," said Vera. "And our engineers can't fix the problem. The reactors just can't power the engines and weapons at the same time."
"Why can't they keep the weapons powered down?"
"It takes half a day to power up. And the Centauri electronics just suck up more juice."
"You're telling me we can't stop those Earthforce ships?"
"Well there's the new starfuries and our orbital defenses--"
"I'm not going to start killing human beings," said Marxis. "Did Alshain issue a warrant?"
"No, not yet. Johnson's got enough support in the Senate to stop that. At least, he think he does."
"That Centauri Scout, is it still heading to our analysis yards?"
"I'll send the Centauri the command codes to the scout. The Narns too, give them their ship back."
"It's not enough," said Vera softly.
"I know," said Marxis looking at a graphic of Marxis Corporation's share prices plunging by more than half. "When are the auditors coming?"
"Tomorrow morning. Some are already here."
"Please don't tell me we've cooked the books."
"They're squeaky clean. But there'll be problems. Some of our equipment purchases were under the table. They might find something."
"Get rid of anything connecting us to the Centauri. If word gets out that we're using alien parts on our ships--" Marxis bit his lip. "We'll be a laughing stock."
"Should be easy enough. They can knock off a few decimal places."
Mr. Marxis, Mr. De--
"Tell him I'm busy," said Marxis punching on and off the intercom.
"The chief shipwright--"
"--tell him to give his people a vacation.", snapped Marxis. Vera's eyes fumed and she stormed out of the office. He'd never cut her off before or treated her as an inferior. This was as much her company as it was his.
Marxis felt a chill as he shuffled through reports alone in his office.
What was happening to him?
"...lack of accountability... mercenaries... interstellar arms race... interstellar war..."
"Two more Earthforce warships just jumped into Lotna and are headed our way," said Vera. "And our engineers can't fix the problem. The reactors just can't power the engines and weapons at the same time."
"Why can't they keep the weapons powered down?"
"It takes half a day to power up. And the Centauri electronics just suck up more juice."
"You're telling me we can't stop those Earthforce ships?"
"Well there's the new starfuries and our orbital defenses--"
"I'm not going to start killing human beings," said Marxis. "Did Alshain issue a warrant?"
"No, not yet. Johnson's got enough support in the Senate to stop that. At least, he think he does."
"That Centauri Scout, is it still heading to our analysis yards?"
"I'll send the Centauri the command codes to the scout. The Narns too, give them their ship back."
"It's not enough," said Vera softly.
"I know," said Marxis looking at a graphic of Marxis Corporation's share prices plunging by more than half. "When are the auditors coming?"
"Tomorrow morning. Some are already here."
"Please don't tell me we've cooked the books."
"They're squeaky clean. But there'll be problems. Some of our equipment purchases were under the table. They might find something."
"Get rid of anything connecting us to the Centauri. If word gets out that we're using alien parts on our ships--" Marxis bit his lip. "We'll be a laughing stock."
"Should be easy enough. They can knock off a few decimal places."
Mr. Marxis, Mr. De--
"Tell him I'm busy," said Marxis punching on and off the intercom.
"The chief shipwright--"
"--tell him to give his people a vacation.", snapped Marxis. Vera's eyes fumed and she stormed out of the office. He'd never cut her off before or treated her as an inferior. This was as much her company as it was his.
Marxis felt a chill as he shuffled through reports alone in his office.
What was happening to him?
Londo scowled as he listened to the human media channel talking of how Marxis had violated this law and that, and how Alshain was finally going to bring him to heel.
"Och, I hope no one discovers whatever Centauri technology he has," Londo said.
"They may not," Vir said hopefully. "Marxis sacked the Centauri contractor when he learned that Earthforce was coming for him, and the word is that he's destroying what little of our technology he has."
Londo frowned. "Why?"
"He's embarressed to be caught using non-human technology," Vir explained.
Londo snorted. " 'Pride goeth before a fall' "
"Nothing, Vir," Londo said. "Has the Centaurum approved this year's budget yet?"
"Yes, Londo."
"Good," Londo said.
The new budget included a signficant increase in the funding for defense and weapons research. The time for colonization was nearly over, and Londo could feel a very big war coming. It would not do for the Republic to be defenseless, regardless of what side the Centauri ended up on.
"Och, I hope no one discovers whatever Centauri technology he has," Londo said.
"They may not," Vir said hopefully. "Marxis sacked the Centauri contractor when he learned that Earthforce was coming for him, and the word is that he's destroying what little of our technology he has."
Londo frowned. "Why?"
"He's embarressed to be caught using non-human technology," Vir explained.
Londo snorted. " 'Pride goeth before a fall' "
"Nothing, Vir," Londo said. "Has the Centaurum approved this year's budget yet?"
"Yes, Londo."
"Good," Londo said.
The new budget included a signficant increase in the funding for defense and weapons research. The time for colonization was nearly over, and Londo could feel a very big war coming. It would not do for the Republic to be defenseless, regardless of what side the Centauri ended up on.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"--and President Alshain, in the middle of the night, presented false information to the Senate. His liberal staffers concoted a story about the Marxis Corporation arming its ships with capital ship guns. Although I greatly respect the Senate and its contributions to mankind, this time the majority of them were in error, misled by twisted facts and a hidden agenda."
"Here are the blueprints for our freighters. Our freighters have no armor, no anti-fighter weaponry and only the most primitive of fire control systems. The crews are independently operated security firms which abide by standards and regulations set by the Insterstellar Better Business Bureau. They do not swear an oath, but neither do the millions of security personnel in the private sector. On Earth alone there are at least ten million private security guards working for over a thousand firms. Our small fleet of a hundred ships employs a mere ten thousand dependable and loyal spacecrew. They are not trained as a military but they must follow the rules of engagement outlined in the Felgercarb Act."
"President Alshain steamed this bill through in six hours in the middle of the night without consulting the very people who would be affected by his draconian law. Thousands of people will lose their jobs and millions will be affected."
"Not only that, but the Marxis Corporation vehemently rejects the accusations of racism and xenophobia by Alshain and certain liberal private interests. G'Kar of the Narn and Mollari of the Centauri are both receiving their quarantined scout ships seized earlier. This is not a reaction to Alshain's announcement--rather, contact these governments yourself and they will tell you themselves that the Marxis Corporation was expecting to return these ships to their owners regardless. The Minbari have already had their property returned and we hope to have their crew repatriated soon."
"I am sure that many Senators will consider the facts... all the facts, and come to change their mind. Alshain's private vendetta against me will be little comfort for the families and loved ones and countless feeder industries which will have to immediately cease operations."
"We have received evidence from our contacts in the private sector that President Alshain has finally come to his senses and destroyed alien ships entering Earth space after they ignored warning hails."
Marxis pressed a button and there was a crystal clear view of a jumpgate and several Earth Alliance frigates on sentry. The frigates were poised facing the jump gate, their turrets aimed dead ahead. A blue wormhole sparked and dialated and out came a black squid-like thing. The frigates immediately opened fire with their main batteries. The squid dodged the laser blasts, but the frigates had fired their missiles which chased the squid faster than it could escape. The squid shimmered phasing out of normal space, but it was too late. The missiles impacted and a bright flash was followed by barely discernable pieces of darkness shrivelling into nothingness. Reporters in the room murmered and Marxis raised his hand to quiet them.
"We applaud this move, but if these rumors are true one wonders of the hypocracy of this President. Apparently detaining unindentified ships is a threat to the stability of the galaxy, but reducing them to space debris is perfectly fine as long as you are the President of the Earth Alliance."
"I'll take your questions now..."
"Here are the blueprints for our freighters. Our freighters have no armor, no anti-fighter weaponry and only the most primitive of fire control systems. The crews are independently operated security firms which abide by standards and regulations set by the Insterstellar Better Business Bureau. They do not swear an oath, but neither do the millions of security personnel in the private sector. On Earth alone there are at least ten million private security guards working for over a thousand firms. Our small fleet of a hundred ships employs a mere ten thousand dependable and loyal spacecrew. They are not trained as a military but they must follow the rules of engagement outlined in the Felgercarb Act."
"President Alshain steamed this bill through in six hours in the middle of the night without consulting the very people who would be affected by his draconian law. Thousands of people will lose their jobs and millions will be affected."
"Not only that, but the Marxis Corporation vehemently rejects the accusations of racism and xenophobia by Alshain and certain liberal private interests. G'Kar of the Narn and Mollari of the Centauri are both receiving their quarantined scout ships seized earlier. This is not a reaction to Alshain's announcement--rather, contact these governments yourself and they will tell you themselves that the Marxis Corporation was expecting to return these ships to their owners regardless. The Minbari have already had their property returned and we hope to have their crew repatriated soon."
"I am sure that many Senators will consider the facts... all the facts, and come to change their mind. Alshain's private vendetta against me will be little comfort for the families and loved ones and countless feeder industries which will have to immediately cease operations."
"We have received evidence from our contacts in the private sector that President Alshain has finally come to his senses and destroyed alien ships entering Earth space after they ignored warning hails."
Marxis pressed a button and there was a crystal clear view of a jumpgate and several Earth Alliance frigates on sentry. The frigates were poised facing the jump gate, their turrets aimed dead ahead. A blue wormhole sparked and dialated and out came a black squid-like thing. The frigates immediately opened fire with their main batteries. The squid dodged the laser blasts, but the frigates had fired their missiles which chased the squid faster than it could escape. The squid shimmered phasing out of normal space, but it was too late. The missiles impacted and a bright flash was followed by barely discernable pieces of darkness shrivelling into nothingness. Reporters in the room murmered and Marxis raised his hand to quiet them.
"We applaud this move, but if these rumors are true one wonders of the hypocracy of this President. Apparently detaining unindentified ships is a threat to the stability of the galaxy, but reducing them to space debris is perfectly fine as long as you are the President of the Earth Alliance."
"I'll take your questions now..."
- Dalton
- For Those About to Rock We Salute You
- Posts: 22639
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- Location: New York, the Fuck You State
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Is that water...or blood?
The figure stumbled through the dark streets. Fat lazy drops of rain fell all around him and on the muted browns and reds of the Narn village. It was a miserable night to be out, but he had a mission to fulfill.
Behind him he heard rushing footsteps, splashing through a puddle, skidding slightly as the pursuer regained their balance. The figure grunted as he redoubled his pace. Almost there...almost to the meeting point.
He glanced into a side alley as he passed, noting within the tall silhouette of some unknown being, what looked like the pommel of a sword rising out from behind his shoulder...a sudden flurry of movement...the sound of steel being unsheathed...
"We live for the one. We die for the one," the figure said. He turned around, staff in hand, ready for battle despite his wounds, but he did not expect what had happened next.
With a quick, practiced move, the Narn with the sword quite handily, and quite literally, disarmed his target. His scream was cut off by a vicious strike to the throat, and the robed pursuer was dragged back into the shadows by another Narn.
"I am Ta'Lon," the Narn said. "Your contact."
The Ranger managed a grin.
"G'Kar? It's Ta'Lon."
"Yes, please, come in," G'Kar said, setting aside his reader. "What is it?"
"Our visitor has provided us with this," Ta'Lon said, handing G'Kar a data crystal. "Encrypted."
G'Kar fingered the object thoughtfully. This particular informant had contacted him several days ago regarding this urgent news, and now here it was, potentially the future of this part of the galaxy in his hands. The human, the Ranger, had gone to great personal risk to get this information to him. "Please thank him, and offer whatever assistance we can render."
"I would, but he already left. Fairly typical of them, as I recall."
G'Kar smiled. "Of course. Well, let's see what's on here..."
"Yes, Chairman," Ta'Lon said as got up to leave. "I'll just--"
"No, stay," G'Kar cut him off, activating the crystal reader. "Your insight would be most welcome." Ta'Lon sat down as the recording played.
Several minutes later, the recording ended. G'Kar suddenly felt very tired. "Are you certain this is accurate?"
"As certain as I can be with information from the Rangers," Ta'Lon said. His features indicated barely-controlled fury.
"If this information is right..." G'Kar shook his head. "Buying equipment off the Centauri I can understand; a merchant is a merchant. But colluding with the Shadows...and that massive fleet buildup? I can see why Alshain is... displeased."
Ta'Lon inclined his head. "Marxis is mixing with some very dangerous people."
"Dangerous indeed," G'Kar said. "That Londo isn't one of them in this case surprises me," he added with a touch of dark humor.
"I think we should mobilize our forces. Even if what Marxis said is true, I'd hate to be caught, as the humans say, with my pants down."
"The least of your worries," G'Kar smiled grimly. "Mobilize our forces. And I'll go talk to the Kha'Ri."
Is that water...or blood?
The figure stumbled through the dark streets. Fat lazy drops of rain fell all around him and on the muted browns and reds of the Narn village. It was a miserable night to be out, but he had a mission to fulfill.
Behind him he heard rushing footsteps, splashing through a puddle, skidding slightly as the pursuer regained their balance. The figure grunted as he redoubled his pace. Almost there...almost to the meeting point.
He glanced into a side alley as he passed, noting within the tall silhouette of some unknown being, what looked like the pommel of a sword rising out from behind his shoulder...a sudden flurry of movement...the sound of steel being unsheathed...
"We live for the one. We die for the one," the figure said. He turned around, staff in hand, ready for battle despite his wounds, but he did not expect what had happened next.
With a quick, practiced move, the Narn with the sword quite handily, and quite literally, disarmed his target. His scream was cut off by a vicious strike to the throat, and the robed pursuer was dragged back into the shadows by another Narn.
"I am Ta'Lon," the Narn said. "Your contact."
The Ranger managed a grin.
"G'Kar? It's Ta'Lon."
"Yes, please, come in," G'Kar said, setting aside his reader. "What is it?"
"Our visitor has provided us with this," Ta'Lon said, handing G'Kar a data crystal. "Encrypted."
G'Kar fingered the object thoughtfully. This particular informant had contacted him several days ago regarding this urgent news, and now here it was, potentially the future of this part of the galaxy in his hands. The human, the Ranger, had gone to great personal risk to get this information to him. "Please thank him, and offer whatever assistance we can render."
"I would, but he already left. Fairly typical of them, as I recall."
G'Kar smiled. "Of course. Well, let's see what's on here..."
"Yes, Chairman," Ta'Lon said as got up to leave. "I'll just--"
"No, stay," G'Kar cut him off, activating the crystal reader. "Your insight would be most welcome." Ta'Lon sat down as the recording played.
Several minutes later, the recording ended. G'Kar suddenly felt very tired. "Are you certain this is accurate?"
"As certain as I can be with information from the Rangers," Ta'Lon said. His features indicated barely-controlled fury.
"If this information is right..." G'Kar shook his head. "Buying equipment off the Centauri I can understand; a merchant is a merchant. But colluding with the Shadows...and that massive fleet buildup? I can see why Alshain is... displeased."
Ta'Lon inclined his head. "Marxis is mixing with some very dangerous people."
"Dangerous indeed," G'Kar said. "That Londo isn't one of them in this case surprises me," he added with a touch of dark humor.
"I think we should mobilize our forces. Even if what Marxis said is true, I'd hate to be caught, as the humans say, with my pants down."
"The least of your worries," G'Kar smiled grimly. "Mobilize our forces. And I'll go talk to the Kha'Ri."

To Absent Friends
"y = mx + bro" - Surlethe
"You try THAT shit again, kid, and I will mod you. I will
mod you so hard, you'll wish I were Dalton." - Lagmonster
May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce.
- Uraniun235
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 13772
- Joined: 2002-09-12 12:47am
- Location: OREGON
- Contact:
"Is our whistle-blower still in custody?"
"Yes, sir. Triple-maximum security; at least six guards surrounding him at all times, in full protective armor during transit. It'd take a small army to take him down."
"Good. Have him transported to the Senate chamber, I'll be there shortly. Also, forward copies of the transmissions preceding the battle last week, explaining how we warned off their vessel well in advance, and that the scout wilfully attempted to violate Earth space despite our advance warnings. And remind the Senate that our EarthForce observers were delayed access to the Minbari, and that those crewmembers should have been returned home a long time ago."
"Of course. Anything else, sir?"
"Get me a drink. And tell the CDT to stand by for a broadcast to every star nation that will listen."
"Yes, sir. Triple-maximum security; at least six guards surrounding him at all times, in full protective armor during transit. It'd take a small army to take him down."
"Good. Have him transported to the Senate chamber, I'll be there shortly. Also, forward copies of the transmissions preceding the battle last week, explaining how we warned off their vessel well in advance, and that the scout wilfully attempted to violate Earth space despite our advance warnings. And remind the Senate that our EarthForce observers were delayed access to the Minbari, and that those crewmembers should have been returned home a long time ago."
"Of course. Anything else, sir?"
"Get me a drink. And tell the CDT to stand by for a broadcast to every star nation that will listen."
Last edited by Uraniun235 on 2006-02-02 08:11pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Uraniun235
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 13772
- Joined: 2002-09-12 12:47am
- Location: OREGON
- Contact:
Code: Select all
Fellow sentient beings,
In the wake of several incidents concerning interstellar scout ships, and the domestic concerns of the Earth Alliance pertaining to border security, I am forced to transmit this message in the hope of averting further incidents.
In exploring the galaxy, we recommend that you not transit the following jump gates, listed by system, sector coordinate, and destination:
Gorash - 0,9 - leads to Orion system
Cooke - 1,10 - leads to Sorpigal system
Nocalo - 0,8 - leads to Trembas system
Nocalo - 10,10 - leads to Tulok system
Markab - 4,6 - leads to Tulok system
These gates lead to human-controlled territory. Also note that the Kokkar system has been colonized by humans.
Transit through these systems should be cleared first through diplomatic channels.
Together, we can make the galaxy a safer place.
Wilhelm Alshain
President of the Earth Alliance
"We are returning to the old ways?"
The two vorlons watched vid screens of their ambassadors 'knocking' on the doors of the various empires. Each empire was being offered the choice to accept or decline a vorlon ambassador, excepting the Shadows. They arrived in personal transports, unarmed. The older vorlon was more than a little worried for the safety of some of them. Each ambassador was a host only, each belonging to his or her race, the vorlons new the value of a friendly mask. All except the ambassadors to Minbar and Centauri Prime, who were not hosts but an actual vorlons, clad in an encounter suit. They called themselves Kosh and declined to state their full name. The Minbar vorlon wore a suit of yellow and green, similar to Naranek's suit but slimmer. The Centauri vorlon wore a crimson suit, larger and bulkier than any previously seen. It's angular head had harder contours than normal and four spines arced from it's shoulders. A wise person might believe this was actual vorlon armour as much as it was a disguise.
"So it begins."
OOC: Whether or not you guys accept each ambassador is up to you. Let me know and future RP will of course be tailored to suit.
The two vorlons watched vid screens of their ambassadors 'knocking' on the doors of the various empires. Each empire was being offered the choice to accept or decline a vorlon ambassador, excepting the Shadows. They arrived in personal transports, unarmed. The older vorlon was more than a little worried for the safety of some of them. Each ambassador was a host only, each belonging to his or her race, the vorlons new the value of a friendly mask. All except the ambassadors to Minbar and Centauri Prime, who were not hosts but an actual vorlons, clad in an encounter suit. They called themselves Kosh and declined to state their full name. The Minbar vorlon wore a suit of yellow and green, similar to Naranek's suit but slimmer. The Centauri vorlon wore a crimson suit, larger and bulkier than any previously seen. It's angular head had harder contours than normal and four spines arced from it's shoulders. A wise person might believe this was actual vorlon armour as much as it was a disguise.
"So it begins."
OOC: Whether or not you guys accept each ambassador is up to you. Let me know and future RP will of course be tailored to suit.
Dragon Clan Veritech
Londo sat alone in his office, the only illumination in the room provided by a holographic map and whatever starlight came from the windows. It was late at night and Vir and Reefa had long since gone to bed.
He didn't know how anyone who's personal life hadn't ended as his had could possibly deal with being Centauri Emperor.
"Adira," he whispered. "It is a mighty tribute I promised you. I hope I can actually bring it into being."
He took a drink, relishing the burning feeling of the alcohol as it slid down his throat. He banished the memory of his lost love, contemplating the map. Marxis had finally crossed some line or another, and several of the other races were ready to finally bring him to task for his transgressions.
"You're provided quite a crisis, Mr. Marxis," Londo said. "Such crisises have a tendency to cause alliances to form."
Alliances of light.
He'd assumed that it would have become apparent by now which side he should throw the Republic's lot in with by now, but he was more torn than ever.
He feared the Shadows. To the depths of his soul, he feared the Shadows. Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw the recordings of the flaming, lifeless cities of the Markab. Whenever he dreamed, he had nightmares of the same thing happening to Centauri Prime. He knew the Shadows could do it; they rountinely sent fleets larger than the one orbiting the Markab's home world through the core systems of the Republic.
But at the same time they enticed him. In a few short months, they would wreck havok upon the Llort, leaving them ripe for conquest. Londo wanted to conquer the Llort. He wanted the wealth it would bring his people. He wanted the Lion of the Galaxy to roar again.
On the other hand, part of him yearned to join the races who'd already sworn to oppose the Shadows. Not just because even the Shadows could not hope to stand up to them if they united, but also because it felt like it would be the right thing. Did he really want to ally himself with a group that would exterminate an entire species? It would be nice to have a quiet conscience.
"Nothing is worse than uncertainty," Londo sighed.
The Vorlons had contacted him about sending an ambassador. Londo was again, caught between a rock and a hard place. Send him away, and he risked angering the forever cyptic and mysterious Vorlons. Accept him, and he risked the Vorlons learning of his involvement with the Shadows.
He still had to play both sides of the field, Londo thought. He would accept the Vorlon's ambassador. He only hoped that he could keep him from discovering what Londo was up to.
"Such a task will require that he is constantly watched," Londo mused. "And numerous telepaths to ensure that he doesn't poke into people's minds for information. And...oh, hell, it can wait until morning."
Londo finished his drink in one large gulp and headed to his bedroom.
He didn't know how anyone who's personal life hadn't ended as his had could possibly deal with being Centauri Emperor.
"Adira," he whispered. "It is a mighty tribute I promised you. I hope I can actually bring it into being."
He took a drink, relishing the burning feeling of the alcohol as it slid down his throat. He banished the memory of his lost love, contemplating the map. Marxis had finally crossed some line or another, and several of the other races were ready to finally bring him to task for his transgressions.
"You're provided quite a crisis, Mr. Marxis," Londo said. "Such crisises have a tendency to cause alliances to form."
Alliances of light.
He'd assumed that it would have become apparent by now which side he should throw the Republic's lot in with by now, but he was more torn than ever.
He feared the Shadows. To the depths of his soul, he feared the Shadows. Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw the recordings of the flaming, lifeless cities of the Markab. Whenever he dreamed, he had nightmares of the same thing happening to Centauri Prime. He knew the Shadows could do it; they rountinely sent fleets larger than the one orbiting the Markab's home world through the core systems of the Republic.
But at the same time they enticed him. In a few short months, they would wreck havok upon the Llort, leaving them ripe for conquest. Londo wanted to conquer the Llort. He wanted the wealth it would bring his people. He wanted the Lion of the Galaxy to roar again.
On the other hand, part of him yearned to join the races who'd already sworn to oppose the Shadows. Not just because even the Shadows could not hope to stand up to them if they united, but also because it felt like it would be the right thing. Did he really want to ally himself with a group that would exterminate an entire species? It would be nice to have a quiet conscience.
"Nothing is worse than uncertainty," Londo sighed.
The Vorlons had contacted him about sending an ambassador. Londo was again, caught between a rock and a hard place. Send him away, and he risked angering the forever cyptic and mysterious Vorlons. Accept him, and he risked the Vorlons learning of his involvement with the Shadows.
He still had to play both sides of the field, Londo thought. He would accept the Vorlon's ambassador. He only hoped that he could keep him from discovering what Londo was up to.
"Such a task will require that he is constantly watched," Londo mused. "And numerous telepaths to ensure that he doesn't poke into people's minds for information. And...oh, hell, it can wait until morning."
Londo finished his drink in one large gulp and headed to his bedroom.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
ISN Interview
"This is Mr. Gunther Haderman from the Insterstellar Institute for Strategic Studies. Welcome to the show Dr. Haderman."
"Thank you."
"What is your opinion of the Earth Alliance's current jumpgate policy?"
"There are pros and cons to not shooting first. The advantage is of course unarmed scouts will not be seized and cause international incidents. But the disadvantage, and it is quite a serious one, is that if an alien warfleet were to jump in and defensive ships did not immediately open fire, they would lose their defensive superiority. There are ways around this of course. Sensors that can detect whether weapons have been powered up or if there are even weapons on the enemy ship and fire only if the enemy has weapons. But sensor readings can be fooled and unarmed ships can always pass through and dodge attack and be troop transports, minelayers or carrier vessels, all of which traditionally carry very little in the way of capital ship weapons."
"So President's Alshain's communication is to--"
"--possibly to pander to the discontented Senators who want a stronger foreign policy. Alshain's old policy of hailing ships first seems to have gone out the window."
"Any opinions on the video released by the Marxis Corporation?"
"Only that it seems authentic, but too authentic. As if it was taken by another ship nearby. Earthforce footage wouldn't be unmarked. Either someone did some video editing, or there were other ships present recording. If there were though, one wonders why Earthforce didn't stop them. This entire incident seems staged to damage Alshain's reputation. But, the fact remains that only a Presidential Order could have changed the rules of engagement for those frigates to destroy the aliens..."
It was a large orbiting circular starbase that looked like a standard Mark Twelve orbital habitat. The hologram cut to the interior and the inside was lavishly furnished and accomodated with buxom women and handsome men smiling to the camera.
"Each alien power will receive their orbital habitats within several standard months. The habitats become the sovereign property of their respective nations. They are fully equipped facilities built to the specification of their people."
This should shut up the fucking liberal loons.
"This is Mr. Gunther Haderman from the Insterstellar Institute for Strategic Studies. Welcome to the show Dr. Haderman."
"Thank you."
"What is your opinion of the Earth Alliance's current jumpgate policy?"
"There are pros and cons to not shooting first. The advantage is of course unarmed scouts will not be seized and cause international incidents. But the disadvantage, and it is quite a serious one, is that if an alien warfleet were to jump in and defensive ships did not immediately open fire, they would lose their defensive superiority. There are ways around this of course. Sensors that can detect whether weapons have been powered up or if there are even weapons on the enemy ship and fire only if the enemy has weapons. But sensor readings can be fooled and unarmed ships can always pass through and dodge attack and be troop transports, minelayers or carrier vessels, all of which traditionally carry very little in the way of capital ship weapons."
"So President's Alshain's communication is to--"
"--possibly to pander to the discontented Senators who want a stronger foreign policy. Alshain's old policy of hailing ships first seems to have gone out the window."
"Any opinions on the video released by the Marxis Corporation?"
"Only that it seems authentic, but too authentic. As if it was taken by another ship nearby. Earthforce footage wouldn't be unmarked. Either someone did some video editing, or there were other ships present recording. If there were though, one wonders why Earthforce didn't stop them. This entire incident seems staged to damage Alshain's reputation. But, the fact remains that only a Presidential Order could have changed the rules of engagement for those frigates to destroy the aliens..."
It was a large orbiting circular starbase that looked like a standard Mark Twelve orbital habitat. The hologram cut to the interior and the inside was lavishly furnished and accomodated with buxom women and handsome men smiling to the camera.
"Each alien power will receive their orbital habitats within several standard months. The habitats become the sovereign property of their respective nations. They are fully equipped facilities built to the specification of their people."
This should shut up the fucking liberal loons.
- GuppyShark
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2830
- Joined: 2005-03-13 06:52am
- Location: South Australia
Quadrant 27
Hurr Space
"What do you want?"
"Are you simple or something?" the Hurr growled. "Stop blocking the road."
They were not technically on a road - Defel had stepped in front of the Hurr's path on the sidewalk - but the sentiment was understood.
"My name is Mr. Defel, and I've come to ask you that question. It is very important that I get an answer."
"I'm very important. My time is very valuable, Defel, so if you'll move out of my way, I'll not call the police."
Defel smiled. "Of course it is, you're planning to run against Pack Leader Yreknak in the next election. Is power what you want, Shubnak?"
Shubnak paused and reappraised Mr. Defel. "Pack Leader Yreknak is incompetent and must be replaced. I'm just running for the common good."
"Yes, yes, of course, Mr Shubnak. I can offer some assistance in that, if you desire." He produced from a pocket a holophoto of what appeared to be Yreknak accepting a bribe from a Narn official.
"My associates and I share your wish. Let us go and talk about it."
Later, Defel journeyed to a remote area of the planet and boarded his Shadow transport.
Another seed planeted, waiting to bear fruit. He smiled.
Off, now, to the Nocala system. He had something much more entertaining planned there.
Hurr Space
"What do you want?"
"Are you simple or something?" the Hurr growled. "Stop blocking the road."
They were not technically on a road - Defel had stepped in front of the Hurr's path on the sidewalk - but the sentiment was understood.
"My name is Mr. Defel, and I've come to ask you that question. It is very important that I get an answer."
"I'm very important. My time is very valuable, Defel, so if you'll move out of my way, I'll not call the police."
Defel smiled. "Of course it is, you're planning to run against Pack Leader Yreknak in the next election. Is power what you want, Shubnak?"
Shubnak paused and reappraised Mr. Defel. "Pack Leader Yreknak is incompetent and must be replaced. I'm just running for the common good."
"Yes, yes, of course, Mr Shubnak. I can offer some assistance in that, if you desire." He produced from a pocket a holophoto of what appeared to be Yreknak accepting a bribe from a Narn official.
"My associates and I share your wish. Let us go and talk about it."
Later, Defel journeyed to a remote area of the planet and boarded his Shadow transport.
Another seed planeted, waiting to bear fruit. He smiled.
Off, now, to the Nocala system. He had something much more entertaining planned there.
Marxis Corporate Headquarters
"Come in," said Marxis.
Vera slid in to her usual position on the couch. "Anything new?" she said cooly as if nothing had happened.
"Vera I--"
"--don't worry about it boss, we all have our bad days."
Marxis' computer beeped. "Something's coming in from the Nocalo system," said Marxis. He slapped his keyboard and the screensaver cut to the view of a haggard man who was a Marxis Corporation security officer from his azure cap whose face filled the entire screen.
"...the governor, he's dead, they're all dead--"
"--slow down soldier, what's wrong?"
"...they, they came out of nowhere, didn't give us a chance to fight back, they destroyed every police station and barracks in the colony... our weapons platforms couldn't track them, we fired blind..."
"Get yourself to safety."
"I can't sir... I'm under rubble... oh god, they're coming for me, they're coming, they're coming aaaaaaaaaaaaaaRRRRRRRRGGGGH!"
Marxis watched as the screen filled with blood. His face was red. "One billion people Vera. One billion people, now under the alien boot. Who knows how many killed by their orbital bombardment. And all those men, my men, my boys, all dead."
"We've lost all contact with Nocalo," said Vera as she manipulated a wall console. "I can't get any of our ships there either."
"Motherfucking aliens," spat Marxis. "So they want a war do they? They'll have one!"
"The shipyards are still quarantined--"
"--not for long they aren't." Marxis punched a button. "Get the press in the conference room."
"No Marxis, we can't do that without a referend--"
"--screw the referendum. If the Earth Alliance won't protect our people, I will." Marxis stood up. "I need to know I can count on you."
"You know I'm with you," said Vera softly. "But, if we declare independence now, without a referendum... they'll be riots... Earthforce'll come in droves... they'll call you a dictator..."
"Then a dictator I am. If that's the price to pay, so be it." Marxis picked up a red phone. "General Steffan, yes, we're going Code One..."
"I am a law abiding citizen, and the Senate has decreed that my fleets stay in orbit. While they are in orbit, human beings are suffering. By the time the Senate changes their mind, millions of humans will have died."
"I am therefore declaring that the Marxis Corporation and all its subsidiary holdings independent from the Earth Alliance. We do not and cannot recognize President Alshain's inaction against the alien threat. We will respond with extreme prejudice against the aliens who indiscriminately killed innocent human beings in the Nocolo system."
"Until such time that a referendum can be held, I will wield executive powers as outlined by the Corporate Accountability Act, as well as emergency powers. We must stand united against those who wish to destroy humankind."
"Come in," said Marxis.
Vera slid in to her usual position on the couch. "Anything new?" she said cooly as if nothing had happened.
"Vera I--"
"--don't worry about it boss, we all have our bad days."
Marxis' computer beeped. "Something's coming in from the Nocalo system," said Marxis. He slapped his keyboard and the screensaver cut to the view of a haggard man who was a Marxis Corporation security officer from his azure cap whose face filled the entire screen.
"...the governor, he's dead, they're all dead--"
"--slow down soldier, what's wrong?"
"...they, they came out of nowhere, didn't give us a chance to fight back, they destroyed every police station and barracks in the colony... our weapons platforms couldn't track them, we fired blind..."
"Get yourself to safety."
"I can't sir... I'm under rubble... oh god, they're coming for me, they're coming, they're coming aaaaaaaaaaaaaaRRRRRRRRGGGGH!"
Marxis watched as the screen filled with blood. His face was red. "One billion people Vera. One billion people, now under the alien boot. Who knows how many killed by their orbital bombardment. And all those men, my men, my boys, all dead."
"We've lost all contact with Nocalo," said Vera as she manipulated a wall console. "I can't get any of our ships there either."
"Motherfucking aliens," spat Marxis. "So they want a war do they? They'll have one!"
"The shipyards are still quarantined--"
"--not for long they aren't." Marxis punched a button. "Get the press in the conference room."
"No Marxis, we can't do that without a referend--"
"--screw the referendum. If the Earth Alliance won't protect our people, I will." Marxis stood up. "I need to know I can count on you."
"You know I'm with you," said Vera softly. "But, if we declare independence now, without a referendum... they'll be riots... Earthforce'll come in droves... they'll call you a dictator..."
"Then a dictator I am. If that's the price to pay, so be it." Marxis picked up a red phone. "General Steffan, yes, we're going Code One..."
"I am a law abiding citizen, and the Senate has decreed that my fleets stay in orbit. While they are in orbit, human beings are suffering. By the time the Senate changes their mind, millions of humans will have died."
"I am therefore declaring that the Marxis Corporation and all its subsidiary holdings independent from the Earth Alliance. We do not and cannot recognize President Alshain's inaction against the alien threat. We will respond with extreme prejudice against the aliens who indiscriminately killed innocent human beings in the Nocolo system."
"Until such time that a referendum can be held, I will wield executive powers as outlined by the Corporate Accountability Act, as well as emergency powers. We must stand united against those who wish to destroy humankind."
- GuppyShark
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2830
- Joined: 2005-03-13 06:52am
- Location: South Australia
ISN Breaking News
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this breaking news.
Nocalo IX in the Nocalo system has come under attack by what appears to be alien invaders. ISN reporters recorded this footage earlier today - it is the only footage we have at present.
A camera is aimed skyward. A metallic starfighter of alien design is performing a slow pass over Nocalo's largest city. There is light anti-aircraft fire from the city's outskirts, which misses the fighter. It responds by adjusting its course and firing a spread of missiles, the explosions of which cannot be seen but can be heard as a serious of hollow bangs.
Early reports indicate that the attack originates from the Yolu Ingyo, who believe Nocalo is 'their' system. The assault bears their characteristic pinpoint accuracy and tensions have been high between humanity and the Yolu Ingyo for sometime.
This just in - our military expers have identified the fighter in our footage to be, not a fighter after all, but a nimble escort ship called the "Abanda" class.
No response as yet from Earth Alliance officials, but we are expecting the President to address the nation shortly.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this breaking news.
Nocalo IX in the Nocalo system has come under attack by what appears to be alien invaders. ISN reporters recorded this footage earlier today - it is the only footage we have at present.
A camera is aimed skyward. A metallic starfighter of alien design is performing a slow pass over Nocalo's largest city. There is light anti-aircraft fire from the city's outskirts, which misses the fighter. It responds by adjusting its course and firing a spread of missiles, the explosions of which cannot be seen but can be heard as a serious of hollow bangs.
Early reports indicate that the attack originates from the Yolu Ingyo, who believe Nocalo is 'their' system. The assault bears their characteristic pinpoint accuracy and tensions have been high between humanity and the Yolu Ingyo for sometime.
This just in - our military expers have identified the fighter in our footage to be, not a fighter after all, but a nimble escort ship called the "Abanda" class.
No response as yet from Earth Alliance officials, but we are expecting the President to address the nation shortly.
- GuppyShark
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2830
- Joined: 2005-03-13 06:52am
- Location: South Australia
ISN News Update
We are receiving a broadcast from Nocalo system. We are putting it to air live.
An ISN newsfeed. A Yolu in military uniform is standing before a phalanx of Yolu troops. Before him are the officials who had previously ruled Nocalo, all are bound and kneeling.
The Yolu official begins speaking in his native tongue. A voice over, recognisable as an ISN reporter of no small fame, hesitantly begins translating it.
"Earthers... we Yolu do not go to war lightly... your actions have forced us to defend our system... we seek justice for your trespass... and we have been given what we want."
The Yolu pauses, and then resumes. "All Earth ships must immediately leave Yolu space. Any who remain will be destroyed and ... a hundred Earthers will be slain... for every Yolu who dies."
We are receiving a broadcast from Nocalo system. We are putting it to air live.
An ISN newsfeed. A Yolu in military uniform is standing before a phalanx of Yolu troops. Before him are the officials who had previously ruled Nocalo, all are bound and kneeling.
The Yolu official begins speaking in his native tongue. A voice over, recognisable as an ISN reporter of no small fame, hesitantly begins translating it.
"Earthers... we Yolu do not go to war lightly... your actions have forced us to defend our system... we seek justice for your trespass... and we have been given what we want."
The Yolu pauses, and then resumes. "All Earth ships must immediately leave Yolu space. Any who remain will be destroyed and ... a hundred Earthers will be slain... for every Yolu who dies."
Two Vorlon Observer class vesssels sat in Hurr space, a mere jump away. Blocking their way was a Shadow ship. Small but more than a match fo the unarmed Observers.
They relayed their finding home and awaited a response.
"Observe...we are not yet ready."
The unmanned Observers acknowledged the order, though the vorlon communicator could feel their fear or the smaller shadow ship.
"Soon..." he told them "Soon."
Hesistantly the vorlon scout ships held position.
They relayed their finding home and awaited a response.
"Observe...we are not yet ready."
The unmanned Observers acknowledged the order, though the vorlon communicator could feel their fear or the smaller shadow ship.
"Soon..." he told them "Soon."
Hesistantly the vorlon scout ships held position.
Dragon Clan Veritech
- Uraniun235
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 13772
- Joined: 2002-09-12 12:47am
- Location: OREGON
- Contact:
The reports coming in were confusing. Marxis claimed Nocalo IX had been attacked. Yet the Newell's sensors showed a rather peaceful planet - no ships in orbit, no apparent casualties. Marxis claimed it was his world... yet the Nocalo IX navigational beacon was not registering as being under any human organization's ownership. ISN was reporting that the Yolu were claiming territorial defense, but the CDT insisted they hadn't heard a damn thing from the Yolu.
And now this. Alshain suspected this was coming. On the one hand, he had several frigates already within the Corporate Sector... on the other, that fleet was looking rather large.
"Mr. President, there are several members of the Senate that are here to see you."
"Send them in."
Eight Senators walked into the office. Alshain immediately recognized them as being major leaders of various interests within the Senate. They'd probably urge him to smooth things over, that this was all very bad for business, etc...
"Mr. President. As I'm sure you're aware, we speak for most of the Senate in some way or another. I'm sure you'll therefore take us very seriously when we tell you to let the Corporate Sector go."
Alshain blinked. And blinked again. He had been so sure of what was going to be said that he his attention had started to drift, but that last phrase caught him rather off guard.
"I'm sorry... you want me to let them go? Quietly?"
"Precisely, Mr. President."
"You want to acknowledge this blatant secession? That hasn't even got the support of a referendum?"
"Wilhelm... the deck is stacked. The only way this could have been prevented is if we'd had a cruiser parked in orbit over Nocalo IX, and even then it wouldn't be easy. This latest release is going to cement support among his people. A referendum will come, eventually, and it'll only confirm his actions. Better to cut our political losses and leave him to his little empire."
"This won't play well at all with the foregin governments. Half of them see Marxis as still part of the Earth Alliance."
"We're aware of the diplomatic dancing you've been doing lately. Don't worry... we need you to maintain your diplomatic credibility. We'll take the heat for this one."
"And what about our citizens?"
Another Senator spoke up. "Our polls show them as largely being convinced that the Corporate Sector should be free to get themselves into trouble. After all, Nocalo is technically alien territory. After the last administration, which made Warren Harding of the old United States look pristine in comparison, they're not too enamored with the mega-corporations."
"But they surely have family and friends over there..."
"We're not at war with them. We're sure that business and travel will go on as usual... maybe a little more paperwork, but what isn't these days?"
Alshain was overwhelmed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"I'll... I'll need to see a resolution from the Senate. To confirm their support..."
"We already have one." Another Senator produced a clipboard with several pages on it. "Some legalese about how what was a de facto state of affairs for quite some time is now official, and several pages of signatures... I believe you'll find only five dissenting votes... and three abstaining."
"Most of them, because we say so. Some of them are privy to what you're about to hear. We're convinced it was only a matter of time before Marxis got twitchy and started looking for a fight. We don't want to see our interests jeopardized. If Marxis wants to pick a fight with some aliens, we don't want to take the fall for it. Let him stand alone."
"And," Senator Bixby spoke up, "if the aliens should be weakened by these wars, well we may have an opportunity..."
"I will not authorize a war of aggression." Alshain cut in.
Bixby nodded his conceit. "Of course. It was just a thought."
"I... I can't sign this. My oath..."
"Mr. President, the Corporate Sector was as good as seceded when the Felgercarb Act was passed. President Smith laid the foundation for this the moment he signed that Act. If we oppose Marxis, it'll be civil war and millions will die. If we don't, we'll continue to enjoy economic prosperity and our citizens won't be threatened. Either way, we really don't need your vote. We have enough votes to confirm the resolution without your signature. If you want, you can refuse to sign. We won't hold it against you."
"Then I believe that's all, gentlemen."
The Senators stood and left. Alshain stared into oblivion, wondering what else would go wrong this term.
EAS Carmichael
Nocalo System
"Cap'n, we're recieving new orders from EarthDome."
"Let me see it."
"Huh. Guess we're sticking around, boys. Any word from the Newell?"
"Sounds like the rest of the fleet's been recalled out of Corporate space."
*snort* "Fine by me, let the blasted ingrates go. I remember the Smith administration and I said it then, this would all lead to a secession."
"You think this'll heat up to war, sir?"
"Nah. Alshain don't have the stomach for a civil war. Tell the truth neither do I; these guys want to go around picking fights, I don't want to have to bail 'em out when it gets too hot. 'Course, I'm not sure Earthforce proper has the stomach either; that's a big private fleet they got themselves."
And now this. Alshain suspected this was coming. On the one hand, he had several frigates already within the Corporate Sector... on the other, that fleet was looking rather large.
"Mr. President, there are several members of the Senate that are here to see you."
"Send them in."
Eight Senators walked into the office. Alshain immediately recognized them as being major leaders of various interests within the Senate. They'd probably urge him to smooth things over, that this was all very bad for business, etc...
"Mr. President. As I'm sure you're aware, we speak for most of the Senate in some way or another. I'm sure you'll therefore take us very seriously when we tell you to let the Corporate Sector go."
Alshain blinked. And blinked again. He had been so sure of what was going to be said that he his attention had started to drift, but that last phrase caught him rather off guard.
"I'm sorry... you want me to let them go? Quietly?"
"Precisely, Mr. President."
"You want to acknowledge this blatant secession? That hasn't even got the support of a referendum?"
"Wilhelm... the deck is stacked. The only way this could have been prevented is if we'd had a cruiser parked in orbit over Nocalo IX, and even then it wouldn't be easy. This latest release is going to cement support among his people. A referendum will come, eventually, and it'll only confirm his actions. Better to cut our political losses and leave him to his little empire."
"This won't play well at all with the foregin governments. Half of them see Marxis as still part of the Earth Alliance."
"We're aware of the diplomatic dancing you've been doing lately. Don't worry... we need you to maintain your diplomatic credibility. We'll take the heat for this one."
"And what about our citizens?"
Another Senator spoke up. "Our polls show them as largely being convinced that the Corporate Sector should be free to get themselves into trouble. After all, Nocalo is technically alien territory. After the last administration, which made Warren Harding of the old United States look pristine in comparison, they're not too enamored with the mega-corporations."
"But they surely have family and friends over there..."
"We're not at war with them. We're sure that business and travel will go on as usual... maybe a little more paperwork, but what isn't these days?"
Alshain was overwhelmed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"I'll... I'll need to see a resolution from the Senate. To confirm their support..."
"We already have one." Another Senator produced a clipboard with several pages on it. "Some legalese about how what was a de facto state of affairs for quite some time is now official, and several pages of signatures... I believe you'll find only five dissenting votes... and three abstaining."
"Most of them, because we say so. Some of them are privy to what you're about to hear. We're convinced it was only a matter of time before Marxis got twitchy and started looking for a fight. We don't want to see our interests jeopardized. If Marxis wants to pick a fight with some aliens, we don't want to take the fall for it. Let him stand alone."
"And," Senator Bixby spoke up, "if the aliens should be weakened by these wars, well we may have an opportunity..."
"I will not authorize a war of aggression." Alshain cut in.
Bixby nodded his conceit. "Of course. It was just a thought."
"I... I can't sign this. My oath..."
"Mr. President, the Corporate Sector was as good as seceded when the Felgercarb Act was passed. President Smith laid the foundation for this the moment he signed that Act. If we oppose Marxis, it'll be civil war and millions will die. If we don't, we'll continue to enjoy economic prosperity and our citizens won't be threatened. Either way, we really don't need your vote. We have enough votes to confirm the resolution without your signature. If you want, you can refuse to sign. We won't hold it against you."
"Then I believe that's all, gentlemen."
The Senators stood and left. Alshain stared into oblivion, wondering what else would go wrong this term.
EAS Carmichael
Nocalo System
"Cap'n, we're recieving new orders from EarthDome."
"Let me see it."
Code: Select all
"Sounds like the rest of the fleet's been recalled out of Corporate space."
*snort* "Fine by me, let the blasted ingrates go. I remember the Smith administration and I said it then, this would all lead to a secession."
"You think this'll heat up to war, sir?"
"Nah. Alshain don't have the stomach for a civil war. Tell the truth neither do I; these guys want to go around picking fights, I don't want to have to bail 'em out when it gets too hot. 'Course, I'm not sure Earthforce proper has the stomach either; that's a big private fleet they got themselves."
Marxis Corporate Television (a clip being broadcast on ISN)
"Today the Marxis Corporation unveils its newest armadments against the alien threat. The Liberator class light crusiers were designed in the utmost secrecy in secret space yards hidden from alien spies. These vessels were under research and development for over a decade since President Smith's Felgercarb Act."
"As you all know, I have Presidential Authority over the corporate sector now. Let me assure you that there will be no revokation of rights and as soon as the alien threat has been eliminated, there will be fair and impartial elections. You will have all the rights and liberties granted to you under the Earth Alliance constitution. There will continue to be freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of the press and all freedoms you have a right to as human beings."
"Eventually you will have dual citizenship though. We do not believe in the scaremongering of the liberals who proclaim big business as evil incarnate. Who pays for your healtcare plan? Who provides scholarships to your children? Who gives you competitive wages and a comprehensive benefits package? Your employers, the Marxis Corporation."
"The alien threat cannot be ignored. I am speaking to you not as your boss, but as your friend, one who has fought the aliens. You know in your hearts they cannot be trusted. They invade our territory and make unreasonable demands of our people, and now they will execute our families."
"Alshain has done nothing for the people in Nocalo. Every second we wait they are in danger. Concentration camps, oppression, starvation. We must stop the aliens, at all costs. It will be you on the front lines, working to ensure mankind's place in the galaxy."
Marxis grunted. "Without Earthforce backing us we can't afford to piss off the Dilgar."
"We have--"
"I know what we have, but the boys are still green. Hell, half the crews have never served on a space vessel before. It'll take time before they're ready for anything. Meanwhile... we've got to hold them off. Hopefully our overtures have convinced the alien bastards that as long as they leave us alone, we'll leave them alone."
"Today the Marxis Corporation unveils its newest armadments against the alien threat. The Liberator class light crusiers were designed in the utmost secrecy in secret space yards hidden from alien spies. These vessels were under research and development for over a decade since President Smith's Felgercarb Act."
"As you all know, I have Presidential Authority over the corporate sector now. Let me assure you that there will be no revokation of rights and as soon as the alien threat has been eliminated, there will be fair and impartial elections. You will have all the rights and liberties granted to you under the Earth Alliance constitution. There will continue to be freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of the press and all freedoms you have a right to as human beings."
"Eventually you will have dual citizenship though. We do not believe in the scaremongering of the liberals who proclaim big business as evil incarnate. Who pays for your healtcare plan? Who provides scholarships to your children? Who gives you competitive wages and a comprehensive benefits package? Your employers, the Marxis Corporation."
"The alien threat cannot be ignored. I am speaking to you not as your boss, but as your friend, one who has fought the aliens. You know in your hearts they cannot be trusted. They invade our territory and make unreasonable demands of our people, and now they will execute our families."
"Alshain has done nothing for the people in Nocalo. Every second we wait they are in danger. Concentration camps, oppression, starvation. We must stop the aliens, at all costs. It will be you on the front lines, working to ensure mankind's place in the galaxy."
Marxis grunted. "Without Earthforce backing us we can't afford to piss off the Dilgar."
"We have--"
"I know what we have, but the boys are still green. Hell, half the crews have never served on a space vessel before. It'll take time before they're ready for anything. Meanwhile... we've got to hold them off. Hopefully our overtures have convinced the alien bastards that as long as they leave us alone, we'll leave them alone."
Last edited by brianeyci on 2006-02-06 07:53pm, edited 2 times in total.
"The army is finally ready, Excellency," Lord Reefa told Londo cheerfully. "They are all loaded onto the transport and can be sent to Llort space."
"Good," Londo said. "Hopefully Mr. Defel isn't all talk."
"With...friends like he has, I seriously doubt it," Reefa said.
"Indeed," Londo said. It was an uncomfortable subject, even between those who knew who Defel's associates were and agreed that taking their offerings were the correct course of action.
Reefa walked out, just as Vir was walking in. "All the preparations for the Vorlon ambassador are completed," he announced. "We have a room for him that will have a methane atmosphere, wired with all the hidden cameras you requested, as well as the most powerful telepaths on Centauri Prime to insure that he doesn't pry into people's minds and find...inconvient knowledge."
"Good!" Londo said, "And well ahead of schedule, too! What would I do without you, Vir?"
Whatever Vir might've said was cut off by a beeping from Londo's desk. Scowling, he pressed a button on it.
"Emperor, a small transport ship is coming through the jump gate," a voice from his desk's intercom said. "Sensors report that it is of Vorlon design."
"He's early!" Londo exclaimed, then swore. "I wanted the army to be away before he arrived! Quickly, Vir, round up the telepaths!"
20 minutes later
Londo had never seen a Vorlon before, and he had to admit to being a little intimidated by the crimson titan before him. Nevertheless, he put on his best diplomatic smile. "Welcome to Centauri Prime, Mr. Ambassador!" he said, shaking the Vorlon's hand. "I am Londo Mollari, Emperor of the Republic."
The scarlet Vorlon merely nodded politely in response. The silence dragged on until it grew awkward.
"May I ask your name?" Londo asked at last.
"Kosh," the Vorlon answered. "We are all Kosh."
"I see." Londo didn't, though. Not really, but he said so anyway. "Would you like to be shown to your quarters?"
"Very well."
Holding back a sigh, Londo gestured for Kosh to follow him and began to walk. What was it about powerful beings and being cryptic and secretive?
"Good," Londo said. "Hopefully Mr. Defel isn't all talk."
"With...friends like he has, I seriously doubt it," Reefa said.
"Indeed," Londo said. It was an uncomfortable subject, even between those who knew who Defel's associates were and agreed that taking their offerings were the correct course of action.
Reefa walked out, just as Vir was walking in. "All the preparations for the Vorlon ambassador are completed," he announced. "We have a room for him that will have a methane atmosphere, wired with all the hidden cameras you requested, as well as the most powerful telepaths on Centauri Prime to insure that he doesn't pry into people's minds and find...inconvient knowledge."
"Good!" Londo said, "And well ahead of schedule, too! What would I do without you, Vir?"
Whatever Vir might've said was cut off by a beeping from Londo's desk. Scowling, he pressed a button on it.
"Emperor, a small transport ship is coming through the jump gate," a voice from his desk's intercom said. "Sensors report that it is of Vorlon design."
"He's early!" Londo exclaimed, then swore. "I wanted the army to be away before he arrived! Quickly, Vir, round up the telepaths!"
20 minutes later
Londo had never seen a Vorlon before, and he had to admit to being a little intimidated by the crimson titan before him. Nevertheless, he put on his best diplomatic smile. "Welcome to Centauri Prime, Mr. Ambassador!" he said, shaking the Vorlon's hand. "I am Londo Mollari, Emperor of the Republic."
The scarlet Vorlon merely nodded politely in response. The silence dragged on until it grew awkward.
"May I ask your name?" Londo asked at last.
"Kosh," the Vorlon answered. "We are all Kosh."
"I see." Londo didn't, though. Not really, but he said so anyway. "Would you like to be shown to your quarters?"
"Very well."
Holding back a sigh, Londo gestured for Kosh to follow him and began to walk. What was it about powerful beings and being cryptic and secretive?
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
- Uraniun235
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 13772
- Joined: 2002-09-12 12:47am
- Location: OREGON
- Contact:
"Mr. President, we regret to inform you that the Carmichael and the Newell have been destroyed."
"Destroyed? Who did it?"
"The distress call indicates that it was probably the work of what the foriegn governments refer to as the Shadows."
"None that we know of. It's thought the ships were destroyed before the crews could escape via lifepods."
Alshain brooded over this. Those ships hadn't been engaged in hostilities... one of them was even getting ready to leave the system. And they still had treaties with the alien government in that sector... it wasn't making sense.
At least, he hoped it didn't.
"Have the families been notified yet?"
"No, sir."
"Don't. We'll notify them in due time, but for now, this is to be kept Top Secret. X-Ray clearance or better. Is that understood?"
The General blinked. He was, of course, fully cleared, but even UltraViolet clearance was rare enough; X-Ray security was borderline... no, it was definitely paranoid.
"Understood, sir. Ah, did you get a chance to see the update I sent you?"
"Yes. Forward it immediately per my standing orders on this situation."
"Yes sir."
"Destroyed? Who did it?"
"The distress call indicates that it was probably the work of what the foriegn governments refer to as the Shadows."
"None that we know of. It's thought the ships were destroyed before the crews could escape via lifepods."
Alshain brooded over this. Those ships hadn't been engaged in hostilities... one of them was even getting ready to leave the system. And they still had treaties with the alien government in that sector... it wasn't making sense.
At least, he hoped it didn't.
"Have the families been notified yet?"
"No, sir."
"Don't. We'll notify them in due time, but for now, this is to be kept Top Secret. X-Ray clearance or better. Is that understood?"
The General blinked. He was, of course, fully cleared, but even UltraViolet clearance was rare enough; X-Ray security was borderline... no, it was definitely paranoid.
"Understood, sir. Ah, did you get a chance to see the update I sent you?"
"Yes. Forward it immediately per my standing orders on this situation."
"Yes sir."