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Post by Kojiro »

Kosh surveyed his new Centauri home. In a matter of moments he had detected the listening devices and hidden cameras. Wit a thought he disabled the video feeds. "Let them have their listening devices...they will hear nothing." he thought to himself. Then he ever so gently felt his way around the palace telepathically, finding Centauri telepaths blocking him. He could defeat them but espionage was not in his charter. Instead he focused on the thoughts of servants and other 'unimportant people' as the Centauri would call them. Kosh didn't doubt the telepaths, no doubt expensive (and being billed to his Empire as 'maintenance') were guarding the minds of ministers and other important figures.

But the vorlon wasn't here for the Centauris secrets...Londo had been clear enough in his messages. Kosh made an appointment to see Londo.

Several days later....

From the moment Kosh entered the palace he switched his suits vision mode. It didn't take long before he found the evidence he had come for. The Shadows had been here...more than once.

When Kosh was greeted by the Emperor he again said nothing. He merely noted the Shadow's echos and absentmindedly swatted away the more curious telepaths of the small army Londo had 'hidden' as courtiers, guards and advisors. Face was important to the Centauri, even if everyone in the room knew what was going on.

After another awkward pause Londo tried one last icebreaker.
"Aah, a drink then?" he clapped and bravari was brought in for him. The servant served his Emperor and then tentatively approached the guest. The vorlon made no effort to move.
"You know you could be a little more forthcoming. We are-" Londo was cut off.
"We will help you...this time...we will help you. Do not let them return. Summon me if they arrive." The vorlon turned to leave. He stopped at the door and looked back at the Emperor.

"So, for you, it begins."
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Post by Trogdor »

Londo gaped at the retreating back of the Vorlon. All his preparations, the best telepaths on the planet, all for naught.

He snatched the cup of bravari that had been meant for Kosh from the servant, downing it in a single gulp. He had some hard thinking to do before Mr. Defel appeared again...
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Post by Dalton »

"Marxis has offered us a gift," Na'Toth said as she entered G'Kar's office. "Our vessel plus ten thousand tons of minerals."

"And what is he asking for such generosity?" G'Kar replied, frowning.

"A non-aggression treaty is all he appears to want," she said.

G'Kar considered. He could not afford a war, not with his defenses in such a lax state. It would be beneficial to have Marxis off of his back for at least a little while, but the Vorlons might not like that. However...

"I will compose a reply to Marxis myself," G'Kar said. "We're going to accept his gift for now."

"Yes, Chairman. Oh, one other item of business." Na'Toth consulted her pad. "The Vorlon Ambassador's quarters have been completed to the listed specifications."

"Ah, good," G'Kar said. "Any news on the Ambassador himself?"

"None. He has not yet arrived."

"Then he must have been delayed. I hope Marxis does not give him too much trouble."
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Post by Kojiro »

"Many of the ambassadors are in place."

"Good." nodded the older vorlon. "And they know this time we intend to play our role correctly?"

"It is being conveyed. There are many of our people who believe our place is not among the yonger races, that we should let them die or live on their own."

"We will not run their affairs...but we will support those that want peace and growth through co operation."

"Shouldn't we apologise to the Brakiri then?" probed the younger vorlon. The older one turned toward him energy flaring.
"NO." He was silent a moment. "Offer them a treaty...the old ways...are hard to let go." His head bowed the old vorlon thought about his plan, about what the end game was.
"Offer them a gift too, if they will join our alliance."

"And what of the centauri? Rakanek has reported Shadow presence, though he is unsure of taint."

"As we is not difficult for our races to detect each other."

"Then the Centauri are lost?"

"The Centauri were a dying people, but they have returned, as have we. We should grant them the same second chance, to atone for poor choices, we have asked the galaxy for." The old vorlon was silent again, perhaps somewhat reverently.

"The Narn then? What shall we tell them?"

"Ever the Narn sought the right path. Even without our influence. Though they lie close to our ancient enemies we will stretch forward to aid them as we do the Centauri. We will bring the two together, as is fitting."

"The humans have asked our help...more specifically the Earth ones...they fear the coming of Shadows."

"We are not ready. Request, from all friendly governments, a ship to host ourselves on...we will return the favour to those that stand with us."

"I must ask then...if we are to fight the Shadows, what of the massed human mercenary fleet? Surely we cannot defeat them and the Shadows?"

"No..we cannot. The Minbari stand with us though, and the Narn oppose the Shadows and the xenophbia of the mercenaries. An alliance, formed of Minbari, Narn and Earth must be made. Centauri too, if they choose the light."

"And if they don't?"

The old vorlon was silent again.
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Post by Tobor »

Bi’Lar pondered the message. Thought of the form, the nuances, but mostly he thought over the implied threats…

It read simply “Choose, choose now…”

Bi’Lar was a man of action, the misnomer of Minister for commerce and Trade was simply a ruse. His true role within the empire was much more important than that of a simple crude trader. He didn’t exactly have an official title, he was what you might call the head of internal and external security. His role was to analyse the threats to the confederacy, and his guise as a diplomat gave him much advantage in that area.
Rai’Jal may have the love of the people and be a tactical genius, where as The War leader herself was the greatest scientist of her age, but Bi’Lar, he was a man of cunning.
Yet this conundrum baffled him. The Vorlons, he struggled to perceive the importance they placed upon wiping out the shadows…
He was no fool, however, he was sure the hatred was reciprocal. They both came back together, nothing new.
The Vorlons claimed they had changed yet now again they show their true colours. They are so locked into their own dogma, still their questions, still their riddles, and still, the point that angered and frustrated him the most, still their call for obedience. Couch it however, you want but the simple phrase ‘with us or against us’ is synonymous with unwavering obedience.
Bi’Lar snarled softly as he pondered the issue. His feline features were hard and angular. He glanced approvingly at his own reflection then returned to his work.

The riddle, the great mystery of what to do still eluded him. He did not like mysteries…
The Dilgar are caught in the middle. He knew a conflict was coming it was just now a question of logistics. He hated that he was being manoeuvred into this situation. Either choice posed the greatest sacrifice from his people.
All that remained was to decide which of the two ancient races would merely wipe out his people, and which would be stupid enough to try and enslave them…

The Dilgar were a proud warrior race, they would not be subjugated, but it seems that once again they would be denied the chance to die gloriously in battle.
There second chance at greatness had been for naught.

Something then occurred to Bi’Lar, what if the right choice, is not to choose at all..

Who are you, what do you want…
Just as Sheridan had formed the crucible twenty years ago, perhaps, just perhaps Bi’Lar could save his people now.

He would have to cede all ties to the two ancient races. Being that the Dilgar were now in the centre of the galactic hub they would both move through his space, both would attack his worlds, slaughter his people.
But this way, on his terms the Dilgar would have their destiny. Let the other races be their puppets, bobbing around waiting for the scraps from their masters’ table. We, the Dilgar will die fighting and as warriors…

His resolve firmly in place, Bi’Lar set about putting his plan into motion. He drafted a message, it was simple and for the ancients alone.


We will not be pawns in your war, leave this space - both of you.

War-Commander of the Dilgar


Satisfied, he leaned over and activated the Coms switch.

“Is the Vorlon spy here yet?”

A voice from the other end replied

“No, we do not expect their shuttle for another solar day.”

“Excellent, I’m sending you an encoded message. When they reach the edge of our space, at the Vinzin system jump gate I want you to intercept their craft and relay the following message. Captain they will probably leave, but should they become hostile you will know what to do…”

“Yes sir!”

The transmission went silent and Bi’Lar pondered the next to himself. The Vorlons were easy to deal with, they were old and locked into their ways, ways of systems, order and obedience. They would probably withdraw their ambassador then return with a much bigger fleet to destroy Regula IV in an ‘example’ that the rest of the younger races should fight their war, in the name of peace…

The Shadows on the other hand, they were more problematic because the very thing they stood for was chaotic. They would probably support the isolationist stance if only because it would put the Dilgar at odds with the rest of the Galaxy creating more than ample confrontations for their so called ‘revolution’.

Thinking to himself
“It’s time. Once you do this you can get to the important things…”

Activating the Coms channel again, this time he paged for Mr. Defel and was a little perturbed to find he was at this time unreachable. None the less he left a message that was identical to the one for the Vorlons.

He sat and thought to himself, Rai'Jal would at least be happy. Now his hands were no longer tied. In a way this would free the Dilgar from any restraint they may have endured. He would probably say
"All that remains is Death, and Honour!"

Bi'Lar smirked as he thought to himself:
"Now all that remained, was to survive the fallout."
Last edited by Tobor on 2006-02-07 10:44pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by brianeyci »

"The rampant expansion of the Raider Threat cannot go unchecked. You endanger the other sentient races!" A Yolu Prime Minister stood before humans plucked from Nocalo IX for their sympathy value. Children, old men, women. "Now you will leave this system, and never return! All humans will leave, now!"

Marxis shut off his viewscreen and slammed his fists. "How soon will the Liberators be ready?"

"They're nearly done installing the new Centauri sensor suites."

Marxis' eyes opened wide and he stood up advancing on Vera. "I thought I told you to--"

"Max, there was no other way."

"I won't have alien parts in my ships."

"If you don't, hundreds of our men will die." Vera handed Marxis a datapad. Marxis regarded it cooly.

"As soon as we find another supplier, get rid of the Centauri parts."

Vera nodded. "Max, what were you going to do, hit me? This company is as much mine as it is yours."

"Vera I'm--" Marxis closed on Vera. He wanted to hold her, like before.

"No." She stepped back. "Not now. We'll have time for it later. I'm leading the attack force."

"General Steffan--"

"Is a fucking moron."

"Let me come with you."

"We'll just be exposing both of us," said Vera.

"I'm going no matt--"

Vera handed Marxis a folder with signatures. "This is from the board of directors. They don't think you should be putting yourself in danger."

"I'll fire the bo--"

"You won't do anything like that," said Vera. "I'm not an idiot. I won't go charging in front of the cannon. But they need someone, and right now the people need you here and I have to be there." Vera kissed Marxis on the cheek, then left.

As soon as she left Marxis felt a chill. He reached in his cupboard for vodka, but it'd run out.

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Post by Tobor »

In his youth Rai’Jal had come to Minbar. The Wind-Swords were still sympathetic towards the Dilgar and at the War Leaders request a small cadre of Dilgar were brought here to study the ways of the Minbari and to school in the temples of the Wind-Swords. Rai’Jal was somewhat unique in that he took in the lessons the Minbari had to offer but had also overcome the xenophobia inherent to a race that has been cast down from grace. He also learned the ways of the warrior, the Minbari ways and what it meant to sacrifice yourself for your brother.

Mingling and social contact was forbidden for the students, but the strange thing about youth and curiosity is that consequence is the one thing you never consider. It was here, in this place that he had first met Katz. She was beautiful, skilled and embodied all the martial spirit of the warrior caste. Their relationship was couched in secrecy and it was rare that they were able to spend time together outside the watchful gaze of their superiors but those few precious moments they had were timeless.

After he left Minbar his career was impressive to say the least. He excelled in all assignments and the few military engagements that the Dilgar did have while under the veil of secrecy from the rest of the galaxy were made all the more impressive through his leadership.
He never forgot Katz, even though contact with her became increasingly harder as the years went on. Last he had heard she was doing very well within the hierarchy of the warrior caste and had brought much honour to her clan the Wind-Swords.


Rai’Jal sat kneeling in silence. It had been two days since Bi’Lar had given him the news. The news that soon they would be at war with both of the ancient races, and most likely with any of the younger races that chose to capitalise on this predicament.
He had taken the first shuttle he could and came here to this sacred place. It had not been difficult, his rank and the treaty with Minbar coupled to give him access to even this place.
The temple of Solaria on Minbar’ southern continent was holy for what it represented. Thousands of years ago, before Valen, the Clans had settled their leadership disputes here, in this place. More recently Alyt Ne’roon of the Star-Rider clan had sacrificed himself to galvanize the Minbari back towards unity after their civil war had erupted.
When Rai’Jal arrived here he had gone to that great chamber, stood beneath the Star-Fire wheel and in silence paid his reverence towards the warrior Ne’roon, who had given his life that his people may yet live and prosper.
He had then gone to one of the anti-chambers and begun to meditate. He had been here now for several hours and had achieved the trance state that would be necessary for the three day and night ordeal. An ordeal he took to find the clarity that would be required in the war to come.

As the sun rose on the third day Rai’Jal could be found still there, in the same position having not moved throughout the period. He had felt her presence early in the second day, had known it was her. He did not have to look, or to break his meditation, they were linked at the hip joined by bonds of love.
As the Sun set on the third day signifying the end of his meditation, he opened his eyes, slowly returning back to the physical world after his journey for clarity.
She was there, waiting for him just as he’d known she would be.
Rai’Jal was weak time had taken its toll on his body, as his spirit had grown and soared from the experience so too had his physical state weakened, he turned to her and in the ancient Minbari they had learned to maintain their secret he said softly:

“My love!”

Touching their foreheads softly together, was all he could manage before passing into deep slumber.

The next day he awoke at dawn, he was refreshed both in body mind and spirit. He had a clarity of purpose and knew now how to proceed forward through the storms that surely would follow. He bathed and went to the dining area of his quarters to have breakfast. On the table he found a small box, it had a card written in ancient Minbari, his heart quickened for a moment as he opened it, knowing immediately who the sender was. The card simply read:

“The catacombs, be there at the hour of scampering. You will need this.”

It was signed in one of the ancient symbols that depending upon who was reading it, could be interpreted either as lover or enemy. A strange concept to grasp at first until you understand that the intensity of the emotion is what is important to the symbol, and that the right person will know the context.
The Catacombs was a slang term for the basement training facilities in the old Wind-Sword temple, and the hour of scampering was soon upon them. Opening the box, he smiled. It was Katz’ Fighting Pike, as old as the clan itself and more than valuable. He reverently picked it up, casually flicked a square of Flarn into his mouth and throwing up the hood on the traditional Warrior caste robes he wore whilst on Minbar went down to find his love.

He found her as he thought he would; facing into the sparring ring, dressed in an identical fashion to himself. In this public place they were keenly aware of watchful eyes, and in all formality they began. The combat was intense the two masters gracefully making an art, a ballet of the simple sparring routine. It was not important for either to win, simply the proximity the closeness that each felt being together, here locked in this warriors embrace. Their minds, spirits soared, as they engaged in telepathic unity. All the while engaged in their routine, automatic now after years of training, inside his mind Katz was projecting her spirit and they were catching up on the last ten years. Talking of everything, nothing and all that lies in between.
The love and devotion that each felt for the other was reinforced by this meeting, and as Katz prepared to break the link they were both at ease and happy in the knowledge that they were loved and cherished by the one person they truly cared for.
The sparring session had been dying down, and as Katz left Rai’Jal’ mind her eyes took on a quick glimmer and she changed the rules. She struck him with a blow that he was obviously not prepared for and as he hit the ground, to her ears he made a very satisfying thump. All eyes were upon them now, and her challenge could not have been more obvious. As he got up the other warriors in the room had begun to crowd around, it was rare enough that two masters engaged but for one to fall so clumsily; they must know, must watch.
Katz’ face was deadly serious but her eyes were afire and the energy, the smile behind them was obvious to Rai’Jal. So she wanted to embarrass him again, he would swallow his pride, this one time for her. His lips flashed upwards into a smile and then he came at her. Such a display of prowess had not been witnessed in the first level training halls for many cycles and the students were all awed by what they were witnessing. The two of them, both trained by Durhan himself were poetic to watch. At the end of it though, three very long and timeless minutes later Rai’Jal lay flat with Katz perched over his chest and her pike at his throat.
She simply smiled and winked at him, then stepping off of his prone form put out her hand to help him up. As they stood there pressed against each other he whispered to her,

“I would have taken you.”

To which she silkily replied,

“You have never beaten me!”

Smiling for him alone, she bowed and made her way to the rest facilities.

Rai’Jal stood there watching her leave. He had told her everything about the current situation, and what he intended to do. Her support was complete and unwavering. She had confirmed what he already knew, but hearing her say it was just that much more important.

The Minbari had always and would always act with Honour. Now that they had ceded all ties to the first ones, the Minbari would not engage them unless provoked.

He would meet with Katz one last time before he travelled back to Regula IV, but that meeting is for them alone..

As he stepped onto the landing bay, he looked one last time upon the Minbari capital a beautiful city of crystal and spires. He wondered if he would ever see this place again, ever see his love again.
Silently he mused to himself:

“All that remains is death, and Honour!”

With that he boarded the shuttle and headed back to the Command heavy cruiser orbiting Minbar.
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Post by Dalton »

"What happened?"

"We made contact with our vessel again - briefly - before it was destroyed."

"By whom?"

"We can't be sure - the sheer number of ships over the planet have made sensor reading confusing, to say the least."

"How many ships?"

The other sighed. "From what we've been able to determine, Marxis has at least - and this is a rough estimate - forty warships orbiting above that world. We also detected one Minbari vessel and one Vorlon vessel. Marxis is, of course, swearing off responsibility for its destruction."

"Of course." G'Kar was silent for a minute. "Show me the visuals."


G'Kar massaged the area around his prosthetic eye. After all this time, the memory of the gouging still brought faint echoes of pain, but they were more a minor nuisance now. "And they were running under a Vorlon transponder code," he said. "What did they have to gain? Our ship was already heavily damaged, wasn't it?"

Na'Toth could only offer a human-style shrug. "The actions of the Vorlons don't usually make sense to anyone but themselves. If they destroyed one of our vessels - one which has been in alien hands for months - then they must have had good reason to do so."

"Point," G'Kar said. "Although I am not convinced that a race with that much power can do no wrong, I do agree that such pointless destruction is beyond them. This is the second Narn vessel that they have destroyed."

"I'm sure the new treaty will prevent any more misunderstandings..." Na'Toth offered.

"I certainly hope so. In the meantime, they're not going to get the vessel they requested in trade - they just destroyed it."
Last edited by Dalton on 2006-02-08 08:54pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Dalton | Admin Smash | Knight of the Order of SDN

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Post by Kojiro »

Urgently the Vorlon Ambassador to Narn reached out with his mind and touched the mind of his superior vorlon. From there the link was passed onto to High Command.

"The narn are claiming we destroyed one of their ships."

"What kind of ship?" was the response, a hint of anger present.

"Nothing of note, only the one they had promised us. A damaged escort I believe recently in the hands of the mercenaries."

"Why do they believe we we were responsible?"

"Unknown as yet sir but apparently their combat data suggests us."

"And was it" asked High Command.

"No sir. All our warships, save our guard ships and Alpha Fleet are accounted for in our space. There's no way it could be one of ours."

"Then someone has one of our ships. Find out where this occured."

"Yes lord."

High Command mused over the issue themselves. They had destroyed a Narn ship some months ago for entering their space but the nearest ship the Vorlons had to the Narn were in Quadrant 37, and those had just arrived there.

High Command had heard nothing of any combat, with any race, let alone one they had just made friends with.

This worried them.


Centauri Prime

Kosh Rakanek waited patiently in his room for a summons from Emperor Mollari. His crimson suit, built similarly to the vorlon crimson ships was functioning perfectly. He hoped it would when the Shadow agent came back. Though his people still had part of him, and he would recover should he fall to the Shadows, he was not eager to experience the battle that was to come.
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Post by Uraniun235 »

"Captain Fardworth reports that he's successfully intercepted and destroyed a Shadow scout in the Nocalo system?"
"On whose authority?!"
"Apparently his own, sir."
"Issue an order to his second in command. Have Fardworth removed from command immediately."
"Yes, sir."
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Post by Dalton »

"Chairman, the scrub of the sensor data is complete."

"Very good. Report?"

" our count, there were well over two hundred vessels present above the world Maroth X."

G'Kar sat silently, stunned. Over two hundred? "Details?" he asked.

Na'Toth tapped on her pad. "By the data analysts' count, there was a Minbari Scout, a Centauri Scout, our Corvette, a Marxis Corp. Knight Space Station running under Vorlon transponders, and nearly two hundred and thirty vessels registered to the Marxis Corporation: forty-three Knight-class Space Stations, eighty-four Defiance-class Destroyers, forty-seven armed freighters, forty Liberator-class Light Cruisers, at least three Transports and an Escort Carrier."

"And none of those made a move towards our Ka'Tac?"

"None. In fact, they took care to get as far away from the engagement as possible." Na'Toth handed G'Kar a data crystal. "The analysts were able to isolate the portion of the log where our ship was destroyed."


"And that was a Vorlon vessel?"

"Yes, Chairman. Given to the Vorlons by Marxis."

"What is their game?"
Last edited by Dalton on 2006-02-10 04:12pm, edited 2 times in total.
To Absent Friends
Dalton | Admin Smash | Knight of the Order of SDN

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Post by Kojiro »

"The narns have released footage of the event. It was us that destroyed their ship, though indirectly."

"EXPLAIN." came the booming telepathic voice of a united High Command.

"The habitat ring the Marxis corporation gave us is armed. Apparently they just handed the control of the narn ship back to it's government moments before our attack -"

"We understand...we had no treaty with the Narn..."

"Which Marxis must have known. Changing it's IFF signal in close proximity to armed-"

"WE UNDERSTAND." The human agent quieted his mind at the painful message. "Construct a replacement for the Narn. Send them our apologies."

"But...we suspect Marxis of being in league with the Shadows. We know at the least that Shadows aren't attacking him like they are everyone else. Is it likely this is their doing?" inquired the agent "And if so...shouldn't we withdraw our ambassador?"

"No...he is safe...We have more...pressing issues."


There was no answer, but the agent sensed their anticipation of his question.

"Can we stop the raiders? Is our fleet strong enough?"

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Post by Trogdor »

Londo watched a hologram of one of the new Vorchan light cruisers being constructed in the Centauri Prime shipyards with some satisfaction. For too long, the Centauri military had consisted entirely of planet based fighters, weapons platforms, and defensive satellites. But a great tempest was coming, and he knew that his Republic would need more mobile forces that could be turned to offense sooner or later. The Vorchan was armed with the new powerful battle lasers that had recently been discovered and even now were being improved upon. They would give any foe pause.

Well, except for the Shadows, Londo thought with a grimace. The Shadow's molecular slicer beams made Centauri battle lasers look like toys. And it stood to reason that the Vorlons would be equally formidable.

Mr. Defel had not yet returned to Centauri Prime, which was good news as far as Londo was concerned. The longer the moment of choice could be delayed, the stronger the Republic became. Indeed, slowly but surely, Londo's colonization programs were bearing fruit. Yonog IX had recently completed construction of a ship yard and would soon complete it's first mining installation. It would be the first Centauri colony to contribute something to the Republic, rather than just being a drain on the established worlds.

Marxis was still making waves, more than ever now, but he was problem that was gloriously not Londo's. Still, it worried him to think that some of his ships might still be carrying Centauri technology. Fortunatly, he doubted that the other races would be interested in capturing his ships. More likely they wanted nothing so much as the destruction of his formidable pirate fleet. That was easier said than done, however, given the sheer numbers of Marxis's fleet and the power of his particle weapons.

Well, not my problem, Londo thought.

At least, not yet.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Post by Trogdor »

The Llort cheered as the Centauri soldiers raised the Republic flag over their world.

Londo shut off the hologram, disturbed by what he had seen. Not that he had any problem with the Llort welcoming their new overlords, but the why of it was unsettling.

Despite Londo having told Defel that it would take a year to get the army ready, the Shadows had apparently blockaded the Llort's worlds as soon as Londo had declared a desire to conquer them. The Llort had suffered horribly as a result, all their trade grinding to a stop and causing famines, hence why they were glad to finally be conquered and be done with it. There had been almost no resistance to the invasion.

Londo sighed. Nothing to do now but conquer the Llort's two colonies and end their existance as an independant nation.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Post by GuppyShark »

"I'm glad you could see me, Emperor."

Londo smiled, a grin full of sharp teeth and sardonic pleasure.

"Of course, Mr. Defel. Your presence is a beacon of sunshine on a rainy day. Now, tell me, what brought you down from your giant arachnid of a starship here to see me? You won't keep me in the dark, I trust?"

Defel unlatched the locks of his briefcase and withdrew from it a sheaf of papers. They were high-quality scans that showed the near-orbit of two worlds and the frenzied activity amongst them.

"I have obtained intelligence footage of Narn operations in the Mellitra system. You see here, the frantic construction of space yards? This is unprecedented military buildup, on par with the paranoia of Marxis' Raiders."

Mollari glanced idly at the images. If they were not genuine, he was certain they would of course be very excellent fakes.

"Given his history with your people, it's clear he intends to use it against the Centauri Republic."

"Of course, of course," Mollari offered irritably, having figured out some time ago where Defel's sales pitch was headed.

"You see how lightly defended these space yards are. With one swift, decisive attack, you could safeguard your people from any possible Narn aggression. Their warp points are clear, their fleets small and old. The Narn will be preoccupied and will be caught off guard.

I am offering you a tremendous opportunity, Emperor. Please make sure you use it - and quickly."

When Defel paused expectantly, Mollari spoke.

"That's it then?"

Defel tilted his head slightly, taken a little aback.

"No." Mollari's refusal was uttered quietly, and somberly, with none of the playful amusement he had seemed filled with until this point.

"I will not see Centauri blood shed as a proxy in your war. We have suffered enough, we have all suffered enough. Now begone. I have no more time for you."

Defel drew breath to speak, but Mollari silenced him with an irritated shooing gesture.

"The pleasure was mine, Mollari," Drake said, bowed, and left the room. The door slid shut behind him, and Mollari smiled.

Waiting in the antechamber was the Vorlon.
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Post by Kojiro »

Rakanek waited a few minutes before entering the room. Both to calm himself and to allow his suit to bleed off the extra energy it was storing should Defel have not been reasonable. The vorlons were pleased, the Shadows were respecting the rights of the younger races. Well, some races. Reports were coming in of Shadow involvement in at least two invasions and they had already wiped one civilisation, an entire civilisation, from existance. It saddened Rakanek to think some people saw his people as no better.

"You have chosen wisely." he told the burdened Emperor. "Help comes for you."
"And what, exactly, does that mean hmm?" shot back Londo. "That you will have excellent seats for our destruction?"
"No." was the simple, monotone response.
"What then? These things are too important for vague details and cryptic comments!" Mollari stood and stepped toward the vorlon gesticulating as he approached.
Rakanek's 'eye' focused on Mollari as his head turned to track the monarch.
"You will see. They will come."
"They? Who is, they?" he asked, somewhat frustrated. The vorlon simply turned and began his exit.
"And what will you be doing if 'they' are going to help us eh?" he called after the red armoured figure. It stopped and turned just enough to gaze at him.
"Hold back the darkness...all must hold it back if it is to be banished forever."
"That's not an answer."
"While you hold back the darkness, we will banish it."
And the vorlon left.
Last edited by Kojiro on 2006-02-15 11:00pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Trogdor »

"Vir, never, ever bother trying to get a straight answer out of a Vorlon," Londo told his assistant.

"Yes, Londo," was Vir's reply.

No wonder the Shadows' sales pitch was so much more tempting than the Vorlons'. The Vorlons were nearly incoherent! Still, it seemed pretty clear that someone was coming to help.

Londo froze, momentarily caught by a sensation of wrongness. It was as if this was not the way it was supposed to be. It was not guilt, no, Londo felt less guilt than he had in a long time. But for a single moment, Londo thought he could feel the very fabric of destiny groaning as it tried to reconcile something that had not gone as planned.

Then the moment passed.

"Londo? Are you all right?" Vir asked.

Londo waved his friend's concern away. "Fine, fine," he said. "Order the shipyards to begin construction of the new heavy cruisers. I don't think the Shadows will take kindly to my turning down Defel, and I will not let the same fate that befell the Markab home world happen to Centauri Prime if 'they' take their sweet time in getting here!"
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Post by Tobor »

The tech looked up towards her captain and enthusiastically she began:

“Captain! Sir, we have a message from High Command, shall I patch it to your terminal sir?”

The captain, glanced over as if he were deep in thought.

“Yes, Ak’Nar.”

He then turned back to his own terminal and awaited the message. He was expecting Rai’Jal, although he was not yet back from his sojourn to Minbar. Perhaps he was communicating from en route to Katraa’tzi.
His surprise was overwhelming when the picture flicked up and War Leader Jha’Dur stood impatiently watching him from her ready room. She was arrayed in full military dress and he had to admit to himself that her commendations were very much inspiring. He took comfort that she was possibly the oldest being alive of the younger races today and that throughout her life the vast majority of it had been spent in the pursuit of war.
In a tone that was laced with excitement, and a soup·çon of contempt, or was it impatience she addressed the captain.

“Captain Bra’ka, congratulations on your posting to the Hihildesh. It is bound to raise your esteem amongst the empire!”

“Thank you Ma’am.”

She shot at a glance at him. The meaning was obvious; do not interrupt me again.

“You are currently en route to the holding area at Rhagesh are you not?”

“Yes, Ma’am”

“I am changing your orders. When you pass through the Ettamm system you are to spend a day, no more no less, harvesting there. Then you will continue to your rendezvous point. Am I understood?”

Bra’ka began tentatively

“But Ma’am, the Ettamm system was completely destroyed during the second shadow war twenty years ago. There is nothing there now but asteroids!”

She looked up at him and smiled. A devilish smile that betrayed the sadistic glee within her.

“You are quite correct captain. Call me sentimental, but some…”

She paused ever so briefly, hunting for the right word.

“Acquaintances, of mine used to have a colony in that system. Lets just say, I want to send them a piece of home.”

Unable to contain herself any longer she burst into laughter, leaning back and kicking up her legs just as she broke the coms link.

Bra’ka was very quiet when the conversation finished. He was trying desperately to remember just who had had colonies in that system before the war. Then it dawned upon him, the Vorlons and shadows had both been blowing up planets that hosted the others supporters and colonies. He was not pleased, having just been promoted to the rank of full captain he was not privy to the greater plan. He just knew that his cruiser was to rendezvous in the Rhagesh system, at top speed, and now this delay. Though he respected her military genius, sometimes he wondered about the personal touches Jha’Dur liked to make.


Rai'Jal was very relaxed. His trip to Minbar had done much to calm his spirit. He knew now the path to defend the empire. He had even been in contact with the Vorlons on his trip. He had to admit that they did not seem like the ones from history. They had an air of serenity about them, and their motives compelled him. The logical military part of him, thought that was to be expected. After all why send ambassadors that had no ability to pusuade. Yet his spirit soared in their presence and the Minbari who were also of the youger races trusted them implicitly.
He had agreed on behalf of the empire that the Dilgar would stand with the Vorlons. He was overstepping his bounds, such a promise was outside of his authority but he knew in his heart that it was the right choice.
It was possible that Jha'Dur would disagree. She was adamant that the ancients were not to be trusted, after all they had already made an attempt at her life, and had interefered with Dilgar sovereignty. If there was one thing Jha'Dur valued above all else it was her autonomy, the ability to continue her work and for her empire to exist unmolested by outsiders.
She may even order him executed, but Rai'Jal doubted that. The military was loyal to him, they respected the warrior ideal he presented. ALthough Jha'Dur was a great student of war herself, her methods did not appeal to Rai'Jal and slowly he had managed to instill his views and methods into his fellow officers and through them to their crews.
No, he did not think she had the power to execute him, the will and ability yes, but not the power. Unless he had completely mis calculated something...

One of the Minbari aboard the MF Torotha scouts entered his quarters. After paying mutual respects the crew member, an officer of the warrior caste let Rai'Jal know that they were coming up on Kitraa'tzi. He thanked the Minbari, who promptly left to return to his duties aboard the scout vessel.

Rai'Jal prepared his things. Not long now, a single jump then he would take his place aboard the Dilgar flagship and make preperations for the third phase.


Bi'Lar sat in his chambers. Not his public office, but these, these were his personal private chambers. The room where he made plans for the empire.
He was ware of Jha'Durs' vendetta, he thought it was imprudent to rush into the matter. He did respect her resolve, just not her methods. Her war may well end the empire but that was nothing compared to what the fool Rai'Jal had done.
He had monitered Rai'Jals' trip to Minbar. One of the Fleet Commanders own aides was working for Bi'Lar. That fool placed so much emphasis on loyalty that he couldn't even see the spy under his nose. Bi'Lar had to admit to himself that she was good, perhaps the best ever. She would be instrumental in the days to come he knew that with all certainty.
Rai'Jal had overstepped his bounds, making alliances with the Vorlons, what was he thinking. Bi'Lar could not allow it! His own aspirations and plans truned on the prosperity of the shadows and now this idealistic fool was threatening to bring that all down. He would have to move to one of the other worlds, If the Vorlons managed to put a presence on Katraa'tzi they could possibly detect him. He wasn't sure of the psychic residue that the ancients left but he was sure there was something, and as much as he had been careful in never meeting personally with De'Fel if the chance existed that he was somehow tainted he couldn't have it being found out by the Vorlons.

As he began to forulate his plans, he felt that he must warn De'fel if indeed the most resourceful of humans didn't already know. He must tell him that this charade must be allowed to continue, the Dilgar would be a part of this fleet, token though it may be. THeir presence must be enough to ensure that the others did not suspect his duplicity.
Yes many Dilgar would surely die in the battles to come, but none of that mattered compared to the personal power he would reap when the shadows, the Dilgar were victorious at the head of the empire!!

Bi'Lar clasped his hands and leant back in his chair the feline features enhanced into a viscous visage by the slight twist of a grin he wore.
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Post by brianeyci »

SS Vengeance - Liberator Class Light Cruiser

"Entering Yolu space, ma'am."

"Good," said Vera. She was on board the bridge of a Liberator class light cruiser. After the independence, the Liberators, supposed to be crewed by Earthforce personnel, had been annexed. Although there were no end of problems to putting civilian crews on ships designed for military personnel with years of experience.

"Yolu ships moving to intercept."

Vera looked at her options. She could engage the Yolu directly, but that would mean casualties, however slight. Better to take advantage of the territory. "Signal the fleet to head towards Nocalo Four. All dropships, prepare to land troops."

"The Yolu fleet is increasing speed. It's intercepted one of our transports from the Kokkar system."

"Send the Mystique and Perihelion to intercept."

"Too late ma'am... the transport's been destroyed."

Vera sucked in air. "Target military facilities on Nocalo Four only."

The fleet opened fire--a single volley was enough to destroy all targets of significance with pinpoint accuracy thanks to the Centauri sensors.

"First and Second Divisions are entering the atmosphere..."

"The Yolu are signaling us... they want to begin negotiations..."

Well I'll be damned...

"Ask them why they destroyed an unarmed transport."

"They... they said they didn't."

Vera grimaced. Something wasn't right. Well, whatever was happening, the mission had to go on. "Keep a lookout for Yolu ships. We don't want to be caught with our pants down."

"Yes, ma'am."

ISN Update

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for breaking news from the Yolu system. Marxis Corporation ships have just surrounded a smaller planet, Nocalo Four, and a battle is underway for control of the capitol. Reports are the Yolu Ingyo have destroyed an unarmed transport in retaliation. There are unconfirmed reports that the Marxis Corporation ships are Liberator Class Light Cruisers, supposedly built under contract for Earthforce but now crewed by private spacers. We will have more updates as they become available...

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Post by Uraniun235 »

Conference Room

It had to be a record. A three hour press conference and they still kept hammering him with questions. A lot of them were stupid - how did they get the ships, well shit, they have shipyards, they built the fucking ships!

Alshain had really had enough, but before he could call an end to the conference...

"Mr. President, what does EarthForce plan on doing about the aggressions of the Corporate Sector?"

Fuck it. Let 'em have both barrels.


Silence. Even the photographers were stunned. Alshain paused for effect, and then went on.

"First, the Yolu have apparently adopted a very hostile attitude towards humanity. We were asked to withdraw Earthforce starships from the Nocalo system. We have complied with that request, and we will only re-enter Yolu space with their invitation and permission.

Second, we have just completed a fleet build-up, nearly a full year in the making, which will ensure the security and defense of Earth Alliance citizens and property from here to the Cooke system. This build-up was based on a technological and orbital drydock infrastructure which must now be updated with the latest advances from EarthForce Research and Development, to ensure that future EarthForce starships remain competetive with any potential threats that may arise.

We currently field enough ships to secure Earth Alliance territory. We do not currently have enough ships to form an effective expeditionary force without compromising the security of our borders. We therefore cannot do anything alone.

Now, if that's all..."

"Just one more thing, Mr. President..."

Nuts. I was hoping they wouldn't catch on...

" said that we can't do anything alone... do you mean to imply that you would consider taking action with the support of alien nations?"

"Not without a request for support from the Yolu. Now..."

"And if they made such a request?"

Wait... isn't that...? Yes. Julie Musante. Used to work in the CDT, got canned when she tried to screw her way up the ladder and ran into a manager who took his fidelity very seriously. Doesn't she work for Marxis now...?

She's been setting me up! Time to end this.

"I'm afraid we're venturing into hypotheticals, for which I cannot afford to spare the time to engage in speculating about. Good day to you all."
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Post by brianeyci »

First Division Light Infantry/"The Watch", Dropship Sixty-Four

Stiller checked his PPG rifle's firing chamber, making sure it was clean. He snapped in a new magazine. "Alright men, you know the drill. We're going in and out into the alien command center. Rules of engagement--no women or children."

"How the fuck do we know which one of them are women?"

"Okay forget the women, kill them too. Just make sure they have a gun, or look like they have a gun."

"They're all aliens aren't they? I say we kill 'em all," said Jones. Most of the soldiers in the dropship laughed, but a couple stayed silent. Stiller made a note of them. "We're nearly there, lock and load!" There were clicks and clacks as the mercenaries snapped in extra magazines, checked their grenades and equipment.

The dropship came to a thud and the landing ramp collasped. Stiller was in the rear. It'd be his job to shoot whoever stayed behind. Nobody did. His men were the vanguard, the elite, all ex-military with field experience.

The dropship had fired smoke grenades, and they were landing away from most of the alien troops. As the men ran out the ramp the first four or five were cut down by green bolts of PPG fire. But Jones screamed and stood at the base of his ramp, firing his PPG Gatling, and in a few seconds the alien PPG's had stopped.

Squads of men exited the dropship and brought out heavy weapons, gatling PPG's like Jones's but with a higher rate of fire, scanning equipment, mortars, and even small artillery pieces.

Stiller came out from the dropship last. His men silently followed him, two hundred. Their goal was the Yolu Presidential Palace.

At the gates, there were two guards, already shot by snipers. Stiller scoured the area with binoculars, and saw nothing. He dropped his hand, and his men fanned out into the Yolu complex, securing doorways and spraypainting large X's as they cleared each room.

Then they came to two golden gates. There were two ornately dressed bodyguards with chest plates. Jones easily dispatched them. Stiller put up two fingers, his signal for explosives. The explosives team came up and stuck two blobs of plastique to the door, then retreated.

The door blew open and Stiller's men ran in. In bed was the President of the Yolu, naked, with another Yolu, probably his wife or concubine.

Stiller came up to them, and smiled. "Fucking aliens," he said, and fired his assault rifle. Jones joined in with his gatling PPG, then they all did, and the PPG fire seared the air and collasped the grand bed on top of itself, the canopy falling on them.

"Mission complete," said Stiller, striding out of the great chamber.

Marxis Corporate Headquarters

"We've seized the Presidental Palace, the Parliament, and all major military bases," said Vera to Marxis through videophone. Marxis was sitting at his desk trying to look focused, but under his desk there was an attractive and completely willing woman vigorously at work.

"What about the President?"

"He was killed in the crossfire."

"I told you we wanted him alive!"

"I sent our best men. He must have put up a fight."

Marxis sighed, then grunted as he came close. "We're capturing all the planets in the Yolu system."

"Change of plans?"

"Yeah, take them all."

"We can't possibly administrate that many planets or hold that much territory."

"Let me worry about that. Just take the planets, destroy all military infrastructure, make sure they can't threaten us again."

Marxis clicked off the viewer.

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Post by Uraniun235 »

He hadn't heard a word from the Yolu, but President Alshain could stay silent no longer. These reports from Nocalo were absolutely disgusting.

Code: Select all

We have heard disturbing reports from reliable sources that what you call a defense of your colonists in the Nocalo system is in fact a war of aggression, and that your forces have assassinated the Yolu leader and subjugated their people.

Do you have any legitimate excuse for this action? Do you have any reasonable objectives? Or are you just out to butcher sentient beings and grind them under your heel?

I expect an immediate ceasefire. Corps Diplomatique Terrestrienne personnel are en route to the Nocalo system to arbitrate peace negotiations between the Corporate Sector and the Yolu Ingyo.

This stops now.
ISN Update

...with shocking reports from the front lines in Nocalo that the Yolu president was brutally slain in his presidential mansion, and massive civilian casualties amongst the Yolu, many citizens are asking: Why has EarthForce not responded to this naked act of aggression?

President Alshain offered assurances that diplomatic measures had been taken, and that CDT officials were being sent immediately to negotiate a peace settlement between the Yolu Ingyo and the Corporate Sector.
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Post by brianeyci »

Marxis Corporate Headquarters

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming at this hour. As you know, the Marxis Corporation has entered the Nocalo system on a mission of mercy, to relieve our colony in Nocalo, rescue hostages, and bring much needed humanitarian relief."

"But as soon as we entered the system, the Yolu responded by slaughtering an unarmed transport. We could not let such an act of aggression go without response. To do so would be to invite weakness in the eyes of the alien aggressors. Therefore, I ordered the occupation of the Yolu capitol and the destruction of all Yolu military assets."

"As well, we have received urgent communications from the Earth Alliance and independent organizations like the Interstellar Red Cross inquiring as to the status of civilians and prisoners of war. And a strongly worded message from President Alshain himself."

"Let me assure everybody that we have no intent on subjugating the Yolu. Rather we wish to make sure the Yolu are no longer a threat to humanity ever again. This entails the destruction of their military."

Alshain's so concerned about these alien fuckers, let him have them.

"The Marxis Corporation is not a government, nor do we have the expertise in administration or distribution of humanitarian supplies. The Yolu's economy relies heavily on agriculture generated from the nearby Hurr Republic, and unfortunately it is impossible to tell legitimate civilian transports from military ones because the Yolu arm all their ships. Therefore, we are handing over administration of all Yolu planets to the Earth Alliance. We will however retain sovereignty over the homeworld, until the Yolu demonstrate they are fit to govern themselves."

I got you by the balls. Let's see you dig your way out of this one. Don't take them in, and see millions of the alien fuckers die, or take them in and tarnish your precious reputation with the freaks as a neutral. You're mine now Alshain.

"I will take your questions now."

--"There are reports of the Yolu President being assassinated by your security forces."

"Yes," said Marxis expecting the question. "Unfortunately the Yolu President chose to resist arrest and was killed. A regretable accident, but the President was clearly guilty of war crimes with his threat to execute a hundred civilians for every Yolu."

--"Have you found any evidence of mass graves, or of the Yolu killing civilians?"

"No, but there will be time for a thorough investigation once the Earth Alliance takes over administration of the planets."

--"There are reports of atrocities being committed by your forces, including the indiscriminate bombings of civilians. Did you order a genocide?"

Marxs smiled, expecting this too. "All I can say to that is, it was Alshain that refused the Marxis Corporation and its subsidaries advanced sensor technology. Casualties are a fact of war, and our weapons, although not as accurate as we had hoped, were all we had." Marxis raised his hand. "Thank you."

The questions of the reporters only increased as Marxis left the podium. Marxis stood up straight. For the first time since the aliens had started their incursions, Marxis felt in control.

It felt good.

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Post by brianeyci »

ISN Update

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for breaking news. The Marxis Corporation has seized four remaining planets in the Nocalo system under the Yolu Ingylo. We're getting reports from Nocalo Seven, a small planet inhabited by one hundred million Yolu...

Image god, Bob can you confirm this... yes, we're getting no lifesigns from Nocalo Seven... the Yolu there have been exterminated...

Marxis Corporate Headquarters

"--and let me assure everybody that General Steffan has arrested the commanding officer of the SS Washington. They will be handed over to the war crimes tribunal in The Hague immediately."

--"Did you order the extermination of the Yolu?"
--"Is it your responsibility for the death of one hundred million sentient beings Mr. Marxis!"
--"Did you order Nocalo Seven to be bombarded?"
--"Mr. Marxis will you be turning yourself in?"

Marxis slammed his fist. "I did what was right for humanity. The majority of Marxis employees are hardworking individuals who follow the rules. We shouldn't condemn them all because of the regrettable actions of a few. And, if the alien transports did not use Nocalo Seven as a staging ground, this would not have happened. This is war. I am immediately handing over control of all Yolu planets, other than the homeworld, to the Earth Alliance. There are millions of Yolu that need our help, and we're not going to let them starve because of the poor choices of their leaders!"

Let's see you wiggle your way out of this one Mr. President.

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Post by Trogdor »

"I don't like the looks of this," Londo said as he observed the holographic map of Centauri space.

The map was currently zoomed in on a sector of space in the Yonog system. Specifically, a sector containing a Shadow fleet. It was a small fleet, only seven ships, but it had only taken eight to wipe the Markab from the face of galaxy, Londo knew.

"Current trajectory of the Shadow fleet makes it clear that it recently came from the gate connecting Yonog and Ardun, which is Dilgar space," Vir said. "We're unsure at the moment whether its intended destination is Yonog X or the jump gate to Valusha."

"Do we know how powerful those ships are?" Londo asked.

"Long range scans indicate that five of the vessels are the Shadow's Nightspawn-B class heavy destroyers, one is an unarmed Shadow Ghost class scout, and the last is a Wraith class corvette," Vir said. "We know the specs of the Nightspawn-B's and the Ghost, but the Wraith is a mystery to us."

Londo pursed his lips. Even the new Vasachi class heavy cruisers could not hope to defeat Nightspawn-B's and their fearsome molecular slicer beams without at least two to one numerical superiority. And numbers was one of the many things the Centauri Republic did not have.

"It would greatly strengthen Reefa's position in the Centaurum if the Shadows strike now," Londo mused aloud.

Lord Reefa had not approved of Londo's decision to turn down Defel's "golden opprotunity" and had taken his case to the Centaurum. Londo had managed to thwart his attempt to have the Centaurum override him by pointing out that they would have far more allies this way, but his position was still tenuous.

"They may not, Londo," Vir said. "They haven't broken the treaty yet, and Defel's battle crab is still in orbit around Centauri Prime. Perhaps he still has hope that you'll have a change of heart?"

"Perhaps," Londo said. Defel's battle crab remaining around Centauri Prime irked him, but it was no threat there, at least. The home guard would cut it to ribbons if it attacked. "Well, if the Shadows strike before 'they' get here, we'll show them that we are not the Markab."

He grinned, showing his sharp teeth. Despite all his worries, for the first time in a long time, Londo felt like a shark.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
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