Did you even read what I posted? By the time I knew about B5, I couldn't watch is because none of the local stations aired it.
Yes, I did. You obviously didn't read mine:
I recommend the B5 DVD sets, which can be easily rented or purchased rather more cheaply thn the DS9 sets, and,
I only saw part of B5s run on TNT. I watched the whole show on DVD, and own three seasons, so don't play the "it's really hrd to find" card. The DVDs are everywhere, and you can rent them on Netflix for a pittance.
From my perspective it would appear as such. Whatever you see first colors what you see next.
Your perspective is wrong. It's as accurate as calling
The Magnificent Seven derivative of
Seven Samurai
And several people have told you, including me, that they saw DS9 first and still today recognize B5 as superior and/or more original.
The very first DS9 episode aired on January 3rd 1993. B5s pilot aired on Febuary 22nd 1993. B5 didn't actualy air as a series until January 26th 1994.
You're far too smart to pull this air date crap. Anyone with half a brain who looks at the situation can realize that DS9 was calculated to kill B5. They barely got picked up because Star Trek EXISTED, and now suddenly there was a Star Trek that had a space station that was a port of call, with a religious subtext, a troubled commander in charge, and a tense situation due to a recent war between major powers.
In fact, JMS was told that he could not have a shapeshifter in his pilot, because while he'd had a shapeshifter in the story for years, DS9 got there first and that ws one similarity that could afford to go.
Now, where do you think Paramount got the idea for a space station that was a port of call, with a religious destiny for its lead character, a shapeshifter, etc., etc., etc.? It was a Paramount exec that asked Berman to do a show abot a space station!
The Wiki probably makes any more similarities pointed out on my account redundant. But the B5 storyline was there from the beginning, all five years, White Stars and all.
And from what I remember reading, the creators of DS9 had been toying with the idea since before they heard JMS's pitch.
From what you remember. Uh-huh.
Whats more is DS9 is set in an established universe using politics already established before B5 was ever pitched.
Bullshit. The Cardassians and the Bajorans did not exist before B5 was pitched, and all the politics DS9 gets into involve them somehow. The Klingons play a marginal role till Season 4, and the Romulans only get three or four good episodes involving them.
There are obvious similarities, but from everything I've read on the subject, DS9 and B5 are clearly different series.
Yes, they are. So why not give B5 a try? Why judge it now?
Both series added a "tough little ship" in their 3rd seasons. Except DS9s 3rd season was a year before B5s.
Bullshit, as other people have pointed out. What's your motivation to shovel this crap at us? If one is a rip-off of the other (and they do seem suspiciously similar, though both series did have a similar dramatic need for a warship...because of their similar structure) then the
Defiant is a ripoff of the White Star. Because the White Star came first, despite the fact that viewers got to see the
Defiant first.
Shh.. quiet.. the Rabid Fivers will hear you Wink
As well as anyone interested in the truth. Darth Wong doesn't strike me as a "rabid Fiver" for instance.