Playing Age of Mythology

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Playing Age of Mythology

Post by starfury »

I just got Age of Mytholgy a while, seems pretty nice, the titans and the long campigan was pretty cool, any thoughts.
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Post by Equinox2003 »

I always use the Greeks myself. Yeah, you have to keep some villagers
at the temple all the time, but to me it is worth it, because at the final upgrade you can get the vault of plenty which literally pumps gold wood and food into your stockpiles and never stops unless the other side takes it. I also like the colossus myth units the greeks have.
I like the board with the island. I use that one often, sending a few villagers out there early in the game, to secure the resources, and if my military on the mainland gets beaten, I simply build a wonder on the island
and win the game. The CPU has never figured out to land troops on the island and attack the wonder.
I also build fishing boats rather than make farmers, hardly ever go after relics (the trio of attack monkeys relic I always get. Those little monkeys are a cool way to bother the enemy, though they can't do any real damage.)
I dislike the Norse team, as I find its war capabilities are not that good.
In the campaign mode, I like it I guess, Arkantos is cool.
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Post by SylasGaunt »

What was that quote..

"Okay jump on in. If you fall screaming to your death, we'll stay here."

Or something to that effect.
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Post by SCRawl »

I like playing the Atlanteans from the "Gold" edition. Unleashing a Titan has to be one of the more gratifying moments in the game, as you can pretty much go unopposed...until they try and get their own Titan going.

I find that my style is more of a builder than a fighter. If left alone, I can almost always beat the computer. Unfortunately, in a game with contiguous land masses, the computer wants to attack me earlier than I'm ready, so I end up getting killed.
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Post by starfury »

I prefer the Greeks for their Heavy units, I loved the special infantry of zeus, and the Egytations seesm to have a the best economy of all three, that and using the avenger to tear through hordes of enemy soldiers.
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Post by Solauren »

Titans Go down to the dragon so easily without support (on the side of the titan)
just takes a while
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Post by Equinox2003 »

Dragon? Maybe in an expansion pack, but in the regular version the Norse dragon is the weakest myth unit I can think of.
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Post by Grandmaster Jogurt »

I like the Egyptians, myself. A horde of laser crocodiles marching against the enemy might not be the most effective use of my resources, but it's by far the most enjoyable. :D
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Post by Equinox2003 »

Man, I hate those laser crocs. They can just chop up my minotaurs pretty much at will, since the CPU sends them in groups.
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Post by SCRawl »

Equinox2003 wrote:Dragon? Maybe in an expansion pack, but in the regular version the Norse dragon is the weakest myth unit I can think of.
I have to assume that he's referring to the Nidhogg, which is a kickass unit indeed. It's only unleashed in the fourth age via god power. The Titan can't even touch it (it's a flying unit), so it requires support from archers (or whatever) if it's to survive.
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Post by mjn6172 »

I remember this game, I used to absolutely love it. I think my old roommate has the CD for it, or I might reinstall it. My personal favorite was the Hydra that Poseidon (?) followers get. A good sized group of those can tear through any opponents defenses, and the more creatures they defeat, the stronger they get (one of my favorite tactics was to attack the various animals with them, very little risk and a quick way to increase their power.)

My other favorite group was the Norse group that got Ragnarok as it's final God power (Was that Odin? I can't remember.) Make some good ranged/artillery units, then transform all of your little workers into unstoppable soldiers. Great fun :D
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Post by OmegaGuy »

The best myth unit is the frost giant by far.

I like getting all 3 types of giant and making tons of them.

Also earthquake is the best power.
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Post by Luke Starkiller »

On island maps you can't beat the Kraken, insta-kill on enemy transports. :twisted:
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Post by starfury »

My version was the gold edition, game and expansion pack all rolled into one, I still loved Zeus's Super Hoplites and Myrimdons, that and the Giant Colossus, a good match for norse giants but easier to get.
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